A wicked laughter of the local hyenas carried on the wind as they stalked a lonesome traveller through the graveyard of the giant elephants that roamed the lands. To leave their families and herds, only to wonder here to die alone with the remains of their ancestors, it was tragic and yet beautiful in its own right. The scavengers, however, would have a feast as the beasts died, proving lots of food for the packs.
But this lone traveller, garbed in black leathers and a black cape with some cloth over her face to filter out the sand in the air, was looking like a possible meal for the hyenas. It was only one, no, two beings, after all, and one of them was small, how hard could it be? Beside the traveller walked a beagle, adorable as they ever are, but his bat like wings and extended canine fangs betrayed the fact that he was vampiric, like his master. He stayed close to her, growling at the sounds of the hyenas, but never leaving her side, a very good boy indeed.
The red headed woman stopped as the hyenas finally got the nerve to come in closer to her and surround her and the beagle. ”Zeno, up.” She spoke calmly and the small dog opened his wings and hopped into the air, going up and flying around above where the hyenas could get to him. The winds were a problem and the light dog was clearly fighting from getting tossed around, but for the most part he rode the wind in circles.
In the meantime the hyenas came in closer. ”Not in the mood.” She grumbled to herself and raised a hand. A handful of ghostly blades appeared in her hand and she threw them forward in an arch. Two of the seven hyenas yelped as the blades struck them. She then turned, created more blades and threw them at another couple hyenas, getting the same result. Spooked and finding that their easy meal wasn’t so easy they scavengers turned tail and ran yelping in the pain as they did. The red head gave a whistle and the beagle came flying back down and she reached her arms out and caught with holding him close. ”Good boy.” She smiled as he licked her face as she continued on in whatever journey and reason brought her to this desolate place.
I just love killin' :D
Fri Apr 2, 2021 12:54 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
Gaia flew low, Lio settled on her shoulders in front of her long wings. Long strong strokes of her wings kept her hovering above the elephant graveyard they had noticed a few days past while they wandered. Gaia landed gently on the massive skull of one of the beasts, by far out of reach of most of the other beats that would possibly want to make a meal out of her and Liono. She stood quietly, wings open as she looked around before turning her head towards him. “Well, it is as desolate as we expected. Very interesting history I bet though. I wonder if they were all killed here, or came here to die.” She said softly as she stretched her head back slightly and rubbed her feathered head back against him for a moment before looking around again. She jumped off the skull, landing easily on the ground beneath them.
A few wild canine like beasts skittered past, laughing it appeared though the way they bolted away, tail tucked and a few bleeding would lead her to believe their noises was not one of happiness. She lifted her eyes from the bones she walked around to a lone wanderer. She tilted her head slightly as she looked to the being, lifting her head a little and scenting the wind through her nares. A small dog like creature fluttered towards the being before landing in its arms.
Gaia stopped her forward progression, her ears perking forward as she watched the being walking their way. She tore her eyes from the being to turn her head 180 degrees to look back to Liono again curiously for a moment before looking back to the encroaching being. She said nothing, instead her long wings tilted slightly to show the undersides, making them appear a bit larger to the being as it grew nearer, making it less likely they would be attacked, hopefully.
Fri Apr 2, 2021 1:54 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
with the events of the previous day well over them, the pair had spoken and decided to take the day seeing more of this lovely place he was now thinking of calling home, after having something to eat the pair got ready and headed off out, he stood and watched as she shifted back into her griffin form lowering herself for him to get on to her, they had no plans of where they were heading to or what they would see but never the less happy to spend a day together again, they took flight and headed off to see what they could find.
after flying around for a little while they landed at a place that looked like a grave yard of some sort, as she landed she seemed to be standing on top of a massive skull, after have a look around she jumped down from the skull and started to walk around the place having a look at what else was there, “Well, it is as desolate as we expected. Very interesting history I bet though. I wonder if they were all killed here, or came here to die.” is what he heard her say as they looked, "i'm sure we will never no the real story of what has happened here,but i'm sure we will meet someone who knows a little bit about this place"
within a few minutes there was a pack of dogs running scared and towards them fast, well what he thought looked like dogs anyway, as they got close Gaia opened her wings and stood her ground, this was a first for him that he didn't have to do anything to defend himself from something coming towards him,as he started to look forward again he noticed what looked like a woman walking towards them, he wasn't totally sure if it was a woman or not as the person had a cape up over her head, but the shape of the person body was more female than male he whispered to Gaia to lower herself so he could down, as she dropped down he jumped down walking in front of her and towards the person coming there direction,
he stood as the person got closer before specking out, "hello i take it your the reason they were running off in such a hurry"
Lenora Victoria
Fri Apr 2, 2021 2:35 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
She saw the griffin ahead of her but continued, even when she noticed the rider on the wing beast’s back, she continued. It was not until she was about a hundred feet away did she come to a stop as she watched the rider dismount from the griffin. Interesting, what could they want? As the rider dismounted Lenora leaned down and let the beagle drop back to the ground again. He opened his wings and fluttered them a moment as he yawned and looked to the griffin with his little tail wagging but he did not leave her side.
