Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: TheKimber, Posted: Fri May 7, 2021 11:44 AM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

"i thought you would have flew out of here" Gaia shook her head slowly, stretching her head out and nuzzling him gently as they walked, her tail lashing from side to side as they walked. She lifted her head, letting it hover over Lio's to shade him somewhat."I wouldn't mind looking at the place at seeing what was there if Gaia would like to aswell, we both like to explore so were always ready to to see new places"  she nodded softly and turned her attention to the woman "Good, good. Give me a second." She said as she stretched out her hands, opening an apparent hole for them to go through. Gaia stretched her head out, sniffing it slightly as the goblin was untied from her back. The scene of a market materialized as she looked to the hole. The woman tossed the goblin over her shoulder as she headed for the portal. Gaia moved to Lio, dropping her head to nudge him again."Well, I'm going to be paying a visit to the local authorities. I don't know who this poor bloke is, but I'm sure somebody's looking for him." She said as she waved and headed through the portal.She stepped in, waiting for Lio quietly, looking around the market curiously, unsure if she was supposed to follow the woman or if this was where they parted ways.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:55 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

Her head was clear at last, and with the heat being partially absorbed by the nearby plant life, it was high time she got the poor vendor home. There wasn't anything she could do about the trauma of being snatched like a rabbit by a hawk, but maybe some well-worded mental suggestions could smooth that over. The decision was unanimous–Mamjaku it was. "Good, good. Give me a second." Stretching out her hands, Shiloh moved them as if drawing back a curtain, creating a rift in space-time. The rift stabilized and formed a standard portal large enough for the griffon to pass through. On the other side was the sight of a bustling market street with races of all kinds going about their business. Her spell was successful, but maybe she should've picked a less crowded spot for the gateway. Untying the goblin, she hoisted him up like a burlap sack and prepared to walk through. 

"Well, I'm going to be paying a visit to the local authorities. I don't know who this poor bloke is, but I'm sure somebody's looking for him." She waved at the man and griffon before disappearing into the portal, which would remain open until they entered. All's well that ends well; in this case–accident averted. Hopefully those rumors of flying terrors in the night would stop for now.

Author: Lio82, Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:44 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

as he took of running expecting to see Gaia fly past buy but didn't he stopped to have a look and seen them walking, he paused for a second confused wondering what was going on, he waited for a few minutes before stating to walk back towards towards them. the hot sun now causing problems after the run, he got back to them and looked at Gaia, "i thought you would have flew out of here"

he looked at the beast now tied down on Gaia's back still not really sure sure what it was but not really worried just glad it was ok, he looked at the woman as she ask "Just wondering, are you two interested in visiting Mamjaku? It's a long walk from here, but I can open up a portal that'll lead right to it."
he looked at Gaia before looking back at her "i wouldn't mind looking at the place at seeing what was there if Gaia would like to aswell, we both like to explore so were always ready to to see new places" he looked at Gaia to see if she was ok with that

Author: TheKimber, Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:01 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

 "Alright, give me a second." The woman said as she reached into her bag and brought out some rope. She expertly tied the goblin up on Gaia’s back. Once the woman was done Gaia stood and adjusted her wings so one shielded the Goblin, the other sprawled out to cover the woman as she walked. The scales on her forelimbs and the pads on her paws burned against the ground after some time and it was starting to hurt, alot. 

"I can see the way out–the change in the vegetation level and soil color means we're heading the right way. Just wondering, are you two interested in visiting Mamjaku? It's a long walk from here, but I can open up a portal that'll lead right to it." 

Gaia thought .oO(“Thank the creator”) to herself as they walked. She tilted her head curiously as the woman asked about visiting the place she was headed to via portal. Gaia looked to Lio and the corners of her beak curled up. She was always interested in a good bout of exploring. She nuzzled her beak gently against his shoulder as she whispered.

