Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Koschei Isle > Kurayo > [P;R] Heaven Sent
Azrail Blackbird

Character Info
Name: Azrail Blackbird
Alignment: CE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Silver: 561
A gentle whimper began to echo behind the cathedral, hidden within a narrow darkened alleyway. You should’ve been safe here. A church - symbol for life, for light. But where is your god now? Another cry, this time louder, which was quickly muffled. No, no little one. You are already not far from death, I am your angel. I will bring you to salvation. In that darkness stood a ragged shadow pressed against the sandstone walls, seemingly holding something or someone in place. The city of Kurayo was far too busy this evening to notice a little mischief playing in the shadows and far too busy to notice a small, sick child missing from it’s makeshift bed inside the cathedral.

Her thin, bony hand held the child by it’s throat but she did not squeeze too much. Even after decades and time shifts spent underground she still liked to savor her food. Rats and other small wildlife had kept her pushing since her rise but it was only enough for the energy to travel. Her voice had not truly returned and her skin, mostly decomposed, had barely started to grow back. The little amount of blood she had come across was just enough to get her here, to get her one step closer to the first task at hand. And this sad and almost pathetic creature within her weak grasp had exactly what she needed to complete it.

Pale lips moved to form one word - Neveah.

Golden orbs shot down to the little one within her grasp. Some kind of deathly illness coursed through this child’s veins and time would eventually claim it’s prize. She smiled and cooed as softly as she could though it sounded more of a growl. It’s okay to be scared, she thought as her body slowly began to lower so that she could be eye level with her first real meal. This was the closest she had been to another living being in…ah, the sweet stench of fear and flesh. Azrail had planned on being gentle and swift. It was her intention to not play and force this wholly innocent youth to suffer anything beyond what was necessary, but that smell. It awoke a beast within her that nearly tore through her chest. As her face became level with that child’s gray, lifeless eyes, it simply took over and control was no longer a player in this game. Within moments her jaw extended wide and latched onto her victim’s fragile throat, tearing into skin and muscle without any restraint. Blood splattered across those holy walls as screeches of pain and mercy echoed with no chance of response or aid.

It was like a new life had breathed its way into her lungs. She threw her head back and inhaled deeply, almost choking on that warm and smooth crimson sweetness she had craved for so long. Almost instantly parts of her body began to heal quicker. Drooping skin and open wounds started to close. A stronger hint of gold stuck to softer curls that began to wisp out from beneath her hooded cape. Those some parts still felt weak and perhaps a few flaps of skin had not reconnected but this brought upon enough strength and power to proceed. Her hands released the lifeless, little body and she stepped away as it slid to the ground. No one would find it here.

Azrail had caught wind of the vixen’s likely presence. In fact the wind had guided her thus far. She knew Neveah - she knew her scent, knew every curve and edge of her sensual body. Knew what made her shiver with anticipation and knew exactly how to do it. She followed the breeze that carried her friend’s very particular smell to Kurayo, to a strange little tavern tucked in a dimly lit corner of the city. But why was finding Neveah so important? This question she could not answer yet, she only knew she had to find her. It took only a few moments to cross the town and push through the heavy front doors. A busy night to be expected but Azrail would have none of it. She shoved past a few men and women directly to the barmaid who stood in silence as if she’d seen a ghost. It was too loud - too many voices and too many screeches coming the local whores and their fares for the night.

A hand landed on the bar top and the room went silent. No noise, no movements, not even a rogue breath. Frozen like statues in place except for the young, seemingly startled barmaid. With bloodstained lips Azrail smiled devilishly.

Neveah. Where is she.

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”

Character Info
Name: Neveah
Age: Appears in 20s
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Class: Sorcerer
Silver: 1618
Things had been odd lately. She painfully reunited with her oldest and truest friend. Their relationship could not be as it once was but she had hope for the future due to him. The vixen also found herself befriending an orc who had been selling sun stones to a pack of moronic mutts. He ended up being a clever businessman and worth the conversation. Not to mention, after killing a pair of humans, the vampire reconnected with a former guildmate. He made some wild accusations but she would welcome him into her life once more regardless. They were family, or at least as close as creatures like them could be. On top of all that, she found herself in not one, but two battles against creatures she had never seen before. The vampire decided she had enough adventure for a while. 

