Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Republic of Iria > Sidhiel, The Living Myth > Attack on Lapin [O][Event]
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
"Captain, Port Maeron has appeared on the horizon." From the deck of the Clephsydra, the deity of storms stood looking out over the ocean below. It had finally come to this. The rabbit had been chased off the mainland, and it was now on the high elves' island. "Prepare for landing, Erasmus. All hands on deck! The hunt, has begun." Taking out her axe, she hefted its head in the palm of her hand. "Bring us over, and when we're in position–open the doors." With her were her best combat units, this time comprised of mainly melee combat models. With magic going awry near the rabbit, they'd have to take it down the old fashioned way…through brute force. "We're in position, Captain! Opening airlocks in three, two, one…" Galatea shouted as the doors began to come loose.

Swinging the door open, Shiloh looked down as she saw the large mass of magic now more than double the size it had been when she chased it off in Railoch. With axe and flaming sword in hand, she leaped from the side of the airship and began hurtling downwards toward the rabbit like a meteor. And on cue, the airship flew on further ahead to land. Once it touched down, the fighters she had brought along came charging out like a battalion of soldier ants rushing an insect a hundred times their size. "Aim for the neck…go for the spine…" She muttered as she spiraled down into a controlled free fall.

Galatea and Diomedes were leading the ground assault, and the rest of her employees were not far behind. Their plan of action was simple, deal as much damage as possible while avoiding injury. Healing magic would undoubtedly be impacted along with the other arcane arts. And whatever potions they had on hand must be conserved until they absolutely needed them. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Eden
Age: 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Tigerfolk
Gender: Female
Class: Beastmaster
Silver: 7
The more she chased, the bigger it got. Its size was imposing, and it saw nothing that got in its way as an obstacle. The more she and others chased it, the more fierce it grew. It would not respond to her or anything else that got in its way. With how large it stood, there was no way she could do much to it. What she would give to simply understand what such entity was… Why it existed and why it caused so much conflict. Whatever it was, it was dangerous and had to be taken down, but how?

Her ears flicked upwards before her eyes were drawn to the massive vessel hailing from the sky, hanging over the entity as it opened up and waves of people her sized stormed out, doing whatever they could. One of them had a pair of weapons that gleamed with years of experience and an aura that screamed alpha. What she declared the others followed. So, too, was her position when she called for aid… Maybe it was time she did the same. But who? Hardly any of them could match up in terms of size let alone power… Well, one did, but he was picky… NO! she told herself, looking up at the massive rabbit. This may work!

Taking in a deep breath, Eden lifted her arm up to the shackle around her neck, unleashing its bindings and freeing her throat up before letting out an impending roar, echoing in the air as her tiger-like scream called for aid. Her throat rippled as she gave it everything she got until she could no longer hold it, locking the clasp once more before locking it up again. The air felt still to her, but behind, it was as if reality was thinning. A forest was starting to show itself with new scents and echoes escaping it… before a massive foot tore through it and into this reality.

A massive presence pushed itself through as green scales pushed through, an entity standing just as tall as the rabbit itself came forth: a hari! "You dare call me name?!" he roared, its screech echoing in the air just as loud as hers was. "You know of our agreement: dare waste my time, and you are my next meal!"

Eden nodded before pointing at the massive rabbit. "No take light. Powerful. Take army. Take sky bolt no issue." While the hari stared on, questioning if she was serious, he did admit it would make a fine meal at the very least, taking charge upon the rabbit and grabbing it. While its arms were small, they were packed my hundreds of pounds of muscle, letting it make sure it had a fine grasp before attempting to chomp down upon it.

Character Info
Name: Kiba Balatro
Age: Looks in Early 30s
Alignment: TN
Race: Diowolf/Dragon Shade
Gender: Male
Class: Champion - Protector Vitae
Silver: 5904
This better go better than the last time, I don't know how much more I have in me.  Kiba stood on his giant black paws a distance away from where the monstrous hare now sat.  It had changed significantly across its journey of the land.  Magic had gone horribly wrong in its wake and could not be allowed to stay any longer.  The diowolf took a moment to sit upon his haunches and watch the lapin move about, and his Reztreal could see the ley lines shot in different directions chaotically.  Tail flipped from side to side as he monitored the situation below.  He was going to need to make a move soon, or the creature would have too much power.  He had followed the apparition for quite a distance over the span of many days now.  Even though the diowolf was knew to the land of Revaliir he did not have the heart to allow it to be caused such troubles.  There were good people he had met along his travels.  If there was something he could do to help then he would do all that was possible to end the now nightmare.  It was difficult to think about the situation with a small chuckle.  A giant ethereal rabbit was rampaging the countryside.  What a story this would make…if they all made it through somehow.

