Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > Unfamiliar Everything [Open]

Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
There was no easing from the serenity of restful sleeping. It wasn’t a gradual awareness of the conscious world. One moment there was an absolute nothing, lost to a sense of void. The next, she bolted up, panting as her gaze frantically searched the room. Where was she? How did she get here? Obviously, somebody had been taking care of her, although she could not recall how she knew she had required tending to.

There was a damp, folded cloth next to a bowl of water someone had been using for something next to the bed. Warm blankets tempted her to retreat back under, to hide from the awful light. She glared irritably at the window momentarily before drawing herself out of the bed. Stiffly, she made her way to a mirror to look at herself. Deep blue eyes with green flecks stared at a pretty face with high cheekbones framed by black waves of hair as it cascaded down her back. The dark colors made her pale skin seem all that much paler. Yet, she couldn’t describe herself as appearing sickly. Black fabric hugged her chest and flowed as whispering shadows around her ankles, her arms exposed to the elements.

The woman padded to the door and opened it, squinting against the abrupt flooding of sunlight. No matter how many times she blinked, she could not bring her eyes to open much at all. It was just too bright. Using her forearm as a shade, she took her first step out. Nothing seemed familiar at all, not even the people who appeared more animalistic in nature were races she recognized. Why was she here? What happened? With her back straight, chest out, and head held high (still shaded by her arm), she walked confidently towards the hustle and bustle she could hear. ’Must be a market…’


Character Info
Name: Shuja Vasool
Age: 70
Alignment: LN
Race: Indlovu
Gender: Female
Class: Forge Cleric
Silver: 754
Again, the city guards walked by. Again, their eyes stared in scorn, ensuring her craft was not to create malicious tools. She was sure she knew she was doing by entrusting her dedicated blade at the gate, though debating on being able to house her knife was another story. It was proof of her craft and her connection to Father INdalo, as it was the home of one of his children, yet in their eyes, they merely saw it as a tool of death. That was why the guards were always coming to check on her: to ensure she followed the rules of this land. "They will be at my neck should anything bad happen," she muttered to herself. As much as she treasured the trade from from Namiba, its restrictions certainly made things difficult.

Though the noise of the crowd drowned much much of the noise, the foot steps from behind did not escape her ears. "So, you have awoken," Shuja stated, pulling herself up from her counter that displayed tools of farm and trade and over to the lumbering woman. Before the new entity was an elephant, except it stood up on two legs, easily towering her at seven feet tall, and yet, was able to hold a sign pf peace to her. "How do you feel? Are your wounds doing any better?"

When Shuja found the woman, she was in rough shape, but with the aid of another follower of Indalo, were able to make cures and mend that they could. "I have some pain killer if you feel if you need it."

Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
She hadn't gotten very far, merely a step or two when a voice addressed her. Before her stood a large elephant-like creature complete with the huge ears, long tusks, and a thick trunk. However, she was standing on two legs versus four, and her fingers were rather beefy in appearance. The dark-haired one cocked her head curiously as she took in the tall creature and the tools of the farm displayed. Had she been injured? Surely she had been for this woman had no reason to lie about such things.

"I feel…" Momentarily, a frown creased her brow as she tried to express in words the sensations. "Fairly well… Except… I could use a drink." A hand idly reached up and rested gently on the nape of her own neck. Her throat tickled a bit, nothing a bit of water wouldn't fix. "What are you? I've never seen anything like you before." Again, the frown replaced her curious gaze. How did she know that?

She was suddenly self-conscious as she attempted to dredge up the information. But there was nothing, a gaping black hole of emptiness within her. No information, no memories. Not even a name for herself. So many questions sprung forth at the realization. "Where are we? What happened?"


Character Info
Name: Shuja Vasool
Age: 70
Alignment: LN
Race: Indlovu
Gender: Female
Class: Forge Cleric
Silver: 754
"A drink?" she parroted, making sure she was true on what was needed, before reaching for the strap around her cloak, freeing its canteen and offering it to the human. "I hope this will suffice." She was surely weak and possibly dazed from waking in a strange place, so she was sure not to bombard her with too many questions and instead mentally braced herself for what she would have to offer, and certainly, her form alone was one to be had.

