Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > Like a Kite [P][Event]

Character Info
Name: Rashomaru
Age: 16
Alignment: LG
Race: Hanyou
Gender: Male
Class: Swordsman
Silver: 27
It was the first time he was away from home, as in farther than Nisshoki. His parents had decided they would all go and closed up the shop until the celebration was over. He didn't know much about gods as Parvpora was different from Canelux. Setting up a hibachi and teppan for his mother while his father stoked the coals, he was on his own once that was done. There were so many things he hadn't seen before–people, food, even poles with kites on them! Some of the other tents were cooking strange creatures they called 'skyfish', which had bodies like freshwater eels and dragonfly-like wings. Maybe they didn't call them 'sky eels' because it didn't roll off the tongue as easily? A glance told him his parents were busy cooking, so he went to try skyfishing for himself.

Ah, so this was why there were so many kites above. It was difficult choosing a kite, they all looked so interesting. Some were thin like carp banners lined with shining scales from the skyfish that had been caught, others were larger and in the shapes of birds and winged creatures. "Why do you have these designs?" Rashomaru asked a man handing out the skyfishing rods. "That is because there are two ways to lure a skyfish, boy. You can either make one to look like a mate, or make one that looks like a predator. See?" Nodding that he understood, he finally decided on a bright red kite shaped like a dragon. Its wide wings and ribboned tail made it resemble the real thing once it sailed up into the air. Skyfishing wasn't any easier than normal fishing, he soon found. Without bait and the kite as the lure, it was tricky to move the kite about to drive the skyfish into a basket trap. They were fast, their slender bodies twisting away when he tried to chase them in. Rashomaru was so focused on trying to get the kite's movement right that he failed to see where he was going. Hitting someone, the lines of the kite tangled up with another one.

"I'm sorry!" He said, looking to see who he bumped into. The sight of his kite spinning and spiralling down made his heart sink once the line was in view. If there was a knot, how would he untangle it without having to cut anything? His face was red, gold eyes standing out more in his embarrassment. This was his first skyfishing rod too. The man who gave it to him would certainly recognize him if he went to get a replacement.

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