“I would enjoy that… how about you?” She said softly as the hot ground turned to grass beneath her feet. Granted it was not cold or refreshing but it was much better than the burning ground which hurt her. She could feel her feet still radiating with heat, likely her feet may blister, but she’d be fine… this wouldn’t be the first or last time she was sure.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:22 AM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

They were gracious enough to help carry the poor bloke out of the graveyard, which was already a big help for her. She didn't know how far Mamjaku was from Mandhari off the top of her head, but it was a significant distance. It probably wasn't a good idea to mention that she ran all this way. It would make her look suspicious, and revealing her identity was the last thing Shiloh wanted. Even now she still tried her hardest to maintain a low profile, limiting the number of people who could connect her face to her name. Anonymity was the armor she wore, like the masks she used to cover her face when traveling incognito. Today was not one of those days. "Alright, give me a second." Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a pristine rope made of silk. Shaking it out, she then tied the goblin up and made a quick harness to attach him to the griffon. Her hands were awfully deft when it came to that, like someone who did this often. Securing the final loop, she checked the vendor's vitals then patted the rope coils. This guy would need some water once he woke up. Hopefully he wouldn't get heat exhaustion.

Heat was radiating off the ground in waves as the sun blazed overhead. Even with boots on, it was seeping up through the soles. No wonder the local tribes wore leather and natural fibers for clothing–you'd broil yourself to death in armor. Mentally retracing her steps, Shiloh shaded her eyes as she stared towards the way out into the savanna. The area started to become more familiar and she pointed in the direction she had ran when tailing the winged beast. "I can see the way out–the change in the vegetation level and soil color means we're heading the right way." Her ears stopped ringing and the pounding headache was now gone. With a little more rest and a cold drink of water, making that portal to the outpost might be possible. "Just wondering, are you two interested in visiting Mamjaku? It's a long walk from here, but I can open up a portal that'll lead right to it." She didn't really know if they wanted to look around or not; the quiet atmosphere was awkward and she was trying to make small talk to make time pass faster.

Author: Lio82, Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:24 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

he stood there as he said it would be to far for Gaia to take her were she needed to go, "Well, looks like I'll be backtracking my way out then. I came running in here from Mamjaku, so if I go backwards I'll be heading in the right direction." he looked at her before looking at Gaia "we don't mind taking you where you need to go" he said to her he watched her pull something out that give a flash of light, "Do you mind helping me carry this guy out of here?"  

"not at all" he looked over to Gaia who had already started to lower herself to the ground to but the little creature on her back, he walked over and picked it up taking it over to Gaia and laying on her back just of her neck, "where you you like us to take you"  he asked her, before she said anything Gaia spoke, “I can probably carry all 3 of you without too much problem… maybe.”

he looked at her and thought about it, "no that's a lot on you" he looked around for a few seconds finding a save place to meet, "you that that big skull up there just by the border, i'l will meet use there just make sure you help get these ones to safety"  he turned and started running towards the skull in the distance she was going to be faster than him so a head start would help  

Author: TheKimber, Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:58 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

"Oh…I see." the woman said… withdrawing a little device which quickly emitted a light. She blinked as she stretched slightly, sniffing at the light, tilting her head in confusion. "Well, looks like I'll be backtracking my way out then. I came running in here from Mamjaku, so if I go backwards I'll be heading in the right direction. Do you mind helping me carry this guy out of here?"

“Sure…” Gaia said as she looked to Lio, making sure he was ok with the idea as she folded her forelimbs beneath her to lower herself to the ground so they could pull the troll onto her back. She opened her wings, she would fold them over her passenger as she walked with them wherever they were going. Her tail lashed from side to side as she lay on the hot ground, her beak parting as she started to pant softly while they loaded her up.

“I can probably carry all 3 of you without too much problem… maybe.” She said softly as she waited patiently. The heat over whelming a bit. “Or… I can let you guys walk under my wings for the shade, but we will need to tie him to me to make sure he doesn’t fall off

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:01 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

"Oh…I see." This was fine. They were new to these lands, so they probably hadn't heard of the outpost on the eastern shore of Onnen. So much for getting her hopes up. Shiloh rummaged around in her knapsack until she pulled out a strange device that looked like a thin slab. Activating the wayfinder's widget, a light projection of the general area appeared. It wasn't a complete map, and it only showed the places where she had been in Mandhari. At least she could retrace her steps to leave. "Well, looks like I'll be backtracking my way out then. I came running in here from Mamjaku, so if I go backwards I'll be heading in the right direction." Feeling more stable now, she gave another look around the graveyard out of habit. "Do you mind helping me carry this guy out of here?" Since asking for the griffon to go all the way to Mamjaku was a bit much, carrying the goblin vendor out of the graveyard's bounds would do just fine. 