However, she did not seemed to have been insulted. No, the light smile said otherwise. "Since newcomers to these lands have arrived, I have had any wonder about my appearance. I am an Indlovu, a native to these lands we call Onnen, and where we rest at the moment is the heart of the land, Namiba." As she talked, what seemed to have been a humanoid lady bug came up to the small stand, signalling to the woman to wait a bit as she took care of her guest. A simple trade negotiation as she gave a small tend to a hoe on display before trading it over for some ore instead of coin. A wave ended things off before she returned back to the human's side.

"You were pretty battered when we found you, but it seems the oitments did their job well. Your old fabrics were tattered, so we fetched you new ones. I hope you do not mind. What you previously had is currently being mended.

"Ah, I guess introductions are in order, yes? I am Shuja. Can you tell me yours?"

Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
A nod was offered. "Water or something of the like?" When the canteen was offered, it was accepted with a grateful smile. "Ma serannas," the foreign language slipped off her tongue easily. It was her native tongue, of that she was sure, but which was it? Pushing the questions to the back of her mind, the dark-haired one opened the canteen and took a large pull from the cool liquid inside.

The woman named her race as Indlovu, an interesting word which she had to try for herself. "Indlovu… I like how it rolls off the tongue!" She had somehow found herself in the lands of Onnen, which was as foreign to her as the Indlovu was. Did she have business here in Onnen? Was that why she was here? "So Namiba is the central most city of Onnen… Where there are Indlovu and other… insectoid and other animalistic humanoids reign?" It was a fascinating idea to learn that there was a whole continent of exotic creatures as this elephant. While she continued to consume the canteen, the elf took careful note of the ladybug.

She listened intently to the trading negotiations. While they were not what she was accustomed to, they still held the same basic needs as humans and elves. Elves… Her reflection had revealed a set of non-rounded ears, pointed. It was a defining trait of an elf. As the trade was completed, the woman turned back to her. She couldn't think of anything to say as she imagined her own body being battered, possibly bleeding and her clothing ripped or shredded. "Thank you… I guess you saved me."

Her mouth opened and shut several times before looking away half ashamed. "While I can say it is a pleasure to meet you Shuja, I am afraid I cannot share my name for I cannot remember it. I wish it was under better circumstances that our paths met." While she regretted this sad truth being what it was, she swallowed hard as she knew that the water had not helped her throat at all. "All I know is that I am an elf…" which meant that she had spoken a form of elvish just moments ago.


Character Info
Name: Shuja Vasool
Age: 70
Alignment: LN
Race: Indlovu
Gender: Female
Class: Forge Cleric
Silver: 754
Again, a gentle smile rested on Shuja's face, though it be hard to tell passed the trunk. "That is alright. I am usre it will come to you and when it does, you will be willing to share." Still, as much as she fought to recall herself, her curiosity reigned more abbout the land itself: the inhabitants that resided here.

"There are many who have declared this place has home. If you wish to seek out more tribes of Indlovu, the deserts would be your best place to look. You can also find some to the east here, beyond the mountains," she pointed, "but I would highly advise against that, as those who head there often do it as their final trip… in solitude." It wasn't even something that she would call 'tradition ' to them and, instead, more of instinct. It was always as if a thought over took them in their old age and headed there for their final rest.

"As for many of the insectoid tribes, many of them rest in underground caverns, living within mazes of tunnels to confuse trespassers away from their Queens."

Then then pointed over west. "However, if you wish to see many of the tribes, a close catch of them would be over in the nearby savanna. There, you can find camps of Chokwe, Mandinka, Makone, Twa, Biafada, and Eket, though to state they are territorial would be an understatement. Bring caution when traveling through there." She hope she was not talking the poor girl's ear off, but it seemed she was so intent on learning about where she was.

