Invitations have appeared all throughout Revaliir. It’s simple and sweet for an invitation. The stationary seems inviting enough for many. A month-long celebration of All Hallows’ Eve centered around a fair.
It boasts a spectacle that no other fair can. The chance to talk with your deceased loved ones. A night parade unlike any other. From the time the sun sets until the sun rises the spirits of the deceased shall walk again. The night parade is nothing short of a ritual beacon for the deceased to flock to.
That wasn’t all though… The fair’s master has sent invitations to all of Revaliir’s finest. There appears to have been a problem. One he calls small but could be a much bigger problem than he anticipates. It’s not just the gentle dead that the night parade is calling back but also the violent spirits as well. He says they have been hosted in a special barrier off to the side. A barrier of eternal night. So if one is brave… They can come to face the worst of the worst. Demons could even be within the barrier.
So come down to the Rokkrinu Fair… Enjoy everything all day and all night. Keep peace with the dead or vanquish the evil. What story you spin depends entirely on yourself. That barrier can’t hold back the evil forever. The fair’s master doesn’t quite understand the magnitude of what he has done… but others do. A call to arms has been sent out. They might not be able to stop the fair but they can put to rest the evil dead that now threaten Revaliir.
Link to Fairgrounds:
Rokkrinu FairThis event features Fair Tokens! This is a special currency for getting certain fair prizes. Think of it like playing the games at a fair. You can purchase them
hereThe event drops are:
Fair Token
Bloody Rune
Ectoplasmic Traces
The Event Prizes:
Wisp Lantern
The Dead Necklace
Midnight Cowl
Spectral Sword
Special Fair Token Prizes:
Keeper's Secret
Blade of Dancing Heat
Cerseus' Protection
Possessed Toy
Cursed Jewelry
Anima Ring
Steel Bound Lightning
Warhorn of Nightmares
Large Stuffed Animal
Medium Stuffed Animal
Small Stuffed Animal
Candied Apple
Certificate of Insanity
Certificate of Greed
Beaded Bracelet
Beaded Necklace
Hermit Crab
As always these are found in Namita's Relics in the shop list.
Happy Halloween!
-Revaliir Staff