Within the giant canopies of Sahel lies the capital of the region. Cameroon is built up into the huge mahogany trees, their leaves, and whatever else might have settled into the trees while it was built.
The mahogany trees of Sahel are some of the largest known to Revaliir Scholars. While only the trees rival Bakulaw Isle this place is home to many predators to watch out for. It is more like a cave than a forest floor even during the day. Tread carefully.
Yonuba is one of the few underground places that Onnen offers. It is a tropical paradise under the earth. Large cave openings where sunlight is allowed through are the only way in and out. The temperatures appear much more humid than the rest of the underground places due to volcanic activity deeper underground.
Kwama is the world's largest living insect. Blessed by the Old Gods of Onnen this insect has become a living city. On it's back are many structures where many different races live. The beetle often travels across Onnen in search of a meal or for migration purposes.
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