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Author: Tidus Amadei, Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:12 PM, Post Subject: Dark Days Indeed [Open, R]

The last few months had been filled with good fortune as far as the Graylhope was concerned. Plenty of skirmishes had occurred between itself and neighboring villages, with the former instigating and successfully overtaking territory after territory. Resources taken and vassals of the Graylhope Lord’s choosing were placed in seats of power; only those that swore loyalty to both himself and for the Church of the Father were allowed to reap such rewards. Many that new Tidus wasn’t expecting the usually calm and cool minded vampire to not only take the offensive, but to also do it so mercilessly.

It appeared that the Lord’s transformation was because of his wife, at least that’s what the rumors of some of the nobles and the jealous maidens would speak of amongst themselves. Ever since Zora came into the picture, things have changed drastically. Tidus, while keeping his word to keep the peace for his human subjects, had no need to feed on virgin blood for that sake. Nay, he took what he wanted and that was simple as that when it came to blood. The most that they would see of his former self was with his wife and son, who was growing up as a spitting image of his father. As cruel as he could become, he never showed it to his family and a selective few.

News of Graylhope’s expansion was heard and observed by Malik, who in turn reported back to his master. “Let him be. They are getting what they want and we are as well.” That was all that Nemesis would say on the matter; as long as their business deal was kept and Zora and Matteo were safe and sound.

And so, Tidus continued the campaign, despite some resistance from his court, but they were quick to relent to his will when his temper was provoked. But just as soon as it came, it passed when he sensed his beautiful son being brought to him by one of the servants to the throne room. Scooping the little prince into his arms, he placed his head against Matteo’s, feeling the contrast of warmth from his boy against his cooler skin.

As far as Zora was concerned, she was able to break a cycle of old traditions and usher them into green pastures. Despite what some would call her, he considered his beloved an angel that brought him to the promised land. “Our lady is busy, likely conducting business for the Father”, the servant offered before bowing and taking her leave. “You hear that, little Matteo?”, he cooed, “Mommy is very important to our world. Oh so very important. Just as you are, my boy”

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