Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Republic of Iria > Sidhiel, The Living Myth > Curiosities Abound [Pm to join/Event]

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
After befriending a young vampire, the pair traveled together. There wasn't much of a change for Raziel, except the whole needing to change her sleeping schedule. Yet the pair worked together to keep each other safe. It was beneficial for both of them. With Zander sleeping lightly nearby, the odd mix slept safe and warm through the day, when Raziel could sleep, without fear of any harm befalling them. At night, Fen was able to guide her easily over the terrain.

Both got much needed companionship. For the angel, there was nothing better than to have someone to hold a conversation with. It didn't matter how young he was. Fen was still young enough that he had a thousand questions, and she had almost as many explanations or stories to answer him with. When they had heard a rumor of a bunny traveling south to Sidhiel, she wanted to go. While she couldn't see it, there were still ways to experience such things. She wasn't sure how, but if there was a will, there was a way. It was what her mother had always told her.

Little effort was given to convince the child to go. Who wouldn't want to see a magical rabbit? So they made their way to the nearest air port and boarded an air ship. This was literally the closest to flying Raziel would ever get. All in all, the trip to Sidhiel was uneventful, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. However, what was truly the most troubling of the whole thing was actually the disembarkation.

At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary as they took their first steps off the ship. Each step seemed to echo loudly in her ears, exploding into an overly detailed image in her mind. She could see the ship behind them, the boy and wolf next to her, and a crowd before them. Buildings neatly arranged. As soon as the image came, it disappeared, only to happen again with the next step. Raziel's head spun with the influx of information. In a desperate attempt to still everything, she grabbed her head, fingernails digging into her scalp.

"Fen!" But there was nothing he could do. This was all inside of her own head. What was going on? People were pushing against her to continue their way into the city. "Take my elbow… I'll be fine." Raziel lied as she held out one elbow for him to cup into his hand, the other hand moving to grip her staff. Even then, fisted fingers were also pressing against her head. It was the easiest way for someone to lead the blind. With their similarities in height, it was easy for him. Zander whined, concerned about his mistress.


Character Info
Name: Fenriz Tel'vanya Hallowthorne
Age: 10
Alignment: TG
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fledgling Necromancer
Silver: 3429
Anyone who met Fenriz before and after he met Raziel would almost think them different people. This Fen had someone that allowed him to indulge in his more talkative, inquisitive nature, no doubt putting his angelic companion's age and experience to the test. This Fenriz also seemed to worry less, moving and carrying himself in a way that was less guarded. One could say that travelling with others allowed him a chance to actually be… a kid. It wasn't all perfect, of course. For starters, Fen felt a bit of guilt that she had to change her sleeping habits just for him. And although his new situation meant it wasn't an immediate concern the thought of his still missing parents continued to nag at the fringes of his mind. In the brief moments in which there was nothing to distract him, those thoughts would seep in like a fog, causing him to fall into a silent spell until any other thought snapped him back into his youthful, cheerful self. Yet despite these two drawbacks, the pros far outweighed the cons.

Anyone else who was asked about a magical rabbit would rightfully be a bit skeptical. Yet when they caught wind of it's existence, it became Fenriz's greatest desire to see it with his own two eyes, and little objection was given when Raziel expressed the same want. While his greatest desire was prone to change with the direction of the wind, he maintained this enthusiasm the entire way there, at least until they boarded the air ship.

When he had first met Raziel, he was visibly disappointed in her inability to fly. Yet the feeling and knowledge that the ground beneath him was not attached to… more ground, made him uncomfortable in a way that he certainly was incapable of explaining. The takeoff alone sent a foreign feeling through his stomach. Though he would attempt his best not to show his discomfort with the situation, he spent a large portion of the trip with his eyelids pressed shut, and unintentionally kept a bit closer to his companions than usual.

When he exited the ship, he was struck with several emotions in rapid succession. The first was relief. Relief that the ground beneath them hadn't vanished in their time in the air. The second was excitement. For at least as far back he could remember, he had never been in a large city like this one. Though this eagerness came mixed with a healthy amount of trepidation. After all, cities meant people, and people rarely meant good news in his experience. Even though he had become particularly adept and not drawing attention to himself, crowds still made him uneasy. Yet, even that feeling was quickly overtaken by the one that followed. 

