Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Republic of Iria > Iria City > And Adventure Awaits! [P]
Trivian Fauxglove

Character Info
Name: Trivian Fauxglove
Age: Appears 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Pocket Geminite
Gender: Female
Class: Geminite Elder Storm
Silver: 0
Finally!!! I made it to Iria! Its kinda boring here. But super cool!!! The small geminite gushed, as she ran around frantically, looking at every open air market booth, and every shop she could find. What was I here for again… Ah! The Library!!! She said, half walking, half hopping down to the library. I heard that some sort of adventurer was going to be here today, so I don't want to miss anything! I wonder if he or she could bring me along on one of they're adventures. Or even tell me about them! Maybe even send me on a quest! Yeah! Where I have to go to uncharted territories to find some sort of super epic and awesome unseen and untold treasure! The small geminite began fantasizing on going on epic adventures and writing books and novels about her epic tales. During her little day-dream fanatic, she accidentally bumped into a wooden beam. Ack! She said, stumbling back. Wow, I'm so stupid. She said, huffing. As she continued on her way to the library, she ran into a vendor selling small time witchcraft books. Ah, hello young lady! I see ya have found interest in my book collection! The vendor smiled, and offered her a small red book. Can I offer ya this small time fae book spell? Ya look like a young lass who would be interested in this sort of thing! His smile got bigger still, as she pondered over the small book. What type of spells are in this book exactly? She asked. Ah, now thats the secret. He playfully whispered, and winked at her. Hm… She said, reaching out towards the book only for the vendor to snatch it away. If ya want the book, lassie, ya gotta pay. 500 silver, please! The vendor smiled. Ok, hold on! 500 silver for some cheapo book about small time fae spells? That seems like a huge rip off! She crossed her arms, and raised an eyebrow skeptically. Well at the end of the day, ya will get some use out of it! The vendor shrugged. No, at the end of the day, I get scammed. She said, grabbing the book and only paying 30 silver. Now this seems like a good price, doesn't it? She smiled. The vendor opened his mouth to speak, but by that time she had already walked away. Now, lets see if I was right. She said, and opened the book. Just as I thought. Blank. She said, flipping through the pages of the blank notebook. She shrugged, and tosses the journal to a couple of dogs, who immediately began to tear it up. Now we can go off to the library.

When she approached the library, she instantly sprinted inside. Yes, there was about another 100 feet of walking to do, but she just couldn't wait. She threw open the doors, and looked around. Woah… The library was huge! There were rows upon rows and floors upon floors of shelves of the biggest and oldest books ever written. Great pieces of works reside here.. She gushed, and instantly ran into the section of geography of Revaliir. She pulled off as many books as her small arms could hold, and put them on the biggest table, and began flipping through them. Pages upon pages of uncharted land! Maps of the whole of Revaliir! Dangerous beasts just waiting to be slain! She whisper shouted to herself, and kept flipping through the pages of the books, reading each page like it was going to be the last thing she would ever read. By midday, she had read every geographic book on the shelf, and walked up to the librarian sitting at the desk. Excuse me! But I heard there was going to be an adventurer here today, and I was wondering if he was already here, or if he was coming later. The librarian didn't say anything, and simply pointed towards an unlit row of books. Oh, thank you!!! The small fae-like creature said, and slowly peeked around the corner of the shelf, to look up at a man with jet black hair and steel gray eyes.

If laughter was the best medicine, then by Ezra's Might she'd cure the world. - Oden.
For Xaven. And all the times you stole the berries from my plate and the words from my mouth.
To Chay. I'm sorry for all the times I tricked you into babysitting Oden at alll the taverns we went to. I owe you one. (Or maybe three million)


Character Info
Name: Efrain Albaret
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Male
Class: Alchemist
Silver: 0
"Nothing new on the corpse flower. Instead of looking for possible uses in medicine, perhaps I should plant a few outside to keep trespassers out." Efrain muttered with a scowl, pushing a book back into its spot on the shelf. Corpse flowers were one of the most malodorous plants to grace this green earth, and for good reason. They were exceptionally poisonous, and overall–offensive. Today was one of the rare moments when he willingly ventured outside of his two primary abodes: Karith and Sularia. While Heisei was minding the shop, the apothecary had a brief meeting with his mentor hours ahead. It was something he did out of courtesy, after all she was one of the few people he genuinely liked and respected. And for those who knew the young man, those titles were reserved for select individuals. Thoroughly disappointed, he turned to leave. He had spent all that time with little to show for his efforts. Aside from some new material on the latest innovations in alchemy, nothing of value had been gained. 

He was in a sour mood, and it was written all over his face. Efrain was dressed in his usual attire–dark colored clothing in Adelunian fashion. Black gloves were on his hands and with the grim atmosphere that hung about him, one might mistake him for an undertaker than a member of the healing arts. Necromancy was more of Juniper's forte, not that he didn't envy the fact her 'patients' weren't able to talk back. Unlike living, breathing people–corpses when inanimate weren't as annoying. But more importantly, they were quiet. Unfortunately his precious silence would soon be broken as he would be interrupted by the presence of a diminutive, yet…talkative individual. Feeling the distinct sensation of eyes being on him, he looked around until he found the source. With narrowed eyes, he glared at the small winged creature gawking up at him. "…What are you looking at? If you're here to sight-see, do it outside where you won't be a bother."

