Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Dala, Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:39 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

"Dala Asher Balato is my name. As long as you get it done, I don't care how long it takes." Dala said letting go of his hand, "His business is in slavery so I'd reckon to start there if you wanna get more info."

Now Marcov would have to watch his back. For once she wouldn't be hunted without any retribution. And once that bastard was dead, she wouldn't have to worry about hiding anymore. Her father's enemies might target her but then again, if Lewis knew nothing about her then it appeared she was doing a good job at staying low. Now she wouldn't have to worry about watching her back half as much. She whistled for her snake who came slithering back. Dala knew Emerald wouldn't abandon her like that and was waiting to see what would happen.

"There you are emerald. Lets get you patched up." Dala said before looking back at Lewis, "I tend to head back to the temple on weekends if you need to talk again. And whatever I said stays with us. I don't want dad to get involved with my fights. It'll just cause more issues."

She didn't want to have her dad fight her battles. It was different with Lewis since this was a deal. But with her dad, it felt wrong to have him take on her issues, no matter what they were.

"I'd better get back to my inn. See ya later." Dala said keeping her snake close.

She gave Lewis a quick wave then went off, as though nothing had happened. As though she wasn't a mess and that all of this was perfectly normal to her. Just another day in the life of Dala.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:39 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

For her being so young, this ‘Asher’ had a surprising amount of intel on Marcov. He graciously took the hair that was offered, as well as the deal that she made. It was rather telling that Lord Raith had adopted her. She had the same kind of spirit that he looked for in most of his circle.

“Very well,” he replied finally. “I’ll take care of Marcov, though don’t expect results anytime soon.” Dae had taught him that lesson a long time ago. ‘Cut the head off the snake’ rarely applied when it came down to syndicates like the one that Marcov had. Dismantling it would take quite some time.

“When we meet again, maybe we should have a talk under better circumstances.” Lewis held out his hand. She may have been a child, but she still deserved the same respect that he gave others when they’ve earned it. “Lewis Dusk.”

This Marcov has made a mistake. He won’t like where this ends…

Author: Dala, Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:35 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

The frustration died down and she now had a big issue to worry about. Marcov. After all these years, the bastard was still after her. The child couldn't complete quests or jobs if he was always on her tale. He was the last one who really knew anything about her past who would use it against her. Now she doubly wanted him dead. Before, she just vaguely wanted his head on a pike but now she was going to make sure that happened. Lewis knelt down and began asking her where this Marcov person was. The child had a grin on her face.

"Uptown part of the city. He would have came here to make sure you got the job done properly. Look for a large noble house over caves or nearby any underground caves." She explained in great detail, "Marcov's guards are paid off but paid off well. Marcov uses a fortune to make them loyal so paying them off won't be easy. His slaves will be too scared to betray him. It's been two years since I was that guy's slave, so I don't know if he even keeps his slaves around him anymore."

The child reached out to her knife and chopped off a small part of her hair. After tying it with a ribbon, she handed it over to Lewis.

"I'm guessing he asked for my hair? He used to burn hair it in the fire to imagine the death of his enemies." Dala said nonchalantly, "If you kill him, none of this will ever get out to my dad. Deal?"

She held up her hand to Lewis to let him shake. There wasn't any official contract but Dala was always true to her word and the threat of Raith was more powerful than any silver coin could be. There wasn't any anger about the attempt assassination. Marcov was too important of a threat to get rid of and holding onto old grudges wasn't worth it if she could get rid of that disgusting vile man.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:30 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

The fact that his target blatantly spoke from her hiding point made Lewis pause. In his entire career of being an assassin, not once had he heard his mark give away their location so willingly. Furthermore, the child scrambled out of her hidey hole, her face mirroring that of an irate Lord Raith.

The irony of that statement would soon be apparent.

She produced a small, golden egg for Lewis, which had a strange scene on repeat on display. Lewis had heard of these trinkets…a magical device that let one relive fond memories in times of despair. While the assassin had no real use for one, he could not deny that the artifact was genuine, nor that it produced a scene to which Lewis had only one reply.


He looked down at the child, and again at the cherished memory. He had heard of Lord Raith adopting a child, but had been too busy to ever meet said child. I can at least…say we’ve met now. His eye twitched. It was entirely possible that Lord Raith would kill him.

But not before he killed Marcov. There was now ay that the benefactor wouldn’t have known. Still, tot he girl, Lewis had just been standing there, staring with a dead eye’d look at the memory.

Should probably say something.

