Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > Along the River (P)

Character Info
Name: Ong Porrys
Age: 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Half Goblin
Gender: Male
Class: Battle Mage/Merchant Adventurer
Silver: 548
It had been a a week since the Ong and his friends left the city of Namibia and made their way North. In that time the had managed to avoid the major scuffle
of the various tribes and invading free companies in the area. Ong was pleased with this as he did not want the ladies to encounter any trouble along the way.
He floated around on his little cloud and turned to his left noticing two large shades in the distance. Peering over he managed to get a glimpse of the shapes and
instantly recognized what they were. Halting is his cloud he waited until the two ladies caught up with him. This would be a good opportunity to for Myouga and Liselotte
to observe the local fauna. As they arrived closer he pointed out to the shapes in the distance.

"Ms. Myouga, Ms. Liselotte… look out in the distance… two bull Rhinoceros' I think their about to charge at each other"

The two great beast flickered their tail and puffed dusty clouds from their noses. They pulled back gauging each other as they a did so, neither one backing down. Mating season was in full effect and if either wanted a chance at mating they would need to win this bout. A second passed as they gave each other enough space then finally both beast erupted in a charge and sprinted forward. Ong's eye look over to the ladies as the beast clashed and thrashed each other.

"Powerful beast… what do you think?" asked Ong


Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
"I see 'em!" Myouga said in a half-shout half whisper. Shading her eyes with her hand, the little arcanist squinted at the two beasts having a go at each other. Seeing to behemoths of the same species bash into each other like that–it was a lot like two men getting in a fistfight over the same girl in a tavern. She'd never seen anything like them. Their hides were tough and their bodies were solid like stone. The small oni bet their bones would be pretty big, especially with those hefty horns on their faces. Did their faces ever feel heavy with that big ol' bony protrusion coming out of their noses? Creeping over to their goblin guide, Myouga whispered loudly. "Hey Ong, how do you know if a rhinoceros is male or female?" Aside from manually 'checking', she wanted to know if there were any signs of sexual dimorphism for the species. Looking back at Lise she grinned. "Can you believe these guys are herbivores?? Think of all the grass they gotta eat just to grow this big!" 

The savanna's tall grasses and open skies were a lot like the Haza in Parvpora. So far she hadn't seen any of the same species she had documented on the other continent as of yet, but that was definitely on her list. The discovery of similar or the same species on two different landmasses would open the door for new theories on the world, particularly if there wasn't an obvious way for such animals or flora to travel. Could the same types of creatures develop in two different locations with similar environments? Were these two once part of the same population in the past? How did centuries of isolation affect their development? These were all important questions that Myouga aimed to answer, or at least find something on. Quickly she pulled out her journal and started scribbling her own rendition of this animal pre-mating ritual along with a few personal comments. 


Character Info
Name: Ong Porrys
Age: 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Half Goblin
Gender: Male
Class: Battle Mage/Merchant Adventurer
Silver: 548
"The Females have longer thinner horns than the males, but, both can be dangerous if harassed" replied Ong.

Ong searched round the two males and saw a third rhinoceros in the distance; most likely the female. Luckily, the group was far enough to view without, gaining the attention of the great beast. The trip was going well so far with the display of the Rhinoceros, Ong looked back to the ladies who seemed to be enjoying it and smiled. "We should move along, there is much more to see on along this path". Ong floated ahead on his little cloud and further along the route they where going. If he remembered correctly, the river they were following northwards lead to the Efe Mountains and from there a small path would take them westward to Igbo. They could avoid skirmishes in the Savannah and the tribes along the mountain were not as hostile but, with more free companies coming to Onnen and rich land for the taking they may bump into something. He consider this carefully, as his little cloud hovered above ground. Suddenly, something dashed to the right from the corner of his eye.

Ong stopped again to point, "Ahh… an antelope heard…quick little buggers though, they taste pretty good if you can catch one". The deer like antelope sprinted away from the little cloud and off into the right near the river. Ong's brow rose at this choice the creatures decided to take. He would be no great danger to them but, he wouldnt advise getting to close to the river. "The river will lead us to the mountains ladies though, I wouldnt advise getting to close".

Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
Myouga was never one to shy away from adventure, especially if it tasted delicious. She was already thinking of how many ways you could make it, from roasts to sandwiches before it ran off to join its group by the river. Antelope were a familiar sight, as Parvpora's Haza had its own migratory herds too. One of her smaller academic projects involved recording the yearly movement patterns of these herd animals, noting specific details such as rest points and watering holes. Not one of her most exciting jobs, but she got to meet the local tribes who lived off these animals. Documenting their culture and traditions was the more interesting payoff the little arcanist had gotten out of it. "Hrmm…too bad we don't have a lot of cages. I don't think my coworkers would be happy if I dropped them a pair of antelopes without one. We gotta save Lise's cage for something super special!" Ah this was going to be hard–holding back her impulse to bag every fauna specimen she saw. 

Ong flew on by and told them they were going to use the river as a means to find the mountains along with a warning not to get close. Feeling a little stiff, Myouga floated off the back of Basil and used her magic armor's wings to lift her into the air. "Okie dokie~ Stay away from the river, got it. Is there something big and nasty hiding in the water?" She asked their goblin guide. Flying high, she began to move over towards the riverbank. "Flying over at this height should be totally fine, right Ong?" Her current elevation was about fifty feet from the ground, well out of the reach of crocodiles or alligators. Leaning back, she summoned a box of snacks and began eating, looking down at the grasslands below. Her student was keeping a safe distance on the back of her lizard mount, who was taking its time to nibble at the plants as it walked. The sun was high up, but thankfully Myouga had her hat on to give some shade. Kicking the air, she 'swam' through the sky until she caught up with Ong.


Character Info
Name: Ong Porrys
Age: 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Half Goblin
Gender: Male
Class: Battle Mage/Merchant Adventurer
Silver: 548
As Myouga floated over the river, Ong observed the river bank closely. "Yes, your perfectly fine Ms. Myouga, as long as you dont sit along the bank." Ong looked downwards and saw a group of antelopes approach from the opposite end of the bank. He grinned a bit and pointed downwards, "Look" he called out to her. As the antelopes got closer, bubbles began to brew at the service. After a few minutes, a large black beast emerged from the water, extending its long head from a large carapace with razor looking spines on the back. It had a large golden eye and a razor tipped beak. It pulled a helpless antelope down back into the river with it. "A Razorturtle… one of the deadliest predators in that river. Even crocs and hippoes are afraid of them. The largest can grow to be as large as hippoes themselves, provided they live to see an old age. Their also a delicacy in if you can catch one…though many who try become meals themselves. Fortunatley, I have experience with catching them. What do you think Ms. Myouga? Want to try and catch one?"

Ong turned his head back to look for Lisolette, he flew his cloud close by but, giving Basil enough space. By now the large lizard had gotten used to him but, he did not want to risk it being protective of its owner. He smiled at Basil and checked on Lisolette. "How are you doing so far Ms. Lisolette? Are you enjoying Onnen?". Ong was used to traveling long distances but, he still kept his courtesy. He wanted to make sure the ladies where comfortable on their expedition

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