Kiba grunted as he stood up.  A small wince flinched on his face as he felt the injury in his back leg.  All he could hope for was that once the adrenaline had begun to move in his system he would not feel it any longer.  In his last encounter the creature had been powered by lightening itself.  A clip had been made in his leg that made things difficult for him moving around.  The diowolf shook out his fur and then stretched in preparation.  Cranium lifted as he caught sight of a ship flying above that was full of a strong aura.  That aura could only be that of one of the deities.   It was impressive that they were as involved with the mortals here as they were.  Ears pinned to the back of his head as he watched the strong aura fling itself from the ship in a straight shot down towards the target.  "That is going to hurt on both sides," he mused aloud.

With one more shake of his fur, Kiba kicked off the ground into a fast run to close the gap between him and his prey.  He caught sight of the femme tiger that had been at the last site.  They had chased the creature out to its current location, and he gave a wolfish grin.  What shocked him into almost halting his charge was the appearance of a reptile with an innumerable amount of teeth.  I think that will come in handy.  Kiba altered his course to come from behind the rabbit in an effort to let the now incoming army to take their shot as well as this new beast.  He kicked the ground hard with his back legs to launch into the sky and land upon the hare's back.  Claws dug into the back and then bit with his powerful teeth.  It would take everyone to take the beast down in a timely manner before it could do damage to the magical current there.  It had to be done.


Character Info
Name: Walter Bosch
Age: 54
Alignment: TG
Race: Lycanthorpe
Gender: Male
Class: Tracker
Silver: 0
He was feeling anxious, and the wolf was too. As they flew from Railoch, it was hard or him to sit still on board. Every few minutes he would get up and walk around, then sit down again. Rumors of a magical rabbit spread across the world in days, and with more sightings by the hour he wasn't sure what to think. Then one day, the illumination in the greenhouse went out. Shiloh was furious, and he heard her storm down the halls muttering curses under her breath. The hum of machinery had stopped, and people were running around trying to figure out what had happened. From what he picked up from the deity's grumbling, everything inside was supposed to be working fine. She curtly told one of the metal golems that she was going out to inspect something, and ran out the front door.

Almost half a day later, she came back sopping wet with dried mud encrusting her boots. She looked tired, but less angry than before. After a new change of clothes and time to dry off, he went and asked her what happened. What he heard made him shake is head in bewilderment. Apparently that magical rabbit had the ability to distort what ever energies were used in casting magic, causing unpredictable results. And because of that, it had made the lightning towers run awry outside. Shiloh then continued explaining how she chased the thing all the way out of Himinn Pass, only for it to vanish into thin air. She was still sore about the whole thing, and he told her not to think about it anymore. Then came the new reports of it emerging in Sidhiel. Right away Shiloh was ready to declare war on that rascal of a rabbit, and no amount of persuading could get her to think otherwise. Walter had never seen it for himself, so he wondered why she still held such anger towards the thing. Even if it had magical origins, just how bad could a single rabbit be?

When the docks were in sight, he learned how wrong he was. It wasn't just a rabbit, it was a towering, shimmering monstrosity with a rabbit's shape. If that was what made the power in all of Antikythera cut short, then no wonder Shiloh was madder than a hornet. The little polecat was on the warpath, and ordered for the doors to be opened briefly so she could land a deadly surprise attack from above. Even more amusing was the actual polecat that now followed after the deity–though somewhat incorporeal like the gigantic rabbit below. Once the airship landed, everybody was out the door in a mad rush to take the beast on. The rabbit was even more massive from the ground, but he kept his instincts in check. And it was a good thing he did–for the magical beast began firing beams of destructive energy down at those already beginning their assault. 

His wolf form wouldn't do him any good right now. The added mobility would only make him a moving target. Loading up his crossbow he came in from the sides, moving from cover to cover until he was within range. With a well-aimed shot, he sent a bolt flying towards one of the rabbit's feet. It was too large for him to hit the ankles, but as long as it lodged itself around the area it might slow down the rabbit's movements. Ducking back behind a low wall he began to reload, keeping an ear out for any incoming attacks. As he glanced over the wall for another shot, he saw someone dangling from the rabbit's back. With a cry of pain, it shook itself to get rid of them, and he watched tensely as the figure flailed about. This wasn't good; a fall from that height would kill anyone. Setting his crossbow down, he broke into a sprint and shifted into a wolf in hopes of catching them as soon as they fell.

