Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Republic of Iria > Iria City > Persuasion [P][R]

Character Info
Name: Zora Volkov
Age: Appears 30/is 212
Alignment: CN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Speaker of Shadows
Silver: 401
Zora had been sitting in Nemesis’ office with him earlier that night. The room was just as grand as the rest of the house which he called home. One of the things Zora always found in common between them was that they both had excellent albeit expensive taste. He had luckily bought or had clothes for her to use. She had come with nothing but the rag of a white dress on her back. Now she had luxurious bedroom with a vanity and a wardrobe full of outfits for any occasion. 

Currently she was poised on the cushioned seat of her vanity, a brush running through her hair as one of the maids fixed it. The maid had braided both sides and had it swirled up in an elegant twist with the back of her fiery red hair hanging down and smooth as silk. Zora admired presence in the mirror. The dress was a deep emerald green with a black and gold corset that cinched her waist and lifted her breasts. The skirt was form hugging and a slit casually ran up to her thigh. She nodded in approval and went back to Nemesis’ office for a gateway to the vampiric lord’s mansion. She was to persuade him to join the faith and contribute his vast mining holdings. 

The gate took her to the outskirts of the city of Iria, a place, she gathered, that was not a wise place to be peddling a God’s religion. She only hoped the vampiric Lord would be more open to the idea than the rest of the city’s citizens. That was part of why she had dressed the way she had, as a tool of persuasion should she need one. The more she had read about Iria in the comfort of her new home, the more she was convinced she would need it.

She traveled on foot down a rudimentary pathway, the map Nemesis had showed her was burned into her brain. It was lit by crude torchlight. She followed it until she happened across the iron gates with the family’s crest artfully worked into the metal. With her scribed letter of envoy from Nemesis and some coin, she was able to get one of the guards to open the gate and let her in.

Zora walked into she came to the mansion proper made of dark stone with warm yellow light from candles and torches streaming through the windows where the curtains were parted to allow it. She knocked the heavy knocker against the fine wood and was bid entry by a servant. “I come on behalf of our Lord of Darkness and Fear. I have business to discuss with your master.” The servant bowed and left quickly. Zora remained in the entryway admiring all the paintings and fine works of art. 

A constellation of tears on your lashes
Burn everything you love then burn the ashes
Tidus Amadei

Character Info
Name: Tidus Amadei
Age: 1106
Alignment: TN
Race: Dhampir
Gender: Male
Class: Lord
Silver: 28
Graylhope was a village not too far from the more illustrious city of Iria, one that lived in taboo as vampires secretly ruled over the humans ever since they had conquered them centuries ago. To keep the outside world from growing suspicious and meeting with armies seeking their heads, they allowed a puppet head to govern though through persuasion or threats, kept their puppets in check. It wasn’t to say that the vampire families that truly ruled were without mercy- they treated the humans kindly and only required from them a small tribute each week- blood. Young men and women were to give themselves up and allow for them to be fed on for moments before being released and paid enough for their families to live on. But they were strictly forbidden from revealing the truth or death was certain.

Out of all these families, one, in particular, had spearheaded the conquering and was elevated to being the head of the village- the Amadei.

Within his mansion, Tidus had gotten through with feeding on one of his favorite girls- a small virgin woman with messy chocolate locks and emerald eyes when one of the guards came inside his study. A look of annoyance befell him as he removed his fangs from the girl’s fair skin and handed her a bag of silver as one of his servants helped her out. “What is it?” He moved his hand to wipe away the excess blood from his lips and chin. “Many apologies, my lord. It seems like Lord Volkov had sent another envoy to seek your audience”, the guard said, giving a quick bow.

His master only sighed tiresomely before he slipped on a cream shirt. He enjoyed not only the favor of his meals but the physical intimacy, which was why at the time he was only in his trousers and boots. Feeling his prey against him, feeling their hearts race as he consumed often excited him so. Yet, in the same vein, he hated to be interrupted. “This envoy, I hope it isn’t like the last one.”

“On the contrary, she’s a pretty little thing, my lord.”

