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Author: Vinca, Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:55 PM, Post Subject: Even Weary Minds Need Rest [L3]

The library of Iria's Academy were abuzz with students coming in and out, some working on projects, others using the time to socialize, and lastly those who wished to be away from the nonsense of the outside word, noses within tales of fancy. Honestly, it was a pretty normal day, though as the sun began to set, students began to clean up, readying to head home or to their dorms to away the arrival of the sun once more. That is, all but the staff that stayed over for night duties and one particular non-student who joined their halls with a slight snore.

"Excuse me…" One of the staff said, trying to get their hand around a fae's wing to shake her shoulder, but no matter how much they tried to arise her from her slumbers, it seemed the fae had been fast asleep from her research.  A sigh escaped the staff as he looked around the sleeping fae's desk: All tomes of ancient magic, written in ancient dragon's tongue and piles of papers written in fae script. Picking up one of the sheets, he looked it over, trying to see if any sense could even be made from it, but alas, it was all scribbles. If anything, what can be recognized were more like formulas and mathematical scripts.

Setting the sheet down, the staff member turned back to the pile of books before scratching his head. Does he dare even bother to clean it up while she seemed so busy in her notes, or leave them alone and deal with it come the morrow when she would be awake… hopefully. "I swear, this better not be another case of an accidental coma spell," he muttered before trying to shake her awake one more time.

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