Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Camille, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 6:03 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

The principal allowed the students to leave the campus if only because he was terrified of Simone if he said no. Lewis had made the moment that the silver was ready and he knew where the deed to the grounds was.

The Terrowin family and friends were all around the restaurant together. All chatting at their various hotpots.

“We got a full house!” Effie yelled. They hadn’t been this busy in a long time.

Lila had Myrri’s hand in hers as they lightly flirted at the table. Myrri was just glad that Lila was alright. Neomi had Janus’s hand. They were getting to know all of the Terrowin siblings.

Simone and Lewis had Camille who Lewis was hoisting up so she could add things into the hotpot. “Like this Daddy?”

“Yes, just like that,” he brought her back and kissed her cheek as her laughter filled the air. It was amazing she wasn’t all over Janus but usually she let him eat before she wandered over.

“Daddy,” Camille faced her father on his lap.

“Yes, Camille?”

“Why are you in a bad mood?” Everything in the room came to a stop as everyone looked at the Terrowin Father.

“I’m not in a bad mood,” Lewis corrected her.

“You need to smile more,” Camille brought her hands up and made Lewis’s face twist to a smile. “See?” There was nervous laughter. Lewis’s lip was twitching into a smile. “See! It’s not so hard Daddy!”

“Thanks, Camille,” he kissed her again before she picked up more carrots and was hoisted back over the hotpot.

“Are you just adding things into the pot now?” Simone looked at Camille with skepticism.

“It’s so much fun!”

“You are going to eat this right?”

“Yeah, it’s not blueberries.” The little girl stuck out her tongue as she thought about it. “Gross berries.”

Thanks to Camille the energy picked back up. Even Alshaya and Llonan were there sitting with Lucas and Ezili. Ezili and Lucas had their son with them who was having just as much fun with their hotpot.

Author: Argent, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:35 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Simone had an idea where her daughter was going with her naked comment, and blasted a white noise for a moment, pretending to sneeze, that caused both of them to wince while Lila said it. That meant Lewis missed the whole comment, and the whole room could avoid that catastrophe. Janus wasn’t stupid though, and gave Lila a look.

Really? In front of Dad? Do you want him to kill Myrri?

The thought was dropped, though, as Neomi gave Lila some lilacs.

“Aww, it’s like your name,” Myrri said with a smile. “Why didn’t I think of that?” A sudden look of horror came over his face. “Oh no, are you trying to steal Lila from me?”

“Calm down,” Lewis said with a roll of his eyes. “Lila isn’t going to drop you that easily.” It was strange coming from him, but he was right. “That’s why I have to find a way to get rid of you mys-”

“SO,” Janus interrupted. “How about we all try this great family restaurant in Nisshoki?” He was trying his hardest to change the subject. Even if he was initially the one who lost control…

Author: Lila, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:29 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Simone was holding Lila’s other hand during the entire situation. “She’s awake?” Looking over at Janus Simone was shocked.

Myrri had one foot in the grave with Lewis at this point. Simone had to remind Lewis that it wasn’t Myrri’s fault that Lila got hit.

“Boo,” Lila said as she woke up finally. She was clearly tired as she tried to move.

“Take it easy Lila… You got hit by lightning,” Xeik reminded her.

“Yeah, I gathered that from Janus,” Lila squeezed Myrri and Simone’s hands. “So how many people got killed over me getting hit? I need a death count.”

“No one but your father is still trying,” Simone smiled at her daughter.

“Do I have any cool scars?” Lila groaned up at her mother.

“Xeik said that you’ll have this lightning-like mark on your stomach up to your shoulder,” Simone said softly.

“Awesome, now I’ll look hot naked,” Lila laughed and Simone cuffed her upside the head.

“You are lucky to be alive,” Neomi said as she brought flowers in for her. “I brought you lilacs from the courtyard.”

Author: Argent, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:18 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]



Are you okay?


You scared me.

I’m sorry. I was scared too.

You can’t leave me alone.

I won’t.

Silence filled the resonance for a moment.

Hey Lila?


What would you do if I almost killed someone?

Over me? I’m flattered…but you’re an idiot.

Janus smirked as he opened his eyes. He could feel Neomi’s hand over his, and he grabbed it, making a quick squeeze to show he was okay and awake. “I’m fine, Neomi…” He sat up carefully. He was feeling rather sore, but otherwise seemed unharmed. It took them little time to find Lila’s room, and all of them barreled in.

Myrri was already there, holding Lila’s hand. “Wake up soon…please?”

“She’s already awake,” Janus said, crossing his arms with a half smirk. “She was hoping you’d give her a princely kiss.”

“Over my dead body,” Lewis replied with a glare. “Get up Lila.”

Author: Simone, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:05 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Meanwhile, Simone was with the principal of the school. She had her arms crossed. It wasn’t a quiet match as they talked where the students could hear. “I’ll have this place demolished, burned to the ground… I will buy this whole damn school just to do it.”

“Mrs. Terrowin,” the principal was trying to calm her down. “We’re doing our best to figure out what went wrong.”

“Well, figure it out faster before I do it for you.” She was small compared to the principal but she had him backed into the corner. “You promised us that they would be safe here. We don’t take broken promises easily Mr. Hucksley. We don’t take our children being hurt lightly. You are lucky we arrived on the scene when we did or else my daughter would be dead.”

“We have already begun the investigation,” the principal was terrified of the mother but the father was also someone who terrified him even more. Right now the father was preoccupied so he at least had that going for him.

“What of the student who shot lightning at my daughter?” Simone snapped up at him.

“We are working towards removing him from the program immediately.”

“I want his parents’ names,” Simone shot back up at the man.

“You know for their safety I cannot give you that,” the principal tried to get Simone to back down about it.

“Fine,” Simone said as she realized that was the responsible thing to do. “I expected better professors from this place.” Sophia and Terra were behind Simone as they pulled her back. “Let me do this!” She struggled lightly with them.

“Simone, it was an accident. Let them do their jobs,” Sophia hugged the mother and Simone struggled lightly again but clearly wasn’t about to hurt either of her friends. “Simone… Go be with Lila.”

“We’re watching this school from now on. You might not see us but we will be watching,” Simone shouted at the principal as she stomped off.

“And she’ll do it too,” Terra said. The principal knew they needed to hurry up with their investigation. High level spells were forbidden in the classroom… The professor hadn’t been watching close enough.

Neomi was holding Janus’s hand, “Janus… I need you to wake up, please… Lila needs you.” She had tears in her eyes as she didn’t know what to do.

“He’ll wake up…” Simone came in and patted Neomi’s head.

“So… How did you know.”

