Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > I am the Enemy[O-R]

Character Info
Name: Cassandra
Age: Early 30s
Alignment: LN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Hunter
Silver: 22
“Commander, our scouts have returned, the enemy is prepping for an assault. Your orders?”

The tall red-haired woman thought a moment before replying to her subordinate. “How many are there?”

“Between the scouts they tallied and agreed on between thirty and forty enemy units of fighting strength, not including support.” Came the reply.

“Have the men at arms and spearmen ready up front, stagger their numbers evenly to create a wall. Keep the mages behind them with the archers. We’ll keep our horsemen out of view for now as a surprise attack once the enemy commits to the fight. They can circle around wide and use their speed to attack from range behind the enemies after taking care of their support units.” Cassandra ordered and her subordinate snapped a quick salute before she turned and ran off to spread those orders to the rest of the troops.

She stood near the middle of her army of nearly sixty males and females ranging from humans, to some of the animalistic and even a few insects were within her ranks. A diverse group of fighters and it made it that little more difficult for Cassandra to work out how to best use their strengths during a large fight like the one that was to come.

Putting her map and compass away Cassandra started to move about her people watching as they got into their positions. She had recently acquired enough troops to double what she had had before bringing her up to the numbers she had now. They were loyal to her and followed her commands when she made them, because they knew the penalty for insubordination or desertion. She had executed one deserter less than a week ago, they had run away from a fight but then had been caught by her people again. She had taken their head herself on the spot as an example to anyone else that was new to following her. So far that lesson had sunk deep.

The enemies they were facing were locals to the Grasslands, Mandinka people, the hyena people. This group wasn’t too large compared to some she had seen before, at a distance, but this was the first time she and her people would fight directly against them. Technically, Cassandra and her people were the invading forces here, trying to gain control of this location that the Mandinka had already claimed. However, this area was actually outside of their usual borders and was truly within the territory of the Chokwe lion people. This was partly why there were no Chokwe lions fighting against Cassandra, because she was, in theory, fighting intruders on their territory. However, the lions were aware that after the fighting, whoever won, would likely lain claim to the location. But the lions weren’t foolish enough to take on two armies at once, no, they would wait and fight against whoever won once their numbers were diminished.

“Commander, the enemy is on the move!” One of her skirmisher scouts called out to her.

She waved to acknowledge she had heard him as she stepped up to her frontline units as they shifted into position. She corrected some of them, not harshly, making sure they were prepped as she turned to look at the hyena people marching towards them. “We haven’t faced a foe like this before. Steel yourselves for the fight ahead, and tonight we shall feast to our victory!” She called out to her people as she placed her right hand on the hilt of the katana on her left him.

This would be truly a good battle!

Character Info
Name: Ong Porrys
Age: 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Half Goblin
Gender: Male
Class: Battle Mage/Merchant Adventurer
Silver: 548
West of the Mandinka lands wandered a lone figure. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Ong stopped his pacing to take a short rest. He pulled out a small canteen and began drink some water he gathered from a nearby river. The sun baked his green skin yet, he was not to bothered by it. Ong chugged a bit of water, looked up to the sky and wiped the sweat from his bald head. Suddenly, his long ears pricked at what sounded like a battle horn off in the distance. He immediately brandished his wand and turned to the direction of the sound.

Cautiously, the half goblin approached a nearby hill and ducked down to crawl over it. Once at the top of the hill he looked over to see two forces adajacent to each other. A war between local tribes? He wondered as he looked over the two opposing forces. One group seemed to be a mix of various individuals some, he recognized as humans and others perhaps beastmen. The other force seemed comprised of the local hyena people of the region, that he heard of from villagers of the last village he had come upon. The two seemed riped for battle and there would be no getting around it. For the time being, he could wait until the battle was over and make his way but, perhaps there was something to gain from this.

Turning back down the hill, he slowly walked over to what seem like the coalition of different races as it was the closest. Upon approaching the encampment he lowered his wand back into his side satchel and approached the outward tents of the encampment. His eyes searched for a nearby soldier that looked to to be of some greater rank. He found one, a brown haired lad who seemed to be giving orders to the beastmen. Upon approaching the lad, he raised his and cleared his throat.

"Parlay…I have come to parlay, I wish to meet with your general. I am wandering mage coming from the western jungles and I have come to offer my aid, will you take me to your general?"

Character Info
Name: Cassandra
Age: Early 30s
Alignment: LN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Hunter
Silver: 22
The man the goblin came up had been watching as the goblin approached, wondering what the green skinned being wanted from them. When the goblin spoke the soldier thought a moment and then nodded. “Follow me.” He turned sharply and walked briskly towards where Cassandra was on the front line.

Cassandra saw them coming and stepped over to meet them, eyeing the goblin but speaking to her subordinate. “Who is this?”

“Says he’s a mage, wants to help us.”

Cassandra nodded and the man snapped a salute and turned back to where he was before. Meanwhile the tall human woman looked to the goblin. “We have little time to talk before the battle begins, they are moving on us even as we speak.” She explained. “We don’t usually take on mercenaries, but you’re here now anyway. I am Cassandra, Commander of this army, if you are willing to take my orders through the course of the coming battle you are welcome to join us. Once the battle is over, if you survive, you will be paid and we’ll include a night protected in our camp and food. Does that sound reasonable to you?” She informed and waited for his reply, but he didn’t have a lot of time as the enemy army was getting close by the sound of it.

Character Info
Name: Ong Porrys
Age: 30
Alignment: TN
Race: Half Goblin
Gender: Male
Class: Battle Mage/Merchant Adventurer
Silver: 548
Ong accompanied the man further into the camp until, the soldier led him to his leader. Ong looked over the tall imposing warrior and wondered her steak in this fight. Truly, if she was looking to conquer some territory her forces looked more than capable of doing it.  She had a good mix of different soldiers and fighters but, the Hyenamen would not simply run away from the fight. If this general sought to win perhaps, she'd be willing to utilize his skills. Upon approaching her he bowed his head to her and raised it as she introduced herself.

"Greetings, I am Ong Porrys… a traveling mage whose happened to come across battalion her. I have some skill in elemental magic as well as, being skilled with a blade. It is a pleasure to meet you Commander Cassandra" he said with respect.

Looking beyond the front lines he could see the hyenamen in the distance. He had not met with members of their tribe nor, had he anything about them. However, he was told tribal warfare happened on occasion in this part of Onnen. He reached in his satchel and produce his wand, as his katana rested in a scabbard alongside his waist. Nodding to Cassandra's offer,  he approached her more closely looking up as she stood tall above him.

"You wage a fair offer and I agree to your terms. Tell me Commander, where in the this battle would you have me utilize my talents?"

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