Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > Tourists [P,R]

Character Info
Name: Trinity
Age: Eternally 20
Alignment: CE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Class: Knight
Silver: 307
The world was ever expanding it seemed; there was an entirely new continent to explore. To feast upon and conquer like the others…Trinity literally yearned for the chance to come to Onnen and seek out what new delicacies she could savor from the new land. Besides, she needed a change of scenery as of late- her actions and those of her “children” were starting to gain notice and it would be wise for her to let the heat die down before they all continued onward.

Her creations had to be left behind, her more obedient children would look after them and make sure chaos didn’t consume her army before she could return to Canluex. It felt odd to travel by her lonesome after all those months without company, but she managed to make the trek to Namiba. Hopefully, there would be cities to come back to, provided that they didn’t get slaughtered by her monsters first. The town was a place that was lightly guarded and didn’t believe that violence would ever come over it. A silly notion when they had visitors from both sister continents that they had no understanding of. Trying to uphold such a peace disgusted her greatly; a phony belief that would crumble at the first real trial. Their hosts were seemingly more primitive and that could be played into her advantage, especially at nightfall. But for the time being, she did her best to keep in the shade while the sun was still up for a few more hours.

As she watched from the park, she observed the strange people carrying on with everyday business and saw the occasional traveler that was clearly from the world she had grown used to, but aside from a passing glance, nothing more was given to them. These people seemed strong, at least proving that they could survive in harsh climates and habitats, so her mind pondered whether to include them into her little family as well. There was always room for more and it made the woman smile tenderly as she sat on a bench and still kept an eye on the citizens.

They were strong in body and spirit and with the latter, the vampire was sure that it could be twisted so that they would follow her whim without a fight. Still, she would have to keep her distance until the time was right. The sun would set soon and she could use the cover of the darkness that would soon come to seek out some new inductees. Her porcelain skin was cover much with dark clothing, shrouding her identity from prying eyes as well to protect her from the sun during the day. Fortunately, that problem would be going away soon. Golden eyes shifted away from her potential prey and skimmed over towards the tavern that she was staying in temporarily. Should anything go haywire, then she could always retreat to the safety of her room and make her escape the following day.

Main Account: Nemesis!
Salene Coletta

Character Info
Name: Salene Coletta
Age: 10
Alignment: LN
Race: Half Elf, Half Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Unknown
Silver: 213
Onnen had not been what the ten year old girl had been expecting. The climate was warmer but there were animal people who didn't seem to mind the weather despite having fur. A white cat trailed behind Salene as she wandered through the streets. Her dagger had been hidden in her backpack. It would be difficult to take out in emergencies but it was there. Blue stones glistened from her ring on her left hand.

There were alternatives to violence that would protect her just as well, if not better. She'd stolen the ring from some fancy noble and only learned that it had magical properties later. The girl's black hair gently blew in the soft warm wind that came now and again. Thousands of Canelux and Parvporans would be pouring into this "new" continent to try and "discover" the place.

There were already historians claiming these people to be nothing but a bunch of primitive barbarians. Looking at the city around her, she could already see how much of an insult that was to the people here. The town didn't allow violence or open weaponry. It appeared that there weren't many guards around. Until Salene looked closer. A few armored people were watching the streets. She looked closer at one of these people and noticed hidden weaponry. It seemed that they would remove the violent people by force if necessary. One only had to observe to understand this. A pair of hands suddenly picked her up. It was a canelux human woman.

"Aww look at this child! Isn't she so cute?!" The stranger said.

"Let me go or I'll bite you!" She shouted.

The woman dropped her onto the ground. Salene hit the ground with a thump. The white cat stayed next to Salene. Then it noticed that Salene's backpack was open. It hoped into the backpack, adding weight to it.

"Never mind. She's obviously a savage." The noble woman said walking off.

“Rude.” Salene muttered. Pushing herself to her feet, she continued onward.

Finally she made it to the marketplace. She headed straight to a stall that sold poison and went up to the stall merchant. Swinging her backpack off of her back, she opened it and pulled out a dead cobra, holding it by the neck. “How much can I get for this?” She asked. The stall owner jumped back in surprise at the dead cobra then inspected it.

“10 silver.”
The stall merchant declared.

“How about this?” Salene asked pulling out the head of a vulture.

Sweetheart, that doesn’t really have poison. And you would have needed the whole body for it to be valuable.”