“The wedding ring Lewis got me for our anniversary… It’s special and lets me know when one of the children is hurt. We were having brunch with Xeik when the accident happened. And it’s a good thing he was with us.” Simone showed Neomi her beautiful wedding band. “It’s very special to me. Allows me to keep track of all of our children. It lets me know which one is hurt and relative to where they are as well.”

Author: FalseHope, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:49 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“No,” Xeik said as he seemed to read Lewis’ mind before the ex-assassin could say anything. “You can’t kill the kid.”

Lewis gave a disappointed glare, but he knew that Xeik was right. It had been almost an hour since the whole event had happened. Everything had happened so quickly, and no had the ability to really unravel what all had transpired without some time. The best that Xeik could piece together was that a stray, high level spell had hit Lila and stopped her heart. It completely shorted out Janus’ resonance, and the kid went berserk.

Xeik had a running theory that neither Lewis nor Simone could really die. First and foremost, both were phoenixes that could, at least in theory, infinitely rebirth themselves should anything happen. But, with the resonance, Xeik held onto another idea. He had always theorized that if one of them had died, the other’s soul would simply migrate through the resonance and inhabit the other body. It was not unheard of for two souls to inhabit one body.

He wondered if Lila’s soul had been temporarily housed in Janus’ body.

“She’s still not waking up,” Lewis said as he paced back and forth. “A finger. Can I take a finger?”

“Lewis, she’ll wake up. It’s not a matter of if…just a matter of when,” Xeik assured him. The thing he was more worried about was Janus. He hadn’t woken up either. The healer had not used a deadly spell, but it had required a lot of power to put the berserked Janus out. He wondered what kind of damage the boy might have sustained from the sheer explosion of magic, let alone the possibility of housing a second soul at such a young age.

“Go get Myrri,” Xeik said after a moment.

“What…that useless brat of yours who couldn’t protect her?” Lewis stormed up to Xeik, getting in his face. “Why would I ever trust that-”

“Lewis Terrowin,” Xeik said calmly. “I’m warning you-”

“Warning me the fuck what?” Lewis demanded.

Xeik calmly took a breath, and slammed his head into Lewis’, sending the ex-assassin to the ground.

“What the fuck, Xeik!?” he yelled, holding his head.

“Get it through that thick skull of yours,” the healer said as he knelt down. “No one could have prevented what happened. Even if you had been there, I doubt anything would have changed.”

“Shut up,” Lewis replied as Xeik helped him up. “Fine. I’ll go get your furball.”

“That’s better…”

Author: Lila, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:37 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Neomi was up fast as she ran over to Janus. She put her arms around his waist, “Don’t… Janus!” The azure blue was something beautiful that she had never seen before. However, what she didn’t expect was the surrounding room overflowing with magic. There was a flash as Xeik appeared pushing the kid who did the lightning back and he caught the dagger with his fingers.

Lewis appeared on the other side while he grabbed Janus’s hand from being able to grab another. “Janus,” Lewis’s words came out. “Back down.” Janus struggled more instead of answering Lewis. He was actually making ground against everyone trying to hold him back.

“Sorry Janus,” Xeik knocked him out effortlessly. “My priority is Lila.”

Simone was cradling Lila in her arms. It was clear where the lightning had hit her from all the marks on her body. “Myrri… We need to move her. You know where the infirmary is. Myrri!” Simone snapped Myrri out of whatever daze he had been in.

Under normal circumstances, someone would have died just now but Xeik had been able to keep Lila stable from where he was.

“How… How did you all know?” Neomi had tears in her eyes as she looked at her best friend being taken away to the infirmary.

“Questions later,” Lewis said as he hoisted his son up. “Get that kid out of here before I have a go at him.” He was furious as well, but he was more focused on his children.

Lila was put in the infirmary with Xeik now working at full speed with magic. Thanks to the natural abilities of a phoenix he was able to save Lila.

Author: Argent, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:24 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“LILA!?” Janus dropped everything and ran to his sister’s side, shaking her. “Lila?” His eyes seemed to glaze over. “Wake up Lila…you need to get up.”

Myrri ran to her side as well, trying to check for her pulse. “I can’t-”

“Don’t touch her,” Janus’ eyes flickered azure blue, and he effortlessly threw Myrri to the side. He stood up and looked to see the kid who had thrown the stray bolt of lightning. The corners of the room seemed to grow darker as the shadows came to life. Those closest to Lila seemed to surround her, cradling her to protect her from further harm. The others, though, slithered their way towards the one student. Before anyone could figure out what was going on, the tendrils lashed out and grabbed the kid, lifting him off the ground.

His eyes were a full, beautiful azure blue. In any other circumstance, it would have been pretty, but standing there now, his eyes were hollow.

Janus stepped forward, reaching his hand out. No one was quite sure where the dagger came from, but it was pointed at the other boy’s neck. “Die.” He pushed the dagger forward.

Author: Lila, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:10 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila was playing around with fire. She danced elegantly around as pillars of flames shot up. The students were watching and clapping. She had learned from watching Ezili how to dance but not even Ezili could pull the stunts that she was doing. Lila flipped herself around the flames like one would around a pole. It was amazing.

Neomi wasn’t as advanced as the Terrowin terrors but she was showing off gentle earth magic. She was focusing on a potted plant and making it grow. Nothing flashy but it was elegant in its own way.

Myrri was worrying about safety as he chase after Lila around the building. “Lila! The flames are too high! What about if you catch the building on fire.”

Lila stopped as she started to laugh. “Myrri… I’m fine see? And the building is fine. I live and breathe by fire.” She was a phoenix after all. The fire was second nature to both of the twins. However, while she was distracted by Myrri there was a student behind them.

“WATCH WHAT I CAN DO,” the student yelled as he whipped out some fast magic. Lightning struck Lila and she avoided the main bunch of it. She was hit by the off branch of the lightning. Lila lay on the ground motionless. Completely disconnected from the resonance with Janus.

Author: Argent, Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:00 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lewis was watching from the shadows, smiling. His work here was done.

Are you proud of yourself? he heard Simone ask him.

“Of course I am,” he replied, disappearing into the shadows.

True Self

Spellcrafting was an unusual course that very few in the finishing school were allowed to attend. It had less to do with anyone’s knowledge level or year, and everything to do with practical talent with mana. If anyone, of any year or age showed an aptitude towards magic, they were automatically enrolled in the course.

Control was everything, and they couldn’t have students accidentally blasting each other with magic, now could they?

Janus and Lila, despite their insane talent, were no exception to this rule. So while little Timmy was receiving the utmost attention while he tried his hardest to control a small, flickering flame, the Terrowin twins were messing around with high level magic. It was easy for them to manipulate mana, and even easier to be flashy about it.

