Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Thu Jul 2, 2020 1:24 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

The angel could not help but chuckle softly at Fen’s request of being at his wedding. She heard of half vampire children, those born from the union with a vampiric parent, typically grew to a full adult. However, children turned into a vampire typically did not grow any older than when their mortality perished. Raziel did not want to burst his bubble on this information just yet, and thus simply agreed to be there, making a mental note on how to break the news to him later.

When she inquired about his parents, Raziel instantly felt the mood shift. It was vastly different from the laughter and giggles from earlier. Now, it was as if a shadow descended upon them, weighing down specifically on Fenriz. He launched into his story. She could hear the sadness drip from his voice, the childish disappointment of not finding those he loved dearly. As he fell into silence, both wyvern and angel remained silent in empathic mourning. They both shared a quest with him where they found disappointment when searching for someone important.

It reassured the angel to know that he had found others like him, others who can show him that even though he was a feared creature of the night, they didn’t have to be the monsters' mortals shunned. They can be nice, kind, compassionate, and altogether good. Raziel’s eyebrow quirked at the word “weird”. Usually, that did not bode well. Fenriz was recognized as a member of his parents’ bloodline, their clan, and taken care of but essentially held prisoner. Unfortunately, the so-called generous stranger did not know where his parents were either.

Raziel felt the crumpled paper in her hands and began to smooth it out. ”Fenriz, even if I activated my eyesight, I still can’t read,” she giggled. ”Don’t look at me! Captive torture victims didn’t get the luxury to read, so I’m still learning myself.” With a knowing smile, Raziel reached into her pouch and pulled out a small orb. It fit comfortably in the palm of her hand. ”Viki?” The orb began to glow a soft blue and lifted from her hand, hovering over it. ”Good day, Raziel. You have completed all your appointments. Do you wish to set one for a future date?”

”No, Viki. I need you to read my letter for me.” Raziel replied. Viki the orb moved to hover over the letter, its soft light illuminating it. After a moment, Viki’s magical voice began to read the letter aloud.

"Attention Hawthornes,
Listen carefully! I have your son in my possession. He is safe and unharmed, and will remain so if you follow my instructions exactly. You must gather seventy five percent of all your valuables and coin in burlap bags. You must bring these bags to Crescent Plaza in Kurayo. In the Northwest corner, behind the Parvpora statue is a barrel. Place the bags into this barrel.

Once the task is complete, you must leave the Plaza. The next day, at noon, your boy will be found at the base of the fountain in the center. His life is in your hands, Hawthornes.”

Sanyi and Raziel both paled as they listened. ”Fenriz… The man who took you in… He wasn’t a nice man.” She wanted to take Fenriz and never let him leave her side again. It was one of the only ways she could think of to protect him from such monstrous acts. ”He wasn’t asking for money, he was demanding it… If they didn’t comply… He was going to kill you, Fenriz. You have to be more careful! Please, you must understand, not everyone who is nice is genuine. It can be a trick to get you to trust them, so they can do bad things.” Raziel blindly reached out for him. ”I don’t ever want to hear about anything awful happening to you, because I just love you too much. Promise me you’ll be more careful, that you’ll try to stay safe.”

Author: drbuck, Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:58 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

Much like Sanyi before her, Raziel seemed to have trouble eating as soon as he asked her a question. And just like with Sanyi, Fenriz found himself equally as confused by the reaction. Fortunately this time he was given a bit more elaboration. With a reddened face the angel tried to explain that it took far more time for two people to be reading for marriage, although Sanyi seemed to contradict it by promising they would be wed. Which of the two he was correct he couldn't say, but the interaction made him chuckle all the same.

Raziel pulled the boy in for a hug, which he accepted with little objection. He kept his arms around her for a while, allowing him both a moment of serenity and a chance to collect his thoughts. When they separated, he smiled widely at her.

"When you get married, I wouldn't miss it for the world! No hunting necessary" he placed a particular emphasis on the 'when', though whether he was that confident in Raziel's ability to find a spouse, or Sanyi's promise to see her wed to Zehrili, was up for interpretation "But if I ever get married you have to be at my wedding too, okay?"

Imitating what he had seen others do when someone was ill, he somewhat suddenly placed a hand on the angel's forehead, though what he was checking for he wasn't sure. As far as he was capable of telling nothing felt immediately abnormal about his "patient", so with a satisfied smile he returned to his chair, pushing Raziel's meal back toward her before offering his cheerful diagnosis

"But nobody is allowed to be at my wedding while sick, and that includes you Raziel. So you better eat, or I'll have to go find Mister Zehrili myself!" he teased.

He did his best to attempt to suppress a laugh as they examined the shadows he had summoned, though this was only mildly successful. Audible giggles escaped his lips when his lavender haired sister described the shadow insect as a 'fairy dragonfly'. It was fortunate that Sanyi seemed capable of correcting her as Fenriz was far too busy fighting back laughter to do so himself. But Sanyi herself was not without struggle, failing to identify the bird he had created for her. Sanyi putting the bird back on her head nearly broke the dam holding his childish cackling, but he managed to stay strong, though he was in no hurry to remove the shadow animal from the wyvern's hair.

The boy groaned when she mentioned bathing, hopeful that by now she had forgotten about it, but the night was still young. Even if she did remember, it was a small price to pay for the opportunity to get to see the clan with his own eyes. In particular, getting to meet Zehrili. Even in his absence, Fenriz had a growing list of questions he wanted to ask him, some of which would likely not be Raziel approved if her earlier reaction was any indication. But even more, he really wanted to express his thankfulness for saving his best friend.

It was a large weight off of his small shoulders to know that Sanyi was aware of his vampirism, even more so that Sanyi didn't seemed bothered by it. In a different scenario he would've certainly inquired about their connection, but from the moment Raziel had questioned if he found his parents, the boy's mood seemed to change almost entirely, as if he had only just been reminded that he still hadn't been united with his family. He put on a brave smile for Raziel, though his eyes certainly showed a different story

"I haven't found my parents, no. I went to go find them in Kurayo, but they weren't there. I looked all over…" At the end of his statement, his smile faded slightly. He pulled his legs onto his chair, wrapping his arms around them before resting his chin on his knees "I was pretty certain they'd be there, too. I saw a bunch of people like me, but none of them were my mom or dad…"

He stopped and lingered in silence for a moment, before suddenly perking up upon remembering another detail of that trip "I did meet another vamp- lady like me, though. We didn't spend a lot of time together but she was really nice! She helped me out of the tavern I was in when a fight broke out. After I went to try and find my parents, and even though I didn't find them I did meet up with someone who was a friend of theirs, though he was kind of… weird"

Fenriz released himself from his self-hug and sat up in his seat, returning his legs to their crossed position. Staring off into the distance as he attempted to recall the details of this particular encounter "I guess he recognized the mark on my arm and said he used to work with mom and dad. He promised that he'd take me back to them. At first he was really nice! He made sure I was… well fed for a few days. But he really wanted to make sure I didn't leave his house until he made sure he knew where my parents were. He wrote them a letter, but he never sent it. I guess he didn't know where to send it cuz he didn't know where they were either. Even though he was really nice to me, I wasn't really allowed to go anywhere, and it got really boring. I snuck out one night, though I did take his letter with me. I was gonna give it to mom and dad when I find them. I should still have it…"

Pulling a crumpled and worn paper from his satchel, he handed what was his own ransom letter to Raziel, hoping she could make better sense of it than he could "I read it what I could, but I don't really understand it. But I know he was asking for a lot of money to have me brought to them. Do you think that my parents are maybe offering a reward for people who help me?"

