Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > Bad Juju [P]
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221

Namibia, the city of peace in the heart of the great Sandawe savanna. It is a beautiful city, a cultural melting pot where all tribes come to sell and trade. It was the place where two goddesses held an event of reconciliation between Onnen and Canelux following the great invasion that devastated so many lands. Naturally, with the knowledge of the Conclave growing across the new continent, so would the religious devotion grow towards the world's deities. Having had no gods for more than a milennia, Onnen was a land steeped in superstition. People believed more in hexes and curses more than the gods Canelux knew so well. In other words, it was the perfect place for someone to ride on their coattails. Being one of the most prosperous centers of trade in the continent, Shiloh had planned to visit Namibia one way or another. While Mamjaku mostly dealt with international imports and exports, Namibia was more focused on domestic trade. It was a good place to see what the trends were in materials. Plus, there were a lot of exotic things you couldn't get elsewhere.

As the disguised deity was browsing the market, she couldn't help but notice the loud cry of a strangely dressed man gathering a sizable following. Vendors hawking wares weren't uncommon here, but there wasn't a booth he was selling from. There were others with similar clothes standing with the man, who was wearing a funny hat. There were beads and other baubles hanging from it, and the way he spoke was more like a debate philosopher than a merchant. Some curious folks stopped to listen to him as he went on about how the world was full of dangers and that these were terrible times. If only there was a way to ensure one's health or safety! Fortunately, the listeners were in luck–he and his brethren happened to have something that could ward the body against evil and misfortune. There were even testimonials from the less fancily dressed individuals who seriously believed that what the silly-hatted man said was true. Normally Shiloh would roll her eyes and walk the other way with plans to make their lives difficult later. But then he held up a 'good luck charm' high for all to see.

"Yes yes, my brothers and sisters! The great god of wealth and fortune came to me in a dream, entrusting me with a sacred vow. Too few know of their greatness, and too few have known to call upon them for aid. 'It pains my heart to see my children suffer so! Rahadiin, you must tell them the secret which I have imparted to you so that they may live well and prosper!' And so I said, 'What must I do, O Honored One?' They then whispered to me, and drew upon my hand a sign. This holy sign is the mark that their eye watches over you! But be warned, the spirits of darkness and evil are afoot. They have clouded your minds so that you would live your lives unknowing! Now that I have shared this secret with you, they will no doubt to anything in their power to make you forget! That is why you must take these charms my brethren and I have crafted. Please do not tarry, for the charms we possess are few. Do not wait until misfortune has fallen to hold regrets! For a small sum of a few coins, you can protect yourself and those you love." 

Handing out little tassels of beads and string, at the very end of those trinkets was a piece of metal with the symbol of Antikythera. Those same symbols in garish colors were hanging off of the devout and the loud man, like a nose ring on a cow. She could feel the hair on the back of her neck begin to rise as her teeth clenched together. And things only got worse as she saw people actually step forward to  drop money into a metal pot in exchange for the good luck charms. There we two kinds of people she hated the most: swindlers and those who broke their promises. Now she was going to add another type to the list: those who used her name as a deity to swindle gullible individuals. "…Looks like someone's going to die today." She muttered under her breath as she started advancing towards the crowd.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
The child had never expected to get this far in life. Her education could rival some of the top royals and she had earned more silver than many got to see in a lifetime. Dala's life had quickly become difficult to balance with her teachings, trips, and spending time with her family and friends. Yet she always seemed to manage. Today was one of those earning money days and she had come across a particular gem of a job. A cowardly noblewoman had purchased a charm of luck that had the symbol of a god on it. Unsurprisingly the charm was useless and she had the worst luck of her lifetime. Yet the noblewoman was too afraid to do something as drastic as assassination and swindling were one of those crimes that were difficult to track down. Dala arrived at the right time and place to offer to help with that little problem. At first, the noblewoman was hesitant since the girl was a child but after some convincing, she agreed to let her take on the job.

It would be simple. All Dala had to do was cause some trouble for the swindler. It could be anything from pulling childish tricks to theft to being rude. As long as she was able to do something in revenge for the lost silver. It didn't take long for Dala to find this swindler and identify him through the rubbish charms he was selling. With a mischievous grin, Dala set to work. She snuck through the crowd that had gathered and made her way towards the swindler himself. She was small and fairly difficult to notice, so even his allies didn't spot her.

