Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > Past and future [P,R]

Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
Phoenix rolled out of the bed as quietly as possible, standing in a single fluid movement. She had not wished to disturb her lover’s rest by removing herself from the comfort of his arms. As her head felt fuzzy and heavy, dizzy and faint, she wondered how this differed from the afterglow after sex. However, the blood in her veins felt like it was set aflame, scorching and burning as her entire body screamed with pain as she padded farther away from the piles of fur and silk. All sensations increased with each step she took until she could no longer stand it.

Practically doubling over, Phoenix unleashed a blood-chilling scream of anguish as a strong gust of wind began buffetting against everything. As quick as it came, the winds died as the woman collapsed, barely being caught by Ra before her head bashed into anything. Unlike every other non-wyvern to be bitten by this majestic race, Phoenix had many bouts of thrashing and screaming until her throat was raw, constantly burning as if with fever. Foreign words were mumbled, the dialect unknown to all. A single word stood out amongst the rest. Celsy, a name none had heard of before. They kept her sedated as the clan took turns watching over her when Amen-Ra could not.

Days slowly passed, melting right into each other. Phoenix was no longer flailing about as much, the clan beginning to breath easier over her condition. Until one day, a well-known and detested wyvern made her appearance once more. Anika has always had an eye for Amen-Ra who constantly rebutted her affections. In the hustle and bustle caused by her sudden arrival, Phoenix disappeared, kidnapped right from under their noses. Only a small wyvern child, too young for speech capabilities, was the only eye witness to the demon bounding away with an unconscious Phoenix slung over his shoulder.
“What is wrong with her? She hasn’t woken since you brought her! Lirin is being no fun.”
“I’m sorry, m’lord. There were tinctures on her bedside as if they were medicating her, but that is all I know.”
“This is pathetic. How did Tadhg ever fall in love with a thing like this? She is weak. Worthless

Golden King

Character Info
Name: Amen-ra
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Wyvern Alpha
Silver: 643
Ra had been the perfect gentleman. Once he had realized his feelings for Phoenix, he had given her as much time as she needed to give him an answer; either be his mate or remain nothing more than good friends. Although he would have loved to have her as his mate, forever and always, he would have been content just to have her in his life. His Clan grew to see what he saw in her, and now they absolutely adore her. It made his heart warm to see his people greet her on the streets, offering her handmade gifts and kind words of encouragement and wishing her love and success. His people mean everything to him, and to have Phoenix be a permanent part of that would make him the happiest man on earth.

When she came to him during the night, asking to be claimed, it became so much more to him than just passionate sex. It was the start of a life with no more loneliness, no more cold nights and constantly wondering if he would always live without the love and comfort of a mate. She is not a Wyvern that has the natural mate bond once the claiming is done, so there was no guarantee that she would always remain faithful to him. But even so, he would accept whatever she does. If she lies with other men, then so be it. The whole reason he wished to follow the same rules on mating is to show that he will be faithful, that whatever woman he chooses to be his mate with forever be his one and only love.

The nights were long and passionate. Amen-Ra had been gentle and patient with Phoenix, having never been told whether she’s had any experience or not. But it was his first, and to have it with her, of all women, had been his greatest wish. When they finally became too exhausted to go any further, they allowed sleep to take over them. Ra slipped into a silent and dreamless rest with Phoenix in his arms, and a heart so full of overwhelming joy that sleep did not come quickly to him. He did not want to close his eyes and look away from her for a moment. He wanted to savor her warm body against his, her scent which filled his nose and the sight of her perfect face next to him. But alas, he could not win the battle against exhaustion. He rested well; perhaps the best he had in many years since his parents’ deaths. Until a scream startled him awake. His heart seemed to stop when he realized that it was Phoenix who was screaming. She doubled over as a strong current of wind rampaged through the room. A heartbeat of silent shock, and then it stopped.

He leaped out of the bed, raced to her, and managed to barely catch her before she could touch the floor. His worst fears were born when she did not wake. No matter how loudly he called her name, nor any other method, she did not respond. He did not fail to notice the puncture marks he had left on her neck, which gave rise to an ever growing sick feeling in his stomach. Wyvern venom kills everyone that’s given a deadly dose. Was it possible that he had bitten her too hard and accidentally injected some of his venom? His hands shook as he gently caressed her cheek, stomach clenching anxiously and heart pounding with fear. He wasted no time to get the healer.

For several days Phoenix had not awoken. Ra spent as much time with her as he could, staying at her bedside or even resting next to her. There was nothing he could do but endure his expanding fear that was slowly eating him alive. He also needed to make time for his Clan; as the Alpha, he could not neglect his duties as a leader. So whenever he was away he had his advisor watch over her instead, or the healer. There were no changes.

And to make matters worse, Anika arrived and asked for Ra. Again. Ever since he had known her she has tried seducing him. But he knew her brother’s reputation, and the way their Clan runs. Mostly cruel and unfair. Ra never approved, and no matter how much Anika has tried hiding the fact, she was just like her abusive brother. She cared not for anyone other than herself. To refrain from being rude, he went out to speak with her when she called for him. The effects of mating with Phoenix were still in full swing, making him protective and edgy. And now her current condition only worsened it, along with his growing guilt. A visit from Anika is the last thing he needed right now, especially since she only came to seduce him as always.