“Hmph, we will see…”

Tidus passed by his guard and headed downstairs to where his guest was waiting. Through the dim light, he appeared youthful as most vampires did, with platinum blond hair and bright blue orbs that lingered onto the woman that spoke for the God of Darkness and Fear. Nemesis was persistent in striking an alliance with him even before he rose among the heavenly ranks. Most of it had to do with his village being smack dab in the middle of a circuit of mining deposits. It was the reason why the vampire families from long ago came to take this place from the humans that lived here. Time and time, he had refused such offers, mainly because he didn’t trust the man- there was something about him that seemed akin to dealing with the devil. In any matter, his home had been visited lately by these envoys, trying to convenience him to deal with the Chruch and their master.

His eyes wandered on the woman for a bit, before chuckling ever so slightly. Oh, this woman could catch quite a room of eyes indeed. “Your lord is trying to see what my taste is this time?” Tidus moved over and gestured for the rest of them to leave them be- as far as he was concerned, this was going to be a quick conversation. But he would at least be a gracious host first. “I am Lord Tidus Amadei. I take it Lord Volkov has sent you out to convince me where others have failed?”

Before long, a servant came and offered refreshments- goblets filled with blood mixed with honey vodka. It was a strong drink and a favorite of this particular region. “Drink up, my Lady. And please, discuss your business here.” Tidus took his drink and gave a few sips of it and smiled. “I’m all ears.”


Character Info
Name: Zora Volkov
Age: Appears 30/is 212
Alignment: CN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Speaker of Shadows
Silver: 401
When the guard that had accompanied her left her to go and fetch the Lord of Graylhope, Zora admired the artwork while also reminding herself of some of the things Nemesis had briefed her on in regards to its Lord. The mining in this area was of particular importance to the Church and to Nemesis. It would bring in some considerable wealth to have Lord Amadei on the side of the Church of Darkness and Fear. Also, she reminded herself, he had rejected several envoys prior to her, so she did not expect it to be easy. 

Footsteps on the stairs echoed out in the large chamber, breaking Zora from her thoughts. Her golden gaze raised up to meet a quite handsome and ever youthful, as vampires were often, man with silver hair very similar to Nemesis’ but his eyes were different. They were an icy blue, a gaze she could find herself settling into. Indeed he did share an uncanny resemblance to the God. She thought she could remember a playfulness coming to her in the back of her mind. 

“Why I’m sure I have no idea what you mean, Lord Amadei.” As a matter of respect she bowed her head as curtsying was a particular challenge in the dress she had chosen for this affair. Nemesis has mentioned that Tidus had an affinity for beautiful women. While Zora may not have trusted in her own beauty, it was flattering and a boost in confidence that the God trusted she was beautiful enough to catch the sight of a finicky vampire.

She lifted the glass and smelled its contents. The sweet scent of blood was there but it was not wine that it was mixed with. “What is this?” A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she took a sip. There was the euphoric taste and a tang of something else. It reminded her that she would need to feed soon else there be a repeat of what had set off this chain of events.

“I am Zora Shira. I don’t consider myself much a noble woman so no need for the title. I humbly serve the God, that is all. And he tasked me with visiting your beautiful home.” She tore her gaze from him, a smirk curling her pillowy lips. She gestured to the painting in front of her. “Who did this? It’s quite stunning.”

After a moment she moved to a cushioned chair where she artfully sat herself, legs crossed and arms splayed elegantly across the back and arms. “But I’m sure you need not be bothered with small talk. I know you have rejected many envoys before me. Tell me. Why are you so avert to making a deal with one of the most powerful beings on this earth?” She took another sip of the drink, smirking over the brim of her cup

“You seem a smart man and powerful in your own right. Your loyalty is of great value. You would be highly rewarded. You could have any number of beautiful things. And you seem, to me, to appreciate beautiful things.” 

A constellation of tears on your lashes
Burn everything you love then burn the ashes
Tidus Amadei

Character Info
Name: Tidus Amadei
Age: 1106
Alignment: TN
Race: Dhampir
Gender: Male
Class: Lord
Silver: 28
“For starters, I can’t imagine him sending you out there in such an attire unless it served a purpose.” Tidus gave her a toothy grin; the woman clearly knew what she was doing but decided to play coy with him. It was entertaining, he had to admit, even though he knew that she was wasting her time. Pity. He sipped more of his drink and he watched as she took to it rather well. “It’s a lovely concoction of honey, vodka and blood. It’s a favorite in these parts.“ The way she observed and tasted it- she was well trained as any noblewoman should.