Fen hadn't immediately taken notice of Raziel's condition, his initial attention having been captured by the sprawling sights before him. Only when she called his name was he made aware. She instructed him to take her elbow, a command to which Fen would oblige. He would move her out of the parade of attempting to disembark the airship. Once successful, he would keep his hands on her arm, giving it a small shake as he spoke

"Miss Raziel, what's happening? Do you need anything?" he whispered, hopefully loud enough for him to be heard. He would glance around at his surroundings, no doubt wearing a pitiful expression on his face as he debated on whether anyone looked trustworthy enough to ask for assistance.
Hiro Kouen

Character Info
Name: Hiro Kouen
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Humanoid Elemental
Gender: Male
Class: Elemental Knight
Silver: 1067
It'd been two years.  Two whole years since Hiro had lost his father in battle.  For awhile he blamed himself, he wasn't strong enough to protect his father, to stand beside him, to aid him in battle.  However, after awhile, he realized that this was not the case.  They were separated during the battle, which was probably too much for them to bite off in the first place.  They had sought to stop two Gods, and their rampage across Revaliir.  Neither of them were strong enough to stop one God, let alone two.  Yet, his father had talked him into going with him, to stop them, to make a stand at least.  He was willing to die to protect his world, to protect his son.  It took Hiro two years to step into action once more.  He spent the time training near the volcano around Sidhiel.  He tempered his body by the flames of the volcano.  He absorbed its strength.  He was going to get stronger, and not wallow in sorrow that he lost his father.

He would surpass his father, and make sure nothing like this happened again.

He would protect the ones he loved.

Hiro was within a port town in Sidhiel, he had been resting in town when he had heard musings of a giant rabbit running around the island.  Madness, he thought.  Why would a giant rabbit be running around the land, though honestly, he'd been out of the loop for awhile.  He hadn't talked to anyone about much of the news, that this was tied in with Lady Angela's pregnancy or anything.

The young Phoenix Knight stood in town, watching the people come and go in the town, heavily in thought.  He was a tall, muscular young man, wearing a suit of crimson armor, covered by a long, dark red cloak.  His hair was black, with streaks of red running through it.  His eyes were a deep, striking sapphire blue.  He had a blade sheathed to his side, covered by the cloak.

Suddenly, he felt something bump into him in the crowd, snapping himself back to reality.  He had to look downwards to see the person who bumped into him.  In actuality it was two people who had bumped into him.  A woman holding her head as if in pain, and a child clinging to her arm, looking worried.

"Excuse me, miss, you look in distress, are you and your child all right?"  He made the assumption that he child was her own.  She seemed to be a young woman traveling with a child.  It wasn't an unfair assumption.


Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Unable to answer his questions, Raziel shook her head slowly with a slight humming through her lips in the disagreement tone.  Hopefully, whatever this was, it would pass soon. She doubted this, of course, with the fact that every single sound seemed to ripple around their surroundings. There were so many people, too many boots, a cacophony of voices enveloping the odd pair.

In all honesty, the angel wanted to scream. Yet, while trying to make sense of this new sensory ability, they were bumped into, or did they bump into him? His voice was mature and young. If she had to guess, which Raziel was not in the mood to do, she would have put him as a young adult. She was getting relatively good at basing ages on voices and mannerisms, or so she thought. Whoever they bumped into inquired after her health, and assumed that Fen was her own offspring.

Under better circumstances, the lavender haired angel would find the thought amusing. However, with her shyness, would she even act upon it? Fen emboldened her, so the chances would have been good. As it was, Raziel shook her head, more frustrated with this new thing than anything. "I'm… not sure. My head… So much… images… Too much sound." But that wasn't what it was at all. It wasn't the sound that truly affected her, but the vibrations of everything through the ground beneath them.