Author: Raziel, Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:09 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

What Sanyi had failed to mention was that Zehrili had risked his life to save Raziel from drowning. The marshes had a knack for sweeping away unsuspecting travelers with a sudden rush in the current. However, as the angel was slowly working on her food, it was her turn to choke at Fenriz’s next question, the wyvern laughing almost hysterically as she patted Raziel on the back. ”They should!” Raziel pushed Sanyi off as she squeaked her answer. ”No!” Despite the fact that she was still very red, she turned a serious face to the vampire. ”One does to marry someone they just met. In the story your mother told you, they had time to court and get to know one another.”

Fenriz hopped out of his seat and was standing next to her, excited as he placed his hands on her arm. She softened her expression, a gentle smile on her face. ”Don’t worry, Fenriz. I’ll do everything I can to make sure the wedding happens,” Sanyi promised. Another question popped out before she could answer the first, as per usual with the boy. ”If and when I ever do get married, I expect to see you in the front row. Otherwise, I promise to hunt you down to the end of the earth and throttle you myself.” Her smile turned into a playful smirk before she pulled him into a hug. Once more, after he pulled back from the embrace, a hand cupped one of his cheeks as she tried to get her answer together before giving it to him. ”But, no, baby brother. We are not married. He’s been my patient and my guardian. Zehrili was instructed to ensure I rest as much as possible due to being sick.”

It was finally time to hear his adventures, Fenriz dancing around the word of his nature. Sanyi inquired through their bond, and Raziel answered in kind. ”Kurayo, right?” Raz asked softly. The angel frowned at the word “kill”, but remained silent as he continued to speak. Even when he fell silent, the women patiently waited for the next part. Again, her amulet was activated, allowing her the chance to watch what Fenris wanted her to see. At first, she was unsure what it was she was looking at until Sanyi stood and moved so she could watch as well. ”Shadows,” she whispered to Raziel as the split shadow began to take shape.

Raziel blinked at the butterfly, while Sanyi carefully cupped her hands around the bird for a closer inspection. ”I know this one… It’s… It’s… a fairy dragonfly?” Instead of laughing as she would have before, the wyvern brought the bird down to Raziel’s eye level. ”No, I’m pretty sure that’s a butterfly. This looks like a smaller version of Azula, but it’s not an owl. It’s too bent forward, not straight like Azula.” ”Bird, Sanyi.” Sanyi nodded and allowed the shadow-bird to return to her hair as she sat back down. ”Solmundr and his guards were not… very educational,” she explained.

”This is amazing, Fenriz! Okay, so here’s what’s going to happen. After story time, and of course this meal, we will all head back to the clan, get bathed, and take care of your fatigue. Chances are, you can meet Zehrili tonight. And Monifa. One will scrutinize my prolonged visit here, the other… Meh,” Raziel shrugged. She lifted a finger and coaxed the butterfly onto it instead, pulling it away from her face so she could focus her vision easier. ”So, after Kurayo and the ghoul attack, what else happened? Have you found your parents yet? Made any new friends?” The way he was staring at Sanyi caught the angel’s attention, causing the woman to share a look. Sanyi gave a slight inclination of her head toward Fenriz. ”Fen… There are no secrets between her. She and I are… bonded. Like Azula is to me, so is Sanyi. With it comes a few perks, and as such, Sanyi already knows. So you don’t have to worry, okay?”

Author: drbuck, Posted: Sun Mar 8, 2020 12:43 AM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

Fenriz couldn't help but giggle slightly every time she blinked, the involuntary reaction only causing him to continue the hand waving much longer than he originally intended. If there were any remaining doubts about her vision, this little game of his had certainly assuaged them. It wasn't long however before he realized his sister's new found ability to see was potentially a double edged sword.

Catching his hand with her own, Raziel looked over his palms, and was seemingly unimpressed by what she saw, insisting that he bathe as soon as the meal concluded. He groaned and pouted at the idea, attempting to persuade her against it non verbally, but offered no vocal protest as he knew it was likely a fruitless endeavor. The pouting continued until the angel had produced pendant from her clothing. Fenriz examined the gem with curious eyes, though they were on to other topics by the time he could ask any of the questions developing in his head.

Fenriz's once more took his seat with a grin, his impish plan having worked to perfection as Sanyi launched into her story despite Raziel's protests. Between the two of his elder sisters, Sanyi certainly seemed to have the looser tongue, a note that he no doubt was keeping in mind for future inquiries. But in addition to being fairly forthcoming with information, she seemed to have a knack for storytelling, and it wasn't long before she had Fenriz hooked on each and every word. He covered his mouth with both hands after an audible gasp when she mentioned the giant reptile latching on to Zehrili's arm, his vivid imagination filling in the details that Sanyi's reenactment could not. His small body acting of its own volition leaned forward when the "dagger" was introduced, wide eyes glued on the wyvern as he awaited what came next.

When the story came to an end, the boy couldn't help but clap, as if he had just witnessed a professional performance conclude right before his eyes. Although he had yet to meet this Zehrili, Fenriz couldn't help but feel an immense gratitude toward him, as if Sanyi was to be believed, Raziel wouldn't be here without his help. In addition to feeling grateful however, Sanyi's story made him feel somewhat nostalgic. He placed a finger to his cheek as he tried to recall where he had heard such a similar story.

"So sis, is Zehrili gonna marry you?" A loaded question to be sure, and seemingly out of nowhere to anyone that wasn't Fenriz. But he did have his reasons "My mom told me a story about a knight once. He saved this damsel just like you, and mom said that he got to marry her!"

Hopping out of his seat once again, he excitedly ran over to Raziel, looking up at her with a wide, innocent smile "When you guys get married I can go, right? I've never really been to a party like that before, but it sounds like a lot of fun!"

The sole married couple in his life were his parents, though what exactly that entailed he never quite knew. All he had managed to gather was that a party seemed to be involved, and following it the couple in question were supposed to spend a lot of time together. Remembering that detail brought on another worrying thought. His childish smile quickly morphed into a frown.

"You guys didn't get married without me, did you? Is that the real reason you guys spend so much time together?"