She reached out and pulled down the swindler's pants in front of the giant audience that had gathered. The child snatched his weird hat and dodged his attendants who were trying to stop her from causing more chaos. Dala rushed up to the pot of money and pulled her leg back for a good kick, hitting it as hard as she could. The pot went flying and the coins they had collected scattered into the audience. None of the audience attempted to stop her, as they all saw her as an unruly child rather than any sort of threat. If she was an adult, the situation would have played differently.

Still holding onto the strange man's hat, Dala hopped up onto a conveniently placed crate and placed the hat on her own head. The child posed dramatically and began a little speech in a mocking tone of voice.

"MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!" She began dramatically, "A god of luck whispered things into my ear about saving the world or something. I totally want to help you! Don't ask why a god wouldn't just give out the charms themselves. Do not ask why an ALL POWERFUL DEITY would make YOU pay for THEIR little trinkets! In fact, do not ask why I make you pay for them at all instead of giving them out for free! It's not like a GOD has ANY MONEY to pay me for this kind of service! Truly they are as poor as the rabbits on the fields!"

At every moment she was doing her best to make a complete mockery of the man and his attendees. While she was doing this, an audience gathered around her and began wondering why a deity would make them pay for salvation instead of giving it for free. They whispered amongst themselves while the swindler was trying to regain his lost composure. Once she was done with her little speech, she dropped the hat into a patch of mud just so the swindler couldn't wear it again.

"I wouldn't buy such an ugly charm anyway! Even a cross-eyed crow could make a better trinket!" Dala shouted at the swindler, wanting to make him angry.

If the audience saw him lose his temper, they would quickly become cautious of him. Nothing made people more scared than when others started displaying their temper. She stuck her tongue out at him for good measure.

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Before she could give the dressed-up con man a piece of her mind, a small child darted into the crowd and started causing trouble. Public humiliation, swiping his dumb hat, and sending the 'donations' flying were just a small taste of some well-deserved comeuppance. And her little speech made some good jabs at the whole scam too. It was almost enough to make Shiloh feel better. Almost. She noticed a flash of anger in the man's eyes that left as soon as it came. It was so quick that if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss it. She was sure this was some sort of fraudulent scheme, but the head of the operation wasn't going to back down so easily. If he could be knocked down by an unruly street urchin, he'd gone out of business long ago. The man was a sly old dog, and he kept his temper under wraps. Instead of berating the kid for being a brat, he simply put on a smile and walked over to the dirtied hat now stained with mud. His devoted lackeys quickly started gathering up the collections while he turned to dispel the doubts of the crowd. 

"It seems the foul spirits will not let us be. Even now they are willing to use an innocent child to carry out their wicked purpose! Do not be alarmed, fellow faithful. Although these trinkets are humble, it is all according to the great god's design. The god delights in fair exchange and detests underhanded dealings. The cost of these charms is but a pittance to the cost of recovering from misfortune! Gracious as they are, they have chosen to give the people the power to choose. What sort of god would force piety and goodwill into your hands? You may accept their blessings, there is no one stopping you. I raise my hands in supplication for those who are still blind to their great goodness." 

The man and his clothed cultists withdrew from the market, leaving the crowd in confusion. A few who had gotten so caught up in his impromptu save of face from the child's disruption made some last minute purchases fearing they wouldn't have another chance. "Saed Rahadiin! Oh, please forgive my doubts! Please, allow me to take a charm to protect my cattle. The evil spirits have been attacking my poor animals and they have fallen ill with sickness!" The 'holy' man faced an aged herder and handed him a charm as the man extended a hand with coin. Before the herder could take his purchase, Shiloh snatched it. "AH! What are you doing?!"  Suppressing her desire to knee the robed man below his belt, the deity of fortune herself looked over the cheap trinket. "So you say this little thing can give somebody luck? Seems awfully flimsy to me." The old man desperately tried to take it from her hands, but she refused to let him. "Don't bother with this piece of scrap, it's not even magical. I'll give you the amount of money you spent to buy it, so don't bother buying another one again."  

Having a second interruption in the same day was starting to get to Rahadiin. First an unruly brat and now a foreigner. Skeptics were always the hardest to sell to, but he had ways to change their minds. Feigning shock and dismay, the fraud became aghast at the sight of the 'unbeliever'. "By the god's graces! Young woman, I fear you are in great danger! A dark cloud follows you, and it aims to take your life! I beseech you, heed my warnings–for I foresee a terrible misfortune will befall you. If you do not act quickly, your very life will be beset by disaster!" There was a long silence as she stared back at the man with a deadpan expression. "Really? Well those 'evil spirits' are a little too late for that if you ask me. They sure took their sweet time if they're acting now." The man muttered some sort of mantra as if invoking his so-called god's divine mercy. "Please, take that charm. Your situation is so truly dire that accepting an offering is of little consequence."