Once again, he tried getting her to leave. “I have no time for this,” he said, tone short and sharp. Ra turned away from her as if to walk away from the conversation, but she stopped him by taking his hand. “Come now, Amen-ra. Don’t act like you aren’t attracted to me. Why do you keep pushing me away? I have so much to offer you,” she stepped closer and pulled his arm against her bosom suggestively. The gleam in her eyes made him groan. Ra swiftly pulled himself out of her grasp and turned on her, “Your attempts are a waste of time and effort. I have already claimed a mate.” She frowned, “Is it that Phoenix girl you’re always swooning over? You can hardly call her a mate at all. She is not a Wyvern that will remain faithful when “claimed”. Not like I will.” Ra’s blood heated with rage. He was prepared to throw her out of the town gates himself. And he would have, if his advisor did not step in and save Anika from Ra.

“Sir, I must speak with you privately,” he whispered in the Alpha’s ear. The two stepped away to put good distance between themselves and their annoying guest. Ra spotted the nervous glint in Amenthes’ eyes, and instantly his chest tightened. “It’s Phoenix…” his advisor began. “She…she vanished.”

“What?” Ra spoke viciously, voice deep and threatening. Amenthes flinched and bowed apologetically, “I stepped out of the room only for a moment. But when I returned, she was no longer in her bed.” Ra could not bring himself to care how guilty his advisor felt, nor about any sort of punishment or whether one was necessary at all. Silently, he shouldered past Amenthes and raced to his palace. He practically kicked the door open where Phoenix had been kept. Her bed was empty, just as he was told, and the window was left wide open. A kidnapping.

Fury disguised the sickening worry building deep within. But he managed to keep himself calm. Mostly. Or at least appear to be. Whoever had taken Phoenix made a rookie mistake by leaving behind their scent. It was strong, and would surely lead him straight to her. He just needed to plan.


Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
“Leave her unchained. Let’s see what she does if she ever wakes.”
Her spirit felt as if she had bathed in an active volcano, her body ached as her throat burned. Phoenix had difficulties even opening her eyes, but when she did, she was nearly overwhelmed by an insatiable thirst. By now, she knew better, no water or wine, nor milk or juice would sate this craving. Slowly, almost zombie-like, the elf managed to drag herself off the floor in the cold, dark cave she found herself in. Something about the scene tickled the back of her mind, but not enough to even register as anything more than a brief annoyance.

It was as if she was in a daze walking through a dream as her bare feet slid across the unseen floor. Only the sound of a distant heartbeat was her guide, unknown if she was heading deeper into the tunnels or toward the exit back to the world. That heartbeat, steady and rhythmic, was a dinner bell chiming. It was the bells of death calling for a soul. She was so very thirsty… For the poor soul, everything happened so quickly. A flash of white was all he saw before something heavy pounced on him with pains of fangs puncturing his skin. With a surge of strength and power, Phoenix dropped the meat bag from her hands and darted down corridors until she made it out into a moonlight night.

Everything was illuminated by the bright moons. Tents were set up before the cave entrance in a hidden valley of some mountain range. The elf was in too much of a blood frenzy to pay any attention to the details as her fangs sunk into the next victim. He sent off a startled cry which alerted all the occupants to her arrival. “Don’t kill her!” A voice called out as she dropped her second drained body. Phoenix hissed at the gathering weapon bearing crowd. “Good! Good!” The voice began laughing as the men began to swarm her. Weapons were dodged, arms were broken as twigs, several had their throats bitten and torn open. All the while, that voice continued to laugh and give praises to the mayhem.

Something else joined the fight, something Phoenix paid no heed to. No, all the others were distracted by this creature, allowing Phoenix to end that stupid giggling. “Show me what you got, Lirin! Don’t hold back!” This one was stronger than the others, nearly as fast as the blood fueled elf. He managed to dodge several crippling blows and landed a couple of counter-attacks. Unphased, Phoenix feigned an attack on the left, countered his counter on the right and latched onto his neck with her fangs. “Excellent… Lirin… Now I see… What he saw.” The first splash of blood on her tongue made her pause. It was full of magic, full of something that seemed to unlock… everything.

Together, the vampire and her victim fell to their knees, fangs still deep in the vein as she slowly drank from him. Somewhere, as if from far, far away, someone called out to her. Images filled her mind, voices of the past whispered in her ears. Tears filled Phoenix’s eyes and trailed down her dirty, bloody face. When she finally released him, Lirin stood and stumbled backward. “Celsy…” Once more, unconsciousness claimed the vampire as her mind began to process each and every memory, refamiliarizing herself with herself as she sorted them into their proper places. There was just so much to absorb.