After some time had passed, the boy had been given the floor to tell of his adventures that had led him to this point. Crossing his legs in his seat and putting a hand to his chin, he pondered the best starting point for his tale "After we split up I went to go look for my parents some more. I overheard some guys talking about a city that uh… people like me usually hung out at, so I hid out on a boat that traveled up there. Have you ever seen a ghoul? They're really scary. A bunch of them tried to kill me before I got to the city. Luckily there was another guy there to help me out, though he was kinda scary too…"

He fell silent a moment, rubbing his arm gently. Retelling the story was a reminder that he didn't make it out of this fight unscathed. It wouldn't be the first time he would find himself injured, although this story had a happy ending, at least. Perking right back up, the boy continued his unfocused retelling of his story "But I managed to trap the biggest one with my magic! Even though I didn't know it was mine at the time. Oh! I didn't show you my magic did I? Watch this!"

Without leaving his seat, he pointed a palm at the shadow being cast by his chair. The shadow split in two, both shapes twisting and turning until they morphed into separate animals, that of a small bird and an even smaller butterfly. After taking shape, they both took on a third dimension, as tangible as the real things, although unlike an actual bird the shadow fowl was entirely silent, and both were partially transparent. Using only his mind, her commanded the bird to land atop Sanyi's head, while simultaneously instructing the butterfly to perch on Raziel's nose. Pleased with his work, he clapped his hands together, smiling proudly. His stunt had attracted a bit of attention, though most patrons that witnessed his trick reacted with mild amusement.

"It turns out I can control the shadows! There's a lot of other cool stuff I can do with them, but this is my favorite! I can't do it too much otherwise I get really… tired" It was, of course, far too late to hide his vampire nature from Raziel. But he didn't dare directly mention his nature, or his feeding habits aloud. If anyone was aware that there may be more ears on your conversation than you might expect, especially in a tavern, it was Fenriz. Although it did only just occur to him that there was one at their table that hadn't been informed of what he was. Staring at Sanyi he wondered how long it might be before they inevitably had to have that conversation. Could he still call her a sister after that point? Only time would tell.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Thu Mar 5, 2020 10:40 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

Sanyi gave him a smile at the promise, making one to herself. The feeling of protecting something so pure seemed almost overwhelming from her, a feeling that Raziel could not agree with more. But what happened next seemed to be the most precious. Fenris trailed off in his sentence, realization lighting his face as he worked through exactly what she had said. He moved so their noses were practically touching as he studied her eyes. Raziel had to fight the desire to burst into a fit of giggles. "No, they're my eyes," she teased. She blinked each time his palm moved before her, until she caught his hands and inspected them with a gasp. "Fenris! After dinner, it's straight to a bath with you!"

Then she released him, a single hand reaching up to her neck, following a chain that hung deep into her clothing. The angel pulled it out to reveal a little dragon encircling a polished gem. "This was made from Ensarrian's scale. It allows me to tap into his gifts, temporarily. It allows me the gift of wyvern sight. That is how I can see you." Sanyi gave him a moment to inspect the pendant before interrupting with her favor of ensuring Raziel ate. She could feel the child's eyes staring at her as they bantered. Then Zehrili came up, and of course he was curious about him. Fenris stood on his chair, leaning heavily on the table, his gaze boring straight through her.

"Just a guy who helped me," she replied weakly, attempting to make light of the topic entirely. But, Fenris does not give in easily, as he turned to Sanyi for the details he craved. Raziel burst from her wings and slammed her hands on the table. "Don't you dare!" But it was too late, she could sense the mischievousness within the wyvern rising dangerously. "Oh, you know… Damsel found herself in distress, handsome Zehrili came as her knight in shining armor. He valiantly threw his life on the line to save our angel here," Sanyi was, to Raziel's surprise, a captivating story teller, with emotion fluctuating just so to draw the excitable child into her words. "But, while he was leading the fair damsel from harm's way did a mighty foe attack! The thirty foot reptile came at them, growling and snapping. It caught Zehrili on the arm and wasn't going to let go." Her arm was held out, with the other hand grasping at her elbow, a look of alarm on her face.

Sanyi pantomimed pulling a dagger from its sheath from her side. "With a mighty stab from his weapon, coated in deadly venom, Zehrili slew the beast. But there were more coming, drawn to wolf, angel and hero in their struggles. Raziel opened a portal so they could escape, but she was sick, and needed rest. So the noble Zehrili took her home, to my allies, to save her. Since then, he hasn't hardly left her side." Defeated, Raziel slumped into her chair, hiding behind her wings again. "Because the healer all but ordered it." The wyvern shrugged. "If you ask me, she's testing you through Zehrili. Your skill we've raved about. She wrote him off as your patient, but it's too minor for accuracy. Now eat, or I'm not going to ask to bring you out of their clan again. You'll be stuck waiting until Monifa gives you the all clear." She had half a mind to refuse. Being in Amen-Ra's clan was not so bad. The people there were nice, and he was there… But, an impressionable child was also present. Moaning in protest, Raziel sat up, carefully reached out for her bowl, slid it closer and began to eat

Author: drbuck, Posted: Sun Mar 1, 2020 8:38 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

If the angel's intent was to fill Fen's heart with pride, then she was successful. He was beaming from ear to ear as she reminded him of the start of their adventures together. Still, he was determined be an even better brother than before.

What he had thought was going to be a bit of innocent gossip turned out to be a much more tragic tale. Fenriz had either been a pat of, or heard of many tragedies in his life, far too many given how short a life it had been up to this point. But hearing Sanyi's backstory was something he could particularly empathize with, as both of them had been forcibly separated from people that cared about them. Though, at very least in Fenriz's scenario he hadn't be separated by kidnapping, and had retained his freedom throughout. For this, Fenriz felt a tinge of sorrow for Sanyi. Still, the story seemed to at very least have a happy ending, a fact that made him feel a bit more optimistic about his own quest. The fact that Raziel seemed to have a role in this conclusion gave him a renewed sense of pride in calling her his sister.

He was about to question exactly what that role was when the feeling of a hand atop his head stopped him, further ruffling his already messy hair. Looking up revealed that it was Sanyi, returning from her brief excursion elsewhere. In one night it seemed he had gone from zero sisters to two. Of course in actuality the relationship he shared with the two of them was vastly different. But he looked forward to getting to know this sister as well as he knew Raziel.

"I promise to be a good brother to you, too" the boy said with a smile, approving of the new relationship between Sanyi and himself, the conflicted feelings he held toward her seemingly evaporating just like that.

Raziel's compliments caused the cheek her hand was placed on to turn a light pink, very clearly unused to the praise. Unused to it, he enjoyed it all the same, basking in the compliments with a smile. "T-thanks! Your eyes are…"

He trailed off as he began to realize something mid sentence. There had only been once occasion in which he knew Raziel to be able to see anything, and even then it was only for brief moments at a time, and a noisy and crowded place like a tavern certainly would've been too much for her to handle. Not to mention even she insisted herself earlier this night that she was still blind. But here she was, describing exactly what he looked like. Was it possible?