"No thanks. I don't want it." Handing it to the old man she had intercepted, she pretended to walk away while she listened to the people pack up and leave. As she focused to isolate the surrounding noise, she heard the holy man curse under his breath. "Stingy foreigner scum…"

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
She frowned the second she heard him call her an innocent child. Those two words always irritated her since they always meant one thing. They thought she was an idiot. Being a brat didn't work and she knew going against the law would only cause greater trouble to herself and the noblewoman who was paying her. Dala hopped down from the crate when she saw another person start to question the sly old swindler. He made a great big deal about a dark cloud of evil, something Dala almost laughed at. Evil came from people, not spirits. Anybody with half a brain knew that. But a portion of the crowd was taken in by his bad acting and the child realized she would need to be more proactive about this mission.

The young woman who was questioning the swindler earlier turn away and start to walk away as the people began to pack up and leave. It seemed she had an alley in this mission. Dala watched the woman from a hiding place behind a barrel for a few moments before walking up behind her. She walked to the woman's side and looked up at the stranger.

"Don't suppose you plan on causing trouble for them, do you?" Dala asked quietly with a mischievous smile, "If you are, I want in. He made this personal when he called me an innocent child."

Her temper mixed with the possibility of payment was more than enough for the child to start getting involved in these things. On her own she might be able to harass them until they get mad…but that was a long-term commitment. If she wanted to work for that long for that much silver she could have easily gotten a job or an apprentice position. Dala looked up towards the woman and held up a charm to the lady. 

"I swiped it when he wasn't looking." Dala explained, "I wouldn't pay for this garbage. But maybe we can figure out where it is getting made?"

She didn't mind the idea of a little criminal activity now and then.

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
The kid from earlier caught up to her, and asked if she had any plans on dealing with the fraud and his cronies. The girl wasn't too keen on letting the man get away with his patronizing attitude. When the blonde girl showed her one of the luck charms that were being sold, the sight of Antikythera's symbol accurately displayed made her eye twitch. "Oh I'm not planning on causing trouble–I'm planning on putting them out of business." Shiloh said with an edge to her voice. Placing the stolen charm in her hand, she stared as her hand closed on it and began slowly began crushing the trinket between her fingers. She snapped out of it, and stopped after realizing what she was doing. "…Lost my train of thought for a moment. For a second I swore I saw that man's face in it." For now she had to keep her emotions under control. She could wait, yes. She could wait until she had enough evidence to shut down the fake religious operation for good. Finally answering the girl's question, she agreed. "That's a good idea. Tracking them down won't be hard, but I want to see just what sort of 'misfortune' is supposed to come for not having a charm on me. This thing isn't magical, so how do you think that'd be possible?"

From her past experience with religion-based persecution, cults are only as strong as the person who's running the show. Tricks disguised as miracles and placebo concoctions were the staple of snake oil salesmen. Add onto that a little more charisma and some vague ideals to give the lost something to hold onto–and you've got yourself a nice little following who'd be willing to die on command. The mere thought of it made her want to vomit. Even worse when said leader and those in the upper hierarchy were leeching money from the lower levels too. Just like the girl, this was now personal. They used the symbol of the Machinarium without permission–and for fraud no less. She wasn't going to let that go.

The reason why Shiloh didn't want to track down the source of the charms right away was because she wanted to test a hypothesis. Saed Rahadiin was so convinced that he was on a divine mission that she wondered if there was a reason why he seemed so certain that a skeptic like her would change their tune. "Say, if you tell somebody something and they don't believe you no matter how many times you try to convince them–what would you do?" She asked the young girl. For some reason this kid seemed awfully familiar. Give or take some time, she'd be able to figure out why.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
Dala had never helped in shutting down a business but it sounded fun. Besides, she would have to deal with cultist behaviors like these when she created her own kingdom. She would need experience in learning how to deal with these situations. The child watched as Shiloh began to slowly crush the trinket in her hand before she suddenly stopped. Dala glanced at the charm's symbol and something connected in her mind, but she kept her mouth shut. That was for later. Right now she needed to focus on her job and leave those strange realizations for later.

