Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:23 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

With an enthusiastic wave goodbye, Dala ran off to go finish the rest of her chores that the village originally sent her for. The girl ran to the stall with the sheep dogs and made it just before the stall closed up shop. The two dogs jumped up and down with excitement as the stall lady counted the coins. The price was exactly right. The lady begrudgingly handed over the dogs and gave Dala a quick set of instructions on how to control the dogs. Travelling with sheep dogs was surprisingly easier than traveling with the cows or the sheep they had brought to Cardawen. The journey was cut considerably shorter when she asked someone to send her home via a portal. After a few more days she finally arrived home with the dogs in tow. The villagers were very happy at her victory though they complained about the time it took. After the lecture, Dala gave the young boy the leftover silver as his payment for the stones. Everybody seemed to be satisfied. Except for Dala who had to do some makeup paperwork from the extra travel days she took. 

Author: Picatrix, Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:39 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

He had kept his promise, the flight had been safe and Dala was unharmed. Looking over the hand drawn map, Siris memorized the details and planned to compare them with another reference later. "Cardawen, so that's its name; I'll be sure to remember. Perhaps the surrounding area might have notable accumulations of elemental aura." He was curious to study the environment in detail in hopes of understanding the cause for the formation of those low grade aura crystals. Typically the higher quality crystals would condense in areas normally untouched by human settlement. There also was the fact that areas with high elemental aura were unfit for ordinary people to live in unless they possessed innate resilience or affinity. The same could be said of animal populations as well. He waved goodbye as she headed off. "Perhaps we'll met again soon."

He had more than enough time, especially since time was all he had. As Shiloh reappeared he put away the spiritual blade into his storage box while the deity opened up a portal back to the storm-struck valley in Parvpora. The two didn't say anything once they were back in the stark-white halls of Antikythera. The silence was awkward, but Shiloh and he went their separate ways. Unless it was deemed necessary, she didn't speak much and it was something he hadn't gotten used to. Whenever it seemed she was just a person of few words, he would see how fluently she handled strangers with a smile that felt somewhat too real. Siris assumed she wasn't a bad person, but often he was left wondering sbout what he did know. She was reclusive, until she wasn't. She was terse, until she wasn't. It was as if she was a walking contradiction. 

With a sigh, he went to the small library that Shiloh had put together for her staff's recreational use and found a current copy of a world map. He could simply fly around until he found Cardawen, but it'd be best to narrow down the search area first.

Author: Dala, Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:34 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Siris offered to make another sword and Dala thought for a moment about it. Although she would love one of her own, she also didn't want to make Shiloh pull out her hair in stress over prices. Maybe one day in the future, when Shiloh's finances have recovered. Dala was glad that Siris didn't laugh off her suggestion. She knew it was a bit silly and one of those things that only a child would think of but during her travels she found that keeping her inner child alive was a good way to keep the world as fun and interesting, instead of dark and depressing. So she would ask these questions and simply hope the listener wouldn't laugh her off. Luckily, Siris seemed to take her request seriously. 

Eventually their trip had to end and they began lowering back down through the sky towards the beetle city. They were a foot off the ground but Dala stayed on until they got closer to the city, not wanting to walk the entire trip back. Once they were a bit closer she hopped off the sword. Part of her wished to go with them and see what they would be up to next but she had her own responsibilities. Those sheep dogs still needed to get bought, if they were still open, and the village would grow worried if she was away for too long. Responsibility was severely overrated. 

"Thanks for the trip!" She said to Siris, "That was awesome. I can't believe you get to do this kind of thing all the time!" 

It was probably for the best that she didn't have time or resources to make flying swords, else she'd get an arsenal. Revaliir would never recover. Dala grabbed a small map from her pocket and handed it over to him. The map was of the Bohar Plains but a horribly drawn hut was in the hills area where the rivers flowed. The name above the drawn house read *Cardawen*.

"It's the village I'm in charge of. The pebbles you guys bought earlier came from the nearby rivers. If you want, you guys are free to come visit any time." Dala said to both Siris and Shiloh. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:11 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Shiloh was still watching them from a distance through a remotely controlled flying spider drone, however she wasn't close enough to pick up what they were saying. Siris and Dala soon circled back towards Kwama as he saw how excited she was at everything. "I'm glad to hear that. If you'd like, I could try making a flying sword for you. Oh, but I suppose I'd have to teach you how to properly control it first." He had a feeling that Shiloh would immediately deny him from making another flying sword so soon, and he did realize he was putting the cart before the horse. "Doing so might take some time however." He added, to remind that it wasn't as simple as he had made it look. Dala's next words caught Siris completely off guard with a thought that had never occurred to him. On the surface it appeared to be a childish fantasy like jumping onto a cloud, but in its own way it was also profound. 