“This is easy enough,” Janus said as he held out his hand and formed a ball of shadows. “I always wondered how Dad was so sneaky…” Of course, he wasn’t going to let on that he could do so much more with the darkness. Not yet, at least. He still wanted the ability to prank the student body.

“What are you trying to do, Lila?” he asked with a big smile on his face.

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:50 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila was losing her shit just as much as Janus was. “I’ve only heard stories from Daddy.” The twins were laughing so hard that their resonance was flickering between them. They both had bright blue eyes while they were laughing.

“So this is where it went,” Angela stepped out of a portal and was smacking a small handheld fan into her hand. “I’ve been looking everywhere for this. I even woke up Lewis and Simone trying to find it.” She inspected the statue. “It appears fine.” She looked at Myrri, “Didn’t your father tell you I had this commissioned of him? Of course, it wasn’t my idea.” She clapped her hands and Raine came out and saluted. “We need to take this home, Raine.”

“Right! ALSO BIRD RIGHTS!” Everyone recognized Raine as the statue from the first two weeks of school. She took the giant statue and hefted it over her shoulder. “Nakey Xeik go back to his Nakey Hideyholeeeeeeeee.”

Xeik was standing there after coming through the portal with this god-awful look on his face, “Tell me it wasn’t you two.”

Lila and Janus were almost on the floor laughing so hard they couldn’t answer him.

“No, it wasn’t you,” Xeik knew who did it. “I’m going to kill Lewis.”

“We bow down to his prowess,” Lila said out loud as she laughed hard.

“We cannot even begin to compete on his level,” Janus was holding his sister as they laughed.

“Our father is the true king of this world,” they said together.

“Wait… You mean… This whole time?” Neomi looked at the twins.

“We told you it wasn’t us,” they said together. “But the betrayal was real.”

“No no no no no. You had to have some part in this,” Myrri accused the Terrowin terrors for the final time.

“We didn’t have a part in any of this,” they once again responded together. “We’re innocent bystanders in this just like you. We believe we’re owed an apology.”


“We didn’t do those either,” Janus and Lila said as they turned up their noses at Myrri. They were lying now but no one could tell.

Author: Argent, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:00 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“Oh is that all?” Janus asked.


At once, the lights went out. Darkness swirled around the cafeteria, and all of the windows burst open. Even though the initial spell had been broken, the books in the library came to life once more, and swarmed into the cafeteria. The jello from the dorms seemed to come alive and slither about the floors, invading where all of the students thought they would be safe. On the ceiling, a bright light seemed to write out a terrifying message that, once read, seemed to make little sense to anyone.

‘Birds rights.’

Flamingos started to rain from the ceiling, but before they hit the ground or the students, burst into flower petals that scattered about the floor. The lights flickered on, and everyone, Lila and Janus included, once again had vibrant and neon-like hair colors. Finally, there was a loud bang outside where the main school statue was…

When investigated, the statue had become a rather unique. A lot of the students wouldn’t understand who it had become, but for Myrri, he knew exactly it had become. Janus couldn’t believe it, and was practically dying as he fell over laughing. If there was ever proof that he hadn’t done these deeds, it was this.

For you see, long ago, Lady Angela had a special gold statue of her champion made, one that showed him in all of his natural glory. At once, Xeik had rejected the statue, but no one quite knew what happened to it. And it wasn’t like the Goddess of Life and Love to merely give up on her art so easily…

The grand statue of Xeik Eraphim, Champion of Life and Love, stood stark naked with a large leaf hiding the important bits in the dead center of the school campus.

“I can’t believe it,” Janus managed to get out as he tried his hardest to breath between his laughs. “It actually exists!?”

Myrri was in complete shock. “I…what…what the hell…”

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:44 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“False, I’m actually scared right now… but your presence is making it all better for me,” Lila said as she snuggled up to Myrri’s arm.

Neomi held Janus’s hand and nodded, “I was a little surprised. I wasn’t expecting all the books to jump to life like that…” She couldn’t outright blame Janus and Lila right now. They were seen as some of the victims.

“Breakfast sounds really good,” Lila got them all food and sat down next to Myrri. “Yes, what is this about the bow tie?” She got really close to Myrri. “Please, I’m just so rattled anything to soothe my dear tortured mind would help…. Myrriiiii. Don’t leave me in the dark.”

Neomi was blushing a bit and she was going to answer but Lila handed her some food. “Thank you, Lila… It’s just we got these props from the theater department. Really nice ones actually. We just thought you would both like them.”

Author: Argent, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:38 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Janus had Neomi’s hand, and nodded when they were instructed to go to the cafeteria. What neither Neomi nor Myrri knew, was that this had all gone completely to plan. The cafeteria was the next target, and would be the grandest of pranks they had pulled yet.

Myrri gave Lila a serious look when they got out of the library. “Really? And he bought that from you?” He crossed his arms. “You’ve never been scared of anything your entire life.” He sighed. There was no dealing with her right now. In his mind, they had finished their fun for the day.

If only Myrri had any idea what was about to happen.

Janus squeezed Neomi’s hand, “You’re not scared, are you? Those books looked really dangerous. Who knew that knowledge could hurt.” There it was, his deflecting wit again. “I’m sure we can get some breakfast and calm down from all of the excitement.” His gaze lingered for a mere half a second when he met Lila’s eyes, and the two picked the best place to sit for the show…

“Coffee,” Janus said as they entered the line. He was given his cup, and pointed. “There’s a free spot in the corner there.” He smiled and led Neomi there once she got her breakfast. “Now…what was this about a maid outfit?” He was genuinely interested.

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:31 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila was fairly interested in what Myrri was talking about. However, that just wasn’t in the plans as their next big prank sprang to life. Lila sprung up with a shocked look on her face. “Myrri!” She pulled Myrri to her and clung to him. “What’s going on?!”

Neomi was the same with Janus as she looked around. She couldn’t tell if the twins were the ones responsible for this. Their acting was just that good. She clung to Janus as the library did whatever it wanted to do.

“Enough! ENOUGH!” One of the professors ended the spell and used her own to clean up the mess. “What on earth is going on?!”

“We don’t know!” Lila yelled. “We were just here reading when the library went out of control.” She trembled in Myrri’s arms. “I was so frightened by it.”

“Boys, escort the girls out of here and get them back to their dorms, well… Maybe to the cafeteria. We’ll try to see if the culprit is around here still,” the professor directed Janus and Myrri in the appropriate action. “You might need to avoid the dorms for right now while they are being cleaned.”