“But on the contrary, you seemed as though you are revered in it, Zora.” He let her name linger off his tongue for a bit before he shook his head. “Oh, I know he’s sent you here to speak to me, but of what? I can hardly fathom, he replied playfully. “As for that, it was done when I was in my youth. A brilliant artist he was; one of the citizens that formally lived here. Sadly, he had passed too long ago for me to recall his name.”

Tidus followed suit and sat down on a chair opposite of hers- it was quite a contrast to see her take such an initiative when she had previously been so refined. It wasn’t, however, unwelcome so much on his part. Even so, she managed to recall her manners and now they were to focus on the business end of things. Now they would see how this would really play out.

Leaning back against his seat , he rested his chin on his closed hand and allowed for her to start her case. “Flattery is beneath you, my dear Zora.” Again, her name poured out as sweet as the honey they drank. “But yes, I see that your master is very persistent. As far as why I haven’t made a deal with him is because I don’t trust him. The dark lord himself is a shrewd business man, to say the least. I have heard wicked stories about him and those that deal with him often end up on the short end of the stick, to put it kindly.” He swirled around his drink for a moment before gazing into her eyes. Whatever deal she had arranged with him was her own business, but as far as this lord was concerned, he would ever be weary of even thinking about trying to strike a bargain with him.

“Zora, you say all the right things but do you think you will accomplish what many others couldn’t?” His mood shifted slightly, the tone of his words showed how annoyed he was at being pursued for so long. “All the right words, and yet I have heard them and more before. Honestly, I can save us both the trouble and tell you that this was in vain.” His free hand rubbed at his temple with care right before he got up and refilled his drink. If she was as devoted as she claimed, Tidus imagined that this was going to be a long talk. “But one thing I have to agree with- I do covet beautiful things. If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t be having this conversation with you right now. So now…”

He circled around to the back of her chair and leaned forward ever so slightly that he was with inches of her ear, “Plead your case, he whispered before pulling away and taking another swig.


Character Info
Name: Zora Volkov
Age: Appears 30/is 212
Alignment: CN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Speaker of Shadows
Silver: 401
“Send me out in such attire? Bold of you to assume that he makes all of the decisions. He trusts me to get things done because I am a formidable force. I am his right hand. You think he would send me if you were disposable to him?” She lifted her glass to him and tilted her head in question. Did he doubt what she was saying? Why would a God send his most precious asset to his domain to deal with matters a simple envoy would suffice for if the matter wasn’t important? 

“It is indeed, though, a beautiful piece. I, too, understand the value of beautiful things.” She allowed her eyes to rake across his bare chest and the v-shape his muscles made as they disappeared beneath the waist of his pants before traveling back up to his face. One corner of her lips twitched up in the hint of a coy smile. She could banter like this back and forth all night and well into the morning if he didn’t want to give in to her proposals.

He accused her of flattery when that wasn’t the case. A giggle slipped past her lips. “My dear Lord it’s not flattery. Everything I say is the truth. I only flattery on those too dumb to tell the difference between the two.” And obviously he was not dumb. After all one did not obtain considerable wealth and position being dumb. No he was smart and he was a predator. Predators had to be dealt with carefully and sometimes took some deal of courting before they finally agreed. They couldn’t be forced into anything like the stupid ones. 

Tidus didn’t trust Nemesis and there were many good reasons for that besides the face value that he was Lord of Darkness and Fear. Nemesis was not a creature that did something that didn’t benefit him. Zora knew this well because she was the same way. They were all predators just like Tidus. The only difference between them was that one of them bore the mantle of a God. “Heretics,” she answered suddenly. “A lot of slander goes towards the Gods of things that many view as inherently evil. It is a disgrace to his name. Perhaps if you won’t trust him you can trust me.” Was that a wink or was she simply blinking? 