Once she and the goblin were outside, she could make a portal directly to the settlement. Shiloh didn't want to risk getting attacked again with her hands full, so if another one of those 'things' came out again–she could nail it before it got too close. That sonic attack wasn't something she needed to experience a second time, but now she knew that it wouldn't be used unless its prey was within range. After they were in a safer location, she should thank them. It was the least she could do for their help. 

Author: Lio82, Posted: Thu Apr 8, 2021 8:12 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

as he was kneeled down beside her after asker her was she ok she looked up as she answered "No–yes. Do you know which way Mamjaku is? I need to send him back home." as she was referring to the goblin that was injured in front of her, he shock his head  as he look at her " i'm sorry i'm don't, i haven't lived here to long and don't know anywhere here yet we are here just exploring when we happened to come across you in trouble"  as he finished saying what he said she looked back at him “I need to get out of here. I don't know for sure if that's the only monster flying around."  he looked at Gaia before looking back towards her

"i don't know if it will help but maybe Gaia here can help get yous somewhere safe with it, or even get you to a safe place of out of this grave yard"  he stood up and looked at Gaia " do you want to take them to safe place out of here first, drop them of and come back of me, maybe if she is save she can relax a little, i will be ok till you get back il not move , but that's only if yous yous want to"

Author: TheKimber, Posted: Thu Apr 8, 2021 6:26 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

"are you ok? is there anything we can do to help?" Liono asked the woman as Gaia settled herself in a laying position. She looked to the woman who still seemed a bit mentally discombobulated. So Gaia stood and covered the woman and Lio with her wings slightly, shielding them from the radiating sun

"No–yes. Do you know which way Mamjaku is? I need to send him back home."
The woman pointed at the goblin as she spoke “I need to get out of here. I don't know for sure if that's the only monster flying around." 

Gaia shook her head. “We are new here… Sort of. I am really new here, he has been here a little longer than I have. So I am unsure where or what… Mamjaku is”

She turned her eyes questioningly to Lio as the woman stood, grabbed the spear, pulling it from the carcass before washing it. Gaia looked to the beast and grimaced. She herself was a hunter and used to gore, but this beast was overly unpleasant to look at even before it was killed. Gaia followed the woman best she could, shielding her from the sun while also still trying to shield Lio.

“Liono.. Have you heard of Mamjaku?”
She asked softly, not wanting to startled the woman anymore than she already was.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Thu Apr 8, 2021 6:03 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

She was no longer in immediate danger. The threat had been neutralized. There were two strangers here, not inherently hostile. The tone of voice confirmed that. It took her a while to fully calm down and readjust her mental state. With so much sensory information in need of sorting, Shiloh was quiet as her breathing rate returned to normal. Her hearing was back, and she could make out the words someone was saying to her now. "No–yes." Looking up she stared at the man next to her. With some difficulty she elaborated on her terse initial reply, "–Do you know which way Mamjaku is? I need to send him back home." She gestured down at the unconscious goblin dressed in a vibrant patterned cloth tunic. "I need to get out of here. I don't know for sure if that's the only monster flying around." Her head was still aching, so she wasn't going to press her luck with opening a portal. If she didn't maintain her focus, the vendor might end up bisected on accident. 

Pushing herself to stand, she slowly walked over to the spear and dragged it out of the beast's carcass. She poked it a few more times to make sure it wouldn't get back up again, then shook off any giblets that were still stuck. Lucky for her, the residual migraine had her focus more than the smell. Pouring some water over the spear head, she made the weapon disappear once it was rinsed off. Her expressions and tone were flat and monotone in contrast to the visible panic that gripped her earlier. The shadows grew long with the sun shifting position in the sky, the heat still unrelenting. Shiloh eyed the griffon, though her limited knowledge of animal body language told her it wasn't aggressive. Being in the presence of a well-adapted predator always made her a little nervous. 

Author: Lio82, Posted: Thu Apr 8, 2021 3:55 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

he stood there looking around very confessed about what had happened and what was going on, the woman looked defeated even thou the beast was down, maybe something else was going on with her that they didn't know,  as he watched her he noticed the beast turn to face Gaia and hiss, he went to run towards her as he noticed the woman launch a spear towards it going right through its chest, as the spear was bedded in its chest it exploded, he walked towards Gaia and stopped beside her, as he looked at her she said,  “I venture to say she got it under control….”  he smiled at her and raised a brow, "it certainly looks that way, should we go speck to her make sure she is ok?" 

there walked towards the woman who had made her way towards the beast a little more, "…It's dead. It's dead. Thank the stars it's finally dead."  he stopped as she spoke and looked at Gaia before walking a little closer, when out of nowhere she said, "What–who?"  with a panic and confused look on her face, he walked towards her kneeled beside her, "are you ok? is there anything we can do to help?"