Author: Argent, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:25 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“I appreciate the affection,” Janus said with a smile as he stared into Neomi’s eyes, “But I have nothing to say because I don’t know what happened.” An elegant lie as always, and Janus was even better at it than his father. “We are being unfairly targeted,” he said as he mirrored his sister. “Such harsh reactions indeed, for someone lacking proof.” He and his sister huffed together.

Myrri crossed his arms, “I guess we’ll have to go the nuclear option, won’t we Neomi?” he said as he gave her a side look. “We do have the maid outfit…and I’m sure there’s a bowtie around her somewhere I can use…” There was a devious look in his eyes. “We have ways of making you…talk…”

Before either of them could elaborate, though, the library seemed to spring to life around them. Books crashed out from the shelves and started flapping about, flying in violent circles. The chairs started to dance around, including the ones that everyone was sitting in! And the tables started to spin in midair, knocking all of their contents everyone all around.

“O-oh my!?” Janus explained in ‘surprise’ as he jumped up. “What’s going on here now!?”

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:15 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila held her book up to her face and looked over it at Myrri. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. How can you punish me for something you don’t even know if I did it.”

I’m trying. Let's just hope he doesn’t go in for the kisses. He knows that’s cheating. Worry about yourself.

Neomi had to take two showers to get all the jello out of her hair. She was sitting there thinking about what to do for Janus. She scooted closer to him and put her hand on his thigh. She hadn’t let him get too far with her but she knew what made Janus Terrowin tick. “Janus?” She tilted her head up cutely at him. “You’ll answer me, right? You’ll tell me what happened this morning?” She pushed herself over and kissed his cheek a few times.

Don't you dare cave to her!

"I feel like we're being unfairly ganged up on," Lila finally squeaked out. "You have no proof we did anything and yet we're met with these harsh reactions."

Author: Argent, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:10 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

After the disaster of a morning, Janus and Lila met with Neomi and Myrri in the library for a ‘study session.’ Of course, the real purpose of this mission was for Myrri and Neomi to somehow find a way to prove that Janus and Lila were indeed responsible for the heinous acts that had been committed that morning.

Lila was reading a book, and Janus was staring out of the window wistfully.

“Spill it,” Myrri said as he crossed his arms, looking at Lila with disappointment. “Or we don’t go on our date Friday.”

Stay strong, Lila. Endure. Janus thought. We can’t let the enemy in. Our bond is stronger than they are… But he was facing his own issues. He knew that Neomi would come after him next. Which is why they had anticipated the library would be their meeting location. All they had to do was hold out for a few minutes before the next power play was enacted.

Hold steady, dear sister….

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:03 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Neomi was just as careful with Lila. She woke up in the morning and did a little stretch. “Good morning Lila.”

“Good morning Neomi,” Lila was yawning as she stretched in bed. “Best sleep ever.”

Then the chaos started. The laughter. The screaming. The ewws.

“What did you do?” Neomi’s eyes were large as she got out of bed and opened the door to the chaos. “Wait! WAIT! As part of the student council, I have to ask everyone to go back to your rooms!” Neomi slipped on some of the gelatinous substance and fell on her butt. She turned and looked at Lila.

“Whoa,” Lila stuck her head out of the door. “Who could have done this?”

Of course, Neomi couldn’t outright blame Lila and Janus but the smirk on Lila’s face was enough for Neomi to know this was them.

“When on earth did you two do this?”

“Do what? We were sleeping like babies,” Lila chuckled a bit and helped Neomi up. "I'm hurt you'd accuse both of us of such a heinous act."

Author: Argent, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:56 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“Dearest sister, it seems that we are indeed in love with the enemy,” Janus replied with a heartfelt sigh. “How ever will we handle this?” His eyes narrowed for a moment in a harsh way. “You may know that we’re responsible,” he said with an evil smile. “But you cannot prove it. Our hands are clean…nothing ties us to any of the scenes.”

Lila smiled, “Shall we play, dear brother?” She gave him an eerie smile.

“Lets,” he replied with crazed eyes. “The student council has declared war.”

Myrri woke up in the middle of the night. Something was wrong. He shot up in bed, and looked around. The room was silent, and Janus was sleeping. Just to be sure, the boy waited. Surely enough, Janus’ breaths were audible. Good. He laid back down, and closed his eyes. When he awoke next though, it was utter chaos in the halls.

The entire hall floor was covered in two inches of a gelatinous substance. A few of the boys were confused about it, and some even disgusted, but most were sliding down the halls at maximum speed, slamming into the end halls laughing. One particular boy was coming down the hall when Myrri stepped out, confused as hell, and slammed straight into Myrri, causing both of them to slide and bounce off of the walls.

“WHAT IS GOING ON!?” Myrri demanded. “As part of the student council, I must ask that all of you return to your rooms!” His voice was drowned out by the laughter of the boys.

Janus walked out oF the room and looked around, “Oh wow…who ever could have done such a terrible thing?” he asked innocently.

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:43 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila was a bit shocked at her brother and how daring he was being. “You need to be really careful Janus.” She knew that their father worked hard to get away from the life they once had. The fact Janus was trying to pick it back up was worrying for her.

Neomi came over and smiled at Janus, “Yeah, they are chrysanthemums.”

“They are pretty Neomi.”

Just like Janus said after a few days he seemingly disappeared. Neomi was sad that nothing ever came after the flower giving but thankfully she hadn’t been attached to him.

Student Council

The student council had opened its ranks up to the first years finally. It had been half a year since the first years got used to their daily lives. They were already a thorn in Lila and Janus’s sides. Every time a prank was done the student council was immediately there to clean up after them.

So… Consider the twins actually phased when not only Myrri got elected to the council but Neomi. “Dearest Brother,” for the first time in forever Lila took her brother’s hand and laced it with hers as she stared at Myrri and Neomi. “We are among the enemies now.”

“…Don’t be like that Lila…” Neomi spoke softly. “It’s only for a while. Can’t you stop doing pranks for a while? We don’t want to be the ones to report you both…”

“Hurt. Betrayed.” Lila cried out as she turned into her brother’s loving arms and faked tears. “Brother, how could our lovers do this to us?”

Author: Argent, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:28 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“”Oh that’s an easy one,” Janus replied with a smirk. “Did you know that Nyssa has an informant in Iria? You see, I sold some information to her, and if things go right…well, Jacoby will be having a family emergency in the next few days, and will likely not return to school.” There was a dark look in his eyes as he sat down next to Lila and opened a book. “You know the rumors about Dad, right? Well…apparently the name ‘Dusk’ still has a lot of pull. Of course, they can’t possibly think it’s Dad. No, they know that my ‘Dusk’ is merely a copycat…all I have to do is feign ignorance when Dad comes asking. Once I build up my network using his name, then I can rebrand as something new. Mom and Dad were right…this is a great place to make connections.”