Finally, she pointed up to the north east, stating, "And over that way is where I call home: Mamjuku. Though it has been settled by outsiders, they have been more than welcome to let us live there and deal with those coming from the distant lands."

Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
The elf tilted her head as an interesting thought came to her. "Surely I cannot walk around nameless until then. Which name would you temporarily bestow upon me in the meantime?" At least then, she would feel a sense of identity while she figures out her true self. This place seemed to have everything from deserts to mountains, people to livestock. Everything coexisting in harmony to survive. Her eyes moved to the east, thinking of the finality of the statement as she imagined people going on their final pilgrimage to sleep for eternity.

Insects creating mazes to protect the queen made sense. She was, in many cases, the mother of the entire tribe. She blinked at the sudden drop of the many foreign names of the clans. Her gaze lifted up to the Indlovu, a question on her lips. "Am I an outsider?" If she was, it would be highly beneficial to stick with and accompany Shuja if she was to unravel the mystery of her past. Oh, how she wanted to travel and explore Onnen, to experience all of what it has to offer, but that seemed unwise while she remained fractured and broken.

She took another long drink of the canteen before handing it back. "If you don't mind, Shuja, I would very much like to sit by you awhile. To contemplate all you shared and attempt to remember something of myself." The elf sat on the ground next to the shopkeeper, crosslegged. Her eyes closed as her back was held straight. It seemed a familiar position, this meditative pose. Her mind cleared and sounds flooded her senses as she began to identify each one.

Sound from livestock, bleating pitifully. A blacksmith hammering away at metal somewhere. Voices peddling and haggling. Insect wings fluttering. Children laughing. Hearts pounding against their cages… Low and steady… A perfect rhythm. It called to her… beckoned her. A frown crossed her brow as she opened her eyes.

She wasn't sitting by Shuja anymore. No, she was standing next to a potential customer, leaning in as she invaded personal space. Her lips were slightly parted, eyes locked on the jugular. She could see the pulsating beat. Sudden abject horror filled her, she mumbled her apologizes as she fled back into the house."Ir abelas! Ir abelas. Ir abelas."


Character Info
Name: Shuja Vasool
Age: 70
Alignment: LN
Race: Indlovu
Gender: Female
Class: Forge Cleric
Silver: 754
"A name…" She was right in needing something to be recognized by, but she hardly called herself creative in that department. It had to be simple, so maybe anything in her tongue would be too complex, but of course not insulting. Just calling her Elf would be straight rude and her gut told her that something like Point like the tip of her ears would be bad manners as well. "How about we call you Phoenix for now? As you sit, you are buried in your ashes, figuring out who you are and will be reborn into, and once you do, you shall burn even brighter." Sure, she did not see anything actually associated with fire herself, but the analogy alone was what connected her.

"Outsider, I would trouble to say." After all, there have been few kinds like hers in these lands, just not as dense in numbers until after the war. "However, I can assume you are stranger at the least." Taking the canteen back to her belt, Shuja nodded, stating, "I would have resisted you if you said otherwise. Right now, you need to recover. You may eat some of what I have if you hunger, but keep in mind I do not carry any meats on me."

As she sat down and meditated, Shuja returned back to her store, to once again be greeted any a town guard, inspecting the axes upon display. "I assume none of these are meant to take lives, no?"

"They were forged to cut down trees and separate them for logs and charcoal. Though I have no control over what happens after someone leaves with them, I use my judge of character to ensure they have been properly used. As they are now, they would be hard to cut anything with without a whet."

"Sure," he muttered back, thumbing over the steel. Sure enough it was dull, but still fond enough to leave an indent upon where she pressed. This was simply a waste of time to Shuja, really. She was sure to bring only tools, not weapons. It was always up to those who had their hands upon them to do damage to another, which could easily be done with a steak knife or magic. But no, she was being judged as a smith for the possibility of promoting violence with access to weaponry.

"If you will not trade, then I may ask that you return to your route."

"Sure, sure. Let me just finish this inspec–AAAH!" That was when Phoenix moved herself towards the man, eyes drawn to his throat and mouth parted. It was as if she was in a sudden trance from her meditation… No, that was not it. This was instinct taking over, moving her forward for something before snapping back and darting into her hut. "The hell was that?!"