Veah made her way back to Kurayo. Her room had been left untouched as instructed. The redhead plopped into bed with a relieved sigh. She reached for an extra pillow and pulled it close. Her muscles began to relax from her journey. She had been traveling on foot, thinking it would be nice to explore the old fashioned way. Moving forward, she would not be so ambitious. Gate Travel was the only reasonable way to cross such distances. Her emerald eyes fluttered shut as she allowed her fatigue to win. It was not as if there was a prize for burnout. She had nothing to prove to anyone.

The vixen woke the following evening feeling refreshed but hungry. She rose from the bed and wiped the side of her mouth. She ran her hand through her molten locks and shook a few knots free. She waved her other hand and the candles in the room lit up. The vampire strolled towards her window and tossed back the curtains. She placed a hand on the glass, smiling at the cool weather. There was nothing like a crisp autumn night. Her emerald gaze went to the double moons and nodded. They were full but clouds attempted to hide their glory. She turned away and put on her favorite pair of leather pants along with a plum corset that had sheer sleeves and an open neckline. She pulled her half her hair back with her Kasumi Comb. The silver and abalone shell comb contrasted sharply against her crimson locks. After sliding her dagger in itself place on her thigh and lacing up her boots, a long silver strand that held her grandmother’s moonstone pendant completed her look for the evening. Death never looked more enticing. 

The tavern she spent most evenings was already bustling with people of various races. She prowled with an air of assured confidence, as if she owned the place. Veah leaned against the bar. “The house red,” she purred, knowing it would be infused with blood to help stave off her thirst. A male vampire with dark hair and even darker eyes slid beside her and added, “Make that two - can’t possibly have you drinking alone.” She casually turned her head with a coy expression. “And what makes you so sure I’m not meeting someone,” she asked, brushing her hair off her shoulder. “I’m not - but I am sure I’m more fun. Dimitre,” the vampire retorted with a toothy grin and hand extended. “Neveah,” she replied, shaking his hand. There was a small tug in the back of her mind as if to indicate something but she wasn’t sure what. She would certainly remember that smile, body, and scent. A little gap, she reassured herself, thinking back to the spots of memories Nemesis had removed. 

He led her to a booth where they laughed and drank. Her bare neck indicated to all the vampires that she was not only unclaimed but open. It seemed they were finally going to break the tension with a kiss but instead, Dimitre surprised her by scooting out of the booth and offering his hand. The piano was loud and the dance floor was hot. He held her close, on hand on her lower back and the other gingerly holding hers. Neveah looked up at him with an amused grin. He slid his leg forward, pushing hers back, before bringing it back. The redhead wrapped that same leg around the back of his for a moment. He spun her away then quickly snapped her inward. She melted against him. The dance continued until there was a sudden slam and the entire bar went silent. At the mention of her name, the crowd seemingly parted a path between the pair of vampiresses. Veah unraveled from his grip to what the fuss was about. 

The redhead quickly closed the distance. A single digit ran down the side of Azrail’s jawline. Neveah had been warned that the blonde vixen would return, but it simply could not be true. Her emerald gaze locked with the golden orbs that haunted her for countless nights. As their scents mingled, she knew this was not a clever trick. Neveah did not imitate breathing in those slowly moving minutes. It didn’t make sense, but no one but she could pull off such a flawless representation of Azrail. “Mine,” she whispered before pulling the blonde in for a shameless, passionate kiss - a kiss she had desired for decades.  

Azrail Blackbird

Character Info
Name: Azrail Blackbird
Alignment: CE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Silver: 561
[Permission to GM OOC]

It didn’t take long for that haunting scent to reach her nostrils. They flared like prey catching whiff of nearby food. In those moments that time stood still she inhaled sharply, taking a second to simply revel in the intoxicating fragrance. For so long she only knew the taste and smell of rotting flesh or dirt. It was painfully erotic storming all of her senses at once. Vibrations coursed throughout her veins from her fingertips to the tiniest little hair that grazed her dirty toes. Fire swarmed and engulfed her lungs making it nearly impossible to breath.