Character Info
Name: Fenriz Tel'vanya Hallowthorne
Age: 10
Alignment: TG
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fledgling Necromancer
Silver: 3429
Fen leered at the man who had approached them. An unfriendly reaction though it may be, it was one of instinct. In a different scenario, he might have gone on the defensive, doing anything in his power to convince him to leave them be. Failing that, he would most certainly attempt to flee. Yet, even if she wanted to Raziel was in no condition to run, and given how little he knew about her ailment, their surroundings, or anything regarding their current situation, he was left with few options to trust the man.Fortunately, the man's inquiry into their well being seemed genuine enough, although being addressed as Raziel's child made Fen's nose scrunch a bit. His initial reaction was to correct him, but he caught himself before the words came out. Even he was able to recognize that this was fairly low in priority, all things considered. Instead the young vampire returned his attention to his ailing friend, as she begun to speak. Her fragmented speech made it clear that talking wasn't the easiest thing for her in present condition, which in turn only filled Fen with an uncomfortable mixture of remorse and helplessness.Yet he wasn't caught up in his own feelings to miss some oddities in what she said. What did she mean by images? The bystander who had come to check on them likely wouldn't find this particularly out of the ordinary, at least in comparison to the overall situation. Yet Fen, knowing what he did about Raziel couldn't help but wonder. Had something about her condition changed? Unfortunately, the only person who might answer that question would be Raziel herself, and it wasn't likely he would get a satisfactory response out of her if he tried. And even if she was capable of replying, he feared what toll it might take on her health.Too much sound, however, was a complaint that made perfect sense. A quick survey of their surroundings showed that it was far too populated to provide any immediate relief from the noise. He considered his next move carefully, or at least as carefully as he was capable of, before turning to the man that had joined them"I think… we should move her" Fen told him. A good listener could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn't entirely confident in his own plan. He looked back up at the man, though this time not with an expression of suspicion, but with pleading eyes "Do you know a quieter place to take her, mister?"He would then scan his immediate surroundings once more, hoping in vain for something that immediately suggested silence, before facing Raziel once more."A-are you okay to walk? Or should this guy carry you?" the boy asked, inadvertently volunteering the stranger's assistance.
Hiro Kouen

Character Info
Name: Hiro Kouen
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Humanoid Elemental
Gender: Male
Class: Elemental Knight
Silver: 1067
Hiro wasn't sure what was going on exactly, but from the way she spoke, she was having sensory overload.  There were too many people around her for her own good, maybe.  The lad asked if they should go to a quieter place.

"I agree, we should go somewhere quieter, less people.  There's a park over in this direction we can take her.  Not many people there, just trees and grass.  This island is a volcanic island, not many forests here, but there's places like the hot springs and what not.  Name's Hiro Kouen, Phoenix Knight, by the way.  I can carry you, if you'd like."  The woman shook her head though, preferring not to be carried around.  "All right, I can just lead you then.  Let's go this way."  Hiro started leading the woman and her child through the city until they reached a small park, with a few trees and benches sitting around.  It was quiet, and he didn't see many people  The last vestiges of sunlight were dissipating, the sky turning a beautiful shade of gold, with darkness beginning to be seen behind it.  The sun was slinking down behind the horizon.  He lead her to a park bench to let her sit down and catch her breath.

"It's quiet here, that's good.  I imagine the bustle of the city was too much for you?  Anxiety or something maybe?"  He thought out loud.  Or maybe something else was going on.  He did not know these two, so he did not know their circumstances, but when he saw people in distress, it was his instinct to act on that.  Maybe an ordinary person would mind their own business, but he was no ordinary person.  "You feel better now, Ma'am?"  He smiled warmly at the pair.  That was his nature, warmness.  It was in his blood.  Warmth flowed through his veins, figuratively and literally.  His father was a former Fire Deity from another world, a fire adept and Phoenix Knight who became more than human, closer to a fire elemental, and his mother was a former demon who became a fire elemental herself.  The warmth came naturally.


Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Fen suggested a quiet place. Perhaps that was all she needed? If all went well, then she wouldn't be so overwhelmed and she could figure out what was happening. "Just keep my elbow, Fen," the angel whispered. Hiro introduced himself, and Raziel shook her head against being carried. She was blind, not disabled, and still held her dignity. There was a sense of pride in the ability to maneuver oneself with the lack of sight to guide her, which most everyone else benefited from.

Each click of their feet sent more ripples across her normally dark vision. She could see the boy next to her without looking at him, his messy hair, worried expression, even the buttons on his clothing. Zander's tail dropped, ears alert, as he expressed his whining concern and desire to protect her from whatever was near. Hiro was tall, armored and his cloak flowed behind him, wanting to play in the air currents he created and his feet at the same time. How could she make sense of all of this when she was blind?