"That, too, is something I wish to learn…"

As Phoenix hid inside, the flames that lit the room flickered before morphing. The color shifted to a deeper orange as it grew in size, tongues lashing out before reforging themselves back into arms as spots opening up at the tip, or head, of the flame with blue sparks. It was there an elemental rested, clung to the wall staring at the girl in silence as she fought to reclaim herself.

Character Info
Name: Lirin Amber Vendethiel
Age: 37
Alignment: LN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Vampiric Huntress
Silver: 194
Phoenix. It was a very fitting name, and she liked it. As she sat down next to Shuja, Phoenix briefly thought about the fact that she must be a vegetarian. Which made sense since elephants were herbivores. Was she a vegetarian too? There was so much to ponder, to allow her mind to sift through before a glimpse of the past can be found in the muddy waters within.

Once she was inside, Phoenix was lost. There was nowhere she could throw herself so she would be safe. It was as if she was a frightened child, looking for the closest closet or hiding under the bed. Phoenix had run to the room she woke in and lay curled in a ball on the bed. She cradled her head as she tried in vain to figure out why she was doing… that. What was she doing? 'I don't know.' A tear rolled down her cheek as she asked herself the same questions again and again.

'Not alone' The thought was as a snake slithering through her mind, warning her. The elf sat up and glanced around the room until she found that which held her gaze steadily. Or rather, as steadily as a flame could. She raked the back of her hand against her cheek as she sniffled. "Who are you?" Should she be alarmed of this flame creature? Inside the home of Shuja, surely it was benevolent. Especially since the walls weren't aflame. "What do you want?"

Meanwhile, somewhere a small fennec fox was darting from shadow to shadow. It was trying to keep out of harm's way while trying to find its master. For the first time in weeks, she was close. Now, she was awake. This much Lynx knew. Ice blue eyes were surveying the creatures around her before dashing to her next shadow. Finally, the Master's scent was caught, and the hunt was on. Lynx chased after it, avoiding all who attempted to catch her. Unfortunately, right behind Lynx was a large dog, chasing the fox. Around the corner Lynx ran, skidding behind a large Indlovu before shifting her size to full maturity.

The dog too skidded to a halt before deciding the large fox was not a force to be reckoned with. Pleased with the results of the chase, Lynx pressed her nose against the canteen on the Indlovu's belt. It reeked of the Master. Lynx turned and padded to the door, sat on her haunches and gazed up at the Indlovu expectantly. Even the Master would not approve of entering another's home without express permission.


Character Info
Name: Shuja Vasool
Age: 70
Alignment: LN
Race: Indlovu
Gender: Female
Class: Forge Cleric
Silver: 754
The blue flames that represented her eyes simple stared at the elf before her, her head slowly tilting to one side, holding for a moment before tilting the other direction. As it did, something began to fill the room… Quick pulses of heat mixed in with a kind of hissing and crackle steeped inside a deep cavern, granting it quite the echo. The more it happened, the more Phoenix could recognize that it was matching the movements of the elemental, although any way of translating was impossible. However, it was quick to silence down at the common outdoors, which caused her to leap out from the candle she was in to another that helped right the room, dying the flame down back to normal as the other ignited, yet still quick for the same to happen as it dove out of the room, quick to leave the girl in silence before padding on the door was all that remained.

"What an interesting little thing you are," Shuja commented as she watched the small fox escape capture from a hound by shifting shape before giving sniff to her canteen. Not long after, it took to the door, though waiting permission to enter inside. "You know of her?" Shuja asked the fox as she moved to the door, pushing it open to let it slink inside. "May you help any with our dear friend's predicament."

As the fox ran in, Shuja spotted the elemental looking to see what the commotion was about. "It is nothing to worry about, my friend." A nod came from it before it began to hiss and crackle. "I am not surprised. After all, if she hardly knows who she is, then she should see a stranger as an enemy. Give her time."

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