When asked the question of the man Lenora nodded. ”Indeed, a few magical knives did the trick. Scavengers is all they are, they thought we’d be an easy meal, but turned tail when they figured out they were wrong.” She shifted her weight to one leg as she eyed the man, the griffin and then looked back to him again. ”May I ask what brings you to this desolate place, stranger? Not too many come here, unless they’re dying of course.” She added at the end, nodding towards the nearest elephant skeleton to them.
She was here looking for something that one of her people from her guild said was here. An old lycan had said a long time ago he had hidden some treasure but had never returned for it. So, Lenora got from the old wolf the best directions and location she could before setting off to find it for him. He had confessed it was not a lot of material wealth, sentimental value mostly, but Lenora was more than happy to at least try and find the old wolf’s stash for him.
I just love killin' :D
Fri Apr 2, 2021 2:58 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
As they both watched the form come towards them, Gaia lifted her head again to scent the air again to try to learn what she could from the being’s scent. Liono nudged her gently, whispering to her that he wanted to get down. She lowered herself so he could hop off her and she straightened back up as he stood before her, speaking to the oncomer "hello i take it your the reason they were running off in such a hurry" he said as she moved to rest her chin on his shoulder, rubbing her cheek slightly against his as she watched the being continue towards them. The being lowered the dog like beast to the ground, it opened its little wings, fluttering them as he yawned. His tail wagged, a sign of happiness and Gaia cooed softly as the being spoke. The voice was femanine for sure and Gaia tore her steely eyes from the pup to the woman.
”Indeed, a few magical knives did the trick. Scavengers is all they are, they thought we’d be an easy meal, but turned tail when they figured out they were wrong.”
Gaia tilted her head as she scanned the form of the woman before them. Again she lifted her beak to the air, her beak falling slightly agap as she scented the air not only through her nares, but also letting the air cascade over her tongue, tasting it slightly.
”May I ask what brings you to this desolate place, stranger? Not too many come here, unless they’re dying of course.”
“Just exploring” Gaia said softly, not thinking twice that it may be odd that she could speak. Her tail lashed from side to side idly as she watched the woman, ears perked forward as she let Liono continue the discussion.
Fri Apr 2, 2021 4:18 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
as he spoke to the woman he now knew was a female, she responded to his question saying, ”Indeed, a few magical knives did the trick. Scavengers is all they are, they thought we’d be an easy meal, but turned tail when they figured out they were wrong.May I ask what brings you to this desolate place, stranger? Not too many come here, unless they’re dying of course.” he nodded at her before looking round to Gaia and turning his eyes back to her again,
"well by the sounds of it your no stranger to defending yourself of against the creatures around here, we are new to the area so we are just out having a look at what the place has to offer," he stopped talking for a second before asking "you say people and things come here to die, what is this place?"
he turned his eyes back towards Gaia for a second who had more moved up to be beside him, "i suppose we should interduce are self's to you, i'm Liono and this is Gaia, like i said we are new to these lands here, so don't really know to many people yet, can i ask your name?"
Lenora Victoria
Fri Apr 2, 2021 6:38 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
When the griffin spoke Lenora raised a brow for a second with a small grin. An intelligent griffin no less, very interesting indeed. She looked back to the man again as he spoke, while as the griffin lashed her tail back and forth Zeno, the beagle, was watching it intently. Almost as if she knew Lenora glanced down, and followed his gaze and looked back down at him. She gave him a gentle nudge with her boot. ”Don’t you even think about it, Zeno.” She warned and the beagle looked up at her for a moment before looking back to the griffin again.
”Oh, these hyenas are more of an annoyance than a threat, more so if you can show yourself stronger than them, cowards that they are.” She explained with a small shrug. ”And not people, not normally, these beasts, elephants of different kinds. They’re herd animals, when they know that it is their time they leave their herd and come here to die alone among their past kin.” Lenora explained simply, she had no reason not to, and if these two were just travellers she had no reason to believe otherwise. While she enjoyed a good fight like anyone else, her cape hiding her weapons as always, she had tempered herself a bit in the last while.
When he introduced himself and the griffin he requested her name. ”Lenora, this is Zeno.” She replied as she gestured down to the winged beagle. Lenora stepped back a bit enough so that she could lean back against a large old skull and eyed Liono and Gaia. ”You said were new to this area, may I ask where you’re from and what has brought you to this rather… depressing place?” She asked, she was getting curious about the two of them now. Few came here for no reason, but perhaps they were just lost?