Never once had he thought of trying to touch the stars. Others would have laughed it off knowing such a thing was impossible, but Siris had never considered it. "I suppose so…" After a long pause, he answered. "I'll keep that in mind and attempt to do so sometime." Those words also seemed like something Shiloh would say judging from what he knew from his time with her. For humans and most creatures, flying was nothing more than a fantasy. Flight was not something that came naturally, and so achieving such heights through the use of tools or magic made it seem like a miracle. 

Those simple cantrips that adepts saw as trivial in the eyes of others were viewed as something otherworldly and divine. Even flying slowly on what he considered a less than third-rate spiritual weapon brought so much joy and wonder to Dala's face. He recalled the times he and Shiloh had argued over philosophy, how she would challenge his views on enlightenment and transcendence. If he hadn't spent his entire life as an ascetic among others with similar beliefs, would he see the world as she did? Their flight drew to a close as he gradually lowered their elevation until they came to hover a foot above the ground in a wide open field on the outskirts of Kwama. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:48 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

For a moment Dala was a little nervous, though she'd never admit it. She had flown before on a dragon but this was just a sword with very little walking room. However, the woman was able to focus on the sights instead and quickly forgot about her impending doom if she lost her balance. The sky was so big and empty, looking vastly different without a giant reptile to block her view. Her eyes tried to capture everything as she carefully looked at the beautiful scenery below her. There wasn't a cloud in sight and the blue sky was endless. Dala couldn't help but smile like a big idiot as she saw the giant beetle turn into a tiny beetle as the flew higher. Then she spotted the gorgeous Welayta mountains that sprawled across the land, decorated in blue rivers and golden plains. 

"The mountains look so cool!" She exclaimed, "Oh and there's where Mamjaku starts! Is that the Tuareg Sea?! There's a flock of birds… wait that's normal."

The thrill of such a flight raced with her mind as she looked everywhere she could. There wasn't a sight she wanted to miss, after all she wouldn't get another chance to see the skies without some massive mount blocking her view. It was like flying with wings but with a sword! In her opinion a flying sword was always cooler than a pair of boring old wings. The freedom of flying was something she didn't appreciate as much, rather seeing it as a form of transportation. Was this how birds and dragons felt? 

"Yes! This is amazing!" Dala responded to Siris, "Thanks. You've no idea how much I love this." 

Maybe she would have to make her own sword someday? When she wasn't busy with taking care of the village or working on her own adventures. Dala watched as they passed through the air and across the lands, noticing how small the world looked from this high up. She also wondered what other crazy inventions Siris would come up with. If he was anything like miss Shiloh, he would create many things at the determent of his health. 

"I'll make one suggestion. Try flying at night and see if you can touch the stars." Dala said with a goofy smile, "I know its probably impossible but never hurts to try, right?" 

For any normal person this would be a metaphor, for Dala who knew nothing about the practicality of flight, it was literal. 

Author: Picatrix, Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:14 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

In response to Dala's enthusiasm Siris gave a small smile. After being trapped in a nightmarish realm in isolation for ages, seeing her excitement at riding a flying sword brought back old memories. Shiloh opened a portal back to Kwama, and soon they began a gentle ascent into the skies. Above the great city upon the beetle, the weather was clear without a cloud in sight. The temperature was cooler the higher they rose but Siris kept them low enough to stay well below the cloud layer. From their current height, the plains below stretched as far as the eye could see.

The giant beetle looked the size of a normal one from up here, and everything else was so tiny. It was a panoramic view from the perspective of a bird. Siris took care to fly slowly, taking in the sights. Ages ago he wouldn't have thought much of something like this, but now there was a newfound appreciation for what he once took for granted. To the morthwest the colorful Welayta mountain range stood out from the light golden plains and rivers ran across the land like lines on a map. The increase in density of foliage marked Mamjaku in the east and the Tuareg Sea was a deep blue beyond it.

For most of his life as a human, he had only seen the valley where the Solstice Temple now remained. His life had been dedicated to training, memorizing, and meditating over ancient texts. Once the valley became cut off in the advent of the great calamity, little had changed. If it hadn't been for Shiloh, he would still be trapped beneath that crimson sky for eternity. There was a sense of irony that he would remember the simpler things in life due to the influence of a rather secular deity, but fate worked in mysterious ways. 

"Are you still feeling alright?" He asked Dala, looking behind. Although he didn't see Shiloh anywhere he was sure she would keep her word on keeping an eye on them. "It's been a long time since I've controlled a flying sword with a passenger."

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Dec 9, 2022 11:53 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Dala squealed when she learned she could ride the sword. When they returned to Antikythera, she was practically jumping off the walls in excitement. The magical circle was simplistic for others but to her this was a big magical event. Maybe there would be fireworks? No, that wasn't how magic worked. The blade was slowly being tempered, hammered, and created. Dala had been expecting more of a dramatic creation like some sort of flashing light or a transformation, not magically assisted blacksmith work. Still, who was she to argue with the way magical swords came about? Only towards the end was their any dramatics with the crystal fusing to the sword and glowing with magic. 