“I am not others,” she interjected. “Others are not nearly as willing to put in the time and the effort. They give up too easily and go back empty handed. It is a shame. After all I have practically an eternity left to make it happen.” She shook her head, sipping the honeyed vodka drink. It was sweet with a dryness and the obvious tang of blood. 

He circled her like a wolf and came up behind her. A shiver slunk down her spine as his breath tickled her ear. He told her to plead her case. Zora smiled. She took to her feet and whirled around to face him. “Tell me. Do you feel that you have everything your heart desires? You waste your time with these dainty little virgins you pay to feed on. You need something new, something better. What a waste of an eternity.”

She clucked her tongue at him, her hand trailing across the chair as she came up behind him. Her cold hands met his cold shoulders. Zora pushed herself up on her tip toes, one hand grasping his neck and her lips pressed against his flesh. “Once you’ve tasted the pleasures of the darkness, you will find it is very much worth your time.”

A constellation of tears on your lashes
Burn everything you love then burn the ashes
Tidus Amadei

Character Info
Name: Tidus Amadei
Age: 1106
Alignment: TN
Race: Dhampir
Gender: Male
Class: Lord
Silver: 28
Zora thought mighty high of herself, and why shouldn’t she? She was handpicked by her lord to come here and persuade him to join into this arrangement. Tidus’ amusement was brought back for a brief moment. “A rhetorical statement, but nonetheless, the purpose justified the means.” His head tilted to the side, “Probably not, but he’s been at this game for quite some time before he was the Lord of Shadows and Fear. It’s been at least decades that he’s sought me out, Zora. He’s probably trying just about everything in the book at this point.” Still, he couldn’t lie and say that she wasn’t correct- both parties knew how valuable his little village was and definitely its resources.

He was right in sensing that unlike many envoys, this one was going to put up one hell of a fight to change his mind. “Forgive me for the quick accusation then. In our sort of positions, you can understand that beings like us are often thrown pretty words to gather our favor, right?” Tidus did allow himself to ponder for a brief moment what else those plump lips of her could do. After that, he mentally caught him and wondered whether he should be cursing Nemesis’ name or reveling in it.

It was hard to see the truth from the wave of rumors that he’s overheard in his time about Lord Volkov. Vampires were tricky to deal with and even worse to make deals with. There would always seem to be an air of uncertainty when it came to vampire houses trusting one another without some sort of unification involved. He wasn’t surprised to see Zora quickly brand those that speak ill of her lord as heretics and perhaps even worse things, though she kept herself in line. She had much restraint, that much was sure and Tidus had respect for it. “You, I wouldn’t mind trusting, at least for now”, he smiled. “To be honest, I never dealt with the man. The only things I know of him have been things from Kurayo. Perhaps I have been misinformed after all.”

He took some time to think as he played around a bit with her. He was so close to her that he could inhale her scent- an array of flora mixed with that of vanilla. It was a treat to his nose with each unneeded inhale taken. His eyes grew slightly as she turned the tables and was now taking control of the conversation. “Heavens no. Is anyone ever satisfied with their current status? Some can lie to themselves, but there’s always a need for more.” But there was something that was misunderstood and he was quick to speak his peace about it. “What can I say? The Houses protect and feed the humans that remain here, and in turn, they allow us to feed on them in peace. Virgin blood is my favorite, though…” His eyes narrowed at her as she was around towards him. Now, what was she planning this time? He had to admit that he was finding himself on his toes ever since he met her. “I’m intrigued about what you are proposing. I have to say that I’m hooked.”

Feeling her touch made his lips curl up and those red, plump lips pressed against his neck. “You tether on the line of being a Lady and being something quite not so.” He turned his head enough to be able to catch a glimpse of her. He allowed this situation to unfold all the same. “What is it that you are pitching, Zora? I’d rather have the right idea than to misjudge your…intentions. What sort of deal are you willing to make to have me see the light and join your God?”


Character Info
Name: Zora Volkov
Age: Appears 30/is 212
Alignment: CN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Speaker of Shadows
Silver: 401
Tidus was proving to be a more formidable target that she had gathered from Nemesis’ briefing. She would have to tell the God not to make light of a target's opposition next time. Had she not come fully prepared, Zora might have had to leave with no deal sealed for her Lord and that was almost an unspeakable tragedy. “I’m aware how long he’s been courting you and your resources. He briefed me on the current state. But I’m still left for the most important of things. This evening that happens to be you.”