Golden King

Character Info
Name: Amen-ra
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Wyvern Alpha
Silver: 643
Ra ordered his advisor to stay with the Clan and insisted on finding Phoenix alone. It was a wise move, one that would keep him from using his dear friend as a target for venting his anger. He knew Amenthes would not take it personally, and he would likely remain silent and take the verbal beating willingly. He was never good at holding things against people. He is the most forgiving person Ra knows. Yet, even so, knowing that would not keep the Alpha from regretting what he might say and do. Forgiving himself was not so easy. And, he felt it was only appropriate that whomever took Phoenix would get all of the violent punishment he could give.

He flew a great distance, following the scent carefully into the Welayta Mountains. As he arrived, her own aroma -her sweet, intoxicating, natural parfum- was at its strongest. She was nearby, and so was the scent of fresh blood. His heart leaped into his throat as he flew low, circling around and searching the ground for his lover. Then, he spotted her. From above, she appeared to be kneeling, holding a man against her. Anyone else might have assumed something indecent as her face was in his neck, but Ra knew her true nature and feared something far worse. He landed with silent grace and quickly took up his human form. “Phoenix,” he called to her, taking wary steps towards the hunter and her prey. The memory of her vampiric fangs lodged into his own flesh was still fresh in his mind, the sheer force of it and the desperate desire to drink every drop of his blood. She had managed to seize her self control before he could have been killed back then. And when he had awoken, tears fell from her eyes. She was new to the knowledge of what she was, and since then she did everything in her power to refrain from feeding on any others.

And yet, here she was. Many lifeless bodies lay all around—bloodless. It was a typical feeding frenzy. It wasn’t like her to act this way. Perhaps she had been starved, and truly needed the blood of others to help her maintain control and to survive. But, he believed there was something else at play. This man she was feeding on was being killed very, very slowly. It appeared she had made quick work of the rest, as the sloppiness indicated. Yet, she took her time with this one.

“Phoenix,” he said again, taking another step closer. His hand reached out, slowly, carefully, as if he were trying to calm and appease an angered creature. “Phoenix, please stop this.” His tone was soft and patient, yet hard enough to gather her attention. She had fed enough. But, she did not seem to hear him. She didn’t even look at him. “Phoenix,” his brow creased and chest tightened as he placed a hand on her shoulder.


“Phoenix!” Even raising his voice gave him no response from her. He glanced between his lover and her now deceased victim. What was going on?

Suddenly, tears trickled down her face, and she broke away from her victim. Ra stood with her, eyes wide with concern and fear and confusion. She still did not acknowledge him. He opened his mouth to once again call her name, but it was her voice that spoke first. Celsy. A name she had spoken before when she was unconscious. A name no one had recognized. Then, she passed out again. His muscles tensed and threw him forward, catching her fall. Ra held her in his arms, pulling her close and tight. A pained expression was made as he looked over her—blood had stained her clothes, smeared on her beautiful face and dripped from her luscious lips. Ever so gently, lovingly, he brushed a strand of her hair from her face and pulled it behind her pointed ear. He pressed a tender kiss upon her forehead. Then, he took her home.


Amenthes had been anxiously awaiting their return when Ra arrived at the palace with Phoenix in his arms. The guilt was evident on his advisor’s face, the apologies never ceasing for a moment even when he had realized the blood on her was not her own, that she had been unharmed. But Ra knew better than to allow himself to relax just yet. Something was making her act strangely, and until it is put to an end, she will never be entirely alright. By now he was second guessing whether it was caused by his own venom. It usually kills, or creates a familiar and master bond when the two manas merge. Perhaps it reacts differently when injected into a creature that can’t truly be killed, because it isn’t exactly even alive. Such as a vampire. But this…he could not imagine his venom being the cause. He would not mark it out, though. Not until he knows for sure.

Ra laid her down to rest in a different room than before and ordered the healer to remain with her at all times. Amenthes seemed hurt that he wasn’t chosen for the job, but he understood and agreed. Ra supposed that could be his punishment for not watching her more carefully before. In all honesty, he did not even wish to punish his dear friend. Mistakes happen, and he knew very well that Amenthes never makes the same
mistake twice. He was already forgiven, but Amenthes would not forgive himself until he was punished in some way. So, Ra reluctantly obliged.

The Alpha, exhausted from getting so little sleep over these past few days, went to Phoenix’s personal room and laid down. He wanted nothing more than to be with her, but if she was still hungry, beyond the point of controlling the urge to feed, being near her was not the best idea. It might startle her when she wakes to see him lying next to her, which could lead her to attack him. Yes, he could fight her, though her own strength would not make it easy. He would have to be rough, possibly hurt her to keep her from draining away all of his blood. But he could never bring himself to do that. He would first die before he ever harms her.

Sleep came to him easily. But when he woke, it was Monifa whom had prodded him into consciousness. He slowly raised himself, trying to blink the grogginess from his eyes. She was smiling sheepishly at him, fiddling nervously with her golden bracelet Amenthes gave to her years ago. A nervous tic. He creased his brow. She didn’t lose Phoenix, too, did she?