She had turned as Neveah approached. Part of her wished she could enjoy this. The gentle touch to her face and those impeccable lips. The sway of her body as she moved through the crowd like a woman who knew what she wanted and one who knew how to get it. But in those seconds she lost all means of discipline. Decades spent underground rotting and only having faint memories of the taste of blood to quell her hunger. Nothing but time to become one with her madness and succumb to the voices who screamed for obedience. Her veins pulsed and started to budge as the starving beast within clawed it’s way out from within her chest.

She really wanted to love her first.

The kiss started to end and Azrail had lost all power to turn the monsters inside off. Her arms shot to Neveah’s shoulders as her face dropped to the soft little sweet spot. It was as if her fangs knew exactly where they belonged. Without the vixen’s offer or welcome she tore through delicate skin like a savage beast. A desperate beast. The instant that her sweet, crimson blood touched Azrail’s tongue, a vicious groan rumbled in the back of her throat and her grasp only tightened. In front of those strangers she fed like a rabid animal, snarling dangerously at any being that threatened to disrupt.

One of her hands then quickly dropped to the threads holding her corset together. While the bloodlust had started to feel sated another impossible to ignore desire rose. Memories of their times together flashed before her eyes and mentally she began to retrace every little inch of Neveah’s body like a map. The aggressiveness of her attack started to fade as she withdrew mostly from Neveah’s neck, though her lips never left. Her tongue darted across the tears she’d caused all the meanwhile her intrusive fingers sliced at the top three cords. The other hand had joined and started to roll back the cloth of her undershirt. There was no stopping as this urge, this desire was an absolute necessity.

Crimson orbs opened and immediately took to the male that had been Neveah’s partner at the time. Her brows lifted in question as her lips took a rather maniacal shape. Neveah was hers. And now that Azrail was back she intended to keep her possessions closer than ever before.

Gods, I’ve dreamt of you… your smell has haunted me… she growled against Neveah’s throat. It would be mere seconds before she would have the rest of the corset torn off and at this very moment did not give a damn who was there to bear witness. I must know you again! I must feel you… Gods, Neveah… she whined lifting her bloodstained lips to rest against the vixen’s ear, I need you.

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”

Character Info
Name: Neveah
Age: Appears in 20s
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Class: Sorcerer
Silver: 1618
Not in Neveah’s wildest dreams could she have imagined seeing Azrail once more. The blonde vampire had become a fond, though complicated memory and one of the voices that echoed in Veah’s mind from time to time. She did not have time to question how or why much less if Nemesis knew yet. Nothing beyond the two of them mattered in that moment.

Her free hand snaked around Azrail’s form and held her close. Veah felt herself becoming devoured in the moment, forgetting all about her previous companion. The kiss was not awkward or hesitant. Despite the time that had passed, their mouths had not forgotten each other. Instead, it grew hungrier, tongues searching for more. Neveah had nearly forgotten how fantastic a simple kiss could be. Like many attractive women, her nights were only lonely if she chose but she had not found anyone of interest to see more than once. Being with Azrail was both exciting yet familiar.

As they began to part, she released her grip in Azrail’s hair. One hand braced against the bar while the other found Azrail’s hip, certain she needed the support. It took everything in her in not to whine for more. The redhead was not even close to being satisfied. In a slight haze from the kiss, she shivered at Azrail’s moving lips down her neck. However, she did not have time to comprehend was about to happen. Sharp, unyielding fangs tore into her skin, repiercing the old puncture wounds that belonged to the blonde. A surprised cry left her throat. Her grip both on the bar and her companion tightened. Sounds of pain then pleasure left her lips with each ripple of ecstasy laced venom hit her blood stream. Her eyes fluttered shut, sliding into a subservient role effortlessly. It was not until Azrail became more carnal that the thought occurred to her that perhaps she needed to be in control.

“Love me,” she cooed softly. Again, she whispered it. “Love me.” A gentle reminder that she was not a toy thing to kill. Veah could not be sure if Azrail heard the demand in her words but the fiercity was slowly regardless. Her body quivered at the feeling of her lover’s tongue against the fresh wounds and a pained moan shook from her lips. Her nails racked against Azrail’s back, her own back arching against the femme. The majority of the bar patrons would likely have been grappling with their own bloodlust and the sexual energy that came with it due to being predominantly vampires and wolves, but that didn’t mean things could continue at this rate publicly. Neveah just needed a moment to focus, to break from the heat long enough to think.

