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Author: Sellywelly, Posted: Fri Oct 7, 2016 2:57 PM, Post Subject: The Cult of the Gods [Open]

Sellagious was slightly on edge, at his normal spot by the fountain in the main square. Normally, sitting there and listening to the daily bustle and chatter of the city folk brought him peace and comfort, but today, the wind lay silent, and the chatter was hushed and sparse. His sharp ears still caught little pieces of conversation, enough to understand the hushed tones. There was rumours of a cult devoted to worshipping the gods that had started in the godless walls of Wyllmochvar. The Mage College had already issued a statement to allay the concerns of townsfolk, that they would look in to the rumours, but had assured them that there was no real cult. That was 6 months ago. Since then, the rumours had only grown, and with the sudden disappearances, had solidified them in the public's mind.

Having spent several centuries within the walls of Wyllmochvar, he felt a connection to the people, and wanted to help alleviate the stress. He himself had recently started to keep his staff close, just in case. But, with no leads other than rumours, and no help from the College or city guard, he felt slightly helpless. Besides, he had no real talent in tracking, or any sort of detective work, and if he got a little too nosey, the next disappearance might be him. Gripping his staff a little tighter, he scans the square once more, desprete for clues.

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