“So you’re the run-….kid he adopted,” Lewis said, curbing his language. “I’d definitely say that you have excellent survival skills…” He knelt down, looking her in the eye. “But I think you and I need to have a chat about this…Marcov.” There was an edge in his voice. “For instance…where he happens to lay his head…”

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:59 AM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

The assassin spoke out directly to her, making her aware he knew where she was. And he used her middle name…the connection with Marcov was obvious the moment he'd gone after her but now it was confirmed. She wrapped her hand around the wring, ready to hide for however long she needed. Alairia and Raith had given her that ring in case Emerald and her own defenses had fallen. The ring would take her to a pocket dimension where she could hide until danger passed. Using it would mean she'd have to stay in the pocket dimension for hours upon hours, as assassins didn't give up easily even if their target had vanished. The last five assassins had taught her that. Just as she was about to hide, the man said something surprising.

"Wait what." She said in a deadpan tone.

The child was shocked. This dude claimed to be a protégé, whatever that meant, of her dad?! Stopping what she was doing, Dala reached into her bag again for the golden egg and climbed her way out of the hole. Dirt covered her face and her simple clothes were a mess. But her face had an annoyed look, as though Lewis had done something to really irritate her. She opened up the egg to show him a memory. That particular memory displayed Raith, Alairia, and Dala all snuggled together. The child pointed at the moving image of her father and looked up to the assassin.

"Are you talking about this guy? My fucking dad?!" She asked, "This is an memory egg. It shows me one of my most cherished memories."

The child allowed him a better look to ensure he knew what was up. Once she realized that he was working for her dad the entire time, she realized that this entire cat and mouse game had been for nothing. There was never any real danger. A misunderstanding could have lost her hours of her precious time! Dala face-palmed with her open hand and then put the golden egg in her bag.

"This entire time I thought I was running from a legitimate threat and it turns out to be one of my dad's workers!" The child was really pissed now and she looked him directly in the eyes, "I'm guessing Marcov sent you. My dad's enemies barely know what I look like or where I ever go. So there's only one other asshole who'd even have a reason to send trouble."

She was less angry at Lewis and more angry at Marcov for tricking one of her dad's people. It was one thing to get killed by a random stranger. But by a coworker of her dad? That was just embarrassing.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:27 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

It did not take long for the puppet of a snake to find the target, and reported back with due haste. Lewis smiled. This wouldn’t take too long after all.

“It was a fun run after all,” he said aloud, nearing the hiding spot that the poor, unfortunate child had chosen. Still, it was smaller than he could really fit in comfortably. Oh what it was to be a child. Those were the days, running and hiding, instead of fighting.

“I’ll give you one chance…” Lewis said confidently. “Come out and face your death with courage, Asher! I’ll make it quick! I promise…” The assassin smiled cruelly. The world was not a happy place. There were plenty that deserved to die horrible deaths, but a child? The least he could do was make it quick and painless. After all, he had done so many times without the knowledge of Xeik. Those poor children who had been used up…the ones that they could not save. Death was a better release for them than trying to survive…

“I swear on my honor as the protégé of Lord Raith that I’ll make your death nice and painless!”

Author: Dala, Posted: Wed Sep 9, 2020 9:47 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

She could hear his footsteps and the phrase seek her out, as he hadn't been far from her spot. The snake had slithered into a hole covered up by bricks but had found a way to squeeze through. Dala didn't notice the snake, she instead was searching through her purple bag that had been tied tightly onto her belt. Her roughed up hands pulled out two things from the back. One was a silver ring with three magical blue stones and the other was a golden egg. She moved further away from the entrance and quietly opened up the egg. She hid it under the bag to keep the light from escaping and put her head under the bag.

Opening up the egg, she saw her favorite memory. The day she met Raith and Alairia. They called her a little wolf and opened up their home to her, even though she thought she'd be the last person they would ever care about. The memory continued, showing her mom's comforting smile and her dad's warm embrace. Things she would fight against the world to return to. Nobody could stop her. Everything in her body told her to survive. Not just for herself but for them too. In the end she'd do anything for her parents. Closing the egg, she tucked it away into her bag.

The child slipped the magical ring onto her left hand and quietly waited. The snake would be able to find her quickly and be able to report back to Lewis. But there was one last ace up her sleeve. She hadn't wanted to use it, as the magical ring required magical charging once it was used for more than nine hours. And she also wanted to eat a proper supper. But if she had to wait the rest of the day to avoid death, she would do so. The other consequence was that there was a possibility her bag might end up left behind. She didn't want to lose the memory container.