For whatever reason, there was enough of a pause from Azrail that she was able to shut her eyes and stitch together a thought beyond the beastial need to be with her lover once more. Their surroundings shifted and suddenly the only sounds were the two of them a gentle hum from nightlife occuring outside. She reached up for her companion’s cape and quickly removed it, not caring if it had ripped in the process. Her own mangled blouse hit the ground. ’I need you.’ Neveah left out an aggravated whine. Those three words were by far their favorite thing to say to each other - and she had exercised enough control already. She kicked the plum blouse out of the way as she directed Azrail against a wall. She peppered the blonde’s neck with kisses before dragging her tongue back up. This kiss ended with her nipping at blood stained lips, causing new blood to surface. Veah ran her tongue across it before pulling away with a grin. “I’m yours.”

Azrail Blackbird

Character Info
Name: Azrail Blackbird
Alignment: CE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Silver: 561
As the vixen’s blood coursed through her veins memories and visions of times passed suffocated whatever sanity was still left. The times they had shared, the love and pure passion they had for one another even if they hadn’t seen eye to eye on everything. The warmth and trust Azrail felt for this woman came rushing back in one swift punch. Her fingers began to relax their grip, but it was that sweet coo that finally lulled her back to some reality. I do love you though…

A few seconds and Azrail was able to regain some control back from whatever fiend held her captive. It was as if another being totally outside her handle or control simply took over. But in those dark moments Neveah had taken the reigns and Azrail finally opened her eyes to them standing in a quiet, empty room. It suited the vixen well. Before she could begin to think of how to apologize for her behaviors, Neveah had her pressed firmly against a wall only to continue what had taken place below. She could not help but whimper with such a burning desire that only this red headed goddess could feed. Neveah… she whined upon her blouse floating away. If only she could’ve had dreams like this while gone.

Her hands, without hesitation, darted to the vixen’s soft and voluptuous hips. Neveah’s skin was like touching velvet for the first time. It sent shivers down her spine. I never thought I would see you again. You were always in my dreams, she whispered against Neveah’s lips as they pulled away. The taste of their life forces combining was almost more beautiful than this very moment, but even that could not compare to the redhead standing near naked before her. It was then, at that very moment, Azrail knew she would never leave Neveah again.

She began to gently push against Neveah aiming for the silky bed not far behind, all the while never losing sight of those eyes. Gods, you are more beautiful than I could ever imagine, she cooed lovingly as her fingers began to tip-toe their way from her ribs to just beneath her supple breasts. As they reached the bed Azrail lightly pushed Neveah down onto her back and growled playfully, crawling in to straddle just seconds later. Her hands immediately moved back to the vixen’s curves and her lips once again found her throat. Azrail could not help but feel her hips beginning to grind as the actual amount of lust boiling within was well past her capabilities.

Azrail’s lips moved for the vixen’s throat, returning the loving little butterfly kisses against her fragile skin. They moved to her cheek, finally finding their resting place against Neveah’s lips. I want to love you forever, I want to reunite with every single inch of your body and mind. Her left hand moved to grip Neveah’s wrist as she continued to press her body even deeper into the clouds beneath them. I truly need to refresh my memory and I believe this will take some time…

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”

Character Info
Name: Neveah
Age: Appears in 20s
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Class: Sorcerer
Silver: 1618
Neveah had long forgotten what pure love felt like. If she were being honest, the only reason she could be certain she ever felt it was because she had been the embodiment of it. She liked to believe Reslyn taught her first - but the wild wolf also taught her how to play twisted games and manipulate emotions in the cruelest of ways. It was hard to say which woman had been worse between Azrail and Reslyn. Unlike the blonde vampire, the wolf never ascended to power though she too ran off of chaos and deceit. The redhead could not be certain what exactly broke them in the end. Frankly, there had been a series of poor choices on both their parts, particularly when Neveah fell in love with Tobias and Reslyn felt it appropriate to fall into bed with his father, Spike. Veah never totally healed from the damage done. Instead, she continued to fall for lovers who were emotionally unavailable or entirely too selfish. Eventually, she would renounce love as nothing more than a tool for power. Nemesis, of all people, would show her a kindness and understanding like no other. They bonded over their loneliness and need to thrive again. The pair would reunite in this new world but he was not the same creature that he was before. Matrimony and monogamy domesticated the beast. And Neveah? Her heart ached with some sadness but overall, she was thankful for her friend and would honor his decisions.