Pick your poison…
Trivian Fauxglove

Character Info
Name: Trivian Fauxglove
Age: Appears 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Pocket Geminite
Gender: Female
Class: Geminite Elder Storm
Silver: 0
My deepest apologies sir… She started, unfazed by his cold tone of voice. She was unable to trace any sort of annoyance in his voice, due to the fact she was to optimistic to know what was bubbly and cheery, to cold and dismissing. Observing the young man closely, she looked deep into his eyes. Just by observing you, you could be the son of Lord Albaret, but you seem a lot more distant. At this, the red gemstone on her forehead began to glow, and something moved about in her bag. Alchemy, interesting for your character. She stated, before her gem stone returned to the bright red it once was. I can't imagine why you'd be in such a bad mood of all people here. Your from a royal blood line, If I'm correct. I rarely ever see Adelunians. Only scholars go where I come from. She looked at the book he had just placed on the shelf. Corpse flower, right? I take it your trying to keep some people out. I recommend using a combination of nightshade berries and Ricin. Both are rather deadly, and nightshade berries are rather delicious once consumed, but can be very deadly. Ricin can sucked up through the intestinal tract, and can prevent the ribosomal protein synthesis in the liver sells from occurring. Very deadly indeed. Symptoms only take up to an hour or two. She paused to take a breath, and kept going. I also recommend fitting your garden with a few Inland Taipan snakes. Their venom can kill an average human within forty five minutes. Small creatures? Maybe about ten. Larger creatures? Depends on how large were speaking and how many bites they took. Other than that maybe about an hour or an hour and a half.

At this, she jumped up to a great height, and pulled a book off the shelf, laying it down in front of him. All the things I stated should be in this book right here. The snake info might be less detailed, but I'm sure you can find it in a book over on that shelf behind you. She looked out the windows, at the street vendors, and at the merchant that sold her the empty spell book. And theres really nothing to sight see here, unless you fee like getting ripped off by some stingy over-priced street vendor. She shrugged, and walked towards the front of the library. She paused then turned around smiling. Oh, don't take anything I just said. You can put the book back too, seeing that I'm just a bother. She waved, then reached towards the library doors handle, turning it slowly, waiting for his reaction.

If laughter was the best medicine, then by Ezra's Might she'd cure the world. - Oden.
For Xaven. And all the times you stole the berries from my plate and the words from my mouth.
To Chay. I'm sorry for all the times I tricked you into babysitting Oden at alll the taverns we went to. I owe you one. (Or maybe three million)


Character Info
Name: Efrain Albaret
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Male
Class: Alchemist
Silver: 0
Instead of sodding off like most sensible folk would, the sprite for some reason thought she had been given an invitation to provide unsolicited advice. While a few points of her assessment were disconcerting, he passed it off as a lucky, lucky guess. After all, aside from those few points the fairy was completely and utterly off the mark. His initial scowl turned into a sardonic grin. "Well then, it seems that fairies can lie after all…provided they've been given erroneous information. As long as they believe they are telling the truth, they'd be none the wiser." The smile disappeared, and the scowl returned in its place. The Rosenite crossed his arms and glared with disdain in his eyes. "I don't know who you are or why you are here–but I advise you against sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, or else you'll become an exotic centerpiece for an eccentric collector."  He leaned forward, lowering himself until they were eye-to-eye, then straightened himself. "I don't need offhand advice from some stranger who jumps to conclusions at the drop of a hat." There were many types of bothersome people in the world, and those who failed to read the atmosphere due to their foolish naivete were one of them. It would seem that she did get the hint through her dense brain after all, following a good solid ten minutes. As she waved before preparing to leave, he simply turned his back and went to a different section of the library. Whether the meddlesome fairy left or not, he could care less. Good riddance.

Efrain never understood why some people insisted on lending their help when no one had asked for it. Was it out of some innocent expectation of receiving praise, or an unspoken payment in advance for a favor they intended to claim in the near future? Or perhaps he was overthinking the matter–they were simply tactless. As for the poisons she suggested, it wasn't that he hadn't thought of them before. His dear childhood friend Juniper had those ingredients where she worked. And if he wanted to commit murder, he didn't need to use poison to have the deed done. Given the right amounts, even non-lethal substances could become toxic. Despite his annoyance at the diminutive winged fairy's interruption, the fact she had said something about his father was unnatural. The apothecary went to great lengths to ensure information about himself was not disclosed to unrelated individuals. As he knew his father often did business in Kurayo, it was safe to assume that either he was being followed or someone was trying to approach him. Assassins and spies came in all shapes and forms, who couldn't say that fairy was one who was sent by one of Kurayo's noble houses? 

He discreetly went to the librarian's desk, keeping a close eye on others around him. Lowering his voice, he asked them: "Pardon my interruption, have you seen a female fairy about this tall pass by? Approximately what time did she come in?" Efrain wasn't sure if he would be able to get a name since fairies likely wouldn't divulge such an important piece of information so easily, but whatever details he could learn about her would help him determine what her intentions were. The invasion of personal privacy and potential blackmail against him or his family would not be tolerated.

Pick your poison…

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