Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > A new Angler[EVENT,P,R]

Character Info
Name: Zanar Arowin
Age: Immortal
Alignment: TN
Race: Werebear
Gender: Male
Class: Deity
Silver: 10002
The invitation was the perfect chance for the god to slip away from his duties. Far too often did he get roped into the struggles of his position and barely got the chance to just relax, cause if he wasn’t protecting his domain he was off doing some other adventure that always threw trouble at his feet. This though, he knew there would be no trouble as Namiba was a city of peace where no fighting was allowed of any sort. He was also able to convince Kalyani to let him escape the Keep as well, though he knew that he would make up for it when he returned. He may be a god, but she was still one person that he did not want to piss off.

Making way through the city he would occasionally catch the glimpse of the shiny within the rivers that flew around the city. The fish that all came to catch were returning to their mating grounds, just as salmon did on the ground. Occasionally he could even sense them in the floating waters above, not nearly as often or as powerful as he could the creatures of Canelux but the moments that he did brought a small smile to the gods face.

When he finally made his way to the festival grounds he could see all the kites in the air from all the skyfishers trying to make a catch. Zanar was impressed that they didn’t use hooks to snare the fish but rather the kites to scare them off into cages that they reeled down from the sky. It was a kind way for them the catch the creatures even though their end would be at hand once they were caught. The god himself never had sky fished before, but thankfully there were vendors around lending out tools for those that didn’t have their own.

The god acquired his pole himself and his cage and made his way a bit away from the crowd of people to find a spot upon the grasslands himself. If this was anything like normal fishing, the creatures would try to stray away from the crowd, but then again he had no idea one of the many things that he was oblivious on this new continent. So he set up his pole and watched as the kite flew up into the stream above, and then went to set up the cage to catch the fish in. It was a beautifully crafted thing, and he could feel the runes engraved into the wood that allowed it to levitate into the air. He took note of how it was made, just in case he ever did this again. He would make his own the next time.

He took his coat off and laid it on the ground before laying down next to the pole, with his hands behind his head looking up into the sky. He was watching the flow of the sky river and his “lure” to see if anything would take the bait and swim into the cage. ”Now this is the relaxation a man deserves after working so hard. Just to get away and be.” He said to himself.

Zanar is the God of The Endless Hunt and Boundless Wilds

Zanar's God Powers are as Followed:
i. Can Track Anything in the world, no matter where they may go.
ii. Can see and strike the weak points of his prey, allowing for a clean kill
iii. Can use the ability of any beast of the wild, or give that ability to another.
Limited GM of my character is always allowed!

Character Info
Name: Raile Talon
Age: 26
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite (Turned)
Gender: Male
Class: Trader/Gambler
Silver: 353
It was one of his first trips to Onnen, and already it was paying off. What had started as a trip to procure some exclusive trade rights turned into something of a pseudo vacation. Not that the merchant wasn’t thinking of a future trade option. Skyfish were a rarity according to the locals. Catch a whole slew now, and learn how to smoke or make jerky out of them, and they’d sell like water in the desert in the off season.

Raile grinned, his borrowed rod in hand as he trotted across the busy fields. Fishing wasn’t exactly a strong suit of his, but he was willing to at least try. On the off chance that he caught nothing, at least the experience was something. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world to take a load off on occasion. Even though it was important to secure the trade routes, it would be a shame to ignore an Onnen custom.

That being said, the crowded areas of the field were littered with people sky fishing, and the fish were catching on, avoiding the larger groups. That meant finding somewhere off the normal path. It took him awhile to travel away from the crowds, but once he did, he found himself a nice spot with only a few people. He picked a direction at random, and sat himself near a man who seemed to be enjoying his relaxation time.

As Raile sat himself down, he looked over the skyfishing rod that he had been loaned. The concept was easy enough, and within a few moments, he launched the small kite into the air. He glanced over to the person he was sharing the space with, and nodded.

“Nice day for fishing.” As a merchant, Raile knew that having connections to all walks of life was important, and never passed up the opportunity to introduce himself when the moment arised. “Name’s Raile. Have you, erm…ever done something like this before?”

Can I interest you in…

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