"Hell yeah! That's more like it!" Dala blurted out. 

With the final step, Siris absorbed the aura crystals into the colorful weapon which turned it to a blue-gray. One more lightshow and the magical sword was complete. Dala jumped to her feet and clapped enthusiastically. She even gave a little cheer. Before the young woman could jump onto the sword, the ever responsible Shiloh set down the rules for their protection. The second Siris gave her the okay, she hopped onto the sword behind Siris. 

"Yes lets go!" Dala said with a giant smile, "This is the coolest thing ever! You're fucking brilliant Siris!"

Anybody who could make a flying sword rideable was a genius in her eyes. The sword floated higher and higher from the ground. For a moment she was a little worried about keeping her balance but as long ash she didn't think too much about it, she felt she would be fine. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:25 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

"Of course! It's the least I could do for your help." Siris said with a nod. Once they returned to Antikythera, he began setting up a magic circle of sorts and some modified forge equipment. While Shiloh didn't know what to expect from this forging process, it was surprisingly…simple. First he put in the meteorites and worked them until they were purified. Impurities came off and created slag that was drained, then began the hammering and shaping process. Once the blade's base form was made, it was tempered and rehammered. She noticed there was a specific pattern in how many times the hammering occurred, but didn't want to interrupt. While the metal was no longer hot, he then reheated it again with the magic circle activated. Using the primordial crystal core, powerful magical energy was being transferred. The crystal fused with the sword, imparting its color and sheen to the metal. Now it was positively glowing with magic, and Shiloh decided to not look at it as her head was getting nauseous again. 

And for the final step, Siris took the aura crystals and they were absorbed into the technicolor weapon, stabilizing to a color that was normal. The metal was a blue-gray hinting at the earth and water attributes it possessed. With a final bright flash, runic engraving appeared and the flying sword was complete! He held the enchanted glorified stabby hoverboard up with triumph, and Shiloh imitated the sounds of fanfare. "Congratulations, your flying traffic hazard is finished. But before you go take it for a test drive, I'm going to need you to promise me a few things. First, do not break the sound barrier. You'd better fly slowly, or else Dala's going to fall off. Second, do not fly at extreme altitudes. Unlike you, Dala needs to breathe and without air she will die. And third, don't go too far away. I'll be following you in case something happens, but don't forget while you're out having fun."

After she made Siris swear to remember Dala's safety, she let him go off and use his newly forged creation. It was a long sword with just enough surface area to stand on, levitating above the ground implausibly. The pointed tip was facing forward with the hilt facing the back. Siris stood closer to the front so there was just enough space for a second person to stand, as questionable as it seemed. "Are you ready? I'll fly at the slowest speed so we can see the view." He said to Dala.

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:29 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Luckily, her friends were more open towards the idea of buying some useless stones. When Siris inspected the stones, his eyes widened with surprise as he exclaimed about aura crystals. The stones were actually valuable? Or useful? All of the sudden Siris was interested in seeing the child and asking about where the crystals were. Finally! A lucky break! She would be able to sell the stones, get an extra silver for the dogs, and they'll be able to make the magical sword faster!  

"Fine by me! The kid only asked them to be sold!"
Dala declared. 

A silver piece per stone was more than enough for the young woman. Once she traded off the pebbles, she counted the collection of silver coins. Not only were there enough for the dogs she had been sent to buy in the first place but the leftover change would make the kid really happy. Now all that was left was finishing the sword. Dala watched as Siris began to work, enraptured by the process. 

"Since I was instrumental in helping you make the sword, you gotta let me fly on it at least once!" She said. 

Author: Picatrix, Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:57 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

"Sure, maybe they can be repurposed into something else. Polished river stones are decently valuable for decorating uses." Shiloh said in response. When it came to fulfilling dreams, something like this wasn't something she would refuse. Siris also had no objections, however when he inspected the pebbles he was met with a serendipitous surprise. "Hmm? Oh, I think there's a few aura crystals in here! They're quite small and lower grade, but give them a few decades in the right environment and they would have become common quality. I can refine them to improve their properties, so it won't be too great of a loss. To think there would still be earth and water aura crystals present where people settle…would you mind allowing me to speak with that child? I'd like to know where these were found."

They weren't much, but one could improve low grade aura crystals by infusing them with essence of the same type from other sources. Normally thaumaturges discarded these due to not wanting to bother with the extra work, however he had nothing but time on his hands right now. Even if these were all the fruits of today's shopping, this was much more than he expected. "Ah…um, so about buying the stones…" Siris sheepishly remembered that he didn't have any personal funds, and turned to look at Shiloh apologetically. "We'll take 'em off your hands. One silver each–if that's fine with you." Shiloh nodded to Dala. She had already cut deep into her pockets with the crystal core, buying the pebbles wasn't going to change anything.  