His eyes lit up as Neomi came over, “Oh? Are those flowers? That Jacoby seems like a nice guy.”

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:22 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila just stared at him dumbfounded, “I’m sorry did you go and research every guy that could ask her out?” Of course a slave trader was worse than he was.

Janus gave her a look before contemplating his answer, “Eh… and ask you out. I have an extensive list. I can’t let you date just anyone you know… The Furball is bad enough but he is at least smart.”

Lila was staring at her brother for a good long time. “So… If he is as bad as you claim he is… How are you going to fix it?” Now she was invested in just how far her brother would go to keep Neomi from being heartbroken. “The resident heartbreaker trying to stop someone from breaking another girl’s heart. I’ve seen it all.”

Author: Argent, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:18 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“Yeah, but he’s an ass,” Janus said as he crossed his arms. “Jacoby and his family directly donate to some of the worst underground markets in Iria, and I’m pretty sure their whole family runs a slave trade. Legal or not, that’s just not the right guy for her.” He gave Lila a side look. “Or are you going to say that a slave trader is better than me?” There was a determination in his eyes, as if he wasn’t going to lose to just anyone. “And before you decide to try and answer that…” He pointed out other boys in the room. “He’s currently cheating on his girlfriend with his roommate. Not only is he dishonest with her, he’s dishonest with himself. And that one over there? Totally too stupid to be here. His parents paid his way. And that one..” His evil smirk faded, “I…actually don’t know much about him. But he probably eats babies.” The twin shrugged. “Oh, and that one,” he pointed as Myrri walked in. “That one is a messy fur ball.”

Author: Lila, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:06 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Camille turned her head to her father and tilted her head, “Okay Daddy, I believe you.”

Lila crossed her arms and sighed, “Fineeeeeee.” She would do it more when they weren’t there though.

He’s Not the One You Want

(Before Neomi and Janus are dating)

Lila was sitting next to Myrri but across from Janus on this fine afternoon. “Oh,” Lila said suddenly, “I meant to tell you. Since you bring it up every other day…” She pointed behind Janus. Neomi was there with a blush on her face as one of the second years was giving her some flowers. “So you can stop trying now.”

Somehow Lila didn’t think this would be the end of the conversation though.

Author: Dusk, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:38 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Janus wasn’t entirely sure how to handle Camille the next day when she arrived with their parents. On one hand, she was the reason he had a date with Neomi later that day, but on the other hand she was becoming an absolute menace. Though he would never actually admit that his adorable sister was a problem.

Camille was so happy with herself, and she even learned a new word! She was more than willing to let Simone and Lewis in on the new word and exactly where she learned it from, which had Lewis giving Janus and Lila a look.

“Oh come on,” Janus replied with his arms crossed. He looked annoyed. “If it wasn’t going to be us, it was going to be Rex. Or Rhenakos. Or Darren…”

Lewis sighed, “Yes, but since it was you, you can expect a cut in your allowance here for a few weeks…” The ex-assassin had a feeling that Camille was going to stir up even more trouble with her newfound word and the power that went behind it. He only hoped that she would calm down and not end up as much of a demanding princess as Alshaya. He could barely handle the one…

“Camille that is a bad word, and you need to remember not to say it around everyone, okay?” Lewis said. “Your older siblings shouldn’t be using it either,” he added with a glare in Lila’s direction. “You hear me?”

Author: Camille, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 3:53 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Neomi didn’t know what was happening but it looked like an internal conversation between the two Terrowin twins. So… It was more than just a ‘twin’ thing that they had going on. Probably something that both of them couldn’t talk about.

“Yes?!” Neomi squeaked up at him. “Yes!” She answered again.

Camille finally spoke up, “I’m going to tell Mommy and Daddy that you two were cussing in front of me again.”

“…You are a menace,” Lila ruffled her hair.

Simone and Lewis did indeed show up the next day with Camille in tow. Just like the day before she ran for Janus and he hoisted her up. “So… I was expecting to meet your girlfriend Janice…” Simone said as she eyed her small daughter. “But Camille said… and I quote ‘Don’t worry I took out the trash.’ So I’m assuming that means there’s no more Janice?”

“Nope,” Camille spoke up and looked up at Janus. “He has a maybe new girlfriend tonight though. I picked her out all by myself.”

“…Janus has been thinking about asking her out since he met her,” Lila whirled her finger.

“Lila and JanJan were cussing in front of me yesterday. THEY TAUGHT ME FUCK,” Camille yelled at Simone and Lewis.

Author: Argent, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 3:44 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Janus crossed his arms, “But why Neom-”

The lightning chain of thoughts that went through Janus’ mind started to link together, forming an intricate web of likes and dislikes. And at the center of this web of thoughts was none other than Neomi, the girl who might have been outright perfect for him. It had to be her. It always had been from the moment he had met her.

Lila slammed her head into the table, “GOD DAMN IT JANUS, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?”

“What?” He said as he gave her a look. “Are you going to tell me no, then?”

Lila took a deep breath, and righted herself, walking up to her brother and jabbing him hard in the chest with her finger. “Just remember. I know where you sleep Janus Argent Terrowin. I’m watching you, asshole. You better not make her cry.”

“So Neomi,” Janus said as he looked around his sister with a suave smile. “You want to go out for dinner tomorrow night?”

Author: Camille, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 3:23 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

If there was one thing that every single girl in that library now understood about Janus Terrowin… It was that his sister Camille had the final say in who got to be the future Mrs. Janus Terrowin.

Lila was sitting there with a shocked expression on her face, “Damn, I actually liked that one a little.”

“Well…” Camille hummed out, “She broke a rule.”

“That she didn’t know about,” Lila reminded her.

“The law doesn’t care about ignorance Lila,” Camille repeated something she had heard Simone say a few times.

Lila was going to ask if she even understood what the hell just left her mouth… When it dawned on her that Camille understood exactly what she was saying. “You need to stop listening to Mom at the town council meetings.”

Lila looked at her brother and gauged his face, “Damn… You listened to a five-year-old.”

“LOVE DOESN’T HAVE AN AGE LILA,” Camille yelled up. “I can recognize it too you know. Janice was wrong for JanJan.”

“What do you know about relationships?” Lila was curious.

“That you are way shoved up Myrri’s butt!” Camille declared and Lila was bright red. Camille hopped off her seat and went over to Neomi.

