Trading 101How to Perform Trades:When logged in, click your username on the hotbar below the site's banner. A drop-down menu will appear with various links. Click '
My Trades'.
Clicking the link will redirect you to this screen.

To trade with another user on the site, click '
New Trade'. You will be redirected to the screen below, where you can type in who you want to trade with. It is case sensitive, so make sure you type it in correctly or you'll get an error message.

Once the user you wish to trade with is selected, you will be brought to this screen.
There are lots of fields here, and it might be confusing at a first glance.
The left side is your account, the account you want to trade with is on the right side of the screen.

[Trade Name] - This works the same way as naming threads, just for your convenience. Just don't leave it blank.
[Offered Silver] - Silver you're giving to the account you're trading with.
[Offered Item] - Item you wish to give the account you are trading with.
[Offered Item Quantity] - How many of the item mentioned above you are giving.
[Requested Silver] - Silver the account you are trading with will give you.
[Requested Item] - Item the account you are trading with will give you.
[Requested Item Quantity] - How many of the item you want to receive from them.
** Please note that gold has not been implemented, so I won't cover that for now.
When all your fields have been filled out and you send your trade, this is the screen you will be redirected to:
Cancelling Trades:If you want to cancel a trade you have sent, go to your Pending Trades and click the name of the trade you wish to cancel.
You will be brought to this screen:

Click '
Cancel Trade' and it will be moved to your list of
Rejected Trades.Accepting Trades:When you are accepting a trade someone has sent you, once you click the link in your Pending Trades, you will be brought to this screen.

You can either accept or reject. Accepted trades and rejected trades will be moved to their appropriate areas.