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 6:01 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Dala covered her mouth to prevent laughter as she watched Siris discuss more ingredients and spotted Shiloh's glare. Much to Siris' luck, the next star iron was found and turned out to be just fancy meteorites. She was quickly realizing that almost everything he had been discussing was a fancy name for simpler items. Star iron was simply another word for meteorite. Condensed aura crystals seemed to be some sort of elemental crystals, or at least that was what she guessed. Suddenly, Dala remembered something that she had promised. A kid from the village asked her to sell a bunch of pebbles and stones he had collected from the nearby river and hills. Few in the town were interested in simple stones but maybe she could convince Siris or Shiloh to buy it for one silver. Both of her problems would be solved, even if it was a pity buy. 

"Hey I actually have a favor to ask of you guys. Would you mind buying something from me as well. I'm only gonna ask for one silver but if you could buy this bag of pebbles and stones, it'd make a kid back home really happy." Dala asked. 

Perhaps not the best way to market an item but at this point there wasn't really much choice. Sometimes just being upfront and honest was better than haggling prices. Unknown to Dala, some of them had a strong aura. Within some of the stones collected by the river were condensed crystals born from water. The ones collected around the hill had srong earth auras. Not every element was present, just two. 

"I know its a lot to ask.
" She sighed, "But I'll chuck in a knife or two if you think its not worth that silver." 

The uncomfortable idea of going home to the kid and having to tell him his little rock collection was worthless was NOT something Dala wanted to deal with. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:13 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Once the crystal core was placed into the metal box and contained, Shiloh briefly opened a small portal in the fabric of space and proceeded to hurl. Feeling much better, she cleaned herself up and tried to stand. As for where that portal led to, best hope it wasn't anywhere awkward. With a pale expression she sorted out the payment for the item she had won in bidding by giving the auctioneer a formal printed certificate with a handwritten amount for nine hundred and ninety-nine million silver, stamped with Antikythera's seal. "The funds will be sent to you shortly. Here is your copy to confirm our transaction." Although it pained her to do so, she had to pay up. Once the transaction was complete, she stared into the distance as she could feel her coinpurse crying. "…There goes my emergency fund." She sighed.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Siris finally asked. "It's nothing… By the way, I think this is the first time I've spent almost a billion. Be honored Siris, you've set a record." She replied with a deadpan face. In her heart she swore to never go shopping with him again, or she'd risk another hemorrhage from her pocketbook. To answer Dala's question, Siris spoke up. "Next we will need star iron ore and condensed aura crystals. It'd be best if we can find fire, water, earth, wood, and metal-aligned shards of equal grade to ensure a balanced distribution of the elemental spectrum–but I suppose we can settle for just three…" He said, feeling an intense stare coming at him from Shiloh's direction. "Don't worry–I'm sure star iron ore won't be too difficult to find!" Siris added quickly. Putting away the newly purchased crystal core into his storage box, the three headed on back towards the market. 

Thankfully this time Siris was right, he did find something that he believed to be 'star iron', which turned out to just be high quality meteorites with deposits of metal. The price was much less painful than what she had given for their previous purchase and they got a full five crates of them while getting a bulk discount. That left the aura crystals as the last thing on the list.

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:43 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Dala took note of Siris' words and choice not to commit violence. She would have to wait later for that. For now, Shiloh was having a battle with this dastardly elf, though the battle was far less dramatic since one side looked like they were already dead. Maybe it was the battle with her stomach that was the true ultimate fight. Despite one hundred and fifty million, the elven man did not relent. They fought with money and just when it looked like Shiloh was about to lose it all, she bid nine hundred and ninety nine million silvers. Dala's jaw dropped and everyone else in the audience looked astounded. 

"Damn. Her paycheck must be huge."
Dala muttered. 

The auctioneer placed the crystal in a metal box and had it sent over to Shiloh and Siris. The elven man gave out a huff and swiftly left the auction hall, either embarrassed by the whole situation or still angry. Dala looked at the two with a big smile. 

"Great so we got the first ingredient. What's next? Do we need to find another super powerful magical thing?"
She asked with pure excitement. 

Then she remembered the dying Shiloh. Squatting next to what may be the corpse, she checked to see if Shiloh was alive. It seemed she was alive enough. 

"Does she need a doctor?" Dala asked Siris. 