Author: TheKimber, Posted: Thu Apr 8, 2021 2:43 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

"hey you ok over there? what the fuck is that thing?" Lio said as she landed gently besides the woman. She was struggling more than Gaia thought she would be. The woman looked to her, wide eyed and obviously very scared. Her ears pivoted as she listened to the beast behind hear, without worry, she didn’t bother to really take the sight of it in, but she knew where it was in comparison to her and the others. A dangerous hiss escaped its throat before it charged and Gaia spun to face it, to see it stumble. She took a deep breath, readying herself to shift to her half form which would be more agile and strong against this beast.

A spear hissed past her, finding solace in the beasts chest as the world seemed to distort around them with a sickening wave of nausea coming over her, within seconds the spear exploded leaving a gaping hole in the beasts chest. She blinked at the suddenness, stepping backwards away from the gore as the beast gurgled as it skidded along the ground, coming to rest in front of them. She tilted her head before turning it to Lio with a raised brow.

“I venture to say she got it under control….” She chortled slightly, fluffing up the heathers along her neck and head as she folded her wings slowly and looked back to the woman, then the beast. The spear within the beasts chest glowed an eerie green and the woman spoke as Gaia turned her head back towards her.

"…It's dead. It's dead. Thank the stars it's finally dead. What–who?" 

She looked to Lio, then to the girl… and back stepped a little more, letting him answer, as the woman seemed a bit confused and a talking griffin may only add to the ultimate confusion the poor woman was going through. She stepped back far enough that she could stretch out her forelimbs slowly, then lowered her haunches to the ground and stretched her hind legs out behind her, stretching out as much as possible. She opened her long wings as well, to allow airflow between her body and her heavily feathered wings, trying to cool off some. Her beak fell agap as she panted slightly, letting them talk.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Apr 7, 2021 6:56 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

The agony was overwhelming–the pain was so bad that she was hyperventilating. Everything was telling her to shut down, to close off her senses just to make it stop. The world was spinning and her ears were throbbing. Even when the source of the awful noise was cut short, the sensory overload had done a number on her. It was a good thing the goblin was unconscious, because it'd probably faint again if it woke up now. The flying monstrosity was knocked to the ground, stopping its ungodly screeching. Unfortunately it wasn't dead, and its muscular body didn't seem too injured. It was momentarily disoriented, buying Shiloh and the vendor some time before it recovered. When Gaia tried to speak to her, she couldn't hear anything more than faint mumbling. Being so close to the creature when it let out that piercing cry had given her short-term acute hearing loss. When she sensed something close to her, she gave the stranger a wild-eyed look that told Gaia she was not in a good state of mind.

But she wasn't only looking at the woman–her gaze was fixated on what was behind. It looked even worse up close; its lamprey-like teeth in a mouth that split open into four parts. Its hairless body showed every vein and muscle underneath its taut, leathery skin. Its long forelimbs and shorter hind ones gave it efficient quadrupedal movement as its wings folded partially. With a seething hiss, the thing rushed at the three. It prioritized going after whoever looked weakest–in this case, Shiloh and the goblin. As it charged, its movements staggered for a brief moment before continuing as before. In the next moment, there was an ornate lacriamium spear lodged in its chest. Suddenly an explosion came from the spear, blasting out the abomination's chest cavity beyond repair. With a gurgling squeal, the hideous thing skidded along the ground as its body registered the damage. Shiloh's shoulders slumped as the arm that was raised now fell to her side. 

For a split second, Gestalt had caused a distortion in perception of anyone that was within thirty feet of her. This distortion created a delay in the monster's mental processing, meaning it never saw the weapon coming. Before the spear left her hand, a skyfire blade enchantment was placed on it to deal maximum damage. The result: a lethal blow with a nasty mess. With her hearing coming back, the graveyard was quiet with the flying fiend dealt with. The lacriamium spear gained a soft green glow as it absorbed the life of the creature, though she wouldn't need to deal a second blow this time. "…It's dead. It's dead. Thank the stars it's finally dead." Now without the pain or panic to block her focus, she realized there were two other people she didn't know. "What–who?" She asked, words and thoughts mixing together.

