Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > The Ancient City of Namiba > The Ancient City of Namiba [Area Description]

Character Info
Name: Lokir
Age: Mid 30s
Alignment: TG
Race: Werebear
Gender: Male
Class: Heavy Knight
Silver: 0
Located in central Onnen between the Welayta Moutains and the Sandawe Savanna, Namiba is a peaceful city and the largest city in all of Onnen. Peace treaties sighed by every tribe in the Savanna keep the city the safest place in all of Onnen. No weapons are allowed to be worn while in city limits with no exceptions, only the guards are allowed weapons within the city and even these are tightly controlled. No violence is tolerated either and anyone found violating this pact is swiftly removed from the city. Assassins also respect the treaties, at least most of them, and will not operate in the city limits, that is the level of respect the treaties are given.

The tribes from the Savanna gather here to negotiate in peace for food and territory and trading. But everyone from around Onnen is welcome to come and visit and do business in Namiba, making Namiba an important hub for trade to flow around the continent. Many deals that have impacted all of Onnen in this city, and deals that are made here are held up by everyone.

There are no walls around Namiba, however, coming up the main road to the main entrance to the cith there are huge statues depicting the founders of the city. From there one can take the road into the city proper and find themselves in the midst of a district made for visitors. Many inns are within this part of the city, catering to all kind of clientele, bath houses, shops and other comforts can be found. There are taverns and drinking available, but since there is no violence in the city getting into a bar fight is a very bad idea, so don't drink too much.

Moving from that district the rest of the city is one huge market and meeting place, with many outdoor bazaars and buildings set up for meetings between tribal leaders. You can find almost everything in Namiba for sale that is available around Onnen, except weapons of course. There is a park in the middle of the city as well, nice green grass and shady trees all around, a perfect place to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and spend some time away from all of the people.

Namiba is run by a council of elders, one from each of the largest tribes in the Savanna, who help run the day to day issues of the city. Each elder is selected by their tribe, but when the elder is on the council they no longer represent their tribe, instead they represent the city itself, those that live there and enact decisions that affect all Tribes. The council knows almost everything that goes on in the city as some of the largest trade deals and decisions will get passed to them for approval. In times last the council had to sign off on deals before they were official, however, in recent days it's more of a formality. It also makes all major deals be written into official records so that if anyone goes back on the deal a written copy can be used to prove what was supposed to be done.

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