But life was more important. She needed to make new memories. Dala gritted her teeth and waited to see what the predator would do next. Her determination was strong as was her will for survival. There was no way she'd be taken down by some random assassin. She was too cool for that! Dala was silent as she prepared for whatever may come next.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Wed Sep 9, 2020 8:29 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

Lewis clicked his tongue as the girl’s snake took the blow, but this was only a minor setback. For a moment, he thought the girl was going to stand and fight. He threw his make-shift rope dart again, but instead of dodging, she darted into the nearest alleyway. For a runt, she was quite fast. But Lewis grew up on the streets, surviving as a thief, and knew very well how a scared rat would move.

He darted after here, having to clear a part of the street before he could get to the alleyway. Damn, she has a lead… Still, he caught just a glimpse as she sprinted down the next street. That was all he needed, He dashed after her, attempting to close the gap as he drifted into the next street. He was barely keeping up with her even with his speed. Every new turn down a street or alley required a quick memorization and route plan to get through.

He had no doubt that this was what it was on the receiving end when he was in Hoja. The kid was just like he was..a survivor. It was a shame that she had to die.

It was when he saw her scamper underneath the wooden fence that he skid to a halt. He cursed under his breath, panting. No matter… He took a deep breath, and then looked up. He jumped, kicking off the wall and somersaulted over the fence, landing with the grace of a dancer.

He looked around, but saw no trace of the girl. But that was okay. She was running. He knew the whole deal. She would either try to hide him out, or go to a safe house of some kind. Either way, the method to find her was the same. He knelt down, and scanned the ground. Her footsteps were small and distinct. They weaved back and forth, as if dodging an invisible assault.


He stood up. Tracking her would be easy. He followed the trail to its stopping point, where there was a clear indentation of her footprints down a particularly run down alley. She stopped here. Which meant this was the area to look. Whether it was luck or cunning, though, the trail ended here, obfuscated by animal tracks. He sighed.

“What a pain.” He held out his hand, forming a small orb of darkness. “Seek her out…” With the basilisk from earlier in mind, a jet black snake coiled around Lewis’ arm, and dropped to the ground. As it coiled beneath Lewis, it seemed to think for a moment before slithering off into the first hole available.

Lewis walked over to the wall, leaning against it. It was a waiting game now…

Author: Dala, Posted: Wed Sep 9, 2020 2:01 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

Emerald, sensing the attack, moved Dala out of the way and took half of the blow. It hurt the snake but didn't kill it. Dala, now having recovered from the illusion, sheathed her weapons and inspected her basilisk. The snake could move but she didn't want it to fight anymore. Having a giant snake in the city and revealing weapons was a mistake on her part. Her anger had gotten the better of her and now Emerald paid the price.

"Emerald go back to Orme.
" Dala instructed, "You need a break from this. And don't tell dad anything. This isn't his fight."

Before the snake could respond, the child dashed off towards an alleyway. The kid knew this area well and could navigate her way around quickly. She knew she couldn't fight the assassin. Despite all her determination and training, she was still just a child. Her fighting abilities were strong but without physical strength and the agility of an adult, it was practically worthless. Her magic was useless as it was light magic. So running was the only option. Dala came across a large wooden fence and squeezed herself underneath it where a hole had been dug out. Now that her anger was suppressed, she was quick. Never staying in one spot and making her directions seem as random as possible to avoid hits from above. It was clear she was experienced in the art of fleeing. She had a lifetime of learning. Whether it was with dogs, people, monsters, or the unknown.

Finally she had found a good hiding spot. It was a small hole in the side of an old broken down brick building. The hole was connected to underneath the large building where the rats and snakes gathered. Dala had no hesitation. She dived into the hole and found some bricks to cover it up. The place wasn't glamorous. It smelled like shit and mold but it was momentarily safe. The animals were more scared of Dala and stayed away from the weird thing that had entered the hole. The truth was….Dala was no better than the rats and snakes that hid int he corners of the world. As much pride as she displayed, she still lived like a insignificant worm.

The child silently waited to hear the footsteps of the predator outside, holding her breath and holding so still that not a soul could hear her. She felt her own heartbeat but tried to stay as calm as possible. A spider crawled along her hand and made its way back to its web while she could feel the forgotten shards of glass on the edge of her ankles. The area was dark and humid but she still stayed quiet.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Tue Sep 8, 2020 2:19 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

Humans make no sense, was Lewis’ first thought. The concept of rage in its purest form causing such a scene was, quite frankly, almost cringe worthy to watch. The assassin almost felt sorry for those who fell to such easy jabs at their fragile mental state…but he had a job to do. The fact that it was a child meant nothing.