"They'd probably do somethng to cause that bad luck." She commented.

She had seen the damage cults could do on her travels. People who barely owned anything at all offered their money in hopes of something better. The cultist owner would be some predatory vile person who fed off of the fear and pain of others. Besides the payment she would recieve and the fact the man had called her innocent, this cult was exactly the type of thing she hated. The cult leader would do whatever he pleased and torment all trapped in their web. This was unforgiveable. Suddenly the young woman asked her what she would do to convince people.

"Depends on the person I guess. I'd try to show them I suppose." Dala said with a thoughtful look on her face, "Or I would find someone tha person respects and get them to knock some sense into that person."

The child realized what the young woman was getting at and quickly stopped talking. She put her hands behind her back and made a little signal to a little hidden dragon, covered in soot and coal. The dragon was originally gold in her color but the color stood out too much. So Dala had her dragon covered in coal to hide its colors and always had Charise around in case of any danger. The dragon took the signal and found a new place to hide while still keeping the two of them in sight.

"I have a flying friend hiding." Dala explained in a quiet voice to Shiloh, "We can have her scout the area if we need it. So whats the plan, boss?"

She had always wanted to call someone boss. It was cool when characters did it in books and legends. The child thought she sounded very tough saying that. And besides, this woman claimed she would take down the entire business. She had to have a proper plan in mind. And if she didn't, then improvisation was always on the table. The child looked up at the woman with a cheeky grin.

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Shiloh smiled when the girl caught her drift. Looks like they'd be working together after all. The kid was sharp and had another set of eyes acting as a lookout. It was time to make some plans, but first they needed to set a trap. Having practiced using telepathy, she felt more confident in using it within a short distance. A voice spoke in the girl's mind in the same tone and pitch to make it clear it was her. 'Let's set a trap to catch a rat. First, let's find a place to stay. If things go without a hitch, we'll only need to spend one night. We can work on the rest as we go.' There was a reason why she wasn't taking action right away. Shiloh didn't want their plans to be overheard, and it'd be easier to tell if they were being eavesdropped if they went to a more private location. If her hunch was right, then they had nothing to worry about in broad daylight. Finding a modest inn, she rented a room for a one-night stay. The room she chose was one that had only two points of entry: the door and the window looking over the street. 

When it was just the two of them alone, Shiloh carefully checked the room for anything suspicious. "It's been a while since I've stayed in a room like this. Beats being on the road all the time." While she stretched and looked like she was winding down to relax, she continued talking to Dala using telepathy. 'The room's safe as far as I see it. We're going to set the trap here in this very room. That smooth-talking hustler probably won't assume that we're working together since we just met today, so we'll use that to our advantage. From what people can see, I'm just a traveler who decided to help out an urchin. Based on the way he acted earlier, I'm very sure that he'll be targeting me instead of you. Some people don't take rejection well.'

She explained her plan for the night. Working on the assumption that she would be the swindler's main target, they could create a situation where it looked like she was alone to give an opportunity to strike. They also needed a way to make sure Dala wouldn't get hurt too–con men had a tendency to be petty. 'Instead of wasting our time looking for them, we'll let them come to us. Once the 'misfortune' shows itself, we can track them down more easily. I'll let you borrow a few things to avoid getting caught in case they're more ruthless than expected. First, I'll give you a cloak that'll turn you invisible. The second will be an enchanted brooch that can heal somebody no matter how bad their injuries are. You can pretend you have something to do outside the room and use the cloak to hide while we both wait for it to show up. The brooch is just a back up plan.' If it wasn't clear already, by this point Shiloh was implying that she was expecting to be attacked. 

As she took out the tattered cloak that had the brooch hidden in it, Shiloh gave Dala a small grin. 'When you want to catch something, you need the right bait.'

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
At first, Dala was a little surprised by the voice in her head but she quickly got used to it. This wasn't the first time she had experienced this kind of thought communication. Simone had talked with her in a similar way anytime they were worried about who was listening in on their conversations. The voice was obviously the young woman next to her and the plan itself seemed like it would be fun. The child nodded to the woman and followed her off to their next location. They would be spending the night in town in an inn and the best part was she wouldn't have to waste any of her money on paying for the room. Meanwhile, her hidden dragon was subtly following their movements and keeping up with them while staying out of sight. If anybody was watching them, they wouldn't notice her dragon friend.