“Those are the voices of my brothers, darling; I love the company of wolves.”
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
With a rising battle cry, she slammed into the magical beast with full force, sinking her weapons into its enchanted hide. The smell of fire and magic was making her sick, but she held on like a stubborn tick as the rabbit tried to shake her loose. "You're not getting rid of me that easily!" She said, her face twisting into a smirk. This was the best possible place to land a hit–on its back where it couldn't immediately reach. Yanking out her sword, she kept the axe blade in. However with the rabbit's erratic movements she started to lose her footing as it reared up in pain. With no time to reestablish her footing, the force of gravity took hold, dragged her down. "ARGH–NO!" Her insistent grip on the handles of her weapons resulted in her carving a nasty gash down the rabbit's backside.

Her axe breaking free from the rabbit, she plummeted towards the ground, trying to orient herself in the best way to reduce her impact. This was going to hurt a lot. Bracing herself for the incoming pain, she caught a glimpse of something greyish brown dart out from the edge of the battle towards the rabbit. It quickly drew closer until it almost reached her, then rushed ahead for a great leap forward. And just in time, she landed squarely on its back. Now on the back of a large wolf, she was still catching her breath when it turned its head to speak to her. "You need to be more careful with yourself, polecat. Good thing I saw you from a mile away. Remember the last time you took a bad spill and landed backside down?" Checking that she still had her weapons, she coughed a few times to get air in her lungs before responding back. "Thanks Walter. Even if you missed, I still have that magic pin from Angela you know."

Walter brought her back to the sidelines, and let her down before shifting back. "That's all and good, but you should save it for when you're in a bind. It's powerful, I know–but it only works once every few days. Best keep it until your options are low." She nodded, and switched her sword out for a different blade. She then noticed the look on his face as he saw something behind them. Turning around, she saw one of those massive terror lizards from Bakulaw rush the rabbit and take a bite out of its flank. "How did somebody manage to bring one of those things all the way here?" Walter whistled as they watched it do what Bakulaws did best, attack their prey without mercy. "We're going to have to be more careful, and that goes for all of us." She muttered. "I've seen a few of those things, and you do not want to be on the ground or in sight when one of them is running around. They could bite a warg in half, and probably eat a whole horse." "I'm glad I've never run into one of those in Canelux." The tracker said quietly.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Eden
Age: 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Tigerfolk
Gender: Female
Class: Beastmaster
Silver: 7
Internally, Eden sighed in relief as she watched the massive lizard with teeth maul down upon the rabbit that sat before them. He was cooperating, which meant she was not going to be eaten and there would be no worry on how such a dangerous beast would be able to get back to where it lived without question of how everything on this part of the land would survive such a threat rampaging the lands. All good. With that and another massive wolf assaulting it on both sides, it was not going to be easy for it to escape. It would be safe to assume the rabbit was, at the very least, pinned down.

However, other entities were before her, one of which fell off the massive hare and the other saved by yet another wolf. Still, even if the one was saved, her gut told her to make sure they were alright. Picking up what could only be called a metal club with an edge on it from the ground and resting it on her shoulder, the tigerkin rushed forth to check up on them. Her ears flicked as she grew closer, hearing their voices grow louder with each step until she paused before a man and a woman… Which was strange because she could have sworn she saw a wolf save the woman. Then again, he did smell of wolf, and those that smelled of other animals were often ones who could understand her voice.

"He fine," Eden stated, though her lips not moving, talking in the silent tongue of animals instead. "Prideful. Only want strong prey, else I food. What you? You do good?" As she set down the weapon, a screamed echoed in the air from the hari, causing Eden's tail to shoot out straight and hairs stand on end before looking up, watching the hari before them stagger back from a massive gash on his chest as it recovered from a massive beam of energy. However, instead of getting deterred, the hari seemed more… excited! It was interesting prey it had never seen or given such challenge… and he was one to take it all in as he aimed to bite down even harder upon it! "He have fun? Not know… scary thought."

