Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > Reaper's Hand Extends [Event, O]

Character Info
Name: Mirannda Sinopa
Age: 33
Alignment: CN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Retired Mercenary
Silver: 174
Mirannda finally made her way to Onnen. She mused that her reluctance most probably from Dalanesca's death at the start of the invasion of those rogue warriors. Yet, she was not disappointed. While she was a little perturbed about the strict no weapon rule, Mirannda abided by it without question. Regardless, most of the time, her weapons are stored elsewhere, which she calls on through magic in times of need. Calcifer hovered over her shoulder as the faithful companion that he was, never letting her stray far without him.

With her fiery hair pulled in a single tail high on her head, the phoenix walked amongst the rainbow tents. There was something mesmerizing about the mingling of thousands of people, the heavy aroma of food and flames, and the sound of laughter. It was heartwarming, and she wished River was here to enjoy it with her. Kites danced in the sky above her, fabric and wood defying gravity and helping earthbound creatures live their dream of flight. Theoretically speaking, of course. Calcifer directed her attention to a tent that sold rolls of the finest fabric made in Onnen.

She ran her fingers over the vibrant material with a smile. It would make a beautiful gown of ravishing design. After a lengthy talk with the merchant, the passing of agreed payment, Mirannda bowed before leaving the tent. "Mira, let's try some of that fish! It smells divine!" With a laugh, Mirannda agreed, and set out towards the center of activity, the cooking pit, to see if any was on sale since she had yet to even consider catching some herself.

Death is only the beginning.
Wixa Lowe

Character Info
Name: Wixa Lowe
Age: 13
Alignment: LN
Race: Dragon Soul Human
Gender: Female
Class: Dragon Mage
Silver: 181
Wixa was completely Lost. She had begun her Journey but had no Idea, not even a map. Her only Idea was to follow where others were. That had led her to this strange event. Something about Flying Fish seemed to get a lot of people's attention. That was kinda cool, but also weird. Maybe it was magic, but she didn't understand. Birds were cooler.

Spotting some people cooking the almost definitely Magic Flying Fish, She began to make her way over to them, hoping that it wasn't paid for. She was hungry but was having her money for Gear. Or spells. Or some decent shoes. The slippers were starting to hurt her feet. 

The people here were just as weird as the Fish. The Woman in front of her especially. She had bright red Hair, and though it was tied in a ponytail, it looked like a single flame. Kinda neat. Was she always like that, or was it dyed?

Eagerly, she poked the Woman. "What's with your hair?"ing some people cooking the almost definitely Magic Flying Fish, She began to make her way over to them, hoping that it wasn't paid for. She was hungry, but was having her money for Gear. Or spells. Or some decent shoes. The slippers were starting to hurt her feet.The people here were just as weird as the Fish. The Woman in front of her especially. She had bright red Hair, and though it was tied in a ponytail, it looked like a single flame. Kinda neat. Was she always like that, or was it dyed?Eagerly, she poked the Woman. "What's with your hair?"
The people here were just as weird as the Fish. The Woman in front of her especially. She had bright red Hair, and though it was tied in a ponytail, it looked like a single flame. Kinda neat. Was she always like that, or was it dyed?Eagerly, she poked the Woman. "What's with your hair?"

Character Info
Name: Mirannda Sinopa
Age: 33
Alignment: CN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Retired Mercenary
Silver: 174
Mirannda blinked with surprise as she felt something poke her. What she found was a messy-haired girl a little more than a foot shorter than herself. The girl's eyes were darker than her own, wide and curious though. With a smile, the phoenix went to answer the question with a question. Calcifer, however, had other ideas. He thrust himself practically in the girl's face. "What's with yours, hmm? You know, you should be more specific in your questions." A scowl replaced her smile.

"Calcifer Novis!" Mirannda grasped the flame sprite barehanded and moved it so that he was all but nose to nose with her. "Be nice, or I'll eat you." For a moment, both stood in silence before they both burst into laughter. "I'm sorry about Cal. He's impulsive, but then again, he's a flame sprite and can't quite help himself. Now then…" She contemplated the girl before her, trying to predict what the not-quite-child meant by her question.

"What's with my hair? I happen to like fire. But it is thick, so I keep it up and off my neck to stay cool. It also keeps it out of my face when I'm in dangerous situations. I'm Mirannda Sinopa. Calcifer and I were about to get some lunch. Would you like to join us?" Curious questions began to creep into the phoenix's mind. Was she separated from her parents? Were they here or was she alone? Mirannda decided to keep things simple for now.

Death is only the beginning.
Wixa Lowe

Character Info
Name: Wixa Lowe
Age: 13
Alignment: LN
Race: Dragon Soul Human
Gender: Female
Class: Dragon Mage
Silver: 181
She was ready and attentive to see what answer the Bright-haired Woman had to give, but Wixa was startled and Surprised to see the Living flame Thingy that was with her answer her question first. "I… uhh…" Thankfully, her stammering was stopped by the Woman.

It was interesting finding out he was a Flame sprite. Maybe she could get something like that? Wixa could imagine her roasting food with its help easily. What would she even name it? Calcifer Novis didn't sound like a good name to Wixa. She'd call him Torch, maybe. It seemed fitting with the glow he made. Yeah, Torch. Now she had to get a Flame sprite at some point.

The Woman, Mirannda Sinopa, seemed to be nice. "Could't you cut your hair to make it shorter?" SHd smiled and shook her head. Mirannda might take it as an insult, so she had to be nicer. If Wixa played her cards right, this Woman would buy her the food, Wixa might even make a Friend. "Sure, I'll join you. I'm Wixa. Wixa Lowe."

Character Info
Name: Mirannda Sinopa
Age: 33
Alignment: CN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Retired Mercenary
Silver: 174
Wixa Lowe, such an interesting name! The phoenix beamed at the young one. "It is a pleasure to meet you Wixa. You have a lovely name." "Yeah, for a scribe." "Cal…" Mirannda warned. "What?! Oh fine. I apologize." With an approving nod, Mirannda held an arm out before her, a gesture which meant 'let us be on our way.'

"Oh, and I could cut my hair, but why would I if I can do this?" she shook her head, her pony-tail swishing from one side to the other, growing shorter with each pass. When she was done, the phoenix had a cute bob style. "But I prefer long hair for some reason. So what brings you to Onnen?" Small talk with anyone outside of her normal circles always felt awkward, and Mirannda was determined to keep it from showing.

They had made their way to a vender, where Mirannda bought four platters of skyfish, grilled to perfection. She wasn't sure how, but Calicfer zoomed to his plate and began stuffing the fish into his fiery mouth and it immediately disappeared without the scent of scorched meat. Mirannda chuckled with a light shake of the head. One of the plates was handed to Wixa. The fourth was purchased in case Wixa was still hungry after the first was consumed. "Let's dig in!"

Death is only the beginning.

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