Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Koschei Isle > Koschei Forest > Faith and Temperance [solo]

Character Info
Name: Damien
Age: Ageless
Alignment: TE
Race: Lust Demon
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Cult Leader
Silver: 199

Welcome to the Faith of Temperance, where we abstain from the world’s desires in hopes to ascend to become one of the Chosen, the Angel’s of the Divine Blood. Our Lord Damien welcomes all who have chosen the life of chastity in hopes to guide them to a higher presence of mind and soul. Those who do not stray and become Angels will be blessed with gifts of power beyond mortal comprehension, and tasked with spreading the word of Faith. Should they return from their pilgrimage successful, they are granted yet another blessing by the Lord, and may ascend to an even higher plane of existence.

Come now, to the tranquility of peace and calm. We shall welcome you as one of our own. Become one with our family. Become one with our Lord…


It was there that the demon stood before a large keep, it’s stone walls cracked with age. It had been abandoned long ago, with signs of war and famine littered about. He had found it while exploring the Koschei forests a while back, while looking for his first…. It wasn’t the most ideal location to start, but it had many perks, and its downsides were manageable.

The demon was tall and slender, cloaked in a blue, scale-like skin. Its face was near featureless, save for its piercing blue eyes. Not unlike most of his particular kind, he had four arms, and a spine-like tail with a sharp point at the edge. It had saved the demon more times than it could have counted.

“My lord…?” a soft voice called from behind. The demon turned, his image blurring to that of a slender, muscular man with flowing brown hair. He was garbed in a glorious pale overcoat, yet he wore nothing underneath, showing the illusion of a bare chest. His first set of arms relaxed at his side, while his second became garbed in the illusion of chains, which were wrapped across his body in a questionably fashionable statement. His eyes, though, remained unchanged,

“Ah yes, my sweet angel,” he called out, his voice smooth and calming. The woman came in to view, a small, delicate blonde haired woman garbed in black. She was frail, as if she had been broken by someone or something, and carefully pieced back together. One could tell by her eyes that she was being held together by nearly nothing. “What do you think?” he asked, turning once more to the tattered keep.

“It looks wonderful, my lord. Are you sure, though? It’s very hard to find,” the woman said, joining her master’s side.

“Ah, but that’s the best part. Only those who are willing to take on the trail will come, and we should be safe from those who wish to tear our new family apart.” The demon smiled. It was the smile of a snake, but the woman would not know the difference.

“Can we go inside?” she asked, appearing eager.

“Yes, let’s….” The demon took the lead, and walked towards the main gate. As they approached the wooden doors, the two noticed that one of the doors had been blown off its hinges entirely. The demon frowned, “It will cost much to have this replaced.” He took mental note of it, and moved on. The main courthouse itself, despite its dilapidated state, was gorgeous. It was a grand circle, with a crossroads of paths leading to the center. In each of the sections was a large tree, shedding its leaves in the growing season. In the center was an ancient fountain, long since drained of its water and overgrown with vines.

“Let us move on, my dear,” the demon said, waving his hand. They continued into the main hall of the keep. Unsurprisingly, the grand hall was filled with dust and mice droppings. There were the remains of tables and a few scattered bones, but none of it would be usable. The demon let out a dull sigh, and marched forward.

Many of the rooms were the same. The kitchen was barren, as were the barracks. What did surprise the demon, though, was that there was a gateway that lead to beneath the keep. It seemed as though the keep was designed with defense in mind. It was a shame that its previous tenants were unable to use it properly, but in the event of an attack, the underneath of the keep seemed nearly twice as large as the upper keep itself, with easily defensible positions.

“Perfect,” he said as they made their way back to the surface. Once more the demon entered the main hall. As he walked towards the back, the frail woman following him seemed to stagger slightly. The demon turned to her. “Can you make it?

It seemed as though her condition was worsening. She appeared winded, and while gasping for air, she clutched her chest. It was obvious she was in pain. “My Lord…I…I don’t think…:”

He swooped in, his face moving mere inches away from hers. His hand delicately touched the side of her face, caressing it with tender and loving care. “My child. If you leave this world as you are, you will not be blessed….”

A look of fear and panic overcame her face, “N-no, that’s not what I-” She gasped in pain, tears starting to stream down her face.

“Shhh,” the demon said. “Do not focus on the pain. Focus on the will to live. Focus on the will to receive the blessing.” The woman took a deep breath, and as she exhaled, she seemed to calm down. “There we go….that’s a good girl.” He caressed her face once more before returning to his feet.

As he turned, he held his arms wide out in a dramatic fashion. “The Faith of Temperance shall see its birth here. And you, my dear…you shall be the first of many to receive my blessing, and ascend as one of the Angels of the Divine Blood.” He turned around, a wicked grin across his face. “Now rise, little one…”

The woman took a moment to stand up, but she did so as commanded. “Yes, my Lord?”

“Come now…are you ready?” He held out his hand to her, his fingers shimmering as the illusion of the beautiful man started to disperse.

Her eyes grew wide, but not with fear. “My Lord…such…such a stunning form. You truly….you truly are…” She staggered forward, holding out her own hand to reach for his.

“My Lord Damien…take me to be your Angel.”

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