He mentioned that he wouldn’t mind trusting her now. Her lips twitched. One hook was successfully dug in. “Exactly. It is neat to make judgment from your own experience. You cannot trust heretics, people who simply want the Church of things believed to be inherently evil in place. Shallow minds if you ask me. There’s plenty of sides to these domain just as their Lord has plenty of sides, some of them more pleasant than others.” She shrugged, taking in a sweet tang of her drink.

Tidus explained they way their deal with humans worked. It was obviously more advantageous to the vampires than the humans. What was some silver crescents in exchange for a meal, in some cases a meal that they sometimes specify and get. “It is not an entirely faulty concept. But with the Gods help you could have more. More diversity. More virgins. And those that did not come from your town would need not be paid. Continue to allow the humans their illusion. But revel in other things.”

Zora smiled at his words as he admitted he was hooked and pointed out that she was walking a thin line between being a lady and something more sinister. “You can’t simply be one thing. How boring would that be?” She tilted her head to the side when she posed the question for him. 

Her fingers squeezed against his neck and shoulder and then slipped loose, fingertips trailing. She caught his look. “Protection for one, you never need worry about armies coming for your heads or good-willed Gods smiting you down” she walked two fingers up his shoulder and neck before harmlessly pulling some hair behind his ear. “Endless ability to feed. Endless virgins if that is your taste. Without any worry.” She leaned up and her soft lips brushed against his ear. “I’m sure I also could handle much of your business affairs.”

Her lips ran the line of the curve of his ear before biting gently into the flesh of the lobe. She sucked at it softly before releasing it. “Loyalty is deeply rewarded. Providing such a valuable resource to the Church would be deeply rewarded.” She stepped to his side and brought his hand up to her lips kissing the back of it. “And as I was tasked with this, going back with a deal for my Lord, well I would be very gracious and reward you as well.”

A constellation of tears on your lashes
Burn everything you love then burn the ashes
Tidus Amadei

Character Info
Name: Tidus Amadei
Age: 1106
Alignment: TN
Race: Dhampir
Gender: Male
Class: Lord
Silver: 28
"I suppose in some ways, I do enjoy his persistence. It seems as though you share it as well." By now, most would be questioning whether they could ever budge him, even a little into seeing things their way. Zora was doing well to steer him away from flat out asking for her departure. Still, there were things that bother his mind, and perhaps she could put those fears into rest. "Do you believe that his lordship can be trusted fully? That he wouldn't merely be seeking out my resources and then once those are drained, my village and myself would be then discarded?" He supposed that he could understand Nemesis having many faces- just about everyone did. He pondered what sort of faces Zora could produce. Perhaps even more important, which one was the real her? 

He placed some questions into that in his mind, though his face would never betray his thoughts out loud. 

"Concept? Why, my dear, allow me to explain Graylhope's history. This place was a neighboring village to Iria; a normal, human infested place that was made upon settlers finding the mines here. They would live well with their trades up until eons ago. An invasion, lead by my grandfather, took hold and conquered this place. Even back then, our kind wasn't cared for by the majority of the continent, and rather than kill the humans that resided here and wait for the armies from the major cities to snuff us out, we struck a deal with them. We'd allow them to live their lives and they would pay us in blood and the ores from the mining. The coin we pay is enough to keep them alive and well. A mutual arrangement is what it actually is, much like the one you are trying to convince me of.  The only difference was that humans didn't have a choice in this at their time." But he certainly did. While what she proposed, or at what he was thinking sounded nice, he wasn't quite too concerned with feeding. It was the overindulge that he tried to avoid. "It's a delicate arrangement and if it collapses, it could be fatal for everyone involved. To the world, Graylhope is still completely a human settlement and doesn't know about the attack my people did. But if you are proposing bringing in more workers for the mines, why that could be a start." He certainly wasn't going to make his own citizens work even harder to mine for both the vampire houses here and for the Chruch. 

