Author: Ossukitty, Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:41 PM, Post Subject: Crowded Marketplace [O]
Belphegor was amused by the stage act, and awed when she summoned the portal. He never encountered much magic his whole life due to his strict mother. Sensing the urgency in her voice he slid his hand into her's bashfully. He never held anyone's hand before (even his mother) and the sensation was strange."I haven't seen much flowers in my life…" He mumbled as he followed her.Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:45 PM, Post Subject: Crowded Marketplace [O]
"Uh…well for starters how do you feel about a nice, peaceful place with lots of friendly people and a scenic view? Do you like flowers? I hope you like flowers. Unless you're allergic then I guess not." Myouga was now ready to open the portal. Trying to lighten the atmosphere while attempting to be subtle, she said in a singsong voice: "Are you ready? Ok, then! Whenever you are–just take my hand, take my hand and we'll go on a magical adventure~ A magical adventure where skies are always sunny over the rainbow~ We'll go through the open door to a land far, far away where no worries will plague and every day is a happy day! Take my hand…"Author: Ossukitty, Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 12:45 PM, Post Subject: Crowded Marketplace [O]
"A travel plan…?" Belphegor inquired confusedly, looking towards the antsy crowd and back towards the stranger before nodding quickly.Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:31 PM, Post Subject: Crowded Marketplace [O]
"…Fiddlesticks. I guess my aim was too good." She had only intended for the man to have his nether regions frozen, not hit. Well either way he was down for the count and wouldn't be walking for a while. She winced as the crowd around noticed her and didn't seem too happy about it. "Nothing to see here! He's completely fine! See? He's still alive with no bleeding. Ha ha…" It seemed like they didn't think it was as funny as she thought since they immediately went into panic. The kid that was being harassed was now safe, for the time being. Not feeling very welcome anymore, she was ready to bail when the kid approached her and asked if she had been responsible for the commotion.Author: Ossukitty, Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 1:23 PM, Post Subject: Crowded Marketplace [O]
Belphegor tensed up when the ice ball hit the man, but he was shocked literally and figuratively when the lighting hit the man from behind. Because of his quick reflexes, he managed to pull his arm out of the man's hold, only receiving a tiny shock in return. The bright light disorientated him for a few moments causing him to stumble back a few steps before catching himself. The people in the immediate reach of them balked at the bright light, and a few even screeched indignantly.When he noticed the newcomer, he flinched inwardly a her sudden appearance before addressing the child-like woman. "D-Did you…..?" He asked nodding his head towards the man keeled over on the ground next to him. Belphegor slowly inched his way from the man and the panicking civilians and headed closer to the strange looking person in case the man got back up enraged.Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:16 AM, Post Subject: Crowded Marketplace [O]
Kurayo wasn't the usual place she'd go under normal circumstances, but she was in need of a few samples from the area and couldn't pass up the opportunity to obtain samples of plant life growing under such peculiar conditions. The place was too dimly lit for her liking, though thankfully she did not stand out as much as she had expected. It was probably the horned hannya mask she was wearing over her face. Her diminutive size and stature made her chances of being mistaken for a child go up, but that was what the terrifying mask was for. Besides, the best form of defense was not being approached at all.Author: Ossukitty, Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 6:18 PM, Post Subject: Crowded Marketplace [O]
Belphegor shifted his large gray cloak to hide more of his face before continuing to weave through the crowd. His long hair and feminine like body caused many people to assume immediately that he was a girl. He didn't care, and sometimes it helped to portray an innocent look which got him out of many sticky situations (but it also put him in a few more though). His clothing did nothing to dissuade the fact that he looked like a girl; it only enhanced it. He was small for his age and women's clothes were typically softer and more comfortable, though less durable.He had no place to be but he never did well around so many people at once. It was inevitable that he bumped into multiple people along the way and he said a quick sorries and sped away, but this time the person who he bumped into was not satisfied with a simple apology. The burly man snatched Belphegor's shoulder and seemed to not have any intentions of letting go any time soon."Well look at what we have here… A pretty lady all by herself. Say… Why don't you let a man, such as myself, accompany you home? You could use the protection…." he leered at Belphegor before he began forcefully dragging him to who knows where. A quick whiff of his breath let him know that he was severely drunk and not thinking straight (though he wouldn't put it past the man even if he I was sober). Belphegor scowled at the man, before attempting to rip his shoulder out of his grasp, but for a drunk man he had a surprisingly strong grip."Let me go you filthy mongrel!"We have 1763 registered users.
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