“I had examined her when she was resting,” Monifa began before he could speak. “I could find no physical harm. Whether the same could be said about her mental health, I am uncertain. But I do know that your venom was not the cause of her behavioral change. I do believe it brought on her previous pain and unconsciousness, although what other changes it might have made to her are still unclear. Only time will tell.” Ra moved his legs to hang over the edge of the bed, golden eyes staring up at the small girl in front of him. “And yet you seem so anxious,” he said with chilling calmness. She averted her gaze and tilted her head in the same direction, “She has awoken. I tried to get her to rest some more, but she did not seem to recognize I was even there.”

“Where is she?”

Monifa flinched at his tone. “In the gardens. Amenthes is with her.”

Ra sprung to his feet and left the room in a hurry. He made his way through the palace halls and out into the garden. Phoenix was there, just as Monifa had said. Amenthes was standing nearby with a very concerned expression. When he noticed Ra, he shook his head lightly, “I saw her walking alone, so I accompanied her. She came out here and just…” he paused as he looked back down at her. She was kneeling, eyes staring blankly ahead with a ruby studded goblet on the ground next to her, containing a deep red liquid. Ra could smell the foul scent and recognized it instantly. Blood. “She still hasn’t spoken a word,” Amenthes finished.

Ra quietly approached her and slowly dropped to his knees before her. “Phoenix,” he said gently. His hands reached out to her, cupping her cheeks as he looked her in the eye. A single thumb tenderly caressed her skin, and his chest tightened when she still did not respond. Had she somehow lost her sanity? Confusion riddled his mind, and worry and fear consumed him. Was he losing his love forever?


Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
This time, opening her eyes came easily to her. There was a distinct lack of blood, as someone had cleaned her up. As the vampire sat up, Lirin felt like she was in a waking dream. Everything felt surreal. From the softness to the sheets, to the scent of herbs that mingled on the dark haired, amber eyed woman before her. “Oh! You’re awake! How are you feeling Phoenix?” At first, she gave the woman a blank stare until she remembered that was her name until recently. Lirin averted her gaze, recognizing the decor style but not the room. This was still the place she was falling in love with when nothing influenced her but the here and now. She dragged herself out of bed and went to the nearest table, tracing the design of a summoning circle on its smooth surface.

When the invisible trace was completed, her palm was laid flat so that her mana could flow to it and summon her goblet. Lirin had been so very thirsty for a very long time, so when her ruby studded goblet now sat before her, she picked it up lovingly. It was like a long lost friend. “Mir hallathen.” The words were whispered, barely audible. The rubies glowed briefly as the enchantment began to fill the goblet with the deep crimson liquid she so desperately craved. After a long drink of the blood, careful not to get it even on her lips as she did so, Lirin exited the room to walk the familiar halls.

She was a vampire, a bloodthirsty monster. True, she had found several ways to peacefully consume the life giving essence without killing others, and now more recently without harming them. What right did she have to try and make a life here among these peaceful wyverns? Lirin was an outsider, in more ways than one. Did she even deserve the love that even her sister has found? So many questions swarmed her. Should she stay or go? Surely they would still accept her as they had thus far, for nothing had changed, right? Only, she had her memories now, and with that came her past. Lirin had family and Tadgh…. Tadgh who seemed to have disappeared when things with the demons seemed to be far too much for one person to deal with. In all honesty, she was rather tired of the constant kidnappings and torture sessions. For what? Because she chose a single man.

Lirin found herself at the gardens, her blue and green speckled eyes gazing at their beauty as if for the first time again. She knelt, setting her goblet carefully next to her, and allowed her fingers to trail through the grass. ‘Celsy, what should I do?’ Did she love Ra? Without a doubt, but enough to follow through with the mating ritual now that it was complete? It was the same questions over and over that kept asking themselves when Ra called out to her and touched her cheek. Lirin focused her gaze onto his golden orbs. “Ir tel’him, ma vhenan.” Her voice was soft as the musical lilt of her language rolled off the tongue with ease. “My name… Is Lirin Amber Vendethiel.” The accent from her native language was much stronger now, something that only Ra and the wyverns would notice.

Her gaze shifted to the goblet. “I am a vampire. Blood is essential to my sanity, or I become rather feral.” Suddenly, she was fighting back tears. “So many people must be worried sick… Celsy… Tadgh… Little Akira…” Lirin roughly scrubbed her face with the back of her hand, forcing the tears back. They were adults and a carefree wandering child. Akira wouldn’t be too worried and Celeste had too much to worry about than chasing after Lirin. “I’m from the continent Usylies. My clan was very reclusive, they hated outsiders. Celsy and I… Found our own ways out. She thought I was dead for so long… Until I found her on Vanzagara. She left home because they pissed her off.” A light chuckle escaped her, and it was clear she was lost in the past for now. “My Celsy hated to be confined and always had a bit of a temper when pushed too far. We made plans, Celsy and I, to meet. She was so excited to show me something… But she never showed up, kidnapped by some drow pissed off at a goddess.”