She ran her nose up the side of Azrail’s pale neck, breathing in her scent deeply. It embraced her like smoke as memories sparked like flames from the warm coals of her mind. All the pain and heartbreak but so was the intense passion and need. Veah knew how it felt to be desired but it had been far too long since she felt devoured and adored. Being bitten without permission ordinarily would not have gone so well for her partner. However, those pearly fangs knew exactly where they belonged, reclaiming old scars.

Control was like a red, satin ribbon that they continually played tug of war with. When Azrail needed to let the monster free, Neveah would be the one in control and vice versa. Neither did well with total domination or submission for too long. Once she had pulled them through the planes and into her bedroom, the redhead could not continue to keep the beast within completely in check. There was a need deep down inside that had awoken. Azrail’s whimper caused her eyes to dilate and shivers of need through her core. The redhead took a single step back to take in the clothes Azrail had come to her in. “No,” she growled to herself. She needed to hear more need, more desire. With animalistic aggression and yet graceful quickness only vampires possed, she tore through the rags that disgraced Azrail’s perfect form. Satisfied with her lover’s nakedness, she grinned. The vixen desperately needed to reclaim what had been hers all along. The blonde vampire’s body and blood sang to her the sweetest tune, one that somehow she had forgotten.

The taste of her blood on Azrail’s lips only served as a reminder that there were places on her lover’s body that belong to her once before. She didn’t need to see scars to know exactly where she had marked before. The hunger from earlier in the evening paled in comparison to how badly she wanted to feed now. However, Veah would save that particular treat for a little longer. She had not mixed blood and sex in this new world as if saving herself for this moment without knowing it. When they pulled away, she did not expect to hear loving words. Her heart ached for a moment at the genuine emotion. Almost instantly the monster within softened. Neveah had nothing to offer the femme, nothing to be exploited for. She had no choice but to believe these things but it also made her wildly uneasy. “You - you left,” she replied with a pained tone. It was not fair to say in that moment but she couldn’t help herself. The previous feelings of abandonment came creeping back in and all she wanted was to bury them down below desire once more. She needed answers - but they had to wait. She couldn’t deal with that mess quite yet.

Instead, she pulled Azrail in for another kiss but this one tainted with a touch of pain and sadness. Her lips moved hungrily, searching for the same need and passion from before. The redhead allowed the blonde to lead her to the bed. She couldn’t look away from the golden orbs that had haunted her for countless nights. “If this is nothing more than a dream, I hope to never wake” Neveah replied. Her mind had become a battleground, littered with broken memories and half truths. It was entirely possible that she was caught somewhere in the middle but she didn’t care. She had nothing of importance in Revaliir. This moment was everything she didn’t know she needed.

With her back upon the bed and Azrail straddling her form, her left hand lazily opened then quickly snapped shut. All candles went out but the curtains parted so the moonlight shone in. With another quick motion, the windows opened so the cool air poured in. She moved her head to the side and arched into Azrail lips upon her throat. Soft whines poured from her lips as she raked her nails again her mate’s back. The contrast of cool air and heat between them back her nipples harden. She arched her eyebrow as Azrail’s words, her hands finding themselves upon her partner’s hips. “This isn’t about love, my sweet girl,” Veah replied with a grin. She pivoted her weight and pulled Azrail to the side so suddenly the redhead was on top. “This is about need,” she added her lips trailing down Azrail’s neck and check until her mouth found one breast and her hand found the other. She sucked and nibbled, her fangs careful not to puncture her lover’s delicate flesh yet. Her green gaze looked up at Azrail, her tongue dragging against the perfect pink and porcelain skin. “This is about desire,” Neveah echoed, now easing herself lower. She began kissing the supple flesh between Azrail’s womanhood and thigh, teasing the sweet skin. Neveah could smell the need building. She eased up to kiss Azrail but her dominant hand traced the folds of skin between Azrail’s legs. “This is about us,” she growled before carefully entering and beginning exploring.

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