Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > A Champion and her Deity [P][Event]
Nelanna Fox

Character Info
Name: Nelanna R. Fox
Age: Timeless; looks 20
Alignment: TG
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Former Warden of the Wilds
Silver: 407
Nelanna had gone to the temple that morning as she always did. However, this time she did not bring weapons for training, nor was she dressed for such activities. In her hand was a pale woven basket, a beautiful blanket in her other hand. Though Kohaku suggested he be the one to prepare the meals that the basket contained, Nelanna insisted she should do it. She may not have the cooking skills of her dear fox, but she was a good cook. His advantage was how much older he was than her; he had far more experience.

She had made a variety of sandwiches, a pair of each kind with freshly picked fruits and vegetables, and even small cakes and sugary sweets. It was the perfect blend of nutritious, salty and sweet, with plenty of each. Lastly she brought along a bottle of wine with a pair of glasses. Kohaku would not allow her to take just any wine, so he’d made it his mission to find the finest of them all. Though he didn’t drink much, he was a lover of wine, so he knew his stuff. She just hoped Zanar was satisfied with everything.

Instead of wearing her usual green clothing, she wore a minty sleeveless a-line cocktail dress with elegant swirls covering the loose skirt. The dress was knee length, exposing her smooth, fair legs from there down. A beautiful shawl covered her shoulders with a petite bow keeping it together in the front by her dainty neck, soft fur along the top and bottom, yet Zanar’s sigil was very clear on the back. Obviously a more classy and feminine take of his ranger’s cloaks. She had made it herself, wishing to show her Champion pride even on such special occasions. Finally, black and white ankle high oxford heels covered her feet with lace and a bow in the front.

Why was she dressed so special? ‘Tis simple: she’d heard of the picnic on Onnen and thought it was a perfect opportunity to spend some time with someone. It had occurred to her long ago that she knew very little about her own patron deity, and she wished to change that. She is his Champion, after all. So, she had come to his temple and asked for him to join her on a date. Not a romantic one, of course. A friendly one. And after some persuading, he finally accepted. They then journeyed to the newer land, and finally arrived at the picnic area.

Nelanna’s eyes sparkled at the scene, a smile beaming across her face. She could hardly sit still, already itching to find the perfect spot to set up their picnic. “Where would you like to rest?” She asked, looking over at Zanar. As excited as she was, Nelanna hoped Zanar would enjoy the date as well.


Character Info
Name: Zanar Arowin
Age: Immortal
Alignment: TN
Race: Werebear
Gender: Male
Class: Deity
Silver: 10002
Zanar had heard about the Skyfish migration from some of the hunters that had stopped by the temple, and had planned to go to Onnen to take part in the festivities by himself as he was curious about the creatures that they were going to catch, but that was no longer the case as someone else had heard of the festival themselves. This person was no other than Nelanna, and she had asked him to come along with her and pleaded her case. She, of course, did not need to do such a thing as the god was more than willing to go on her little “date” with her.

He waited for her on the day that they planned to go visit, wearing his typical attire minus the armor and long coat that he was usually dressed in. His coat held his knives and he knew from reaching out that the guards of Nambina would not appreciate the weapons within their walls. Especially for an outsider. He was surprised to see Nelanna in more casual based attired when she showed up, but it suited the occasion

He had wondered why she had asked him to join her to the place, he did not realize though until they started traveling to the new lands that they had known little of each other. This was a perfect chance for them to get to know each other a little more, after all he had randomly asked her to be his champion without even getting to know the woman only asking her because it felt right in the moment.

Arriving at the location, he could already tell that this was a time that people had been waiting for, especially for the more native people of Onnen. There was nothing but joy in the air as kites flew up into the sky rivers above trying to catch the fish as they fluttered through in the sky. He looked over at his companion and saw her smile and he couldn’t help but to smile as well. He took in the sights, as well as his eye could let him, and the smells in the air. The smell of the fish frying and the burning off the wood in the fire was all more potent to him due to his shifting abilities and it smelt great.

”Where indeed, if skyfishing is anything like normal fishing may want to steer a little ways away from the main crowd,” He replied and led her through the crowds. On their way to their spot, he grabbed a pair of rods from a nearby vendor that was lending them to folk that did not have their own. ”This spot should be good, not too far away but a good distance still.” He started to set up the rods himself as he let her take care of the picnic preparations. ”The people here seem to enjoy this festival, and it is nice to feel nothing but happiness in the air. One day I need to bring my family here to enjoy this before the migration is over,” He said as he sat down after finishing up the rods, watching their kite baits fly up into the sky.

”How about yourself? Anyone, you wish could see such sights?” He asked looking over at this champion.

Zanar is the God of The Endless Hunt and Boundless Wilds

Zanar's God Powers are as Followed:
i. Can Track Anything in the world, no matter where they may go.
ii. Can see and strike the weak points of his prey, allowing for a clean kill
iii. Can use the ability of any beast of the wild, or give that ability to another.
Limited GM of my character is always allowed!
Nelanna Fox

Character Info
Name: Nelanna R. Fox
Age: Timeless; looks 20
Alignment: TG
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Former Warden of the Wilds
Silver: 407
Nelanna thought that Zanar had picked the perfect spot for their picnic. It wasn’t too crowded, allowing them to have some time to themselves. He had mentioned that keeping to such a spot would make it easier for them to catch skyfish as well by comparing it to fishing in water. Briefly it made her wonder if fishing was a hobby of his, and if he even enjoyed it. If so then perhaps next time she could prepare a fishing trip for them. The only issue was the Nelanna had never been fishing before, but she always fancied the idea and hoped to try it someday. Maybe Zanar could teach her as well.

As he set up the baits the maiden laid out the picnic blanket, made herself comfortable and began freeing the basket of its contents. The wine was first along with the two glasses, then she pulled out the box that held all of the sandwiches she made. “I thought we could have a little something to eat while we wait for the lines to get hooked. I didn’t know what kind you like, so I made a variety of kinds,” she said, opening the box to reveal the fresh sandwiches. Then, as she was pulling the sweets and sides from the basket, Zanar began speaking. She smiled at his words, the once again her curiosity brought more questions. Who was his family? What were they like? And most importantly, could she meet them someday?

Without a single thought Nelanna already knew who she would want to bring. “I would love to bring Cecil, as well as both of my familiars, Kohaku and Ensarrian. I have made many friends since coming to this land, all whom I cherish deeply, so I would love to bring them along as well,” her smile brightened as she imagined them all together, eating and laughing. Like a great big family. “However, that may be too many people to bring all at once.”

Unbeknownst to the deity, not a single person she mentioned was actual family. She had no family to bring. They were all alive as far as she knew, but none were in Revaliir. And honestly, she was grateful for that. Her parents were far too cruel, and she knew that they would do anything in their power to rip away what she loves, just like they did to her elder sister. They hated it when one of their children find happiness in doing things that displease them. As far as they were concerned, Nelanna was their property, as if she’s a dog instead of a child. It was only because of her mother’s healing magic that Nelanna survived her father’s beatings without gaining any scars. ‘Such perfect skin should bear. no marks’, her mother always said. But what she really meant was ‘No one can know what we do to you’.

Running away was by far the best thing Nelanna has ever done. If she hadn’t, she never would have met Kohaku and Ensarrian, never would have met any of her friends and gain strength as Zanar’s Champion. But what she was most grateful for was that she got to fall in love with Cecil. True love is something she never would have known had she stayed in that wretched mansion.

“Now,” she clapped her hands together. “Shall we dig in?”

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