Lirin frowned, never sure why they thought kidnapping some elf would be revenge against someone far more powerful. “I managed to track them to Revaliir, in some cave tunnel network in Canelux. Someone else found her, but got word to me… But she wasn’t the same, Ra…. Broken from her captivity…” In her mind, she followed Larka and Celeste’s road to recovery, the way she wanted to help by planning a special birthday event. It was the first birthday they had spent together in a rather long time. “And then I found Tadhg… Weak little demon… I built him up… But I kept finding myself the center of demonic revenge plots against him… Kidnapped one minute, fighting a seducing succubus the next… Amnesia…” Tears fell down her cheeks freely. “I’m so tired of it all…” The vampire moved so that she was laying her head in Amen-ra’s lap.

Golden King

Character Info
Name: Amen-ra
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Wyvern Alpha
Silver: 643
His heart thumped anxiously when her eyes finally shifted. She looked at him, but he could see…she wasn’t quite the same. Her first words were not what he had expected; he couldn’t even understand the language. She spoke it with such ease, casually as if she had known it her whole life. He recalled her speaking in a foreign tongue when she had been unconscious, one that sounded similar to the one she just spoke. Perhaps it is elvish? She appeared like an elf, after all. His brow creased with confusion as she continued, but in a language that he knew. She revealed to him her true name, and his eyes widened.

Her memories returned. Somehow, someway. He could not shake the feeling that it was somehow related to her kidnapping, and nothing that he had done. The reaction to his venom seemed to have made the perfect opportunity for her kidnappers to spring into action, sweeping in and stealing her away while she was weakened. And whatever they did to her, or whatever she experienced while he was searching for her…just might have reminded her of who she really is. She finally has a real name, and a history that built her. No longer was she a stranger without a past. He smiled a little. Although he was a little disappointed that he had not been the one that helped her, and that it was a series of unfortunate events that brought her memories back, he was happy they returned nonetheless.

She went on. He had already suspected she was a vampire, so hearing that it was true was no shock to him. And being told that blood keeps her sanity intact definitely answered one of his questions: why was she acting so strangely. His chest squeezed at the sight of the sudden unshed tears in her eyes. Of course, she had reason to be so emotional. With an unknown past comes people who might be missing you. And that’s when the heavy realization fell onto him. Now that she remembers everything, there is a high chance that she would decide to go back to her old life. She might leave him and his Clan, return to those who knew her long before he ever came into her life. She mentioned three names, one of which he’d heard her speak before. Celsy…She spoke the name when she was unconscious, and again when he’d found her. They must be important to her for them to be on her mind, even when her memories were missing.

Phoenix- Lirin, has a history with Celsy, as she explained. They came from the same Clan, seemed very close until they were separated by the belief of Lirin’s death. As she chuckled, Ra’s heart seemed to splinter just a little. It was evident to him that she held a fondness for Celsy. They were someone she clearly cared deeply for. And then, her wording…’My Celsy’. That was something someone might say about their lover. Of course, if she had many close friends, why wouldn’t she have a lover? It was like a dagger was being twisted deeper into his chest, and his soft eyes showed a hint of sorrow.

Her story continued, but it was becoming more and more difficult for him to hear it. She finished her tale about Celsy, making it sound as if things had changed between them, but she did not give him a moment to build his hopes up before she moved the story to another man. Another competitor. But it seemed this last one brought her nothing but pain and misfortune. Her tears returned and finally fell down her cheeks. His heart snapped. He wanted to reach out to her, take her in his arms and wipe all of her tears away. He wanted to end her pain, to replace it with happiness and pleasure. But she moved first, and laid her head down in his lap. He was motionless for a while, eyes gazing down at her with heartbreaking longing. His hand slowly raised to gently stroke her hair.

He wondered if she loved Celsy, or Tadhg. Wondered if she wished to return to them. She had history with them, and obviously cared for Celsy dearly. While she had only recently met him. How could he compete with her past? He swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to speak, but his voice betrayed him and came out unevenly, cracked. “Here, I can offer you protection, so you will never have to fear being harmed ever again. My Clan will gladly join me in any battle to aid you, we will fight for you. I can offer you my love, my life. My promise as your mate will always hold strong. If you stay here, with me, I will do everything in my power to ensure you will always be happy. But,” he paused the stroking on her hair. His voice wavered as he finished, “I will not force you to stay. If your heart desires something else, if you love someone else…then that is all I need to know.”

He did not want her to leave. He had only just obtained the mate he always prayed for, but now she might be taken from him. It was his fault, actually. He should have waited until her memories returned, should have waited to know if her heart was even his to take, or if it already belong to another. He put this upon her. She is his mate, but that was a promise she never should have made without knowing who she might already be tied to. But what’s done is done. She is not a Wyvern; she can back out on her promise if she wished. But he couldn’t. No matter what she decides to do, she will forever be his one and only.


Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
Lirin snuggled into him as he began to stroke her hair. For a long while, they were silent despite her tears. When he finally did speak, his voice was heavy with emotion. Even with all of her uncertainties, hearing that broke her heart. She listened to what he had to say, a frown forming. Carefully, she sat up and gazed into his face, seeing the heartbreak in his eyes as he offered to release her from her vows. Slowly, Lirin shook her head. “I don’t want to leave…” Why was he thinking she loved another? Each and every person in her life had a special place in her heart, this much was true. Even Tadgh for all the heartache she’s endured since meeting him. “What I’ve always wanted… Is to have what Celsy has…. A loving mate to stand by, a love that will not waver in the face of heartache and trouble. Celeste found that in Larka. They have a beautiful daughter and…. Larka was pregnant when I last heard from them. She must have given birth since then.”

She walked on her knees, placing one hand on Ra’s shoulder as she swung her other leg over his to straddle him, cupping his cheek in her other hand. Lirin didn’t know if Amenthes was still in the gardens, nor did she care for only Ra was in her bubble of importance presently. “I believe it is time for me to stop living dangerously. I have a niece or two or possibly even a nephew I would like to see grow up.” The vampire leaned in, giving the Alpha a teasing kiss on the corner of his lips before trailing to his ear. “I made a vow, Amen-Ra,” she whispered as she placed another kiss right at the earlobe. The hand on his cheek slid into his hair as she began to trail her lips down his neck. “Vendethiel’s do not break our word.” It was true she made the promise when she wasn’t aware of who she might be hurting. While she claimed Tadgh was hers, she had not been thinking of much more than a toy at the time.

Suddenly she burst into giggles as she pulled back. “Can you imagine the look on my twin’s face when she learns my husband is hotter than her wife?” This time, she leaned in and gave him a proper kiss, inhaling deep as she did so. “Gods, you smell amazing.” Another kiss, less playful and more intimate. And another even longer one as she gave a soft hum. “Ir na…I am yours… Forever and always, Ra.” The words were spoken between kisses. Lirin wasn’t sure why, but she was growing hot the longer she kept kissing him. It was a need she was familiar with, but the intensity was new. “What did you do to me, ma vhenan?”

Golden King

Character Info
Name: Amen-ra
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Wyvern Alpha
Silver: 643
Lirin moved to look at him. It was difficult for him to maintain eye contact at first, but when she said that she didn’t want to leave, his eyes brightened. He blinked, as if taken aback by her reply. From the way she had spoken of those from her past, he had felt almost certain that she desired being with them rather than him. But it appeared he was jumping to conclusions. Lirin explained what it is that her heart truly yearns for. She was not in love, just simply wishing for the things her friend has. He could understand—he could relate. A loving mate to stand by, a love that will not waver in the face of heartache and trouble. This is what he was offering her for all eternity. He smiled softly as she moved closer, a smile which quickly grew into a little grin. His arms locked around her waist when she straddled him, golden eyes locking with hers. All of his fears faded away as his heart swelled with warmth.

She would stay with him, remain his mate, remain with his Clan and permanently be a part of their lives—of his life. He had missed her so greatly just from the thought of her leaving his side. He could only imagine what her absence would have done to him if she really did decide to leave. She kissed him at the edge of his mouth, teasing him a little. It made him long for a full kiss, to pull her against him and never let go. His eyes fluttered closed as her lips moved to his ear. His flesh tingled under her warm breath, and a shiver trailed down his spine. Very swiftly she was turning his sweet love to burning desire. Lirin ensured him that she would keep her word, saving him from any further fear of her leaving him. It reminded him how important trust is. A mateship without the bond that guarantees loyalty, must be built entirely on trust to be successful. Many were already doubting that Lirin would be faithful. It was up to them to prove everyone else wrong. The chances may be slim, but so long as they fully trust each other, are dedicated and work on building their relationship, they will be very successful.

His eyes blinked open when she suddenly giggled. A single dark brow rose curiously. His lips curved into an amused smirk, almost chuckling himself. A joke it may have been, but it did give him an idea. Meeting her family, whatever she had. He wanted to know about her relatives, even her old friends. Whatever is important to her, he wanted to learn about it. But, now was not the time to bring it up. When she gave him a complete kiss, that was all he could think about. She broke the kiss only to tell him how much she loved his scent, then kissed him once again before he could reply. The heat within him grew with the intimacy of the kiss, her hum making his heart accelerate a little. But it was her following words that did it for him. Their mating frenzy was still active, and would be for a while. Until then, any little thing would set him off. He wanted more of her, to hear her moan his name and constantly tell him that she was his, and that he was hers. “I made you mine,” he replied simply. A little corny, but he was going too far to think properly. All he could think about was her, with him, and neither wearing anything at all.

Someone cleared their throat, and Ra was painfully reminded that they were not alone. He suddenly became very aware of where they were. In the gardens, a public place. Losing himself in such a place would be incredibly indecent. And as the Alpha, it would ruin his reputation. He needs to set an example for his people, especially the children. And, when he does all that he desires, he wanted it to be in the privacy of his bedroom. He did not want any other to see Lirin. She belongs to him, and thus will only be seen by him, and touched by him. He reluctantly pulled back and lifted Lirin into his arms, holding her like the queen she is.