Character Info
Name: Kiba Balatro
Age: Looks in Early 30s
Alignment: TN
Race: Diowolf/Dragon Shade
Gender: Male
Class: Champion - Protector Vitae
Silver: 5904
Claws and teeth once again piercing the creature sent an odd sensation rippling through his body.  He could feel the magic coursing search his own magical circuits.  The longer he held on the more he felt the prob of the rabbis magic.  Kiba released his lock on the neck of his target to readjust.  As he went to latch back on despite the eerie pain, he was thrown off by the erratic movements of the lapin.  The diowolf felt a jolt to his chest that knocked the breath right out of him.  He tumbled over and over along the ground until he lay in a heap for a few moments.  Eyes remained closed as he attempted to focus his mind through the ringing in his ears.  What seemed like a distance away the sound of the roaring lizard thing could be heard.  He took a couple more minutes until he could bring himself to open his dual colored eyes to see what was going on.  There were an increasing number of warriors that were arriving to help with the cause.  It was becoming evident by many that the ethereal creature was a danger to them all.  Ley lines weren't meant to be as tangled as they were currently.

Kiba lifted his cranium into a laying position with his legs moved underneath him.  Something warm could be felt trickling down his chest, and with one sniff he could tell it was his own blood.  Great…and the Mother had just healed me.  If she finds out, I am fairly certain she will smack me or something.  The diowolf then let out a wolfish laugh.  She had been quite different than he had imagined.  Mother figure indeed.  Reztreal was used to look over the forces that had come to join the fight against the magic array.  There was a goddess to be certain, but he smelled another wolf that was beside her.  He had yet to meet a werewolf in Revaliir.  A wolf at the side of a goddess…very interesting.  With a grunt he pushed himself up to stand again.  Crimson fluid stained where he had just been laying down.  There was not enough there for him to be concerned enough not to join in the battle again.  

Rolling his shoulders Kiba sprinted towards the focus again.  A jolt shot through his body as he sunk his claws in once more.  Sparks began to flare out from the rabbit in defense and he was fairly certain that was what had knocked him out earlier.  In such a close proximity he knew there was no way for him to defend against it.  The giant mouthed lizard had been injured while Kiba had been down.  From everything he could tell, the lizard was now enjoying himself while fighting the magic.  If it got the beast to help with the cause then Kiba was happy to see the thing happy.  All he needed to do was focus on pulling away at the magic that held the hare together.  It was possible to pull it apart, but it was going to be difficult with the magical circuits being as crossed as they were.


Character Info
Name: Walter Bosch
Age: 54
Alignment: TG
Race: Lycanthorpe
Gender: Male
Class: Tracker
Silver: 0
As they kept a safe distance from the fighting, Walter heard someone speak to him. It was strange, like the other part of him could feel someone calling him to attention. A new scent joined them, and he saw a woman with traits of a tiger approach. She told the wolf not to worry; the Bakulaw lizard was only interested in the hunt for strong prey. She also said that if the lizard did not find himself something worth chasing down, he would go after her as food. A terrible scream made him jump in his skin, and he saw the towering creature of scale and muscle rear back with pain. But bloodlust was in its veins, and the urge for a predator to take down its chosen prey proved stronger than the injury. It returned the pain by inflicting another nasty bite. It was enough to make him shiver. Very few beasts possessed bloodlust as part of their primal instincts. While most hunters focused themselves on taking down a kill, the Bakulaw relished in crushing and terrorizing its prey. The tiger woman spoke again to the wolf in him, uneasy at the beast's enjoyment of the carnage as he was.

"If you say so…It still makes goosebumps break out on my skin watching him." He said to the beastkin. "That one, is he yours? We're all here to put this strange rabbit-like creature down. Wherever it goes, magic nearby won't work right. And with it fighting like that, if somebody gets hurt things will get dangerous." Healers wouldn't be able to mend wounds or raise the dead unless the injured or dead were moved out of the immediate area. He had never thought causing disruptions in magic would lead to such serious consequences until now. Shiloh was already heading off to rejoin the fray, so the lycanthorpe and tiger-woman were left alone. "Is that your weapon? You must be very strong to use something like that. My name is Walter. I've been wondering for a while now, but how is it I can hear your voice without you speaking?" 

He checked his crossbow again, and when he confirmed it was loaded and ready he lowered it to the side. It was an interesting contrast between them–a young woman wielding a massive metal club and an old dog like him using a crossbow. He would've never thought she would have possessed such strength. Her scent was something he had never encountered before. It wasn't like a human's or a beast's, but it wasn't a combination either. It was an entirely different one. This was his first time meeting a being bearing beast blood outside of lycanthropy.