Author: Picatrix, Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:11 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Elated that they could find one very important material crucial for the crafting process, his joy did not last long as someone with less than pleasant intentions immediately followed Shiloh's bid. Siris did not know how much a million silver was, but he assumed it was a considerable amount of money. He whispered back to Dala: "I don't think we should do that, we might be thrown out for attacking other people." In the background there was suppressed gagging noises coming from next to them. Shiloh's face was pale, and upon hearing the man's bid she wanted to cry. Unfortunately she had neither the tears nor energy to do so, only an increasingly overwhelming desire to initiate a gag reflex. Her head was pounding and sadly her sense of consciousness was still strong enough for her to comprehend what was going on.

"One hundred and f-fifty million…" She groaned, propping herself up on the armrest of her chair, arm raised languidly. Normally she hated throwing away money like this, but she really wanted this bidding to end sometime soon before she lost control over her involuntary reactions. "Two hundred million!" The elvish man was incensed, his eyes flaring with seething, unadulterated animosity. From the perspective of the auctioneer and other attendees, the pale woman who had started the bidding war was sobbing quietly and burying her head in her arms. Everything hurt, her stomach hurt, the man's voice was too loud, and she was starting to see colors swirl.

"Th-" "Four hundred million!" The man roared. At this point the other attendees were gossiping amongst themselves. He clearly wasn't letting the opposition bid, interjecting before she could raise. Although his actions were distasteful, this was the most exciting thing they've seen all day. "Don't give in to him, Shiloh! I believe in you!" Siris encouraged, oblivious to the fact his seat mate looked like she was ready to pass out. He didn't know why she suddenly became ill, and she wasn't in any state to tell him, so the thought slipped his mind. "Why are we still here, just to suffer?" She gasped as the auctioneer began the final call. 

"Four million! Going once! Going twice! Do we have another offer?"

As the the auctioneer prepared to bang his gavel, there was a sneer on the elvish man's lips. But then a flailing arm was raised half-supported by Siris as a shaky voice resounded across the auction hall. "NINE HUNDRED AND…NiNeTy-NiNE MiLLioN…silvers." Shock rippled through the hall as all heads turned to look incredulously at them, and the auctioneer banged his gavel. "Nine hundred and ninety-nine million–sold!" 

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:36 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Although she knew very little about magical crystals, all it took was one look at Siris to know that this was the item they needed to make the flying sword. Despite the strangely specific directions from the owner. Her eyes widened with excitement as Siris continued shaking the ever sickly looking Shiloh. When her hand raised and she managed to say the bid, Dala fully expected that to be that and no more. Little did they know that an elvish aristocrat wearing an elegant silk suit had other plans. He quickly raised his hand to make his bid after throwing them an irritated glance. 

"125 million!" He shouted loud enough for the entire hall to hear. 

Dala spotted the guy and wondered if it would be against the rules of bidding to stab your opponent for dominance. Unfortunately, it probably was. There went that sword unless Shiloh was willing to cough up a greater price. Only time would tell if Shiloh could out bid this stranger. And only time would tell whether Shiloh or her stomach would be the victor of this particular battle. 

"Siris is it allowed to fight our opponents here?" Dala whispered. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:22 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

The statue of the golden goose was most certainly unique. There were so, so many potential jokes you could make while gifting it to the right person. Unfortunately nobody fit the bill, so she had no reason to take a gander. It would be an excellent addition to Antikythera's private art exhibit though, but only after a discount. Ten grand for a statue might not be so bad however. To her dismay, someone else bought it, meaning if they resold it the price would go up. Shame.

The next item was a very vibrant crystal sphere, something that fortune-telling frauds liked to use to create a sense of legitimacy. It looked really gaudy and the magical signature of the thing was off the charts, making Shiloh feel nauseous. Just looking at it made her stomach invert itself. Hearing the description, which felt oddly specific, she decided to pass hoping someone would hurry up and buy it already. The longer that thing was out the more she felt like she was going to empty her internal contents onto the auction house floor. Not to mention the price was utterly ridiculous.

"That's it! It's not exactly celestial grade but it's more than excellent for an imperial grade primordial crystal core!" Siris whispered loudly into her ear, pulling on her sleeve and shaking her slightly. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." She groaned, forcing down the gastric fluids that were trying to escape through her esophagus. "No, I'm serious! I didn't think I'd manage to find a-" 

She cut him off quickly. "That was a figure of speech, Siris–please stop shaking me." Why did that thing have to cost so much? Who even sold things for half a silver anyway? With great discomfort and reluctance, Shiloh raised a hand and croaked: "120 million…" Unbeknownst to her, she had now drawn the ire of a young elven man in a three-piece silk suit who had intended to make the first bid.

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:52 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Dala bolted in the direction of the auction at full force, forgetting about how she was supposed to look nice for auctions, and made it just in the nick of time. The woman had neglected to learn any spells that could change clothes and simply dusted herself off before stepping into the grande auction hall. Luckily, the surrounding aristocrats assumed she was a dirty servant for her better-dressed counterparts. She plopped into her seat and waited for the bidding to begin.