Tidus couldn't help but laugh heartily, "Protection? Why I suppose it's never a bad thing to have more than what we have. Being on Parpvora, many people don't even believe in the Gods anymore. Some of the Houses here don't even recognize Nemesis as a deity, in both status and power. I, myself, don't doubt his power but am uncertain of his status. But I do trust that he would be capable of sparing us of the others, particularly in the mad god that led a crusade against our kind."

 He thought about it, even as he could feel her grasp tightening on him, her touch calculating and pleasant. He couldn't fall for such distractions too easily to let himself get carried away with their business talk. "I don't overindulge in feeding, but some of my subordinates do. They would gladly accept such gifts but I would ask to regulate the number of cattle provided. I still need my humans to get their coin from them all the same. I'm sure that the Houses would appreciate the gifts and in turn offer to listen to what the Church has to offer to them personally and fill its pews and collections." 

He shuddered slightly the moment he felt her biting and suck at his ear. His hands gripped around the back of the chair tightly before he was released and he turned to face her. Was this the true Zora? Was it a masquerade just to get his favor? His mind was swimming, but Tidus moved away and found the bottle again. Pouring the contents into his glass, he found his hand-pulled towards her and she kissed it. Her next words didn't answer his pondering about her actions but merely reinforced them greater. "I'm sure that he would be more than pleased with you. Though I am curious over what rewards you can provide…" His eyes studied her, from her lips, to her ample bosom, down to her slender waist and hips. Vampires were beautiful in general, and she took such a bar and raised it higher. The heavens themselves couldn't mold a more perfect being, but still, there was the unknown about her that kept him at least at an arm's length mentally. 

"I'm afraid that such talk has gone on long enough for today. The morning hours will be approaching soon and I will retire. But I doubt that our conversation will be left unresolved, one way or another, so I will have one of my attendants prepare a room worthy of you." He clapped twice and a maiden appeared. "Lead Lady Zora to her chambers. She will be staying with us for an undisclosed amount of time." He turned back to Zora and smiled, "We shall speak more about the possible arrangements tomorrow night, deal?' He bowed to her and started up the stairs. "I bid you a good night, my lady"  Once he reached his room, Tidus fell upon his bed and slipped out of his clothing; her scent still filled his nose and he could still feel her fingers and lips in the places they touch. His whole composure fell and had he not left her as soon as he had, he would have been revealed out in the open. "Damn the gods for sending her here", he whispered as he pulled at the covers and entered an uneased sleep. 

The maiden would lead Zora into a spare bedroom completely prepared for guests, only that it was opposite of the master bedroom. 


Character Info
Name: Zora Volkov
Age: Appears 30/is 212
Alignment: CN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Speaker of Shadows
Silver: 401
Tidus was posing some hard questions. Could the Lord of Darkness be trusted truly and was he simply seeking to squeeze him dry of all of his resources before dropping him. While that may be the ruthless leaders perspective and not an all in terrible idea, Zora knew that Nemesis was even smarter that your typical ruthless leader. You couldn’t inspire loyalty like hers and those within the church already without giving of yourself. “I am a thousand percent true that you can listen. Let me talk straight here. Nemesis may be a ruthless leader but the difference is most ruthless leaders are stupid and I assure you he is far from that. The Church is vast and we ever expanding our territory. You could end up with new mines, new lands.”

“It is somewhat different than your relations with the humans. You wouldn’t pay us for anything, simply we would get a cut of the ores or buy them at a discounted price. We get first dibs on the ore. Then you may have anything you desire. A virgin from Abed or Adeluna. Intimacy partners for those into the intimate bond of blood sharing. If your men need horses. I can travel with them and give them shadow coverage. Most importantly the humans never dare come for you, nor would the God and I must say Light and Strength is the one to lookout for.”

She sighed softly into her drink as she took another sip of the strong concoction. “You would continue your ruse, the pretty girls can be inserted into the work force. Whatever you need.” Zora leaned back against the dark stone wall. “You need not worry about the public perception of the Church. I will handle it. I’ve already been seeing to some of the relations.” She waved it off with her hand as if he need not concern himself. It was mostly true. She had a plan to shape the Gods appearance. 