As they neared the park, things got significantly quieter, as did the constant flux of images from their surroundings. Fen helped guide her to a bench that Hiro found for them, onto which she gratefully sank, gripping her staff against her forehead. Of course, the tall one was musing speculations as to what was happening. During the lapse of silence between them talking, her world went dark again. Mutely she nodded to Hiro's question, melting into an almost relaxed state. Curiosity began to peek through as she calmed down.

Lifting her staff an inch, Raziel pounded it against the ground to hear a thud. Once more, an image of the sound rippling over everything flashed across her mind. With a sudden burst of energy, Raziel stood and ran a few steps, stopping and turning toward the boy with excitement written all over her face. "Fen, run to a random place here but don't tell me where you're going. Like, here in the park." When he did, Raziel lifted her staff and pounded it against the ground. In short order, she walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "I see you." A wide smile was on her face as tears began to fall from her eyes. She didn't mean to ignore Hiro, it was primarily the excitement of this discovery that was running her attention.


Character Info
Name: Fenriz Tel'vanya Hallowthorne
Age: 10
Alignment: TG
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fledgling Necromancer
Silver: 3429
Fen let out a mental sigh of relief when the man spoke of the park. Were it up to either of them, finding a quiet place would have likely been a challenge to say the very least. Though his "suggestion" that she shouldn't walk was seemingly rejected. Although he disagreed, a part of him understood, and he kept his concerns to himself as he obediently stayed by her side. Their new friend had introduced himself as Hiro, and while that was a normal enough name, he couldn't help but wonder what exactly a Phoenix Knight was. He tucked that question away with the ever growing list of them that he had, saving them to bombard anyone who would listen to them later.

As they walked, several inquires would fade in and out of his mind. About Raziel, about Hiro, about this city, and even this so called magic rabbit that they had originally traveled here to find. Hiro had mentioned that this was a volcanic island. Fenriz wasn't completely sure what that meant, his knowledge on volcanoes being limited, but what little he did know wasn't positive, and the thought did little to set his mind at ease.

His eyes darted across everything that surrounded them, changing directions with each step. This yielded two observations, the first of which being that to his surprise, none of the people seemed exceptionally interested in them. A pleasant surprise given the circumstances, though a surprise none the less. Still, he walked with a slight hunch, doing his best effort to keep it that way. The second thing he noticed was the sky. It hadn't really occurred to him earlier, but it wasn't as dark as he was accustomed to. For as far back as he was capable of remembering, the young vampire had never been outside during the daylight hours, having only been told that it was told that he likely wouldn't live through the experience. Whereas other people might enjoy the daylight hours, he couldn't help but be thankful of the approaching darkness.

They arrived, and Raziel took a seat at a park bench, seemingly feeling at least a bit better than she had previously. This, in turn made Fen feel much less anxious himself. With the brief respite, he sought to turn his attention to Hiro, several questions for him still weighing on his mind, but Raziel would preemptively put a stop to his inquisitive barrage. At random, she had stood up and started running. Before he could protest, she instructed him to do the same. Though uncertain why, something about her facial expression told him that she had her reasons for asking. So he obliged, indiscriminately choosing a tree before sprinting its direction.

Here he would wait, until he felt a small hand on his shoulder. He jumped and spun and hastily spun around, only to let out a large sigh when he saw it was just Raziel. It took him a moment before what she said to him clicked.

"Wait, you can?" he exclaimed, his apprehension melting into jubilation. "That's great! But, how? A-and why? Can you see Mister Hiro, too?"

Remembering that they had received help up to this point, Fen ran back over to the man that had assisted them up to this point. It was his turn to be on the receiving of Fen's question barrage.

"Thanks for your help, mister!" He said to Hiro, looking up at him with a giant smile "You're from around here, right? Is this island magic or something? I guess it would have to be, with the magic rabbits running around, right? Have you seen one yourself? Or maybe… did you heal her? Is that what Phoenix Knights do?"