The master of ceremonies who was guiding the whole auction had a smooth voice that could compel many to surrender their coin. He spoke with such elegance and grace that Dala was tempted to fall asleep through this event. With all her strength, she managed to keep herself awake and focused. The ivory interested her to a degree but Dala let the other two decide what was important for the flying sword. If they didn’t jump at it, then she wouldn’t bother. However, there was one item that she really liked for some reason. It was a golden statuette of a goose holding a dagger in its beak.

“This is called the destroyer. Legends say that it went around terrorizing the locals and stealing all of their stuff. The artist created this statuette as a way to identify this creature but it ended up mysteriously stolen. We have only recovered it recently. The bidding will start at 10,000 silver.” The master of the auction declared. 

Dala gripped her hands tightly and held them in place to prevent herself from wasting money. She couldn’t buy such a thing. It would be a waste of money. And on top of that, she wasn’t even sure why she wanted it in the first place. Luckily, somebody else purchased it and they moved on to the next item. This was a purple and pink colored crystal propped up on a deep blue pillow, perhaps for its comfort? Dala was never certain why aristocrats did such things.

“And this ladies and gentlemen is an exquisite find. A crystal that can be forged into anything you’d like, with the exception of flying swords. Spears, shields, bows, and any other weapon works perfectly. We will start the bid at 100,000,000.5 silver.”

The specificity of this item greatly confused her.

Author: Picatrix, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:03 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

"Four minutes?!" Before he could say more, Shiloh's face lost its emotion as her eyes stared into the distance. "ALRIGHT THEN LET'S GET MOVING!" Siris was half dragged along as she made a beeline for the auction site, following Dala's lead. Fixing their attire was a simple matter. Siris changed his clothes in an instant using magic while Shiloh used an illusion. Fortunately for them the auction was held in an open location so mingling into the guests wasn't difficult. Once the auction hall opened, everyone was aiming to get a good seat to see the goods or watch the upcoming bidding war. They managed to find three seats together in the middle, and as he looked around he noted some well-dressed individuals in the back with spyglasses. 

A hush fell over the hall as a curtain was raised and the master of ceremonies stepped forth. "Welcome, welcome dear guests. It is an honor for me to host this momentous occasion. I am confident that today's menagerie will tickle your fancies, so shall we see who fate smiles upon this auction?" His words were smooth like honey, and the tension in the air was palpable. He had to admit this was his very first time participating in an auction, and he was feeling quite nervous. He wasn't sure what to expect. Looking to his left, Shiloh had her usual deadpan expression, staring at the stage as the first item was being wheeled in. 

When the silk cloth was pulled back, a large pristine spear of what appeared to be ivory gleamed beneath the light. "For our first item, a rare specimen caught from the abyssal depths of the Nyella! This well-preserved piece of rib is rumored to be the trophy from a leviathan hunt during the biting cold of Glaciem. Any bigger and we might have to cart it in upon a carriage."

As the bidding began, Siris furrowed his brow as he inspected the bone from his seat. It indeed was in good condition, however the material didn't seem resilient enough to create a suitable handle. Even for decorative purposes it wouldn't be able to withstand a constant influx of aura in large quantities. The material also had poor conductivity for elements outside of water and similar subcategories. Blunt force trauma would deteriorate its structure easily. A man with small spectacles put up a bid for ten thousand right away, and after small competition from a decorated chieftain, it was his for twenty-five thousand. The next few items for sale were curios and oddities with little forging value. He did notice Shiloh eye an ornamental dagger with an emerald snake head, but she didn't place a bid. Her eyes kept following the object towards the person who ultimately purchased it. Was there something wrong? It didn't seem very special to him. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 5:17 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

"There's always bribery. And if there is a dress code, we could always excuse ourselves as dumb foreigners or something." Dala suggested, "Technically speaking I'm not supposed to use my own coin for this trip. But technically a sapphire is not a coin. We'll just have to look out for a morally loose guard and we'll be in!"

Her words were light and yet she acted like she had some experience in sneaking into gatherings. A mischievous smile appeared on her face as she showed the sparkling star sapphire to Siris. The star sapphire was just another piece she had borrowed from an asshole noble she found drunk at a bar. The young woman slipped it back into a safe place in her pocket.

"Come on. If we've got roughly four minutes to get there before it starts." She said, realizing she probably should have mentioned that part first.