"Raziel… can you see me?" Glazing over the fact that this was the first time he had addressed her as just Raziel, Fen moved as close to her, putting his face as close to hers as he could physically manage. His eyes studied hers, as if a closer examination would reveal whatever force was granting her this newfound ability. "H-how can you do that? Did someone give you new eyes? They sure look the same…"

When they had first met, and he had first learned of her inability to see, he just barely resisted the urge to wave his hand in front of her face. This time however he couldn't help but give in to the temptation. As he continued his amateur investigation of her newfound eyesight, he slowly moved his palm back and forth between both of their faces, as if he was testing whether or not she truly could see.

After this continued for a while, Fenriz felt a hand on his shoulder. In the excitement of learning that Raziel could see, he had nearly forgotten about Sanyi. Also forgotten to all that had happened was the fact that he hadn't shared his story at all, and there was a lot to tell. But for the moment, that would have to wait. With a very serious look in upon her face, Sanyi mentioned a favor.

Maybe she did not wish to alarm the boy, but that was not to be, for as soon as she mentioned Raziel was sick, calling Fenriz alarmed would have been an understatement. Raziel immediately insisted that she was fine, though this did little to convince him. As they bantered back and forth, Fenriz listened, but didn't take his gaze off of Raziel, a mixture of concern and frustration on his face. That was until Sanyi said something that made Raziel turn red.

"Wait, who is Zehrill?" Fen stood up in his seat as he asked. He leaned on the table, his inquisitive stare could no doubt be felt even through the wings that covered her face. A sly grin on his face as the mischievous child within him once more making itself manifest "C'mon sis, you told me about Ensarrian, it's only fair, right?"

Speaking of Ensarrian gave the boy an idea. Turning to Sanyi, he said "Sanyi, you know who Zehrili is, right? If Raziel doesn't eat her food, will you tell me about him?"

Before they had made it to the tavern, Fen had made Raziel promise him that she would share her journey in addition to sharing his. Despite not sharing a word of what had led him here, he had learned a great deal about Raziel in their time apart, and he was loving every moment of it. The moment had present him a surprisingly rare chance in his life, the opportunity to be… a kid. Never would he have guessed it was an opportunity he was missing so much.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:57 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

It was endearing to watch as his emotions danced across his face. From grief to confused reflection of her statement, to a happiness so deep that it was almost complete wonder as the revelation sank in. His eyes seemed to swell, over producing liquid that made them shine in the candlelight. Fenris was tearing up! This was the first time she saw anyone cry, and she was glad they were tears of joy, his smile so huge it almost split his face. Raziel's followed his face as he stood, her scarred hands in his own, smiling softly at him the entire time.

"Oh, Fenris, you've already been the best brother. Being there for me when I was overwhelmed, leading me safely through our travels. Keeping me company at the start of my journey. I could not have asked for more." Tears were also glistening in her eyes, swelling yet not quite enough to slip down her cheek. It was just so beautiful to watch such a bond form between them. He scanned the room, Raziel's steely gaze glued to his pale complexion. She wanted to just caress his smooth cheek, ruffle his snowy hair, drown in those bloody pools of his gaze. "Hmm?" Oh, don't worry about her. It wasn't from hunger. Sanyi is… still new to the ways of the world. It's hard to reign her temper in." "Let me finish this and I will return." Sanyi's voice whispered to her. The wyvern had left and gone to the bar for something far more stiff than mere tea. "She wouldn't miss your adventure for the world, Fenris. I promise."

There was a look that overtook his boyish features, one that hinted that he was up to no good. Raziel's expression saddened at his question. "A little more than ninety years ago, Sanyi was born. Her parents promised her to Ensarrian to be his mate when they became of age. But Solmundr came, slaughtering everyone, kidnapping the children. Separated them by gender on different continents. When Ensarrian remembered the promise that was made, he tried to keep their connection hidden from her. But… after careful intervention on my part, the promise has been fulfilled. She is, by ancient tradition and personal choice, Ensarrian's mate."

A hand reached out and ruffled Fenris's hair from behind. "That's right. So, that makes Raziel my sister among other titles. By proxy, that makes me your sister, too." Raziel giggled, "If you want, that is. Because of them, I am a respected healer of their clan. They are alphas. Because of the clan, I have an ever expanding extended family." Once more, Raziel's hand cupped Fen's cheek as she took in the crimson orbs of his. "It is so wonderful to see you, Fenris. Your snowy hair, beautiful red eyes… You are… Amazing." She didn't know exactly how to describe the feelings coursing through her as she looked at her little brother. "Fenris, go ahead and sit down. Raziel is anxious to hear of your adventures, and I have delayed you long enough. Let us eat, but can I ask you a favor?" Raziel sighed as Sanyi placed a hand on his shoulder, looking very serious as her icy gaze met bloody jewels.

"I do not wish to alarm you, but Raziel has been very sick recently. She needs her strength, but hasn't been eating very well. Can you help me make sure she eats that whole bowl? It will make my alliance clan's healer very happy if you do." The angel tried to protest. "I swear, I am fine! Just tired, that's all. Can you all stop fussing?" Sanyi gave a pleasant sounding laugh as she slid into her chair, pushing Raziel's bowl closer to her. "And have Monifa lecture me about your welfare? Not to mention Ian's constant grilling me for information on you, you're welcome, by the way. If he catches you with Zehrili, scales would be flying. You know that, don't you?" This time, Raziel did blush. "There's nothing going on between us!" she protested, but her voice was a bit too high pitched as she almost squeaked. "Right, but I see the way he is looking at you… I think it is about time for the tables to be reversed on you, oh master healer and match maker." Sanyi's laughter was rich, Raziel's cheeks even brighter as she pulled her wings up to hide behind. "You're mean, Sanyi Hesydelth," the angel mumbled, finally canceling the spell that allowed her to see, not wanting to look on Sanyi's gleeful expression any longer.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:06 AM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

Again Fenriz had no way of knowing, but there was even more irony in having adoption explained to him. It was true that nobody got to choose their parents, but very few got to not choose twice like he did. Nonetheless, much like most of the information he was told he filed it away in his young mind, temporarily allowing himself to dream about what life with a sibling might have been like. Would they have been a brother or a sister? Older or younger? The near endless possibilities drummed up in his imagination made him giggle to himself.

Even a child could sense the table's change in tone, proven by the fact that one did. Scarlet eyes brimming with concern bounced between Sanyi and Raziel as they spoke, taking in all the while the story in which they told.

"Solmundr…" he murmured to himself.  Although no face to accompany it, he finally had a name for the one responsible for everything that Raziel had told him about. Fen had never met the man, but the name alone seemed to make him shiver a bit. What kind of a person could put someone like Raziel through that? But for as much dread that his name brought on, for as terrible his actions were, in that moment none of it was as scary as Sanyi, who hatred of him was seemingly reaching a boiling point. During the exchange Fenriz subconsciously scooted in his seat, moving himself as close to Raziel and as far from Sanyi as he could without falling out of his seat entirely.