When they arrived in the room, she walked over to the window and opened it with a big smile. The view from the window oversaw the street and the child subtly looked for ways a person would be able to enter the room. There were roofs and several water pipes to climb up so she didn't doubt any potential intruders would have any difficulties. The child whistled a little tune, that to anybody else would just be a little childish song. But to Charise, her dragon, it was a list of instructions. The child had come up with this system after an assassination attempt. She made up a subtle way to communicate her to her dragon without letting in on anyone else. Certain tunes were associated with certain instructions. A faster tune with a fast beat meant, stay alert, and watch. While another slower tune could mean, take a nap and rest.

Dala then began fiddling with the window, even bringing out a thin piece of rope and a nail. After she was done, she walked away from the window and continued listening to the woman's instructions. The window itself was open just enough to let a person in but closed enough so it wouldn't look suspicious. The child closed the curtains then looked over to her friend with a smile.

'Don't mess with the window. I have it rigged so after a person climbs through it, the window will shut. I figured we wouldn't want our rats escaping.'

For a moment the child was about to protest to using such items. But she bit her tongue and didn't say a word mentally or physically. Shiloh wasn't calling her weak but merely providing her with a way to not get into trouble. This was a closed off area with few places to scatter off into. Her usually strategy of hiding, fighting, then hiding again wouldn't work here. The child simply nodded and took the cloak, but didn't wear it quite yet. She would use it when the time came.

"We should get to bed. There's going to be a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
Dala said, trying to make a casual conversation, "Let me help."

'Rats won't attack unless they think you're vulnerable. You are way too tense in both behavior and appearance.'

The child gently tried to guide Shiloh to sit on the bed. Then Dala hopped up on the bed and brought a brush from her bag. She carefully unraveled the braid and let loose Shiloh's strands of hair. Using the brush, she carefuly cleared out any tangles and made sure that it looked nice.

'Maybe I'll have such pretty hair when I'm older.'

She froze, realizing she accidentally mentally spoke that part. Creating a line between personal thoughts and mental speaking was difficult, especially for longer periods of time. They all seemed to meld together. The child tossed the brush in her bag and stood up, looking at her work and trying to ignore that moment of embarressment. Having the hair down helped but there was something still wrong.

'Relax your shoulders. You look like a soldier and rats don't attack soldiers.'

Dala knew what rats looked for. When she wasn't a victim, she played the part of a rat herself. Using tricks, lies, items, and anything else that could get her out of a difficult situation. She could squeeze her way out of trouble and into trouble like lightning. The child had goals of queenship but at the end of the day, she was still a rat. The child looked at Shiloh for a moment then nodded her head.

'Much better. Try getting in bed and pretend to read a book or something. The more relaxed you look, the more likely they are to attack. I'll be with you the entire time so don't  be scared! If they try anything funny I'll bite their ankles!'

"I gotta go pee." Dala said suddenly and bolted out the door.

The child put on the cloak and used it to vanish. She slowly crept back into the room and stayed in one of the corners, watching and waiting.

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
'Got it.' Even if the window trap didn't stop them from leaving, it would give a good psychological hit. The fear of being trapped could freeze up even the most experienced people, buying a few seconds they could use to their advantage. The kid and her were on the same wavelength, with the girl following up by saying things aloud that their potential stalkers might want to hear. She was right though, Shiloh had always been tense. Even when people told her she didn't need to be. Taking some slow breaths, Shiloh tried to shift her focus onto something that could make her body relax intentionally. An image of Niall came to mind, and that did the trick. Whenever she thought of the little guy, she couldn't get mad. Her shoulders loosened up, posture slouched a bit and became less rigid. The kid accidentally spoke her mind across the telepathic link, and there was a slight pause in the brushing. Messaging back, Shiloh replied: 'I'm sure you will. Where I come from, blonde hair is very popular.' People did have a tendency to prefer blondes, no matter what world you were from.

There was a small chuckle when the girl called her a soldier. 'A soldier, huh? That's the first time anyone's ever said that.' The chuckle became a grin as the kid went on. Biting someone's ankles reminded her of the times she'd latched on like a bulldog and refused to let go. 'Alright. Let's see what they've got.' Once Dala left the room, she flopped on her back. Letting out a sigh, she then rolled over so her back faced the window. It wasn't a position she was comfortable being in, but it was like blood in shark-infested waters. When someone's back was turned, it would be the best chance to strike. And they fell for it.