If they sprinted, they might get there on time. The auction was being held inside a fancy banquet hall placed on the upper part of the beetle. Crowds of colorfully dressed wealthy people crowded around the entrance as they waited for the grand opening. Of course, many servants were also crowded around their wealthy masters, waiting for some order or sign to do something. Soon, the doors opened and a flood of people swarmed into the building.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 4:24 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

"Perfect. Well, let's get going! Wait, this isn't one of those private auctions with a guest list right?" If it was, then getting in would be a pain and a half. She wasn't going to bribe someone just to let her in where there might be something that Siris needed. Plus the wealthy and eccentric tended to be very picky on whom they sold their collections to. "If they actually request identification then we should probably pass. Otherwise they won't let us in." Siris was feeling somewhat hopeful about it regardless. "Even if it's a low-grade version of the base materials, that will be fine." At this point Shiloh was just going along. Only Siris could determine if the things there were what he needed. As for funds…she probably didn't need to worry. It wasn't like she used most of the money she made anyway. 

"Really hoping there isn't a dress code. Not with this late-Venti heat. I can also check if there's any contraband circulating here or any cursed items that need disposing of." When the world wasn't heading towards its imminent doom, she was busy keeping tabs everywhere. Kwama was one of the few areas that were harder to put under surveillance due to the nature of its lack of a fixed location. As she saw the gleam in Dala's eyes, Shiloh was resigned to the conclusion that she was the only one who wasn't on board with the flying hover-sword.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:49 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

"A flying sword… that sounds awesome!!"Dala exclaimed, "And one that you can stand on while looking badass! Nothing is more intimidating than riding your own weapon into battle."

A big smile was on her face at the thought of Siris' idea. The thought of being able to enter a battlefield on a sword seemed too cool to NOT do. Siris also seemed to have the disposition that would be appropriate for such a feat. She grabbed Siris' hands and looked him dead in the eye with a suddenly serious expression. Coolness was a serious business and had to be treated like one.

"I will do everything within my power to help you." She declared before letting him go as she remembered something, "You know it's really annoying that you need to get materials for this stuff. I saw ghosts levitating a bunch of rusty swords back in the temple. It's too bad you can't just hire a spirit to fly you around."

She tried to think of the strange materials that Siris had asked for. Kwama had an assortment of magical items they had gathered from traveling around Onnen. The major benefit of being on a beetle's back was the trade they were able to have throughout the continent. Surely one or two of them had come across something like what Siris had been describing.

"There is an auction being held for wealthy collectors near the upper levels of the town. With luck, they might have one of the things you need." She said, "That's where they usually sell anything rare or strange."

Author: Picatrix, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:04 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

He was disappointed when the young blonde girl who was introduced told him those materials weren't being sold here. This was the third place they had browsed and not a single thing on the list was in sight. "Oh…is that so?" It had been ages since he had been trapped with the entire sect in that realm, maybe he was being too optimistic in expecting things to still be the same. When asked what he needed these materials for, Shiloh answered for him. "He wants to make a flying sword. ….Or a 'spiritual weapon' as he calls it. And it's supposed to be able to carry people I guess–as in people fly while on it." From the base description it was clear this wasn't something Shiloh would come up with. Things she made had a tendency to be more complex and have highly aggressive defense systems built into them. Even the mundane ones. It was clear this was more of her coming along while he was doing the shopping.

"You know, maybe we've been going at this at the wrong angle. If the stuff you're looking for exists, it might be called by other names." The look on her face said she personally believed this to be highly unlikely, but Siris was willing to give it a shot. "Or we can find a close substitute."

"I suppose that will do for the time being. Though it would be ideal if I could find the base materials on the first go." Sometimes you had to improvise. "But if the intrinsic properties of the substitute materials aren't close enough, they can't be used. There's only so much deviation one can allow in creating a spiritual blade. It must have a certain degree of aura resonance with whom it is bonded to." Shiloh nodded in agreement, not understanding a single word he said. She was just hoping this would mean they could finish this faster.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:40 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

"Nice to meet ya!" Dala exclaimed. 

The stranger next the Shiloh looked so similar to her that Dala could only assume they were family. Was this guy Shiloh's kid? Perhaps this was their family bonding time? Dala silently hoped she didn't interrupt their bonding time. Siris began listing off the materials he was looking for. The list was a series of complicated sounding crystals, cores, and ores that hardly anybody would sell in a shop. Even Dala knew that. 

"Yeah nobody here's gonna have that." Dala said with a deadpan expression, "What are you making anyway? Some sort of power source or a magical item?"

She knew that Shiloh usually needed things for her inventions and naturally assumed whatever they were making would be a part of that. Perhaps there was a world ending monster or a great disaster that needed to be avoided? Then she took another look at Shiloh and remembered her friend's shut-in ways. Nope. If something like that was going on, Shiloh would not be jumping into it unless it went to her doorstep directly. It had to be an invention of sorts. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:03 PM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

When Siris came and said he needled a new sword, she thought this was going to be simple. She took him to some of the best forges in Adeluna and Baltil, which the latter was famous for, only for him to leave unsatisfied. At that point she was ready to just suggest him to have it commissioned when she asked him what should've been a rhetorical question. "So what kind of sword are you looking for anyways?" Weren't these good enough? "No, these aren't capable of becoming a bonded spiritual weapon. Their affinity for conducting aura is too poor and at best would only serve as an offhand artifact, much less levitate." She blinked in confusion. "Why does a sword need to levitate?" Siris answered matter-of-factly: "To fly, of course. It wouldn't be of any use as a spirit sword then." 


