These grasslands roll like the waves of the ocean. Green for miles with the only sounds being that of the animals, wind, and the occasional tribal bloodshed. Many tribes exist within these lands along the water ways that flow through the grasslands.
Many of Sandawe call this place their eternal home. Most of the tribes in the savanna think of this place as one with their heritage. It is a city that forbids violence and upholds tradition. The trade capital of Onnen as well as the capital of Sandawe itself.
A graveyard of some of the largest animals in Onnen not effected by magic. However, many other animals and people alike find this place to be where they meet life's end. Do you dare enter?
A desert that never sees the light of day, this land hidden beneath Onnen's surface is both frigid and unforgiving. The great Kijivu empire and many subterranean creatures call these arid labyrinthine tunnels home.
One of the many mountain ranges of Onnen that have a brilliant worldly presence in not only magic but also their colors as well. Some of the range is floating in the sky separated from the rest of Welayta like the floating sky islands around Onnen.
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