Author: Lio82, Posted: Wed Apr 7, 2021 5:16 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

as there got up to go help he keep his eyes on the woman as she run towards the beast, he could see how her speed was slowing down but it didn't stop her she kept going as she pulled what looked like a dagger and throw it hitting the thing making it drop whatever it was carrying, she had stopped running and was bent down when all off a sudden this noise filled the graveyard, it was like nothing he had ever heard before causing them to stop dead in there tracks bringing him to his knees, the sound echoed through his whole body. 

when the sound stopped he got back to his feet as Gaia growled at him as he looked up and seen the beast heading to the ground towards the woman “Jump off, i’m going after that thing before it goes after them.” Gaia yelled at him he run towards her and jumped on as quick as he could as she took flight rather fast, he held on as tight as he could before saying to her,  "Gaia hit the thing on the side set it of course" she flew faster than he had ever seen before, as they approached fast he seen how close it was getting to the stranger "faster" he shouted at her, within a few seconds she plowed right into the side of the beast tossing it of course as it hit the ground missing the woman, Gaia slowed her self down and flapped her wings as she come in to land, he jumped of and turned and looked at the woman,  "hey you ok over there? what the fuck is that thing?"

Author: TheKimber, Posted: Wed Apr 7, 2021 4:24 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

"I cant agree more with you this is to warm to be doing this crap, maybe we could head of and go find water and have a swim if your up for it"

She chortled softly and nodded, a swim would be fun, though whether it would cool them off in truth would be left to be seen. 

"what the hell was that?, i don't think i've seem one of them before, have you?" 

They both watched the scene for a few moments before Liono responded to her asking if they should help.

" your right there its the second time we have been here and the again meeting someone who needs help, but yeah maybe you should follow just in case she needs a little help, we wont get to close just in case she doesn't want it but close enough that if she does need it we are there" 

Gaia bounded in the direction of the beast and woman, watching them as the woman was able to get the apparent prey the beast held, free with the throw of a dagger. The beast screamed loudly, a high pitch ear splitting sound she skid to a stop, her sharp hearing making the sound far louder and she shook her head rapidly trying to get the ringing to go away. She growled to Liono, the sound having frustrated her….

“Jump off, i’m going after that thing before it goes after them.” She said quickly, opening her wings to ready herself to take off, if he opted to stay mounted he would definitily need to hold on tight. She swayed slightly as the beast started to edge towards the woman.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Apr 6, 2021 8:23 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

She couldn't keep chasing it forever. If it was just knocking the creature out of the sky, Shiloh would've done it a long time ago. But she had to reconsider most of her ideas since the goblin might end up as collateral damage. That was the problem with specializing in lethal options. Pushing her legs to run faster, her eyes locked on its claws and cast a curse to weaken its grip. When that wasn't enough, she hurled a dagger, striking its leg. The sharp pain finally let the goblin loose as it began falling to the ground. Gathering up the air currents around her, Shiloh propelled herself upward to break the vendor's fall. The boost wasn't enough to reach more than a few meters high, so the goblin smacked into her on the way down. The impact wasn't as bad as it could have been, but her body still felt the sting. "Ok, good–he's still breathing. Hey! Oh…" Maybe the shock had been too much for him, as the vendor was out cold. His vital signs were fine at least. "Now we just need to get out of–"

Enraged that its prey had been stolen, the flying monstrosity let out a loud, high-pitched shriek that sent her reeling. Grabbing her ears, it was like someone had torn out her eardrums. Her acute hearing made that awful sound a thousand times worse, and she felt like her head was going to explode! That sound–by the gods, that sound! Like nails on a chalkboard or the wailing cry of rusted hinges, it wouldn't stop! Paralyzed by the sensory overload, she was hunched over the unconscious goblin as the bat-winged creature was circling overhead. Readying its wicked claws, it opened its maw revealing several rows of serrated teeth. With a tuck of its wings, it began hurtling towards the two aiming to dive bomb them both. 