“Neomi!” Camille looked at Janus and then at Neomi. “Here, I want you to have Theodore.”

Neomi was in shock over the whole thing and took Theodore from Camille, “Thank you Cam–”

“On the condition you date my brother.” Camille was staring her dead in the eyes. Neomi was turning bright red. Lila looked like she was ready to dive off the chair at her.

Author: Argent, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 3:06 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

The silence in the room was awkward. Even those who had never met Janus had at least heard of the ethereal boy who seemed to breeze through everything that he did. He was labeled unapproachable by most of the students, and the few that could get close to him could never break his ever bored nature. So when they saw him going steady with one girl, Janice, they knew that she was something special. And now…

Janus looked Camille in the eyes, and gave her a questioning look. “Do you really not like her?”

Camille got really close to Janus and nodded, whispering just loud enough for everyone to hear, “I haven’t like her all day.” She seemed very adamant in her declaration.

Janus let out a sigh and leaned back. “Hey Janice, can we go have a chat in the hallway?” She seemed shocked, but nodded and the two left the library.

Camille seemed satisfied at that, and sat down, pulling out more pastels and scribbling on a spare sheet of paper. “I think I’ll make Janjan another dragon. Theodore, the big green dragon!” There was a loud slam from the halls, followed by the sounds of crying. “And biiiiig wings too.” Her hands flew off the side of the paper. “Oops, not that big. Aaannnnd done!”

Janus walked in and straightened his shirt. There was a red welt on his face from where he had been slapped. “So anyway, what should we show the terrors next?”

The entire library was still in shock.

Author: Camille, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:40 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Camille was in heaven being with Janus and being praised! She sat next to Janus in the library and looked around. “This library is almost as big as ours,” Camille exclaimed as she looked around at it. Sure the bookcases were taller but Simone being a lover of books had a pretty large family library.

“Oh… Wow…” Janice was shocked at how rich the Terrowin family was.

“Nah… This one is smaller… Bigger than the second library though,” Janus replied as he ruffled Camille’s hair.

She had her pastels and paper out to draw but when she looked over at the math problem she made a face. “JanJan?” She looked up at him. “Can you wait to do these?”

“Why?” Janus looked at his little sister with interest.

“Because if you do them you won’t be able to read my letters anymore… Can you wait until I can write in big people's words? Because if you do that math you won’t be able to read my letters because you won’t be a kid anymore.” Camille bobbed her head with what she said as Lila came up and ruffled her hair.

“Nah, your Janus will always be able to read what you send him even if he does his homework,” Lila winked at her as she helped Damond and Remy get a spot at the table. “Okay, you little heathens… Tell your brother what you did in chemistry.”

“So if you add the green liquid to the goop… It explodes,” Remy laughed.

“BOOM,” Damond laughed even harder. “But then all the adults start yelling and Lila was upset at us for playing with it.”

“Myrri and I took our eyes off of them for two seconds,” Lila ruffled their hair. “Banned from chemistry and you have to explain to Mom why.”

“Aww… Do we have to?” Damond whined up at his older sister.

“Explosions mean parental conversations,” Lila had lived out her own conversations about explosions and now it was their turn.

Neomi made her way over with a redhead. “Sorry… We were helping clean up the chemistry room a bit more…” The girl with Neomi had to be about ten or so. “This is my aunt Tamara.”

“Oh… She is one of Gram’s kids,” Lila made the connection immediately. “The red hair is a direct giveaway.”

“My name is Tamara,” Tamara spoke up. “I just wanted to see what a finishing school was like. I go to school in Kurayo.”

“Isn’t it always dark there?” Lila asked curiously.

“Yes, that’s why my brothers didn’t want to come. They aren’t a fan of sunlight and we just went to Sularia not that long ago… So they are all sun’d out.” It was amazing how polite Tamara was compared to Damond and Remy. It was almost like they weren’t the same age.

Janice looked at the going ons of the Terrowins and their friends and felt out of place.

“The answer is definitely five hundred and sixty-two,” Camille who was now standing on top of the chair looking over Janus’s homework.

“…You don’t even know how to read yet.” Lila joked at her.

Camille puffed her face out. “One plus one is two LILA. I know how to do math! I’m a very good student!”

“You can’t even write the number five hundred and sixty-two,” Lila teased Camille more.

Camille raspberried her lips at her. “I CAN WRITE ONE, TWO, THREE! HOW HARD IS FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO?!”

Janice tried to calm Camille down, “Maybe JanJan can help you with learning how to write it?”

Camille stopped what she was doing and calmly put her pastels down. “JanJan,” Camille spoke loudly for the entire library to hear. Everyone was looking at the five-year-old on the chair now. “I don’t like her. She needs to go.”

Lila made a face and whispered to Janice, "Only she can call him JanJan. Not even Mom is allowed to call him that." This was about to end very badly for Janice.

Author: Argent, Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:48 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Once Camille was sat down, Janus ruffled her hair and congratulated her on her job well done. This wasn’t the first time that the class had heard of Camille, so they all knew she existed. Seeing her in person though solidified her adorableness to the class, and just how protective Janus had to be over her.

Janice was happy that her boyfriend was enjoying having his sister visiting, though she couldn’t quite understand why the little girl was so shy around her.

If only she knew…

Class ended and Janus found himself leading both Camille and Janice into the library. It was probably the easiest place for the three of them to exist while getting some work done. At least, Janus was going to try. “I’ve got homework to do. Do you want to help Camille?” His little sister lit up at the idea of helping her older brother with his important homework.

Lila said that she would try to round up the twins, and see if Neomi wanted to join them to study in the library as well. It could be a whole get together!

“See this Camille?” Janus asked as he pointed out a complex math equation. “This is what I’m working on. It’s a really hard question,” he commented as he started to work out some of the basic parts of the math. “Have they started teaching you math?”

Janice smiled, “I’m sure she knows something. She seems like a very smart girl!” she wanted to try and break Camille out of her shy shell. “It’s that right Camille? Your brother doesn’t need to worry too much about you.”

Author: Lila, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:14 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Camille was standing in front of Lewis and Simone with a pout, “But I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to see JanJan! TODAY IS OUR SPECIAL DAY!”

She was rarely a brat about anything, rarely did she act spoiled… But when it came to Janus she turned into a red-eyed beast. Simone relented with allowing Camille to go with one of her older brothers or sisters… IF she got them to agree. It took her no time at all to convince Ezili and Lucas that this needed to happen.

“I’m going to die if I don’t see JanJan today,” was her final argument. It was meant with silence and some sighs as her hair got rubbed.

