Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Kingdom of Adeluna > Umbral Depths > The Lost Wife [P,R]

Character Info
Name: Celeste Nash
Age: 36
Alignment: CN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Water seeress
Silver: 387
Celeste opened her eyes, though nothing changed much. The insides of her lids were only slightly darker than the earthen walls around her. Another short nap to pass the time come and gone, for time moves slow in the dark. Does morning or night bless the land above? Does it matter to her if they aren't coming? They forgot. She was abandoned, unloved and worthless. Her body ached while her nerves were on fire, throat dry… So thirsty.

Only the drow visits her, the only real thing in her never ending night. Little food or water ever comes from them, and even less light. Sound and pain from fists and boots pounding into a body was the only thing given in abudnance. Her only solace was the rough and uneven ground beneath her, always giving the support of Mother Earth. Celeste rolled over, huddling in a ball as she counted the seconds.

One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand.

Down the way, guard boots come marching, two by two for another peek at the pathetic land elf. "Look at her, so dirty and lost in the deep, dark caves." The guards mock and laugh as Celeste scrambled into a corner of her tiny hole in the ground, watching the mouse run. They reached for her, and she tried to push them off with a hiss. Laughing harder, one arrested her wrists, the other digs his claws just above her jaw, forcing a water-skin to her lips.

Half of the water spills from her mouth as it pours too fast. Its cold fingers seeped through her tattered shirt, attempting to snake its way to her heart. They shoved her back to the ground, leaving her coughing and sputtering before leaving without another word or action, their boisterous laugh following behind like puppy dogs. Celeste was alone again, but there were no beatings this time. She crawled back to her tattered blanket and pulled it over her shoulders.

Something clanked against the stone, a sharp metal ringing. The elf frowned, hands groped the ground, searching frantically. Her fingers found a rigid object, cold and hard. Celeste sat back up and examined the blade she had once stolen from one of the guards and had long since forgotten. Her hungry eyes settled on the entrance to her little hole as she settled against the back wall and pulled her knees up, counting the seconds once more. Gripping the blade, she rested her arms on her knees.

'Forget the elf. Lost to time, lost to dark is she. Make them pay, they will pay.' Her thoughts raced as her fingernails danced along the edge of the blade, she smiled with twisted glee. 'Blood soak the ground. No more stomping boots.'

Down the underground cavern hall, beyond the single guard and echoing slightly, a single crazed giggle bounced off the walls, fading into obscurity.


Character Info
Name: Larka Nash
Age: Mid 40s
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Berserker
Silver: 0
She had got the job, to head into the Underdark and help carve a path to the dwarves for her employer who wanted to trade with them.  However, a group of drow had been causing problems along the main route that had been normally used for travel into the earth.  These drow didn't seem to be acting under any kind of orders and attacked at random it seemed, mostly taking supplies like food and fresh water and only killing if they felt like it or someone put up too much of a fight.  This was causing problems for Larka's current employer, and a number of his associates, so they had decided to hire out to a group of mercenaries to clear the path of these drow and make the path safe once more.

Larka had thankfully been hired, she needed the coin as always.  She was one of the tallest mercs who had been hired, all five of them, black hair to her shoulders, oddly grey eyes for a human who had sight.  She wore sturdy leather armour with two swords at her left hip so she could draw into her right hand, her only arm in fact, there was only a stump left of her left arm hidden under the sleeve of her shirt.  The Reaver had looked over the rest of the group she was going to be into the Underdark with, and only one really stood out to her, a female human, early twenties who seemed to know how to handle herself.  But while liked younger women now and then, this one was too young, Larka guessed she was just about twice the young woman's age, Larka was old enough to be her mother.  Still, if nothing else it gave her something to admire on the trip.