He would barely wait for a response before shouting back to Raziel "Hey, do you think you can make it back to us?"
Hiro Kouen

Character Info
Name: Hiro Kouen
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Humanoid Elemental
Gender: Male
Class: Elemental Knight
Silver: 1067
He had no clue who she was, or that she was blind.  He lead them to the park, and eventually she was able to calm down and relax.  He didn't even notice the staff she was carrying.  He was silent as she asked the boy to run somewhere away from them, then she said that she could see him.  Hiro blinked his eyes.  "You're . . . blind?  Or you were blind?"  Hiro asked in confusion.  Did she suddenly redevelop the ability to see suddenly?  Or maybe she somehow developed some other sense, like a kind of sixth sense to make up for her lack of sight.  She had tears of joy flowing from her cheeks.

"Wow, congratulations are in order?"  Hiro smiled, though he didn't know the whole story of what was going on.  Suddenly, the boy came back to him started asking questions.  Lots of questions.  Again, Hiro blinked, staring at the young lad.  "You're very welcome for the assistance.  I don't live here, I've been just staying in the area.  I've been training around the volcano area.  I would say there's magic everywhere around us, the volcano has strong affinity for fire.  I can sense magic, through auras, though I try not to use the ability freely on people.  I don't want to pry into people's auras senselessly, I see it as an invasion of privacy.  I wouldn't say this place is more magical than other places, like an enchanted forest or something.  Uh, I've heard something about a giant rabbit, but I haven't seen one yet.  I didn't heal your mother though, I didn't have anything to do with that kind of miracle.  I don't possess healing magic."  He paused when he asked what Phoenix Knights do.

"A Phoenix Knight . . . is a warrior that uses fire magic to protect people.  The only other one I've known was my father, before . . . before he fell in battle.  A Phoenix Knight serves no king, but serves the people instead.  They worship fire and the symbol of the Phoenix, a great fire bird, a bird that is capable of self-resurrection.  They say the phoenix, before it dies, gathers a nest of twigs and such, and lights itself on fire, burning itself to ash, before being reborn anew from the ashes.  Fire is worshiped not as a pure destructive force, but as a source of civilization and knowledge.  You use fire to cook food, you use fire to forge metal, to light up the darkness, and so forth.  It can be used to burn away dead and diseased flesh, to cauterize wounds.  And I've . . . probably prattled on too much.  I don't think I've been properly introduced to either of you yet."  He scratched his head, not really knowing either of their names, though he had introduced himself.  The woman did call the child Fen, he noticed that.


Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
The angel nodded to the boy, rubbing her eye with the palm of her hand. "I've been blind my whole life, Hiro. Still am, but…" Her jubilation overrode her shy demeanor.  Fen's feet painted her dark world as he ran toward the knight, burying him with a mountain of questions. Hiro did his best to answer everything, some of the information she tucked away in case it may be important.

When Hiro spoke of his father falling, Raziel frowned. From the sound of it, he had not lost his father too long ago. Either that, or it was still a tender subject. It was not in her business to inquire about it, and felt empathy for it. Her own mother was dying, being sustained in magical stasis until Raziel could finish her mission that was set upon her by Elithia. Find Rammy and Gabe. The angels of Zets'Ki promised her mother would not perish before the two could be brought to the Cradle. Hiro's last statement dragged the half angel out of her swirling thoughts.

At Fen's request, she made her way to them, and placed her hand on the boy's shoulder. "Fenriz is not my son. He is a friend who's been a major help to me these last couple of weeks. I apologize for my lack of manners. My name is Raziel." As she spoke, her eyes seemed fixated a little low, as if she was staring at Hiro's chest. "Thank you, for your assistance. Magic here seems… unbalanced. I think it woke something inside of me." Releasing the boy, she pound the ground with her staff once more, and used her steps to continue her new sense as she made her way to a blue tree.

Her free hand reached out and felt the rough bark. "I can't see color. It is as if sound is a drop of light in my dark eyes. Briefly, I can see objects as the sound travels… But that doesn't seem to make sense. Those birds, do you hear them? I think they're flying overhead… I can't see them." With a frown, Raziel walked over to the bench and sat back down. "This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. So many people were surrounding us, so much noise, and I was not sure what was happening as suddenly I could see but could not see. It was very disorienting. Still is, actually." She was trying to explain it as best as she could so that Fen could understand as well.

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