"Wait I thought you were looking for a weapon, not a vehicle for transportation! Why do you even need a sword to fly?!" Shiloh was flabbergasted, trying to figure out how a sword was supposed to be a mode of transportation. "How are you going to use it? You can't sit on it like a broomstick!" 

"Oh there's no need to sit, you just stand." The man with a face identical to hers replied. "Where?! On–on the blade?!" She gestured wildly, still unable to grasp why anyone would opt to use a weapon in this manner. "Yes." 

So they decided to find materials to make a flying sword, because most people just use them to cut things instead of making them into enchanted mounts. While Siris was noting the lack of options, her downward spiral into confusion was interrupted by a familiar voice, and she saw Dala waving at them. It'd been a while since they crossed paths as Shiloh had been busy handling Siris' cognitive readjustment. "Oh hi, long time no see. Dala, this is Siris. Siris, this is Dala."

In response to the girl's question, Siris answered. "Condensed high-grade aura crystals, a primordial crystal core, and star iron ore." Shiloh translated. "We're looking for forging materials." As this was Dala's first time meeting Siris, it became very obvious how similar he looked to Shiloh. And how similar he sounded. The major differences were the facial expressions and voice tone.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:23 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Dala stared down her enemy and prepared for the greatest battle of her life. Her enemy was sharp, quick-witted, and a foe that would bring even the greatest of fighters down with one look. A tiny mistake was all that it would take for her to lose everything. The young woman didn't have time to think, to move, or even to properly form a snarky comment before…

"Sorry but its going to be 50 silver. I'm not lowering the prices." The old shopkeeper woman said. 

"Pleeeeeease!" Dala begged falling to her knees, "I promised the village I wouldn't waste a single silver piece!"

"I'm not giving you two herding dogs for anything less than fifty silver pieces. Take it or leave it." The shopkeeper declared once more. 

"Fiiine." She sighed and stood up, "Let me think about it then."

The villagers specifically wanted Kwama herding dogs as they were rumored to have expert senses and could adapt to any change in climate. Dala personally felt that normal dogs would probably work just as well but if that is what her people wanted, then that is what they would have. The only problem was that they had given her a budget and she was strictly told not to use her own money for it. Something about how they didn't like her using her wealth to solve all their problems and they were worried she would get herself killed from all the treasure hunting. The young woman glanced back at her purse, noting the 49 silver pieces inside. If only the shopkeeper would have lowered the price by one! As she walked along the crowded street markets and past the vibrant stalls, she noticed a familiar face. It had been a long time since they last met but she would recognize that deadpan expression anywhere! She didn't hesitate to pop  up next to Shiloh and her travelling friend, only hearing the last part of their conversation about materials. 

"Watcha looking for?" Dala asked with a big cat-like smile. 

The villagers wouldn't be too mad at her lateness if she told them she had run into an old friend. Besides, it would buy her more time to find a silver piece. If anybody asked, she just got the dogs on a discount and would fudge the records. Not like any of them were heading to Kwama anyways. Her interest was also piqued as she rarely saw Shiloh outside with a lot of people around. Usually she was held up in her temple with a series of projects to work on. Her eyes turned towards the other person her friend was traveling with and she gave them a wave. 

"Heya!" Dala said. 

Author: Picatrix, Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:33 AM, Post Subject: Shiloh Kyrie and the Celestial Spirit Sword [P]

Even though he had been walking for three hours, Siris still found it hard to believe his eyes. This lively and bustling city was on the back of a great insect, and people who appeared to be a combination of man and beast went about their daily lives. After an indeterminate amount of time, he had adjusted to the world's current state of affairs and was prepared to start anew. With no way to return to the remains of the Eclipse Temple and having felt he was overstaying his welcome, he decided it was time to procure new tools. Shiloh, swift as ever, suggested they visit a handful of places when he inquired where one could purchase a quality sword. It soon became apparent the stock in Adeluna and Baltil wouldn't do, as they were nowhere near the level of which was necessary for a spiritual weapon. Simple enchantments such as those could be imbued himself. Sensing he was searching for something more specific, Shiloh offered to take him somewhere where the wares were more exotic.

They were now perusing the markets, scanning the stalls and shop fronts for anything remotely similar to what he wanted. His hopes were dimming, and now he was considering looking for raw materials instead. Although he didn't specialize in artifice, he could at least create a functional spiritual blade. "See anything?" She asked. With a sigh, Siris shook his head. "Not yet. Let's just look for materials then. Ores shouldn't be too hard to find to create a base." 

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