At the height of her outburst Sanyi had described Solmundr's daughter with a word he hadn't heard before. Based on Raziel's reaction however, he was pretty certain that it wasn't one he should repeat. It wasn't until the angel snapped at her that Sanyi's temper finally seemed to calm down. He had no idea what this "it" was that Raziel held over her head, but Fenriz could only imagine that it was pretty incredible to calm a temper like that one. Still, Fen knew now that Sanyi was not the person he wanted to upset. Although he certainly had more questions he wanted to ask her, and this was by no means going to deter him from doing so, he figured it might be prudent to at least be careful of what and how he asked.

Telling Fenriz not to concern himself with this Isedora only made him even more curious, but for now there was more to hear. Despite the fact that it wasn't his journey, the learning of exactly who Rammie and Gabriel were almost felt like the closing of a chapter to him. Although he had ultimately come up fruitless, Fenriz's had put a great deal of effort in trying to uncover any information for his angelic friend. But even if he had turned anything up, the fact that there was someone else out there that looked just like Raziel would have been almost too much to believe. He opened his mouth to comment on it, but there was something about the uncomfortable silence that Raziel fell into that gave him pause. It wasn't long before he found out why she was like this.

Learning that Raziel's parents had passed triggered a deep well of emotions in the small vampire. He knew all too well what it felt like not having parents around, not being able to talk to them, or seek their guidance or comfort. But the difference was he at least still had hope. It was entirely possible that his parents were still out there. It was a reality that he was banking on, in fact. But even he knew the finality that was death.

Fenriz was too lost in his own grief to notice either the food arriving or the departure of Raziel's friend. The only thing that did snap him out of it was a hand placing itself upon his face, gently guiding his gaze toward his friend. It didn't click at first, being addressed as 'baby brother', but it wasn't long before all the pieces fell into place.

"Miss Raziel…" was all he managed to say at first, and even this was barely an audible whisper. His eyes began to well with joyous tears as he fully grasped the implication of her words, words to which he had none to match, at least not in the moment. Instead he offered her a wide smile, perhaps the biggest one he had ever managed. For a moment, all the trials that Fenriz had gone through in his life, the issues that were still on going, even the unpleasant conversation they had just had seemed to fade away in the back of his subconscious. For now, it was enough to just be part of a family again. in that moment, it was hard to imagine that even his parents walking through the door to the tavern would make him happier.

After wiping the tears from his eyes, he stood up from his chair. Taking his new found sister's hands in his, he made a vow, eyes filled with both happiness and determination "I've never had a sister before, but I promise to be the best brother ever! I don't… really know how yet, but I will find out, don't worry"

Those same eyes scanned the room around them. Upon failing to find what he was searching for, he turned his attention back to the angel "Miss Raziel"

The boy paused. Suddenly such a formal form of address didn't quite seem appropriate "Big Sis, should we find Miss Sanyi? I'm worried her food might get cold. She seemed pretty grumpy earlier. My parents used to tell me hunger can do that to people. Besides, I have to share my adventure too, remember? And she can't possibly miss that"

It would seem that Fenriz no longer felt replaced by Sanyi, as whatever the relationship she and Raziel shared, Sanyi couldn't call herself Raziel's brother. For multiple reasons, of course, but that didn't matter to him. Although, before Sanyi was to rejoin them, Fenriz did see an opportunity to take advantage of her absence. Remembering her interesting reaction earlier, sly, mischievous grin came over his face

"By the way sis, who is this Ensarrian guy to her? She acted really funny when I brought him up earlier"

Author: Raziel, Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:03 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

Sanyi managed to whisper yes to him at his concerned question as she coughed. "There are two types of family, Fenris. The family you are born into and the family you adopt. No one can choose their parents. But anyone can adopt a child, raise them as their own. One can love someone so much as one would love a sibling. Just because they aren't from your bloodline does not make their importance be any less than they are to you," she explained. Raziel, however, avoided the question of him finding a sister, at least for that moment. Inside, she was evaluating her fondness for the boy and compared it to what he needed. Oh, how she loved his innocent wonder.

But she had shifted the topic to her past, rubbing her hands as she felt the phantom pain of each break, each exposed nerve. Sanyi noted that Raziel did not flinch as Fenris touched her. Usually, the angel had the involuntary reaction to anyone so much as brushing against her, the shock of something touching her in her dark world being completely unexpected. No, Raziel let him take one of her hands, turning it over this way and that as in inspected her healed wounds. Yet her words could not share that experience just yet. It was just… Sanyi answered Fenris's question addressed to her, snapping the angel from her depression, her hands clamping on his ears.

The angel appeared almost defeated as Fenris had a suddenly serious demeanor. "Of course. In a heartbeat without a second thought or regret. Not after the century of hell, misery and murder he reigned over my clan." Raziel sighed. "After Rammie, Ensarrian and I escaped my… interrogation… After I healed… Ensarrian and I went for a flight. But he was shot down by Solmundr. He is a very… evil man, Fen." Sanyi snorted. "Ya, evil… if you coat things in sugar, maybe. He is cruel and vile. Evil is just the tip of the iceberg, Raz. He must die, you know this!" The subject obviously made Sanyi short tempered. "Anyway, Sanyi was also a forced resident of the base. Waiting almost a century, Sanyi finally had the means to escape with our arrival. Together we fled, destroying the place, but Solmundr escaped."

"And that fucking cunt of a daughter." "Sanyi Hesydelth! Enough of that! I understand your hatred for them, but seriously, Fenris does not need that kind of influence from you. Please don't make me use it." The wyvern glared down at the angel for just a moment before her expression relaxed into an apologetic one. Her emotion pressed against their mental bond, conceding to the angel's authority. "Don't fret your young little mind over Isedora. Due to her regrettable actions, Ensarrian's hand was forced. Solmundr's daughter will no longer trouble anyone." Raziel sighed heavily. "Fenris? You know how Ensarrian is my brother that I chose? Well, turns out that Solmundr was hired by Gabe's arch nemesis. Rammie is my twin sister I never knew I had, Gabriel being our father."

For a long moment, Raziel was silent as she opened herself up for the difficult pain of what she was about to say. "Mother never got to see Gabe one last time. But at least she saw Ramiel… and Gabe got to see me… Before each of them passed on." While she has already spent her tears for them, it still hurt to tell people about it. The food was brought before them, which not even Sanyi touched as the woman walked away. Raziel grinned as her free hand lifted, moving toward Fenris slowly as her steel eyes took in his young features. His hair was as pure as her wings, his face round as his eyes like blood looked so sad. Her hand cupped his cheek gently, pulling him to look at her directly. "Hey, don't linger in the gloom, Fenris. Be joyous, for you have found me again, baby brother."

