Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sahel Hightops > Kwama, The Living City > Real Life Experience [O]

Character Info
Name: Leita
Age: Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Half Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Assistant
Silver: 17
If it wasn't for Caroline's insistence, Leita would have stuck in her library and read books all day. She had gotten used to the beautiful manor library and its safe walls. The comforting sight of a million books and the comfy chairs that were near the fireplace beckoned her. But Caroline had noticed Leita's growing habit of staying inside and had sent her out to the wilds of Onnen to complete little missions but more importantly, let her gain experience in dealing with the outside world. But she wasn't alone in this endeavor. By her side was a black wolf, covered in dark purple runes. The wolf was faster and smarter than most other wolves along with his magical abilities. Leita was busily sitting inside one of the cities' libraries, determined to stay inside.

The day was hot and humid and she wasn't keen on having a new experience with complete strangers. She preferred her books and sitting around like-minded individuals. The library was smaller than the manor's as it also worked as a bookstore but she didn't mind. In the middle of the library was a long table with multiple chairs around it. Leita's book was opened to a page about magic and its purpose, as that was what she had been studying before Caroline sent her on this "experience trip". Her wolf, who was cleverly named Lightning, was sleeping soundly. Nobody seemed to mind the wolf being in the library to which Leita could only assume it was because of the variety of people that showed up. 

The sun began to lower in the sky as Leita continued reading book after book and she didn't notice how late it had gotten until the librarian had to ask her to leave. It was closing time. She packed her stuff up and left the building with Lightning following along. The city was abuzz with activity despite the fact it was nighttime. Drunken folks filled the streets and nosy partying crowds began to head directly to the taverns. She shoved her way through these crowds and began looking for the Inn she was supposed to stay at. It was called The Sleeping Beetle. Appropriate name for a town that resided on a giant beetle's back. 

As she made her way through the streets, she had a sneaking suspicion that she was not alone. Lightning was walking closer to her side. Perhaps to protect her from whatever was out there or to avoid groups of people. 

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