Lewis dropped to the streets behind the whole scene. The target was far too distracted to notice, so he dropped the pretenses of being overtly stealthy. It didn’t matter. A quick dash forward, and a stab through the basilisk into the child’s neck, and it would all be over.

But he hesitated. The over sized garden snake was an issue. If it were with his bow, it would be a quick and clean kill, but all he had was the punch blade for the actual assassination. His initial plan might work but a basilisk wasn’t something he had anticipated. Still, the child had broken the no weapon law. To anyone who might be watching, Lewis could be their savior. The perfect alibi.

Just go with it, he thought to himself as he pulled out his heavy coin pouch. It was tied at the end with his spare rope, which he let loose. The coin sack hit the ground with a thud as Lewis tested the weight. He slowly started to spin it around, letting it settle into a rhythm. And here we go.

With a skilled flick of his wrist, he launched the heavy sack at the child and basilisk, with every intent of yanking it back the moment it connected or missed. Blunt force trauma was the name of the game with this makeshift weapon.

Author: Dala, Posted: Mon Sep 7, 2020 10:03 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

The day had been going great until HE came along. Dala spotted his golden eyes immediately and that hideous scar that she despised. Her blood boiled at the sight of him and she leapt to her feet, daggers in hand to chase after the bastard. All thoughts of caution or safety were gone. Her only goal was to end him. End his life, take everything he owned, and to make sure he never returned. The child had no plans except to stab.

"Emerald!" She shouted loudly.

A green large basilisk slithered out from its hiding place in the sewers and made its way to Dala's side. The snake couldn't find the illusion or whatever Dala was angry at. Instead it kept by her side and seeing the world through a flicker of its tongue. Meanwhile the child was running towards Marcov at full force with her daggers drawn. It was foolish but that was what Emerald was for. To keep her out of any real danger.

"You piece of shit! Motherfucker son of a bitch little cunt stupid asshole!"
Dala yelled as she attempted to stab the illusion,

While Dala was attacking, Emerald was busily trying to sense the source of trouble. As a way to defend its young master, the basilisk wrapped around the child, effectively blocking her from easy ranged attacks. As a creature trained by Raith, it knew how to defend and was trained to be deadly. Meanwhile the girl was flailing around trying to get around Emerald.

"What are you doing?! He's right there!" She exclaimed, "LET ME STAB HIM!"

Despite her anger, she was being careful not to hit Emerald.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:23 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

As Lewis entered the room, he threw down his weapons and equipment onto the bed. Once the maid left, he started to unpack what he had. The weapons ban made things complicated, but not impossible. There were ways around it, and ways to conceal everything required to kill. The bow was out of the question, as it was large and hard to conceal. No, this would require a subtle approach.

First would be identifying the target. He already had an idea forming around that, and it required the use of a new tactic he had learned. Fear and hate. It was something he could use to goad others into becoming simple, predictable animals. Mortals, after all, were easy creatures to fool. One of Raith’s lessons.

Once she reacted, though. That was the caveat. The punch blade was the easiest method, but always a fallback as it left a trace. He would keep that as his last ditch effort. Poison would be the preferred method, but without knowledge of the target, he wouldn’t be able to prepare the correct dose, or find a method to slip it to them.

“Asher…” he muttered as he worked out a plan.

“Got it.” He smirked. The method was set. It would be easy enough to enact it. It wasn’t his usual style, but it had potential. After all, an assassin would have to learn to adapt…


The orphanage was not hard to find. Lewis had staked out the area early, and had found himself a nice place to hide up on the rooftops. One of the many things he had learned was how to bend the shadows to hill will, coaxing them to darken or stretch. It was surprising what people would do to avoid the darkness, and look away.

From the top, he held a decent view of the orphanage. Children playing, and caretakers scolding. It was a different life than he had held growing up, surviving on the streets. The world was a better palace for them. They had been luckier than most. But that wasn’t the main focus. No, it would be the target.

“Asher. Where are you…” The hour mark hit. People had come and gone, but if the information he had was good, she would be here. He closed his eyes, reaching out with his hand. Once more, he willed the shadows to work for him. Lord Raith had taught him quite a few tricks.

