Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > Camp Day[p,r]

Character Info
Name: Cassandra
Age: Early 30s
Alignment: LN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Hunter
Silver: 22
The army was slowly growing as more and more soldiers and warriors were drawn into the ranks. They were all willing fighters, knowing their leader was one that was worth listening to and follow her orders. She hadn’t led them astray yet, they had won every fight they had been in so far thanks to her directions and orders. At the same time they also feared her, more so the newest recruits that hadn’t interacted with her as much as others. She could be vicious when the time called for it, having carried out more than a few executions by her own hands for dereliction of duty and severe insubordination charges.

Of the near sixty soldiers and staff in the army most were at the moment going through drills with various weapons. Cassandra walked among them, inspecting and pushing them hard when she could. She wasn’t cruel, and most understood that when she yelled at them to do better it was because she wanted to make them find their fullest potential. She would give them direct instruction sometimes, tips and techniques to use in their fighting.

Cassandra walked past the ranks of her people one of her aides with her, and she was an imposing figure for a human female. At six and a half feet tall she was well above average for human height, and her build was strong with little to no fat on her frame, she wasn’t body builder shaped but her muscles were wire tight. Her long red hair hung loose, parted away from her face, her armour darkened as to reduce the shine, under that her green coat while a beautiful Ataiyan katana hung on her left hip.

She stopped to watch, hard eyes betraying nothing of what she was thinking as she watched. Her forces were very diverse, consisting of various races from around Onnen and humans as well. The native races had mostly joined because they were outcasts from their own home land, or were mercenaries that Cassandra had brought into the fold after killing their leader and any that wouldn’t follow her.

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