"You are a cheater, Raziel. Maybe I should press on Zehrili to stop being so shy and court you into mateship." Sanyi's voice jokingly whispered into her mind. It took everything the angel had to keep herself from blushing. But Sanyi was correct, for Raziel had tapped into the mana she was gifted from Ensarrian's scale to grant her eyes the ability to see, if temporarily. It was a gift she did not want to rely on, using it sparingly. Fenris was more than worth it as she actually looked at him, smiling as she waited for his reaction.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 2:22 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

"Yeah, I guess you're right" Fenriz replied with a nervous chuckle, sheepishly placing a hand on the back of his head. It was one of his favorite things about the angel, her more peaceful nature. And he of course was more than aware of her condition. It was one of the first things he had learned about her, in an emotional yet mutual exchange of secrets. But perhaps it spoke to the boy's faith in his friend, the belief that despite being blind he had no reason to believe that she was more than capable of standing up for herself.

Raziel had told him quite a bit, although not every bit of intelligence he had gathered so far had come from her words. Through non-verbal means, he had picked up on two curiosities, the first being Sanyi's… interesting reaction when he asked about Ensarrian.

"Miss Sanyi, are you okay?" he asked earnestly. Curious eyes once more studied Raziel's companion, a seeming mixture of genuine concern and youthful inquisition worn on his face. He couldn't really shake the feeling that wasn't coincidental, although he couldn't really tell why she would react in such a way if it wasn't. What he did know, however, was that the list of questions he had for her was only growing longer.

"Wait, so he's your brother now? Can people really become brother and sister at any time? Do you guys have the same parents?" these questions were posed partially to Raziel, but also partially to himself, as he mulled over the possibilities of obtaining siblings. With wide eyes, he came upon a stunning realization "Do you think that I could find a brother or sister?"

Fenriz of course, had no way of knowing the irony of such a question.

The second thing he noticed came from Raziel this time. Another shift in her tone took her voice as she once more recounted her whereabouts, but that wasn't what caught his attention. By chance, she rubbed her hands, which by chance drew his glance. Whether or not there was any significance to the patterns in the scars was, at least in the short term, irrelevant to Fenriz. The fact that they existed in the first place was concerning enough. Standing up in his chair, he slid one hand into hers, hoping to get a better look.

"Miss Raziel what happened?" the boy asked softly, although either unwilling or unable to take his eyes off the damaged hands. A wave of guilt washed over him. Though not sure how, a part of him couldn't help but feel as though he could've prevented this, had he been around.

"Randomly by a man who is going to die painfully as I rip his throat out with my teeth" Shortly after these words met Fenriz's ears, soft yet firm hands clamped over them, muffling the ambient tavern noise around him. From what he could hear, Raziel had stated something to her companion, although what exactly she said Fenriz couldn't make out. Whatever it was, Sanyi seemed fairly dismissive of it. Raziel offered a counter explanation for what he was supposed to hear, but at this point the damage had been done.

"Miss Sanyi… would you really kill this person?" he asked. Compared to his previous demeanor, he now spoke much slower, considering the weight of the topic at hand "Who is he anyway? You said you found Rammie, right? What about Gabe? And where are they now?"

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 7:29 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

"Because they did not want anyone meddling in their affairs. They did what they did to try and intimidate me, scare me into listening." Raziel explained patiently. The wyvern held her amazement for the angel within. He had so many rapidly fired questions and she took them in stride. Each one answered in her time. It was as if Fenris became her whole world in that instant, her sole focus and nothing else mattered. Somehow, this side of the angel had been hidden until a little boy came back into her life.

Raziel laughed jovially. "Fen! I am blind. How would you propose I beat them up? Besides, I have always been a healer, fighting just isn't for me." Sanyi smirked, knowing full well exactly how hard it is to force the angel into doing anything. She was more of a fighter than she knew. As a new string of questions came after the waitress dropped the drinks off, Sanyi suddenly found herself choking on the tea while Raziel giggled, waving a hand as if to fan the notion out of the air between them. "What? No! Absolutely not. Ensarrian adopted me as his sister, which is the best birthday gift anyone could have gotten me at the time. As for where he is… I honestly couldn't say. He is rather busy as of late."

Sanyi rose an eyebrow at the angel, noticing that a question had been ignored. "Unfortunately, we got separated, and I got kidnapped. I endured… quite a lot during that time, being aggressively interrogated." Her mood had gone somber as she absently rubbed her hand. Upon inspection, Fenris would see scars running along the sides of random fingers and a circular scar in the center of both palms and backs of each hand. "You remember Azula? She led Ensarrian to me… He rescued me… And that's when we found Rammie."

Fenris was eyeing her as Raziel spoke. The wyvern knew he had a hundred questions for her if the last few minutes were anything to judge by. But he held his tongue until Raziel seemed too distracted in her memories. Finally, he addressed her with a question. Shockingly, it was only one. "Randomly by a man who is going to die painfully as I rip his throat out with my teeth," she said flatly. Raziel gasped, clamping her hands over Fenris’s ears. "Sanyi! That is no way to speak in front of a child!” The wyvern rolled her eyes and casually took a sip of her tea, daring the angel into attempting to fix what she had said.

When Raziel’s hands released Fenris, she smiled at him. ”What Sanyi meant to say is that a very dangerous and mean man took the liberty of… insisting on my attendance. I promise that is also part of my story, and it’s coming up soon.”

Author: drbuck, Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:37 AM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

An unusual silence fell over the boy, any words that he wanted to speak were swallowed up by sorrow. Although their time traveling together was relatively brief, Fenriz had grown fairly fond of Zander. The knowledge that he was no longer with them of course raised many questions in his mind, but even with his usual lack of tact he knew better than to ask them now. The tone in Raziel's voice said enough. If he was meant to know the story, she would tell him in due time. Fen looked back at Mikhail, offering a weak smile to the wolf. Even if it wasn't the one he already knew, he silently made it a mission to get to be equally as friendly with this wolf as well. A part of him felt like that's what Zander would've wanted.

When introduced to Sanyi, however, his expression was a bit different. 

A suspicious gaze surveyed this new presence, taking in every observable bit of information he could obtain, mostly noting on the considerable difference in height between the three of them. Assessing any bit of her personality was next to impossible, given her wordless greeting and emotionless visage. But something about this person struck a chord deep within Fenriz's heart. Even he knew that it wasn't distrust. Although he was none too fond of strangers, if Raziel trusted her, than that was good enough for him. No, as much as he didn't want to admit it, the feeling was one of jealousy, feeling almost as if this person had been his replacement in the time he and Raziel had spent apart. Between learning of Zander's death and of his friend's new companion, it dawned on Fenriz just how much had changed. Perhaps much more than he would have initially guessed.

But this realization stirred up another emotion, this time one of relief. True to what he had stated earlier, the whereabouts and tribulations of his friend had caused him a great deal of anxiety in their time apart. It was comforting to know that even in his absence, Raziel had other friends to be there for her, much as Raziel had been there for him. A part of him was even grateful, in a way, and perhaps as a method to repay that gratitude, he silently agreed to at least try to give this person the benefit of the doubt. Although he couldn't help but puff his chest out just a bit when being introduced as her first friend.

