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Author: Xunatar, Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:02 PM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

I have already stated that I will bring it up to the other staff members about off weapons/ secondary weapons for the units that may need it. There will be no promises made for what occurs from the discussion however.


Author: Albrecht Krieger, Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 6:43 PM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

And I have no idea why I kept saying reflection…*facepalm*

Author: Albrecht Krieger, Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 6:38 PM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

@All: I really should keep my mouth shut until I finish doing my goddamned homework.

So I'm going to be back peddling on basically everything I said yesterday because on reflection, barely anything I said remains relevant. Regarding the 6 month decay, that is actually a long time so honestly, the idea of buying bunch of warbows for a unit of Men-at-Arms seems less wasteful than I had convinced myself it was. Upon reflection, I see that my real hang-ups were ultimately on two very specific situations/weapons that upon reflection would be fulfilled by literally two of the cheapest weapons in the shop: Daggers and Spears (though Bills would be more practicle). I still think the Cavaliers would do with a mention of swords as sidearms.

However, I have one lingering issue, specifically directed toward the Berserker. The description defines them as using a two-handed axe (assumed Dane Axe or similar) but having no defense. Unfortunately, all else being equal, this leaves them unusually open to running themselves through with an enemy spear. I recognize that this is supposed to be the classic barbarian archetype but my suggestion here would be to instead give them an hand Axe and Shield pairing. They would largely funtion the same way but they could press in closer, hacking more aggressively around their shields. Also, this is how most Berserkers fought in the Sagas, but that's just trivia.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:59 AM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

The main reason why they are decayable is so that it can’t be abused, and is also partly why the units are so basic. What I can do is discuss with staff about maybe adding off hands to some of the units with a possible price increase depending.     

As far as with the concern of the skirmishers example example, that’s why we (the staff members) are here for, to make sure that no one takes advantage of the system and punish those that do. Obviously we won’t stand for someone trying to pull one over and encourage buying items, although within reason of course. It’s basically falls along the same lines of subbing an item and not subbing it to be like an item that’s already in the shops.

I get that realism could be potentially helpful, and if there was more people that wish for, then we will take it into further consideration. But as for now, we are looking for suggestions towards new things, not revamping current stuff (unless once again, there is enough outcry).

Author: Albrecht Krieger, Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:46 AM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

@Aegis: Okay, so inb4 I get banned, that last part was meant as self-deprecation. Sorry, that did not come across.

Part of the reason why the idea of buying the Mercenaries weapons did not occur to me was because they are Decayable- Ie, I buy 10 suits of armor and 10 katana for my 10 mounted archers to build my samurai army, that is useful until I choose not to "renew the contract" so to speak. Or if I decide to build a small armor for one event but I end never end up needing to in the future. Not to mention that these are, at least semi-canonically mercenaries, meaning they should be expected to bring the weapons they are most experienced with. Now, I admit, that is a small, narrow niche to point out, but it is there.

Also, there is one potential danger of handling private armies "munitions" style: Users buying all the gear themselves and then only using skirmishers as their army. Obviously expensive in the short term but cheaper in the long run.

As I said, I'm anal but I still genuinely believe fantasy would be better with at least a mild interest in realism.

Author: Aegis, Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:48 PM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

One. That passive aggressive bullshit that was in the final part was not needed, and uncalled for.

One dimensional, you damn well sure they are. They are given simple definitions so that the writer can craft up more detail about them in their posts. You want a dual wielding berserker, go for it but you better damn well have the items needed in your inventory for it. Also, another fact that you probably overlooked was the fact that these units are DECAYABLE. You think that they are going to put all that work into the items that will disappear after 6 months, I think not.

We get the fact you are trying to add in some real-world flair into this place, that's cool and stuff, but remember this place is crafted by the members and their thoughts. We have the common sense to help us dictate what we find acceptable or not. 

Author: Reaver, Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:48 PM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

That is a lot of work for items that are decay-able (decays after 6 months) first off. They aren't suppose to be really detailed in that sense, but you may get them whatever items you wish as long as you buy them, and that's a lot of silver to invest into them. If anything, should we give them more weapons and other things, then chances are that we'd would have to increase their prices.  

This is a fantasy site, we aren't going for 100% authentic medieval times and will not force others to do so if that is not the majority's wish. If you wish to oblige yourself to that, then that is your right as much as it is for others' if they don't.

Author: Eden, Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:45 PM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

Dude… they are generic NPCs… that you control… sure, they have set items, but that does not mean they are limited to them. Want to have a horseman be skilled in hand-to-hand? Just say that he is able to find unarmed while off his horse. Want a Man-at-Arms to have a spear instead of a sword? Buy a spear and say he uses it!

There is a reason we have rules about adapting item A into item B. Where there is no set method in their ability to cast magic. This is all to the writer's preference! We have the freedom to adjust what items we have to act as another within reason. They work hard to provide base lines for this fantasy realm like any Dungeon Master would. All it takes is a bit of creative speaking, and occasional speak with the Dungeon Master is an adaptation is alright. They will not shift the rules, but they are willing to make work-a-rounds!

And remember this is a FANTASY setting: one used in many medieval age settings. However, the fantastical elements are used to made those derivatives and not need such accuracy to the real world. No need for true historical make up when you can have an orc bashing away at a samurai with a warhammer!

Author: Albrecht Krieger, Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:51 PM, Post Subject: A Second Look at the Mercenary Camp

So, yeah, me again. So I was looking through the mercenary camp and I got to thinking: most of the soldiers in the shop seem really one dimentional. As in each seems to only be able to do one thing. My issue is that armies, especially wealthy ones, needed their soldiers to be adaptive. RL Knights and Men-at-Arms were used interchangeably on horseback and in hand-to-hand combat; professional archers like English Warbowmen and Japanese Samurai, as a rule, carried swords so that, when they closed with an enemy, they were not left defenseless.

Obviously, I understand that most people are largely content with the system as is, but as a champion of overthought, I feel it is my duty to suggest that it could, possibly, be better. If this proves interesting to staff, I would be willing to share possible changes, modifications, etc.

And obviously, I know you guys are busy, but please be open to at least discussing the subject before dismissing it as the ramblings of an anal retentive douche, valid though the argument might be.

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