“Sir?” Amenthes said with a confused look, yet a hint of a suggestive smirk shown on his handsome face. “Forgive me, but we must be off. M’Lady is in need of my attention,” said Ra. Amenthes chuckled with a light shake of his head, and he bowed obediently as the Alpha walked past with his mate. They paused for a brief moment when Amenthes suddenly reminded Lirin of her goblet and handed it to her, then Amen-ra carried her to his bedroom, where he locked them inside so they would not be disturbed. He laid her on the bed. Clothes were ripped off and tossed aside to be forgotten as their second passionate session began.


Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
Lirin turned her head only so far to see Amenthes out of the corner of her eye with a small pout. Did he have to halt their fun? Still, Ra gracefully stood with her. The vampire found herself kissing at his neck, all but ignoring Amenthes. For all she cared, everyone could watch, even though she knew it was highly inappropriate. “M’Lady! Your goblet.” She gazed at him with a surprised look. “How could I forget? Mir hallathen.” The goblet emptied as he handed it to her, leaving it clean and dry, the scent of blood beginning to dissipate from the air. “Thank you, Amenthes.” Her attention returned immediately to Ra.

The following days were better than any blood driven sex-filled night. They call it a mating frenzy, which normally only wyverns experience. Lirin was unsure if her attraction to Ra was the kickstart to her libido or the ritual which made it seem so much more intense. In any case, she didn’t want it to end, but he had duties he must attend. There was much for the vampire to learn, now that she was mated to the clan’s Alpha. Ra had announced that in two days' time, a huge feast would be held for the clan. While everyone was questioning who it could be, they all openly hoped for it to be Ra’s mating announcement.

It had been a long time since Lirin had seen a clan in such a tizzy, dashing to and fro, cooking and decorating. Everyone seemed quite ecstatic about the upcoming feast, except their guest Anika who appeared to be sulking. The vampire had just finished a long training session with Amenthes. He had been teaching her the dance of union, quite surprised how easily she was picking it up. Sadly, the break was for him, as she seemed to have an endless supply of endurance. Where he had centuries, his body still required breath and rest. They were greeted by Anika who seemed full of fury. “There you are! Do you dare continue this charade with him? Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to, Phoenix! You have all the men around your little finger, don’t you? But you’re not a wyvern. How can you claim to be his mate–”

Her words were cut off when Lirin raised her voice ever so slightly before dipping back to normal talking levels. “Andaran athish’an. So, you must be Anika, a visiting alpha from another clan? A pleasure to meet you, I am sure. However, my name is Lirin.” Anika’s face twisted with fury. How can this little thing be so calm? “You have no right to him! He will be mine.” The vampire shook her head slightly. “I am afraid you are mistaken, my dear wyvern. For you see, he is mated at long last. This is my vhenas and you are beaten. Melana en athim las enaste. You are welcome to stay for the feast, however, I request that you cease all attempts to sway ma vhenan’s decision.” She did not seem to like this, for now Anika was shaking with fury.

“How dare yo–” Again, she was cut off, this time with Lirin’s hand at her throat pinning her to the wall. It was the fiery fury in Lirin’s eyes and the dangerous lowness to her voice that stilled the wyvern. “Ar lasa mala revas ghilas, Anika. Pack up and go home. I don’t ever wish to see your face around ma vhenas again. If you ever come sniffing around my clan, my mate, or myself again with intentions of replacing me, masal din’an.” She released the wyvern and pointed behind her. “Go home before I change my mind.” Anika was effectively defeated. She glanced at Amenthes who was just watching the scene before him as he would for Amen-Ra. He felt that Lirin was handling the situation rather well, even if he couldn’t understand half of what she said. The offended wyvern sniffed, lifted her chin and swiftly walked away.

“What did you say to her, if I may ask?” Lirin gave him a smirk. “That this was my home. I give her the freedom to leave in peace, but if she comes back, I will take it as an act of war. Go rest a bit, Amenthes, before our next lesson. I need a moment to myself… to calm down.” He bowed before doing as she bid. Lirin, in the meantime, summoned her favorite flute, a non-replaceable instrument handcrafted by her beloved twin. In the gardens, Lirin found herself a place to sit in the shade as she played her flute softly.

Golden King

Character Info
Name: Amen-ra
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Wyvern Alpha
Silver: 643
After making love with Lirin for days, their mating frenzy began to cool down. It was finally safe for them to go in public for more than an hour or so without losing their self control and needing to mate again. Lirin had shown a surprising similarity to a female Wyvern during those days. Ra had not expected her to be as desperate as he was, and he wondered if his venom had anything to do with it. Wyverns were the only ones with the mating frenzy, and it was only because of the bond that’s built that makes them need to mate so much. For a woman that should not be bound by that bond, since she is not a Wyvern, she was acting as if she was. He wasn’t sure how his venom might have been part of the reason, but he supposed it was possible. Or, perhaps it was all her. It was possible that she wanted it as much as he did, also. But, whatever the reason, he was grateful for it, because those few days were absolute bliss.