"Hello, Miss Sanyi" he stated curtly. Not another word was offered to her, although he couldn't keep from constantly looking her way every chance he got enroute to the tavern, a storm of questions already beginning to brew in his mind. Although they had exchanged few words so far, Sanyi was sorely mistaken if she believed Fenriz didn't have much more to say. If the child had his way, by the end of the night he would know more about Sanyi than she knew about herself.

Entering the tavern was a surprising pleasant experience for the vampire. He had spent more time in these sort of establishments than someone his age probably should, and almost all of them shared the same atmosphere. Loud, rowdy, and a palpable underlying violent tension. This tavern, was almost none of those things, save for loud, although that was to be expected. When asked for drink orders, he simply requested water himself before taking in the information Raziel was about to offer him.

To the surprise of no one, Raziel's story stirred up many inquiries in Fenriz's head. 

"I remember Rammie and Gabe. I kept searching for information on those two, too. Nothing really came up, though. But I really did try!" his voice filled with guilt at his failure to turn up anything helpful. "Why did those guys try to stop you? And why did they… hurt Zander?"

Obviously hurt wasn't the exact word for it, but it was a painful topic for him. He couldn't imagine what it might be like for Raziel.

"Did you beat them up? And did you ever find Rammie and Gabe?" he paused for only a moment, just long enough to thank the waitress for the water before going back on the attack with questions. "It was your birthday? My mom always said people get gifts for their birthday. Did you get anything? If not, I'll get one for you! Did this Ensarrian guy get you one? Where is he anyway? Is he your mate?"

Fenriz's understand of romantic relationships hand't expanded much since Lirin's incredibly brief explanation of them so long ago. A side effect of such lack of understanding was him inquiring about them at every opportunity.

His animated tirade was stopped only momentarily, allowing Raziel to answer the many questions he had already posed, and Sanyi a chance to order food. Combined with the excitement of being able to catch up with his friend, and her general silence, Fenriz had almost forgotten that Sanyi was even among them. But now he had been reminded, and so it was her turn to be investigated, although he would start off comparatively simple.

"Miss Sanyi, how did you meet Miss Raziel anyway?"

Author: Raziel, Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:03 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

"Of course! Why, I would never get your hopes up like that!" Raz giggled. His energy seemed boundless as he gushed about his travels and experiences. It was as if there had never been a moment apart between them. He had not changed a single bit! "Can you now?" But he was already off on the next topic. Fenris had always been inquisitive, eager to share what he saw, filling most of the day with his voice. Raziel could not help but smile as he continued to do so, not realizing how much she had missed the simplicity of being with him compared to the hardships she had experienced later.

Her smile faltered when he mentioned listening for information on her whereabouts. If he had asked the wrong people… She suppressed the shudder that accompanied the thought, feeling Sanyi's unwavering support through their connection. Fortunately, he had avoided those people, and avoided a fate she had been forced to endure. Fenris dashed her thoughts away as quickly as they came, though, as he demanded a promise that she would share her experiences with him. The angel laughed. "And miss telling you amazing stories about my quest? I promise to tell you, too." Concern washed over her from Sanyi, who did not think that someone so young should hear the more gruesome details. As she ignored it, knowing exactly what she promised, Raziel did not have to wait long before his hand rested on her elbow, bringing a tear to her eyes. It truly was as if nothing had changed, that no time had kept them apart.

Yet, his next question brought Raziel to a stiffened state as she froze. "Zander is… um… was… murdered…" Her voice was soft as a whisper, Mikhail whimpering as he pressed against Raziel's leg. She swallowed against the emotional lump in her throat. "Mikhail… Was a gift. From a friend. But… more on that later, in due time. Can't tell the story out of order, can I?" Her tone was forced into a more happy one, already trying to figure out how she was going to tell him about everything without too much detail. "And, before I forget, Fenris, this is Sanyi Hesydelth. Sanyi, this is Fenris, my very first friend I had the pleasure to make since I left home the first time." The wyvern gave a deep bow of the head, her expression lacking emotion.

Together, the four of them entered the tavern Fenris had spied. A table was procured, and drinks ordered. This time, she ordered an orange and ginger tea for both of the women, allowing Fenris to choose for himself. "So… you know I was on that mission to find Rammie and Gabe? No one seemed to know anything! I asked around, traveling all the continents. In Canelux, I was… not treated very friendly. That is when I found out that Zander… The people who did it told me to abandon my search, but I pressed on anyway, when on this beach here in Onnen, there was this injured man. It was my birthday, too. The first one spent away from my ailing mother. His name is Ensarrian, and we became very close."Raziel started on her story, since he revealed his magic.

It was a game they played once before. They take turns telling a portion of their story, maybe ask a question or two. Sanyi sat quietly as she probed at their connection, wondering exactly how vague the angel was going to be. Their drinks arrived and the waitress offered food. Raziel did not have a chance to speak as Sanyi ordered a round of stew for them all, and some very rare steak for Mikhail

Author: drbuck, Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:06 AM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

Fen's journey had brought him to this foreign land in search of his missing parents. While he was still no closer to closer to that goal, what he had found had no doubt bought a comparable amount of joy to his young heart. The list of people he considered a friend was small, and yet before him was perhaps his favorite member of that list. It had been two continents since the vampire had been in the angel's company. What were the odds that here, of all paces is where they would be reunited?

Of course, the odds didn't matter to him. Whatever they were, all that did matter is that they had swung in his favor.

When Raziel's hand met his face, that was confirmation enough for him that this moment wasn't a dream. Without a second thought Fenriz enthusiastically threw himself at his winged friend,, wrapping his arms around her as tightly as they were capable of squeezing. He would linger for just a moment, almost as if mentally confirming one last time that the person in front of him was real. Beaming from ear to ear, he then took a step back and met her eyes with his own, a feat that was not difficult given their comparable height. A fact that Raziel would point out herself. A childish chuckle escaped his lips at the hand resting on his head. He was taken back to the day they had first met, and his initial belief that he might even be the eldest between them. Of course it wasn't long before he learned that the opposite was very much true.

"Can we?" he responded with wide eyes that seemed to glow even brighter than normal. As he spoke, he almost seemed to bounce in place, his youthful excitement barely being contained in his small body "I have so much I have to tell you. You won't believe the places I've been or the people I've met since the last time I saw you. I went all over this place called Canelux" he slowed down when pronouncing Canelux, making sure he did so properly "A lot of stuff happened while I was there. A lot of it was kinda scary, but a lot of it was really cool, too! Oh! And I can use magic now! Or at least… kind of."

When the two of them traveled together, Fenriz had grown accustomed to putting his lavender haired companion's listening abilities to the test, often presenting every question or thought that came to his mind, of which there were many. Given the great amount of time they had spent apart, it was more than apparent he intended to pick up exactly where he had left off. Where they to survive the night, Raziel's ears had better be prepared.