I just love killin' :D
Fri Apr 2, 2021 8:57 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
"well by the sounds of it your no stranger to defending yourself of against the creatures around here, we are new to the area so we are just out having a look at what the place has to offer, you say people and things come here to die, what is this place?"
She puffed up her feathers slightly as she looked to the puppy and listened to Liono talk to the stranger.
"i suppose we should interduce are self's to you, i'm Liono and this is Gaia, like i said we are new to these lands here, so don't really know to many people yet, can i ask your name?"
The puppy seemed to want to play and Gaia could not help herself. She dropped slightly, lowering her chest to the ground, haunches remaining in the air and she crawled slightly forward until the woman nudged the pup and spoke a warning. She hmphd slightly and laid on her tummy, hind legs splaying out behind her ”Don’t you even think about it, Zeno.” ”Oh, these hyenas are more of an annoyance than a threat, more so if you can show yourself stronger than them, cowards that they are. And not people, not normally, these beasts, elephants of different kinds. They’re herd animals, when they know that it is their time they leave their herd and come here to die alone among their past kin.”
Gaia listened somewhat, though her eyes remained on the beagle. She crept forward slightly as the woman moved to lean against the skull, sinking her sharp talons into the ground ahead of herself and dragging herself forward slightly, trying to go unnoticed.
”Lenora, this is Zeno. You said were new to this area, may I ask where you’re from and what has brought you to this rather… depressing place?”
Gaia stretched her forelimbs out again and pulled herself towards the pup, tilting her head slightly to look up to the woman, fluffing her head and neck feathers up with an innocent Coo.
"We are staying at his house near the ocean. We are just wandering around today." She said softly as she tensed her lean muscles about to drag herself a little bit closer.
Fri Apr 2, 2021 9:42 PM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
”Oh, these hyenas are more of an annoyance than a threat, more so if you can show yourself stronger than them, cowards that they are.” he nodded at her sew she spoke about about known how to defend herself, "to be truthful i haven't had much dealings with them, so i wouldn't know to much, were i used to life there wasn't to many of they so never got the time to study them" when he asked her about this place and what it was he listened as she explained while he looked over towards Gaia, ”And not people, not normally, these beasts, elephants of different kinds. They’re herd animals, when they know that it is their time they leave their herd and come here to die alone among their past kin.” he told a look around at all the bones that were here taking it all in, " i understand now, thank you, we were just flying over it and thought we would stop and take a look around, there is alot of stuff here we still have to see, this place was just a stop"
she interduced herself and her dog as ”Lenora, this is Zeno.” he smiled a little at her as she spoke before looking down at her pet that was beside her, he would have reached and petted him but he didn't know if it would be expectable and he just said hello to both of them, ”You said were new to this area, may I ask where you’re from and what has brought you to this rather… depressing place?” he looked back up towards her after looking at her pet "i used to live in a place called Zaragona, many days travel from here, i came here traveling and i kind of like this place so i thought i would stick around for a bit, then i meet Gaia here, that's the story we have to tell so far, what has yourself walking around here, do use just come here to hunt?"
Lenora Victoria
Sun Apr 4, 2021 10:49 AM Post Subject: Curious[P,R?]
They were staying at a house the near the ocean and were out wondering. Lenora watched the griffin as she tried to play with Zeno, but Lenora was not having it. She did not know them at all and Lenora was very protective of Zeno, but he was also very loyal to her and well trained. So when Lenora snapped her fingers and glanced down to him. ”Sit, good boy, and stay.” He did exactly that, and he did not look upset about it either. It did help that Lenora reached into a pocket and pulled out some kind of red coloured treat and held out for him and he gobbled it up happily.
”Zaragona? Hm, never heard of it.” Leanora mused out loud, so they had also just met? They must have got along well if that was the case since he had been riding the griffin, so for her to allow that so soon they must have gotten along right away. ”No, I don’t hunt here.” She thought for a moment, ah, why not? ”An old friend of mine has told me of a stash of his that he hid in this area many years ago. The old wolf never managed to make it back out here to retrieve it, so when he joined my guild and told me about I offered to come and find it for him. He didn’t actually tell me what it was, and I’m not sure if that’s because he wanted it to be a surprise or her forgot, but, either way I know he’ll be happy to have it back.” Lenora explained. ”I should be getting on with it, but, if both of want, I don’t mind company for a bit if you wish to join me in exploring. I have a general location and what to look for. I can’t give you anything from the stash, but I have extra silver on me, I can pay you if help me look for it, would make things easier.” She offered, having three of them looking instead of just her would be useful and make this go a bit faster.