A wide spread illusion, created of the darkness. A haze of energy swarmed across those of the orphanage. In the distance, a shadow figure emerged in the streets, walking towards the orphanage. A tall, well dressed man with a scar across his right eye formed, clear as day. His piercing golden eyes could be seen clearly despite the harsh sun, his cold and unsettling stare almost perfectly imitated.

“Dance…” Lewis uttered. “Show yourself…”

Author: Dala, Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:16 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

The maid silently led Lewis towards the bedroom assigned for the assassin. She opened the door to the room and stood next to it. The interior was decorated with shades of brown, white, and black with a little dark blue. Intricately woven baskets hung up on the wall as decoration while large potted green plants decorated the room. The bed itself held five pillows but only two blankets. The heat in Namiba was hot and humid which led to less need to keep warm. A black stone table was up against the window with a simple black wooden chair next to it. There was a set of quills, paper, and ink available on the table. The window was unlocked and large enough to fit through. They were still on the first floor of the manor so it wasn't a long drop to the ground outside the window. A big wardrobe stood in the corner while the ground was covered in a rug made from the skin of a lion. The maid waited for Lewis to enter before entering herself. Once he was done looking around, she gave him a little bow then left. Whatever he did was up to him.


An hour passed and Dala was heading over to the orphanage she always visited while in Onnen. The little girl was covered with a brown cloak and had a backpack on her shoulders. To anybody else, she was just some poor traveler wandering around. She knocked on the door twice and the door opened to the orphanage head. The man smiled and called out for the other kids to come to the door to meet their friend. The main three she knew was a Twa eight year old, an Eket eleven year old, and a five year old Oromo. Dala handed out a gift to each of them and they took it with glee. The presents were each a toy along with some wrapped chocolate she got from a party.

"I just wanted that stuff off my hands."
Dala insisted, "I definitely don't care or anything."

"Nah you're a sweet pumpkin." The Twa said knowing it would annoy her.

"No way! I'm a cool warrior who stabs things!"
Dala declared.

"You're a little pumpkin! You're a little pumpkin!" The Eket and Twa shouted together.

"Okay that's it!" The little girl shouted then started to chase the other two around.

They chased each other around for a while before the orphanage owner told them to quit it and that the kids needed to go inside. Dala waved goodbye to them and sat down for a moment to catch her breath. She gazed at the sky for a moment, in deep thought about what she was going to have for dinner. Did she want chicken or noodles? That was the real hard question she needed to answer.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:38 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

As the maid led Lewis through the manor, he took note of potential escape routes. It was always the same, whether a thief or an assassin. Never back yourself into a corner. Escape was always an option, and often the first. Well, perhaps for a thief. Maybe it wasn’t always the same. Killing had become the first option. Death came swiftly for anyone who dared corner the assassin. It wasn’t long before Lewis was led to the room with the contact. The noble seemed almost annoyed that Lewis were here. From the few visual queues that he was given, Lewis assumed the man barely had a say in his cooperation.

This Marcov seems more dangerous than I thought. There was still no apprehension for the job, but Lewis did make a secondary note to investigate Marcov after the job was finished. There were a lot of dark dealings that Lewis would let slide, but there were a select few unforgivable sins that would be punished.

The letter was simple and to the point. At the end was the same phrase that Marcov had stated when they had met in person. Failure is not an option/ The young man scowled at the note. Not only was it condescending, but the threat behind it was an affront. Still, there were details about the note that seemed eerie. The note had been sealed, and from Lewis’ limited experience, the wax had been dry. It would have to be something researched…how long did it take to dry, and what are the signs of aging. But, regardless, the note was sealed, and yet it seemed to dictate a time that would be impossible to tell otherwise.

Marcov was steadily gaining intrigue. Lewis wondered if it was worth mentioning to Lord Raith, but pushed the thought aside. It would be something to discuss later. He set the note down, and looked to the lord of the house. He was offered food and shelter, the finest of rooms per Marcov’s instruction.

“It doesn’t matter what the room is, just as long as it has a functioning table,” Lewis stated, his voice near monotone. His face was stoic, and his eyes were barely focused on Faraji. He was already thinking about his next set of moves. The no weapons bit put a hamper on quite a few parts of his initial ideas, but it wasn’t the hardest thing to work around. Still, he was lucky that the only real weapon that he was seen with was the bow. If questioned, at worst he was an innocent hunter that had misunderstood the rules. Still, a costly mistake in the long run, and something he would have to consider going forward. His information on Onnen in general was severely limited.