"I was worried about you too, you know. Even while we were apart I've been trying to listen for any information about you, although nothing ever came up." he said, a concerned grimace taking over his face "So you can't let me do all the talking, okay? That wouldn't be fair at all. You have to promise to tell me everything you've been up to, too"

Turning away for only a moment, he scanned the sprawling city behind him. Once crimson eyes happened upon the building they were searching for, he grinned before once more turning his attention back to his friend. Taking her arm in his like he used to many moons ago, he tugged gently but eagerly, leading her to his discovery.

"Come on Miss Raziel, I saw a tavern this way! We can-" he had only taken a step or two before something else caught his eye. Although it had been around the entire time, it had only just occurred to Fenriz that Raziel had a canine companion with her. While this wasn't inherently unusual, as she had always traveled with one for as long as he had known her, this wasn't the same one that he had grown accustomed to seeing.

Tilting his head to the side, he liked eyes with Mikhail "Miss Raziel, who's this? Where's Zander?"

Author: Raziel, Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:55 PM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

If Raziel had to be perfectly honest, she was beginning to get rather stir-crazy. Since the drowning incident, Monifa had been keeping both Zehrili and the angel under strict watch. Zehrili was not allowed to do much since his arm was forced into a sling. The angel had been forced to take things easy, accompanied by Zehrili if she left the palace. It took a lot of coercement just to let her out of the clan with Sanyi by her side. ”Where do you want to go?” ”Somewhere… different.”

The angel and wyvern found themselves at Namiba, where there were no weapons allowed within the walls. She spent most of her time just sitting on a bench near the park as she listened to the children play in safety. Even Sanyi, however, was keeping a close eye on the angel. She was able to feel it through their connection, but at least she was giving Raziel space. The sun was bright and warm on her as she sat there for hours, everything she needed was provided for by Sanyi before Raziel even acknowledged the requirement.

However, she was not quite ready to go back to the clan. Ian was there, now, and he was beginning to ask questions as to why she has not been by their home in some weeks. As the sun disappeared, people beginning to retire home, Raziel stretched before standing up and began an aimless stroll through town. Mikhail, who had been obediently laying at her feet all day, was glad to finally be on the move as he trotted next to her. ”You’re troubled. Does it have something to do with a certain wyvern?”

Raziel blushed, knowing full well which wyvern Sanyi was referring to. Zehrili had been ordered to rest with Raziel, and the angel could not say she did not like his company. In fact, she was growing quite accustomed to it. Before she could say anything, however, an excited, young voice called her name. Sanyi’s icy orbs found snowy-haired, red-eyed child all but bouncing with hope behind them. Mikhail immediately began pressing his cold wet nose against the child’s hand as he took in the boy’s scent as Raziel turned around with disbelief written all over her face. The wyvern watched Raziel closely.

”Do my ears deceive me? Is that Fen I hear?” the angel asked, her hands gently reaching out for the boy. If he allowed, she would gently feel his face. Regardless, she was smiling bigger than the wyvern had seen on the angel in a long time. She watched as this so-called “Fen” boy rushed in to throw his arms around Raziel, her arms wrapping around him fondly in return. ”Oh Fenris! I was worried about you!” Raziel’s lips pressed into the boy’s forehead before she playfully frowned, a hand placed atop his unruly hair. ”I forgot how tall you are. Okay, we must head to a tavern, get some refreshments and I want to hear everything!”

Author: drbuck, Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:18 AM, Post Subject: Looking Around [p]

Although the sun had already departed for beneath the horizon, the warmth it provided lingered in the air, felt by all of those who still populated the streets of Nambia despite the late hour. Though surprisingly numerous, each of them had their own story and explanation as to why they hadn't sought the comforting shelter of a home or inn. For some, they were deliberately out and about, taking in any night life the savanna town had to offer. For others, the choice wasn't theirs to make, as some prior obligation may have kept them from their homes far later than they would have liked. Regardless of whether they were out for pleasure or for responsibility however, there was one who's reasoning was likely unique among them.

For Fenriz, the nocturnal lifestyle was not a choice, but one of survival. The stars above blanketing the darkened sky had come to be seen as almost guardians to his imaginative young mind, protecting him from the villainous sun who wanted nothing more than to remove him from this world.  But in this particular instance, the stars did much more than provide Fenriz with security, but they had transformed Nambia into a playground in his eyes. In the hour where many a day was coming to an end, his was just beginning. With a youthful smile, he departed the tavern in which he had taken refuge (unbeknownst to the owners), and set out on his adventure.

For the few who knew Fenriz, they might consider the smile that he wore on his face to be somewhat uncharacteristic of him. Due in large part to the countless tragedies that he had either bore witness to or had been directly a part of, Fen could normally be described as a timid boy, distrustful of large populous cities not unlike the very one he found himself in. Ordinarily he would roam a city with shoulders hunched and head covered by his hood, trying to make himself unnoticeable to the masses. This is the Fenriz one would have found, had they discovered him only a day earlier, as when he arrived he took the usual precautions, lest he risk someone finding out what he is and subsequently trying to cause him harm. However, it didn't take long for him to discover how unlikely that was. Nambia was a peaceful city. Unlike many of the others Fen had found himself wandering, the people here weren't armed. Save for the guards, there was neither a sword nor bow to be found. In further contrast to his prior travels where prying, suspicious eyes seemed to bore down on him from every corner, many a person here payed him little heed, and the ones who did mostly spoke in concerned tones, wondering where the parents of such a small child might be.

Unfortunately, this was a question that even Fenriz himself couldn't answer, although not for lack of trying. His quest to find the parents he held so dear had continued for a very long time. Long enough that the boy had since lost the ability to keep track of just how long it had been. It was, in fact, the search for his parents that had brought him here in the first place. When he learned that there was an entire continent that he hadn't traveled to, he knew immediately that this was a mistake he had to correct. Perhaps it was confidence, perhaps desperation, or maybe even both, but Fenriz felt like his parents had to be somewhere on this island.

In addition his journey being a lengthy one, it had also become a lonely one as of late. Whereas shortly after what he called "the incident", he had found company, most of it temporary though some of it more lasting than others, all of the friends he had met seemed like distant, albeit fond memories now. The feeling wasn't exactly foreign to the child, and most days it didn't bother him. New people were often a gamble anyway, and most of the time it wasn't worth figuring out whether they would be friend or foe. But on quiet nights his mind couldn't help but drift to thoughts of Lirin, one of the few fellow vampires he actually liked, or Tristana, who had helped him out of a particularly tricky situation Virens Forest.

Little did he know at the time that he was set to be reunited with one of his previous companions.

Although he felt more comfortable in this city than most, instinct still instructed him to avoid people, at least for the time being, and so subconsciously he charted course for the park in the middle of town. As he approached, the shadows generated by the luminescent moonlight meeting tall trees seemed to dance in the boy's presence, as if anticipating something. Glowing eyes scanned the park for others, though if there were any people around, they went unnoticed as one sight caught Fenriz's attention. Strands of lavender hair that reminded him of a friend very close to his heart. But that couldn't be her, could it?

Scurrying to this person as fast as his tiny legs would allow, he stopped just behind her before blurting out excitedly "M-Miss Raziel? Is that you?"

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