When the sounds of the girl's footsteps disappeared, there was a long silence. For what felt like hours, there was no other noise aside from Shiloh's breathing. Then, she felt something enter the room from the window. There was the sound of muffled movement and she felt an overwhelming sense of danger. Her eyes flying open, she quickly threw herself onto the ground, narrowly dodging a stab. In her tuck and roll, she had pulled off the blanket along with her. Throwing it up as a distraction, she dashed to the opposite side of the room. A tattered humanoid figure covered in cloth turned to lunge at her, and she ducked down to slide away. Shiloh had her hand on one of the amenities in the room when she realized she probably shouldn't use it as an improvised weapon. The thing swung at her and she was confident that she was out of its reach when something grazed the skin on her forearm.


Something cut her. What was it? There was no enchanted projectile. No obvious changes in the air currents for wind magic. No hidden or concealed weaponry that extended in that moment. The figure was dressed in lots of loose cloth to make it harder to see when and where it would hit. She didn't see it, but she knew it was there. Choosing dodge instead of countering the attacks, Shiloh kept moving as she tried to figure out what had just happened. It had to be something sharp, something small. But even so, how come she didn't see it? Overturning a chair to block another swing, she noticed the same type of thin gash appear on the wood with no traces of magic. So it was a weapon, a physical one that was hard to see. It wasn't being hidden by magic, so that could be one other possibility.

"…Rahadiin, you sly dog." Glass needles. When the 'assassin' tried to swing at her again, this time she swung back–partially transforming her arms into metal. Before her fist reached the enemy, there was the sound of something snapping with a crack. There was a pricking sensation before small fragments of clear glass fell to the ground. It didn't matter if they were poisoned, her body could handle that. With her body partially transformed, it would temporarily stop the spread of anything that had coated the glass needles. Realizing it had bitten off more than it could chew, the humanoid figure tried to escape through the window only to find it wouldn't open like before. If they pushed harder it might have done so, but they quickly turned to flee in the opposite direction. By now Shiloh had a wakizashi in her hand and slashed at it before it reached the door. "DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" She shouted to Dala. If the harbinger of 'disaster' escaped, they could still tail them, but it would be even better if they caught them here and now.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

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Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
While Shiloh waited for the stalker on the bed, Dala quietly reached into her bag that was hidden underneath the shawl. She took a piece of rope and found a nail sticking out of the wall a few inches away from the door entrance towards the floor. Making certain she wasn't visible, she tied the rope to the nail and waited. Shiloh was doing perfectly, Dala doubted that any rat would be able to resist attacking now. There were moments of silence and the child grew worried that she had been too loud or that the rat was too clever for their trick.

The sound of Shiloh hitting the ground alerted the child to the fact the rat had taken the bait. Still invisible, she dashed to the other side of the doorway and held the rope on the other side. With her free hand, she grabbed a snare from her bag, one that she normally used for large fat rabbits or particularly big foxes. Slams and sounds of fighting came from inside the room. Every part of Dala was screaming to run in there and fight, not just waiting outside the door. But she knew she had to stay exactly where she was, else let the doorway be unguarded. She gritted her teeth as she heard the sound of something snapping and something being scattered across the room.

Then she heared the man running towards her. She held up the rope as tightly as she could. The humanoid man ran for the door but their feet tripped over the rope and he fell onto the floor. Before he had a chance to stand up. Dala slammed herself onto his back, having her elbows hit a part of the back that seemed vulnerable. She moved fast and shoved the snare over the humanoid's head. The humanoid felt a wire tighten around their neck and though it wasn't enough to kill them, there wouldn't be enough room for the humanoid to slip out. The child held the other side of the noose tightly and sat on the humanoid's back.

"Make any sudden moves or even try to escape, and this snare will cut your throat. You'll be dead before you even make it to the stairs."
Dala warned.

The dangerous part was if the humanoid ignored her warnings. She wouldn't let the end of the snare go and if they struggled too much, the snare would tighten around the humanoid's throat. Dala sat carefully on the humanoid's back and looked up towards Shiloh with a smirk. Then, realizing she was invisible still, she decided to mentally send Shiloh a message.

'Snares are useful for people too. If you can get the right size and get it around their neck, that is. So whats the plan now, boss?'

The sound of the commotion probably had brought some ears to listen. It wouldn't be long before one of the bartenders or innkeepers decided to check out what was happening or what had caused the sounds. Dala didn't want to deal with an innkeeper and she knew that they would be less forgiving about the situation, even if the humanoid looked weird.

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