Their journey so far to the entrance had been uneventful, nothing had attacked them thus far, but things would be only get worse from here Larka expected.  Larka checked her endless bag at her side, it everything she could ever need and then some.  She had decided to leave her wolf puppy, Kyu, at her place at the Inn in Sularia she was using as a home.  She didn't want the little pup down here with other fighters, too unsafe for such a small animal.  Larka glanced back at the group.  "We ready to head deeper then?"  She asked as they started to get torches out and lit for the journey into the darkness that waited below.

[OOC:  Cymbel, feel free to advance things as far as you like when you make your replies :D]

OOC: Shawn
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
In these depths, darkness abounds. A place far from the reaches of light, a world hidden from seeing eyes. "…Back here again. This won't be easy now I'm on my own." The last time she had come down here it had been a fool's errand. She had met someone who had also gotten themselves trapped on accident, but somehow they had made it out again. If there was anything she learned from her first visit, it was that group cooperation was key to survival. Things would be different by herself. No one to watch your back, or to pull you over the edge. But she was better equipped this time, and she was entering intentionally.

With time, she had garnered renown among the regulars at the Winking Mermaid for being the most reliable errand-runner. Anything that others would find trivial, she could do to the letter. Of course each job paid less than a bounty, but with her reputation increasing with each task completed, she gained more business. Others claimed she was wasting her talents doing courier work. Her coin purse begged to differ. It was simple economics, as she had read from a book sold for less than a dozen crescents at a used junk sale.

Today's job bore a higher level of risk than the usual. A dwarf from Baltil wanted to contact one of his associates in the Umbral Depths, and seeing there wasn't any other way to send the message she volunteered. Before leaving, she had him sign an agreement which included an insurance payment of ten percent upfront, fees and compensation for potential work-related injuries, and a solemn oath that everything written here was signed with full understanding and consent. Following a signature and a thumbprint, the contract was set. If anyone had any complaints, she'd point out that they were paying for her success. Nobody would be willing to handle such a risky undertaking without a guarantee.

She wasn't the only one who was making a venture down into the deep dark below. A group of mercenaries, more or less headed in the same general direction. There was no map of the underground. Even the inhabitants had to rely on memory and landmarks. Armed and ready to go, they descended. The mercenary group would take the brunt of the fighting, while she offered to scout. She didn't explain how she did it, as it wasn't important. They'd ask her which places likely had creatures lying in wait or if the area had hidden dangers, and she'd check. Using her aura sight didn't hurt as much as it had before, but it still put a strain on her. Shiloh made sure to use it only in short intervals. The others took torches in one hand, but she didn't and kept both hands free. Dim light was the least of her worries.

"That stalactite would probably go straight through a warg if it fell from its current height." She said dryly. The other mercenaries didn't say anything, and some rolled their eyes. Sure, they were likely tired of it by now but she couldn't help but think of the ways how a single misstep could lead to a horrible untimely death. By the way, did she ever mention they were several meters underground? If it wasn't hostiles, acid pools, or poison gas, a single collapse would do them in. And they'd never get a proper burial.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Larka Nash
Age: Mid 40s
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Berserker
Silver: 0
When they started to descend Larka was happy with the work their young scout was doing.  She would creep ahead and check for anything that might be waiting for them and then they could move forward.  Larka looked to the big guy of their group who had decided that full plate armour was a good idea for a cave trip.  "You first, take point."

He glanced back to her.  "Why do I take point?"

Larka sighed.  "Cause you're dressed in the most armour and are the biggest one here.  That and if I lead I can't hold a torch and my sword at the same time.  Keep a torch in your hand and you shield, I'll attack from behind you while defend.  So, get moving."  Larka explained and then ordered and he stared up at her for  a moment before grunting and taking the lead with his sword ready.  Larka looked to their scout.  "Good job so far, stay behind me please, we'll get you too move up when we need."  Larka instructed, it looked like she was trying to be in charge here, well, she was the oldest of them by a few years and possibly the most experienced.

