Guilds Have Arrived!
It our pleasure to announce the arrival of the long-awaited guilds feature to Revaliir! As you might have noticed, there is a new forum with well-known institutions that have been mentioned in the world: Arri's famed Auzial Academy, Iria's Mage Academy, Egjora's Skjalborg military academy, and The Black Dagger of Vilpamolan. Not only are these institutions available, but you can make player-created guilds too! All OOC discussion and actions that are guild-related can be done in the Guilds Discussion forum
If you want to start a guild, there are a few procedures before you can get it up and running. To register a player-made guild, you will need:
- At least three characters as founding members with a Guild Leader declared at registration
- 500 silver paid to the Guild Registrar account as the initial guild registration fee
Once your guild has been officially registered, it will owe a monthly fee of 100 silver in order to maintain its status as 'Active'. This fee can be paid by any member of the guild. Each guild may raise the funds for these dues in any way that does not break the spirit or letter of the existing Silver rules stated in the site wiki. After 3 months of missed Monthly Dues, the Guild will be marked as 'Inactive' and be locked down until all owed dues are paid in full to the Guild Registrar.
Any new members added to a guild after its formation will incur a fee of 50 silver to the guild being joined. However, anyone may pay this fee, regardless of whether they are a member of the guild in question or not.
All fees, dues, and any potential future fines must be paid to the Guild Registrar account in a Trade. Please DM Jolly on the Revaliir Discord server to let him know that a transaction has occurred and what the transaction is paying for so that proper records can be kept.
You can find this information at the
Guilds FAQ page in the wiki.