Author: Lio82, Posted: Tue Apr 6, 2021 2:06 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

after heading back to the graveyard to look about again it seemed to have been a bad decision this time as the heat that day was making them uncomfortable,  they stopped and took a seat in whatever shade they could find at that stage, he looked at Gaia as she said "I think we should get headed somewhere cooler…” he laughed at her thinking she wasn't wrong this heat was like being in an oven, " i cant agree more with you this is to warm to be doing this crap, maybe we could head of and go find water and have a swim if your up for it" he sat there thinking a swim would differently fix there heat problem right now,

as they sat there just about to start of again, a beast flew past at speed followed by a woman hot on its tracks, "what the hell was that?, i don't think i've seem one of them before, have you?" he asked her as he turned to look at her, “We always run into weirdness here… and that’s coming from me… Should we see if we can help?  Sounds like that beast is carrying something though I couldn’t see anything….”  he turned to look at the woman running after the beast, and thought to himself maybe they should go help cause he wouldn't like to think something had happened to her and they sat there and did nothing to help he tuned his eyes back to Gaia, " your right there its the second time we have been here and the again meeting someone who needs help, but yeah maybe you should follow just in case she needs a little help, we wont get to close just in case she doesn't want it but close enough that if she does need it we are there"  he stood up and set off after her.

Author: TheKimber, Posted: Tue Apr 6, 2021 12:43 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

Gaia and Lio wandered lazily through the graveyard, though the noon heat was starting to kill their enjoyment of wandering and exploring new things together. After their wandering of the elephant graveyard sometime past with Lenora to find the stashed object she’d been searching for, they’d come back to this graveyard and opted to wander it some more curiously, this time just for fun rather than to searching for one specific spot which held the item she sought. Scaled forefeet were getting sore with the heat cascading from the ground that the sun plagued. She turned her head towards Lio who sat upon her shoulders in front of her wings.

“I think we should get headed somewhere cooler…” She chuckled but her train of thought was disrupted by a beast she’d never seen before. She blinked as her eyes followed the beast as it past, some many yards away, she turned her head back the way they were headed and saw a woman running. She tilted her head and turned around, watching the pursuit, her sharp angled ears picking up the sound of something being carried by the monster. She turned her head 180 degrees and looked back to Liono…

“We always run into weirdness here… and that’s coming from me… Should we see if we can help?” She asked as she looked to him “Sounds like that beast is carrying something though I couldn’t see anything….”

She rested her head back against Liono slightly as she waited to see what he thought about getting involved. They together seemed to like to help people as this was not the first nor last time they’d happened upon someone in need of assistance.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Mon Apr 5, 2021 8:48 PM, Post Subject: The Screecher [P/R]

It was high noon as the heat of the day bore down on the bleached skeletons like fire in an oven. The deathly quiet was interrupted by the sight of a leathery-winged creature flying above while a figure on foot was chasing it in hot pursuit. The only reason why she was brave enough to come here was because it was daytime, there was no way she'd try this after the sun went down. Tiny screams were ebbing away as a small green-skinned individual was caught in the horrible flying thing's claws–which by the way resembled a madman's chimera of the stuff of nightmares. Generally humanoid in appearance, large bat-like wings, and an ugly face to boot. The flying monstrosity which likely became the inspiration for castle gargoyles let out a hideous cackling scream that drowned out the cries of its victim. Shiloh was running as fast as she could trying to keep it in her sights, desperately trying to figure out her next move before the poor goblin became another addition to the list of missing people. 

It happened when she was in Mamjaku meeting a group of new merchants starting out their trading business. Onnen was a lot more tolerant towards non-humans than the other continents, so there was more variety when it came to diversity. There were rumors of the locals hearing and seeing something flying around at night along with sudden disappearances. At first she thought it was some vampire causing trouble and didn't think much of it, but when the local urban legend snatched one of the vendors right in front of her–that was a different story. It was a mad dash out of the outpost and across the wilderness as she tailed the monster, leading her to the Elephant Graveyard. It must be trying to shake her off, as the large skeletons and dangerous territory provided plenty of obstacles to slow her down. Shiloh had no idea if this was the only monster. This one could be bringing the goblin back to its lair where others might be waiting. And if she didn't rescue him before that…she'd have to prepare for a funeral.

"No time to stop, no time to shoot–how on earth is this thing so fast?!" She cursed under her breath. "Looks like it has above average intelligence." There was nothing worse than a monster that could think.

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