“Alright… Get ready,” Ezili smiled up to Lucas. “We can take you to go see Janus.”

Lucas picked Camille up once she was ready and they were off. Once her eyes set sight on Janus she got really excited and bounced until Lucas let her down. She ran for Janus with her arms extended and even a little jump, “JanJan!” She yelled up at him.

“I’ve been getting all of your letters,” Camille looked appreciative of the fact he had been keeping his promise to her recently. Once the girlfriend was introduced Camille got quiet. This was what her brother was settling with? Camille put her arms around Janus’s neck and stayed close to him.

“Hi…” Camille narrowed her eyes up at the woman. She was unusually shy around Janice. “JanJan… You said I could go to class with you today.” She began to bounce again as she tried to ignore the other woman’s presence.

Lila and Myrri were herding Damond and Remy around the campus. Teagan was with Ezili but she had opted not to attend class. It was much more fun to be outside. Damond and Remy wanted to see what horrors were inside the building.

Camille on the other hand… Was put next to Janus in class and she got out her bag and got out paper. “I’m just like you JanJan!” Her voice carried and the other students looked at her.

She was fucking precious and the family resemblance could be seen quite easily. Camille got out her pastels and chose a blue as she wrote, not scribbled, her name across the top of the paper. “I can write my name now.” It wasn’t the nicest handwriting but Camille was scrawled across the top. “Mommy has been teaching me how to write my name.”

Everyone else had older siblings with them. Camille being so young had some understanding from the professor. Janice was sitting on the other side of Camille and every so often Camille would pull her paper and hide it from Janice when she looked over.

“Everyone can have their siblings introduce themselves,” the professor was ready to start now.

Once it was Camille’s turn she popped her head up from her paper and stood up on her chair. “My name is Camille Terrowin. I’m five years old. JanJan is my favorite brother and I have like five-hundred siblings. I have a bird named Blanc and a giant dragon plushie named Philip. I’m learning how to play the violin and I started school this year. I know how to write my name now too… See?” She showed everyone her name on the paper.

Everyone was smitten with Camille as Janus helped her sit back down.

Author: Argent, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:59 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Janus was disappointed in his sister. “I have been betrayed…” He made a dramatic pout, and huffed as he turned his head away. “So very, deeply betrayed…”

Family Visit Day

Janice was a nice girl. In fact, out of the many that Janus had dated, she was almost perfect. Well, other than the name, but it was something he was getting used to. But today was a special day for her. Today was the day that she was going to meet some of Janus’ family, and that meant preparing for the worst. She had heard rumors of what his family was like from Lila and Neomi, and it gave her pause.

Of course, Janus assured her that it wouldn’t be a problem and that everyone would love her. So, when the whole family came, Janus introduced her to everyone who had decided to come that day.

Which, oddly enough, was Lucas and Ezili with a few of the younger ones, including Camille.

“Sorry, it’s been a chaotic week,” Lucas said as he set Camille down to run to her brother. “Mom and Dad said they’ll come visit tomorrow when they can, but Camille couldn’t wait to see her “bestest brother ever”,” he said with a smile. “It was hard to tell her no.”

“Camille!” Janus said with a smile as he swooped her up in his arms. “It’s good to see you. Have you been getting my letters? And here, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend. I think you’ll like her. Her name is Janice…though it’s spelled a little differently than my name.”

Janice cleared her throat, “H-hi Camille! I’ve heard so many good things about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

Author: Lila, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:35 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila saw the wink and saw how Neomi reacted to said wink. “Oh. No, you don’t.” Lila escorted Neomi out. “He’s not your type Neomi.” The sister patted the girl on the back. “Just trust me.”

“Oh, alright Lila,” Neomi giggled at the sister but took her words with caution. She was thankful for Lila looking out for her.

Lila had fun with all the illusions and the grandeur of it all. “Yeah, Janus got that one good…” Lila sighed a bit. “Is this about the shit he said during the second period the other day?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Janus said nonchalantly.

“Uh-huh…” They closed the haunted house down and Lila shut the doors so they could all walk back together.

“…You guys… Where did you put the violent guy,” Myrri stopped and looked back at the building.

“What violent guy?” Lila asked sweetly.

“Yeah… I can’t remember what you’re talking about,” Janus cooed in response.

“Lila…” Myrri got that look in his eyes as he came over to her. He took her hands and put his lips to her ear. “Where is he, Lila?”

Lila shivered. Myrri had learned real fast how to deal with her shenanigans. “Basement.” She blurted out.

Janus facepalmed, “You are a traitor Lila.”

“I CAN’T HELP IT! HE DID THE THING!” It made her weak in the knees.

Myrri scoped out the basement and came back up, “Okay but he wasn’t there.”

Lila had her arms crossed and she was refusing to look Myrri in the eyes. “Okay, so he left.”

“He definitely left,” Janus responded with his sister.

“Lila…” Myrri had to figure out a different way to get his girlfriend to talk. Several gentle kisses later and Lila was like a puddle to him.

“Oh. My. Goddess. You’ve turned my sister against me,” Janus snapped.

“He’s in the basement of the boy’s dorm,” Lila blurted out soon after sheepishly.

“Thank you, Lila,” Myrri kissed her forehead and Lila sighed. Myrra had figured out how to read her chaos pretty well. At least he had figured out how to get through it.

Author: Argent, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:21 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

“Oh, thanks,” Janus said as he took the chocolates and smiled at her. It was a shame that Neomi was off limits, otherwise he might have asked her out right then and there, but he could easily see Lila’s look, and let the thought slide. “I’ll enjoy them at another time, though,” he said, tossing them at Myrri. “Can you put those in my bag? The next pair is coming in and we have to keep going.” He winked at Neomi, “An artist never rests…”

Myrri sighed, “The boy in the next pair is scared of water, so…do what you will with that.” He was going to kick himself for enabling them, but even he had to admit that this was fun.

From the outside, students saw the next pair run out as a wave of water crashed against an invisible barrier, dissipating as it hit the night air. If Janus and Lila were to get any reputation after this night, it would be as master illusionists. Fire, heights, bugs, and snakes were the next tricks in order, and all were executed with precision by the terrors.

“We either need to reset or call it after that last one,” Myrri said as he wrinkled his nose in the hall. “I think the last one pissed himself.”

“Oh he definitely did,” Janus said with a laugh. “I made sure of it. I’ve never had so much fun imitating a giant serpent. I should use that one more often.” He glanced to his sister. “Shall we call it for the night, Lila?”

