Author: bluedraconicpaladin, Posted: Fri Dec 1, 2017 7:11 PM, Post Subject: Broken Chains (New, Open)
Aerei had been watching this strange man for quite a while. Only by pulling up his white cloak and keeping his head down did he manage to get into the Umbra, but even then was he met with looks of suspicion. It was when he saw the group did he feel they were far different than any of the shifty-eyed denizens here. His curiosity got the better of him, and now he was several yards from Hagar, trying his hardest to keep out of eyesight. He did not know what was happening, but the sounds of chaos and battle raged up ahead. Steeling his will, Aerei pulled down his hood and drew his rapier before charging into battle, using his free hand to fire off a bolt of divine energy into the crowd.Author: ShamanicHeathen7475, Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:29 AM, Post Subject: Broken Chains (New, Open)
Hagar walked quietly along through the dimly lit caverns. He had come down into the depths to meditate, as well as to get some needed combat practice. He had been looking for the right spot to stop and meditate when he began hearing noises coming from somewhere nearby. The shaman was now rushing towards the noises, curious to see what was going on.Author: Nyromix, Posted: Wed Apr 5, 2017 4:50 AM, Post Subject: Broken Chains (New, Open)
Cedric was wandering around the depths and suddenly, he heard sounds of iron clanking against one another, and thunderous lightning and roars. He ceased his whistling, readied his crossbow if the battle were to come near him. He looked around, and saw a humanoid creature, with a face of a squid, similar in looks to an eldritch being, Aiming his crossbow, he put his finger on the trigger and prepared to fire, then suddenly, he heard a roar behind him that almost propelled him closer towards the battle.Author: Xallithelid, Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:33 PM, Post Subject: Broken Chains (New, Open)
Large metal creaks accompanied the roars of many animalistic monsters - Savage creatures, Ettins, Giants, and many a monster yet to be titled. From what he could tell these beings were here simply because this is where their race ended up when they died. In some kind of prison, the spirits manifesting themselves and collecting over the millennia. a red portal guarded by a wyrm as large as the Virens Forest itself the only entrance previous to the fall of Rhylana, the fire goddess, stood at the end of the long cavern. Now a second portal had been opened. the one Xallithelid had gone into, The mountain tribes of men and orc slaves to him, warriors of body but pawns of mind.