They were so close to broaching the subject of actual arrangements made to bolster the church and lavish him with gifts while maintaining his facade for the humans, when Tidus suddenly ended their conversation and offered her room for the night, already having it being made ready for her. Oh no this conversation was not over quickly.

When she was lead to the room she stripped down to nothing and put on a sheer black dress that was hemmed short. Zora barely noticed her feet on the cold floors of the mansion. She found a servant who led her to the bedroom. The servant knocked politely but before anyone could answer , Zora threw open the doors and dismissed the servants shutting it behind them.

“I wasn’t done talking, Tidus.” Her arms crossed each other as she reached for the bottom of the night gown and pulled the garment off and carelessly discarded it. “Let’s be frank with one another. What do you want?” 

A constellation of tears on your lashes
Burn everything you love then burn the ashes
Tidus Amadei

Character Info
Name: Tidus Amadei
Age: 1106
Alignment: TN
Race: Dhampir
Gender: Male
Class: Lord
Silver: 28
Everything she spoke to him of, Tidus took it with a grain of salt. He knew how valuable his land was and the potential betrayal that he could face by making this deal. Heaven knows that he couldn’t afford to lose this town, not after what his family went through. Still, there were the promises, the sweet promises that this vixen was filling his ear with. There was much to gain as much as there was to lose. He had never thought to think of gaining more mines and lands, which could help spread the influence of both his people and of Zora’s Church.

It was actually rather hard to think in his case. In-between her proposals, Tidus was getting too distracted to think clearly. The reason stood right before him in the lithe redhead woman that was playfully pressing his buttons half the time. He was unsure why she had this effect on him when he had dealt with others that were sent before her. It was clear that she especially had a plan to get him to agree to this proposal. “So, all these things you promise, you can actually make true? Or more so, your God can?”

Preparations would have all seem so perfect and all he needed to say was yes. But…he couldn’t. He needed some time to think about this and clear his mind. Though he was sure it wasn’t an answer that Zora wanted to hear; Tidus couldn’t have himself wrapped around her finger, giving her so much power by her mere presence there. He was the Lord of this town and he had the control, the power here. All he would need was some time, some peace and quiet and he would regroup and regain his footing in this discussion. A good sleep would be exactly what he needed.

That was until he heard the knock on the door.

The vampire assumed that it was one of his servants needing something or checking in on him.

Tidus sat up and was about to answer when Zora of all people let herself in and closed the doors behind her.

“Zora? What are you doing here?”, he spoke up, almost hissing at her before regaining his composure. Between the waning moonlight and candlelight of the room, he could make out that she moved to do something, but by the time he realized what it was, she had taken off her gown and stood in her full glory at him. “Our conversation was placed on hold, my lady”, he insisted as he shamelessly watched her.

“These games have been entertaining, but I truly believe that you should leave me.”

But in the back corner of his mind, he knew that it wouldn’t be that easy to escape this situation. Slipping out of the bed, he stood close to his bed, also fully naked. He figured that at the very least they would be on equal grounds now. “You believe that these stunts will make me say yes”, he said referring to what she had done just now. He believed that she was merely trying to seduce him to get him wrapped around her little finger.

“You want to continue this? Fine.”, He made the first move, approaching her without care. “I want you to cut it out with the coy acting.” He was getting more assertive even as he stared at the body of a goddess before him. The urge was growing more inside him, but he took a deep breath before continuing. “I want those workers I mentioned. Your lot will have their ores, but we will expect payment for them accordingly.” He moved to brush about a few locks of her hair to the side. The light did well to reflect her alluring form, making it harder for him to concentrate. “If you want to bring more cattle here, so be it. I also want that protection you spoke of..”

Asserting himself further, Tidus’s fingers moved down to trace about the side of her neck and down to her collarbone. Her skin was soft and he secretly craved for more of it. “Finally, you want to offer your…services to me and assist in helping the business then fine. I’d think we would work closely together, really close.” He retrieved her hair and brought it to his nose, inhaling the lovely scent once more. Even though he was calling the shots, he still felt himself succumbing to whatever spell she had him under. “Just how far were you planning on going, little Zora?”, he breathed out, releasing his grasp on her. “How far down the rabbit hole were you going to take me?”

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