Author: Lila, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:44 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila moved some magic around and whistled low to her brother. This troublemaker was going away for a long, long time. “Bye… Make sure you writeeee.” Lila stood over the hole he dropped in and she waved as the hole slowly closed. “We’ll come to get you… Eventually.” And so they left their badass in the basement that they conveniently left locked on the outside. It was pitch black so he would have an interesting time in the dark.

Neomi came wandering in through the door.

“Oh, this will be good,” Janus went to go fuck with her and Lila stopped him.

“Not my roommate… She gets the normal experience.”

“What?! That’s no fun, Lila.”

“Normal. Experience.”

Janus relented and a groan came out of his lips as they popped up in the darkness holding hands. “Oh… Neomi…” They started the creepy twin thing and Neomi gave a little jump more from their sudden appearance.

“OH!” She let out a chuckle. “Is this what has everyone so scared?”

Lila looked at Janus. Janus looked at Lila. “This is all your fault, Lila.” Neomi was way too used to how they were acting. “Okay, Neomi you made it through. You can go.”

“Wait!” Neomi called out shyly. “I made some sweets. I couldn’t find you earlier so I thought this was the best way to do it.” She held out a red silk bag with some candies in it. “I already gave Myrri and Lila theirs…”

“…He got a special bag.”

“Well… You said he liked red,” Neomi blushed a bit. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah… It’s okay.” Lila squinted at her and knew she would have to work double time to make sure Janus couldn’t sink his teeth into her. She was too good for Janus.

Author: Argent, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:24 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Janus was really feeling himself today. He and his sister were in prime form, and it showed. While Lila was chasing Anna around, Janus was manipulating the darkness around Marco, bouncing himself between the shadows and laughing maniacally. “Run while you still can!” His voice boomed. Surely enough, right as he darted out of the room, Anna came running in with Lila right behind.

Which of course, led right up to the moment that Anna slapped Marco. Perhaps they weren’t going the last the year

“What a trip,” Janus said with a wide grin on his face, sipping on some water.

Myrri sighed, “I’ll go get Rachel. And don’t forget, if anyone has issues, call me immediately. I don’t want someone getting hurt.” While he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be a part of this, he had volunteered his services just to make sure that the twins didn’t go too far with their little project.

Janus smirked as the next one walked in; he seemed ready to ‘fight.’ “Oh, we have a badass on our hands,” the twin said with a gleeful tone. “Don’t go near him Lila…mind games only. Let’s see…guide him towards where we set up the mirrors?” That seemed like the safest bet. Myrri wandered off to go escort Rachel out, and left the twins to do their thing.

The idiot brought a knuckle duster in. Every time there was some event like this, there always had to be one person who tried to ruin it with violence. Well, of course, it was time to use that violence against him.

“Hey, hey, dear sister,” Janus cooed as his visage appeared behind the cocky boy. “He’s got a weapon.”

“Oh no, dear brother,” Lila mirror, appearing innocently in front of him. “How terrifying…”

Neither of them seemed worried. Their voices went in perfect monotone harmony. “The scary boy and his scary toy need to be punished…” The room went pitch black. Moments later, the lights were back on and all the badass boy could see were mirror reflections of himself. Tall and small, thin and fat… though the deeper he wandered, the stranger they got.

One had him as a handsome prince, another as an old crone. Another showed him as a beggar, and another as a jester advising a king. The boy was getting annoyed, though.

“Show yourselves you Terrowin brats!” he demanded, smashing one of the mirrors.

“Oh no,” Janus said with fake worry. “Dear sister, he shouldn’t have done that, should he?”

Lila giggled, “Oh no, dear brother, he really shouldn’t have…”

The room filled with fog as the darkness grew around him. The slightly less badass boy could barely make out images circling him. The shadows lurked about, and the silence started to become deafening.

“You woke it up…” Janus said with a smile as he appeared on top of one of the mirrors, leaning against the air casually. “The darkness that lurks in the mirrors.” His smile faded. “Nothing can save you now.” He disappeared in the shadows. Suddenly, tendrils erupted from the ground, wrapping around the boy. “Poor, poor boy…you will die here, lost and alone…”

Author: Lila, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:59 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

Lila was eagerly awaiting the festive All Hallows’ Eve. If anyone had to guess black was her favorite color, it wasn’t but she wouldn’t tell them that. The only people who knew were Myrri and Janus. While the other students were trying to get attention or show others success… Janus and Lila decided on a ‘Test Your Courage’ type of situation.

It took no time at all to get a few of the professors to agree to it. Though it was cheating that they happened to know two of them from outside the school. Terra and Sophia, now proudly married, were professors at the school. “Well… As long as no one gets hurt.”

“Only their pride… and if they panic too much,” Lila promised.

Anna had a hold of Marco’s hand and she merely blinked. Screams started to erupt and a giant black bird was chasing her throughout the building. There were tears as she could not find the exit.

“Where are you going, Anna?” The bird was gone and replaced was Janus and Lila holding hands at the end of the corridor. “Please… play with us.” It was in sync. It freaked people out on a normal day but today it was horrifying. The lights went out and the twins were gone from sight.

Anna let out a scream as she found her way outside. The line of people waiting to go in was amused by it. Marco ran outside screaming next.

“You fucking bastard,” Anna yelled as she slapped him across his face.

Lila was dying watching from the window. “Oh, that was a good one. Janus, the next people are coming. Myrri… That Rachel girl still hasn't figured out how to get out… She's crying downstairs."

Author: Argent, Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:16 PM, Post Subject: School Days - A Terrowin Compilation of Shenanigans [p/r]

The Haunted Schoolhouse

As per school tradition, each year the students were allowed to express themselves with a variety of different extracurricular activities. Normally, the first years went out of their way to set up extravagant events in order to impress their seniors, while the older students enjoyed the unique experiences and coached the younger students in how to grow and succeed in school.

Janus and Lila barely needed their resonance to come up with their idea.  At once, they thought the same thing  

A haunted schoolhouse.

They both had a clear memory of playing Hide and Seek in the old school in Benin, and this was just taking that concept to the next level.  So, with a bit of work with the school staff, and a fantastical announcement to the student body via magical pamphlets, the Terrowin Terrors once again found themselves in a dark building, playing ‘hide and seek’ with their victims…

Marco took his girlfriend’s hand.  He was in his last year of finishing school, and prided himself on his manliness and ability to face fear head on.  Of course, he had never actually had the opportunity to test these things, but he knew deep down in his heart he could handle anything.  So when he entered the main hall with his girl at his side, he wanted nothing more than to show his stuff!  

“Let’s go Anna…”  He squeezed her hand.

“Anna?” an unfamiliar, masculine voice asked.  “Who’s Anna?”  Suddenly, his hand was empty, and he was alone…

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