“Those are the voices of my brothers, darling; I love the company of wolves.”
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Shiloh was back in the thick of the fighting, all senses raring as she was avoiding being hit by the rabbit. She could smell blood somewhere, normal blood. Fortunately she didn't need magic to find where it was coming from. Seeing an abnormally large black wolf tearing at the magical beast, she confirmed the stench of blood was from here. Her mouth turned to scowl as she realized she didn't have any potions on her, but then she remembered something important. Right, she had that special sword. Shiloh had nearly forgotten about it after mentally blocking her memories of that god-awful maze worse than the Circles of Inferos. In her time at Vada, she had added a very unique blade to her growing armory. Made from both lacriamium and obsidian, it had one of the best abilities even imbued onto a weapon–it would heal anything it hit, unless it was undead or an apparition. A weapon that effectively made it impossible to hurt yourself while using it? Truly the gods' gift to man.

Taking the dual edged sword in hand, she came up behind the massive black wolf and began making her presence known. Holding the blade like how one would wield a dagger, she approached calmly and slowly. "I just want to let you know that you have nothing to worry about. This is going to hurt just a little bit, but soon it'll all be fine. Just a little prick…and your wounds will close up." Without further ado, she proceeded to jab the pointed end into the black wolf's leg, then pulled it back out. Hearing the rabbit begin its stomping, she ran off to get out of its range. Strangely enough, after the blade struck any minor injuries and wounds were restored. Even the stab wound she had inflicted was disappearing, and was fully healed. It was a rather odd and slightly disturbing way of helping, but it worked.

With healing shiv in hand, Shiloh was feeling much better about the fight. She wouldn't have to worry about healing potions anymore with this around. Skirting around the rabbit, she slashed at its leg and continued to run. The most important thing was to keep moving so she wouldn't get caught. There were plenty of people attacking it from the ground, but there had to be a better and more efficient way to speed the process along. As she tucked and rolled out of the way from another barrage of concentrated arcane energy, she found herself staring at its head. If only she could get high enough to hit it between the eyes… Maybe it would deal more damage, and possibly stagger it for a short while. And while it was downed, then everybody else could rush in to weaken it more. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.
Damon Naur

Character Info
Name: Damon Naur
Age: Unknown
Alignment: TN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ranger
Silver: 2120
"Well this is a sight I never thought I would see."  The archer ran his hands through his short cropped hair as he looked upon the insanity before him.  He stood atop a small hill near some of the woods to get a good visualization.  Rumors had quickly spread of the ethereal rabbit that had manifested and was messing with magic.  Damon had been working a small job for a village council when he had heard of this chaos.  It had been difficult to believe, but then again there was a lot of odd things that he had witnessed in the past few years alone.  Shifting his weight to the side, he crossed his arms across his chest.  Green leather armor squeaked slightly with the movement.  I better oil this after all is said and done. There was quite a battle that was raging below and he had to figure out exactly how to fit into it.  Instincts pushed him to avoid the use of any magic since the magic circuits were being manipulated by the manifestation.  The ranger shook his head while reaching back to grab his phoenix bow.  Grasping in tightly, he pulled an arrow from his quiver.  Between his fingers he spun the arrow as he watched the movements of the soldiers closest to the hare.  If he was to being shooting at the beast it would be difficult with the giant wolf and lizard thing in such close quarters.  From time to time there were humanoids that added their efforts in.  

As he looked on he began to notice what looked like flares spark out of the rabbit as it was attacked.  Damon clenched his jaw as he began to see the split off magic hit the ground.  A deep frown marred his features as he concentrated on the numerous pools of magic.  "Oh…by the Flame…" he whispered.  Slowly the magic pools began to lift into the air and take shape.  "We are going to need more people."  Damon watched as the shapes turned into those of humanoid forms with assorted weapons in hand.  Sparks continued to fly out of the rabbit as it conjured its own army to come to its defense.  The phoenix lost count of the minions it had now raised.  Not one of them had moved yet.  Damon looked at the giant wolf and lizard on the rabbit as they continued to attempt and bring the hare down. 

In a split second the hundreds of magical minions now turned their weapons on the main assailants of their master.  Damon notched his bow in a flash and released just as quickly.  The arrow flew through the air and lodged itself in one of the creatures.  He was relieved to see that it fell to the ground as if it had been a flesh creature mortally wounded.  As the manifestation hit the ground the magic dispersed in the air like evaporating water.  Damon continued to release arrows and hit his targets that were closet to the rabbit overlord (not something he ever thought he would see) in an effort to keep them away from the attackers….but there were too many.  "I hope the others join in soon…" he breathed.

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