Whispered curses at the dead bird poured out of the child's mouth. Salene left the head on the stall to add decoration.

"Happy birthday." Sarcasm practically dripped from her voice.

She got her money for the cobra then headed directly over to the food stall. Salene had some silver enough for a safe place to sleep and some food. Tomorrow she would have to go out into the wild to hunt. Or look for some sort of job that goes after monsters. 


Character Info
Name: Trinity
Age: Eternally 20
Alignment: CE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Class: Knight
Silver: 307
Every now and then, her little eye would spot a mainlander, typically of the rich sort, run amok and think that they could buy just about anything within sight with their coin. She hardly thought that their trinkets would be that powerful in these parts, particularly in the more savage areas. Trinity figured that they’d be lucky to leave with all their toes and fingers intact. It mattered not for the end of days would soon come and they’d either be a part of her collection of pawns or they would fall beneath her sole. But for the time being, she needed more to recruit, those that she could easily take and warp into her likeness, or at least more ghouls to join that devilish horde of hers.

She took into leisure about for the rest of the time before it was time for her to retreat to the tavern to secure her alibi. Slowly did the woman rise up to her feet and with a sluggish grace, heading off while keeping her focus away from those she passed, or at least as to be more subtle. Many scents, many aromas stirred her senses wild, but Trinity had to remain vigilant as her masters had taught her.

To give in now was to blow everything she worked for…

She had to keep cursing herself beneath hushed breaths to not get too anxious but eventually made it inside without losing control. In moments, she was secluded at the bar with a cherry wine bottle and glass accompanying her. Many of the other customers were already retired for the night, leaving only a handful in the room who like her, tended to stay to their own business. It was questionable as to why she hadn’t ordered anything to eat, but barkeep had kept quiet with a generous offering of silver paid prior to today, so he wasn’t in the position to voice his opinion. Her painted lips causally sipped at the glass on occasion as she was left with her inner thoughts to think of.

Main Account: Nemesis!
Salene Coletta

Character Info
Name: Salene Coletta
Age: 10
Alignment: LN
Race: Half Elf, Half Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Unknown
Silver: 213
The food that she had chosen was all types of food that was already dried and could be saved for later. Fresh juicy fruit would have been nice. But only the people who stayed in one place would bother getting such fruit. Unless they were extremely wealthy and had some sort of magic to keep the food fresh for longer periods of time. A small cloth wrapped up her food inside her backpack. Her cautious eyes observed the area around her. Keeping alert and looking for any sign of danger. The sheathed dagger strapped to her leather belt would assist her in case of emergencies.

People on the street were chatting. Most of them seemed to be smiling. Having a good time. Although there were a few grumpy faces, most people seemed to be excited. Perhaps it was because of the war being over and the new continents meeting each other. Salene searched around for a tavern. She had some food items that the tavern owner might like. Cheap meats or ingredients might work for him. The food that she had hunted was useless to her. Fresh fruits and just hunted meats took a long time to dry. Salene didn't have that time to do it herself.

Surprised eyes stared at her as she entered the tavern. Most taverns were not a place for children. If anybody asked, she would claim she was a hundred years older than she was actually and only looked young. Because somehow that made a difference. There were plenty of other people who were actually like that. Therefore it was plausible as long as she cursed a whole bunch. Since real children would never ever curse in a million years. No, saying the word f*ck or sh*t was IMPOSSIBLE for a child. They just were physically unable to do it. Therefore she had to have been a hundred years old. Or something like that. Adults were weird.

Ignoring the looks, she walked past the people and behind the bar of the tavern. People would have stopped her. If she wasn't a child. They didn't want to hurt her. Using the fact that she was young to her advantage, she went up to the cook. The cook was busy preparing a meal so she waited until he was done. After he finished, she took out a dead hawk and showed it to the cook.

"How much for this?" She asked.

The surprised cook turned around and saw the child holding a dead bird. His expression remained bored.

"Ten silver. The red stripe on the back makes it more expensive."
The cook said.

"Yay. Take the bird." Salene said.

Salene got her silver then sold a few more items. Soon she was done and headed back to the tavern. Sitting at an empty table, she reached for her dagger on her belt as if to check that it was still there. Feeling it was there, she took off her backpack and set it on the table. There was quite a few items and materials that she didn't know what to do with. An amethyst, iron ore, leather, some seaglass and some other stuff.

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