However, they are Alphas, and they had duties that must not be neglected. There must be a feast, and a celebration that the Clan now has a second Alpha. Once he had announced that he has finally chosen a mate, the people became far more excited than he anticipated. He had not mentioned who was to be his mate, but he suspected they already knew. He had been spending much more time with Lirin than any other, aside from Amenthes. The Clan was already planning the feast and celebration: making the finest decorations by hand with silks and jewels and gold; the cooks were busy whipping up their best meals and deserts, while attendants were picking out gifts for him and his mate; others were rehearsing dances, both males and females moving together in a joyace dance of gratitude that their Clan was prospering and that their Alpha has found love and happiness. And they were not the only ones preparing.

Ra had been working extra hard to ensure nothing goes wrong, that the gates were heavily watched and locked at all times so no enemies might appear while they celebrate. Other political disputes were handled as well. And once there was nothing else left to do, he began picking out his clothing and jewels to wear at the feast. He settled on a white long sleeved shirt with gold accents of entwined snakes along every hem, from the bottom of the shirt to the collar that fitted his neck loosely. A sapphire sash would wrap around his waist neatly without a single wrinkle, while real sapphire embedded in gold will hang from his ears and neck. A pair of white pants will go along with his shirt, and knee high boots with curled pointed tips. A simple outfit, but perfect for the situation. Elegant, and rich. He had gotten Amenthes to give his opinion after searching for the advisor for longer than he’d expected. Then, the two decided to have a drink together in his room. It would likely be a rare thing for them to do now that Ra has a mate, a woman who will require more of his attention than others. So, they took this opportunity to chat before things got too busy.

Ra poured himself another glass of nevermore with an amused smirk. A black evening shirt was loosely wrapped over his torso, a simple sash around his waist to keep it on. The top was parted to expose the majority of his muscular chest. Matching pants stopped at the bottom of his calves, and simple black slippers covered his feet. Amenthes was shaking his head lightly with a soft chuckle, briefly lifting his own glass to take a sip from his drink. They were seated on the opposite end of Ra’s bed, where two comfortably cushioned chairs shared a single little round table. The balcony doors were wide open behind them, allowing the gentle breeze to sweep through the room, ruffling their hair just slightly.

“She is a feisty one,” Amenthes said with another chuckle. He had just finished telling Ra about Lirin’s run in with Anika. The Alpha was unaware that their annoying guest was still there, but he was certain that she wasn’t any longer after hearing what Lirin did. “She certainly has some balls, threatening another Alpha like that. I don’t think I would be shocked if she really does start a war with Anika’s Clan if she returns,” Amenthes added. Ra took a swift sip of nevermore before jumping in, “Anika would be wise to take Lirin’s threat seriously. I have seen what she can do on the battlefield. A pampered and coddled Alpha such as Anika would not last against her.” The image of her fighting against the Void creatures were clear in his mind. He remembered every detail: her power, her ferocity, her skill and accuracy. She is a force to be reckoned with. A beast in war with an unbreakable heart, yet still maintains immeasurable kindness and love. It was almost difficult to believe that the woman he had met so long ago in battle is the same woman that blushed and avoided eye contact when she came to his room only nights ago. “Hell, even I would not be foolish enough to get on her bad side,” Ra added with a chuckle of his own. With all jokes aside, he was rather proud with how she handled herself. She displayed authority, dominance, confidence. His chest practically puffed up with the pride he felt, making him want to brag to everyone what a good Alpha she will make. Someone who does not doubt her actions, and is protective of what is hers. His grin morphed into a soft, loving smile.

“Yes, but,” Amenthes said with serious calmness. “This is still a serious matter.” Ra knew exactly what he meant. Threatening another Alpha with the possibility of war was a very risky move. Knowing Anika’s brother, who is a very fickle man, he would come straight to their doorstep with an army and claim that having Lirin’s hands on his sister’s throat was the declaration of war. The only reason he has not bragged about his mate’s actions is only because if a war is upon them, it would be very easy for both Clans to put the blame on her. Anika and her Clan would do everything in their power to justify their own stupidity and actions.

Ra said, “Indeed. I fear that war might already be a possibility. However, Anika is not foolish enough to run to her brother with this story. She knows that doing so would only gain my disapproval and possibly my hatred, which will never win me over. If a war begins, she would be making an enemy of my Clan. Then her chances of winning me over would be slimmer. Although, they could not be more slim than they already are. I have the mate I want, whether she refuses to accept it or not, my decision cannot be swayed.”

“Ah, speaking of Clans,” Amenthes suddenly said. Ra blinked up at him with a questioning hum. “Your guests from the Chazzud Clan arrived this morning. They brought along a friend of theirs as well. I gave them a room within the palace to stay in until they are ready to leave.”

“Good. Ensarrian and Sanyi are valuable allies of ours, and personal friends of my own. We must ensure they are treated with hospitality and taken care of well. Make sure they have the best seats available to them and their friend when it is time to begin the feast. And tell them that, if they do not object, I would like to see them this evening to catch up. They can bring their friend along as well, I would very much like to meet them,” Ra replied with a pleased smile. Amenthes nodded, “Yes, sir.”

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