“Please show me the way to a room. Past that, I need nothing else.” Lewis’ eyes focused for a brief moment on Faraji. The food would have been something to look forward to, but the young man had not survived this long on the kindness of others. Even if this man were completely loyal to Marcov…no, because he was loyal to Marcov, it would be foolish to accept any form of kindness.

Author: Marcov, Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:00 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

The door creaked open for Lewis and behind it stood a single servant. She gave him a single bow before silently beckoning him to follow her. The maid traveled through the hall and entered the room where Faraji was sitting. The maid gave Lewis another bow before closing the door, leaving the assassin alone in the room with Faraji. The noble gestured towards a seat before standing up. He placed a letter on the table. The letter was addressed from Marcov and was sealed with a symbol of a vulture, one of the family icons.

"That letter there should contain all you need." Faraji explained, "And I'd recommend hiding your weapons while walking around the city. There's a no weapon policy and its actively enforced."

The noble slumped back into his chair, tired of this already. He enjoyed fine luxuries, women, and balls. Not babysitting some assassin. But if it was the word of Marcov, then he dare not disobey. He knew exactly what happened to those who betrayed Marcov. Though his curious eyes was still on that letter addressed for Lewis. Who in the world needed to be taken out? Perhaps some powerful sorcerer or some spy who'd found out Marcov's secrets.

The letter read,

You will find the girl visiting the orphanage in an hour. She may go by the name of Asher, or some other name. Remember, a short blonde with scars around her wrists is what you're looking for. She is armed with two daggers but is physically weak. Whether she has been trained or not is uncertain, but it is certain you are stronger than her. Failure is not an option.


"If you need anything from me or my servant, inform us right away." Faraji said, "You will stay in our finest rooms and eat whatever you like. And feel free to take any weapons you want from our armory. Though, I'm certain you came prepared."

Author: Dusk, Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:12 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

Namiba was one of the more interesting locations in Onnen. As with every centralized trading towns, Namiba was a melting pot of the different tribes and clans of Onnen, and thus was a fantastic place to learn about the cultures of the newly found continent. While Lewis considered himself on the job, he couldn’t help but be interested in learning. After all, the more knowledge he had, the more capable he could be in his work.

From memory, he wound his way through the city streets, taking in the sights and information, until he found himself on the edge of town. The meeting location for the contact that Marcov had provided was a small manor, held by an individual named Faraji Keyon. There wasn’t any other form of identification given past the name and general location. The rest was for Lewis to figure out on his own.

Lewis was far from worried. He had come prepared for just about anything. He had his precious bow strapped across his back, with two sets of specialized quivers crossed on his hips. Strapped to his chest was a variety of different throwing knives, and wrapped in a cloth was a beautiful, sapphire blue blade that he had been gifted. It had yet to see blood, but it would be soon enough before it’s cool hue was shrouded in red. Lastly, he had a backpack strapped across his shoulder, opposite of the bow, with a variety of poisons.

The job would likely not require all of these tools, but when traveling abroad, it was always a smart idea to be prepared for anything. And, if Marcov was to be trusted (well, “trusted”), this place would be safe enough to act as a sort of home base while staying here.

He approached the manor, and dropped his bag, taking no time at all to knock. The sound fell short, but the assassin knew he would have been heard. Now it was just a waiting game.

Author: Marcov, Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:06 PM, Post Subject: The Assassin and The Girl [P][R]

On the edge of town was a small manor owned by a wealthy Makone. He was a large crocodile humanoid who wore a bright red tunic, darkened pants, and had two handaxes on his belt at all times. His fingers were covered in rings and his scent was of rich perfume. Currently he was sitting in the living room of the manor, waiting for a very special guest. Nobody else knew this guest was to arrive, only a few servants who lacked tongues to tell the tale and his wife. His wife was a Makone, like him, and his third wife. The last two were proven to be disloyal but he had faith in this one.

"Who is our guest today?" His wife inquired.

"A poor soul who got himself mixed up with Marcov." Faraji Keyon responded, "If he's lucky, the boy will fail his mission and they won't want him anymore."

"And we are getting involved because?" She questioned.

"Anyone from Marcov sent our way is going to be treated with the highest respect." Faraji said harshly, "That is all YOU need to know. Leave this room and go do whatever it is wives do."

His wife shut up after that and left the room. Faraji had just brought her in to explain why there would be a foreign guest. There was no intention of actually letting her see the assassin. At the back of the manor, the selected servants were waiting for the assassin's arrival. They hadn't been informed anything about him but they had no way of asking. Each of them were waiting with their hands at their sides. Once the boy arrived, they would bring them to the living room to meet with Faraji.

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