Once that was all settled they started further in, Larka keeping her sword out allowing the others to carrying the torches, but it was enough to allow her to see clearly in the cave tunnels.  Things were going fairly smoothly for a while, which was worrying, right up until there was sudden movement in the shadows ahead of them, a cry, the swish of a sword through the air and the clang of steel meeting steel as the shield took the blow.  Larka was right behind him and stabbed out from behind him with her blade, feeling resistance and a cry of pain.  Whatever it was hadn't expected the sword to come from such an angle and when Larka looked to her blade there was blood on it.  She stabbed out again as the big guy in front of her pushed forward but whatever it had been was gone, wounded though.

Things settled for a moment.  "I'm okay, it was a drow."

"Okay, so they know we're here now for sure.  Eyes up, let's keep going."  Larka spoke looking back at everyone behind her as they continued on, eventually coming to a wider opening with three tunnels leading from it.  Larka sighed, always one of these in a caves, why?!  The Reaver glanced back to their scout.  "You're up, want me to cover you back?"  Larka asked.  "Everyone else pick a tunnel while the others are checked and keep your ears open to."  Larka said and waited to see what they would do.

[OOC:  Sorry if I'm taking too many liberties, and it's kinda short :/  Also, feel free to make up and control the NPCs as well, they're just fodder :P]

OOC: Shawn
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Her whole body tense and adrenaline kicked in when they were suddenly attacked. Thankfully the one-armed mercenary got a good stab at whatever came out of the shadows, but it wasn't dead. They said it was a drow. That was no good. If it was just a creature it would just leave them alone for a while, but anything with higher levels of intelligence would be both cunning and cruel. They had to be to survive down here, and they were also naturally adapted to the terrain and darkness. Their group was sitting with a big disadvantage here. "…Too bad they didn't bite the dust." She grumbled. "If they're injured like that there's a chance they'll come back with a vengeance." The subtle sounds from the other mercenaries told her that they probably were thinking she was calling a jinx on them, but she was stating a fact. Sugarcoating poison didn't make it any less awful.

Speaking of poison, that was the other reason why she was so nervous when they mentioned the drow. Blood loss and non-fatal wounds were capable of recovery, but poison was nasty business. Either you had the cure ready or you were under a death sentence with the counter ticking. She hated situations where there were too many unknowns, uncontrolled variables. The one-armed woman said it was her turn to check and asked if she wanted her to watch her back while she did her scan. She gave a nod. "Yeah, I'd appreciate it. If you see the situation change, tell me to stop and I'll get my weapons out." Looking ahead she began preparing herself.

There were several tunnels this time. "Let's see what we have here…" Turning on her aura sight the information began flooding in. She could feel her temples pounding from the sheer volume, and an uncomfortable level of interference. Shiloh told herself to focus on the life signatures first, then reach out as far as she could. Moving her scan outward from their group, she detected the blood trail of the injured attacker which vanished at a dead end. Neither of the tunnels had traces of them, so it meant they either had something to cover their tracks or used teleportation. It had better be the former and not the latter.

"Three–no four tunnels ahead. Tunnel A opens higher up on the cavern wall, few large presences detected ahead. Motion is slow, possibly local fauna. Tunnel B is ahead, leftmost and close to ground level. No moving life signatures detected, though take caution against small creatures and potential plant life on the walls. Tunnel C is also forward ahead, right of Tunnel B. No life signatures present, while motion of air flow suggests it opens into a larger chamber. Tunnel D is located above on the cavern ceiling to the right of all prior tunnels. No detection of movement or life so far." With her general scan completed, she shut her senses off to let them re-calibrate.

The mercenaries were casting lots to see who would go where. The armored man and one of the mercenary women was planning to go into Tunnel B to see if the area was safe for setting up camp or connected to a different area. Two others chose to go in a pair to check Tunnel A, leaving Shiloh with Larka and whoever was left. She still felt wary of the tunnel on the ceiling. If she could she'd block it up to make herself feel better but they didn't have time to waste energy.

[OOC: That's fine! So far I don't see any problems.] 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Larka Nash
Age: Mid 40s
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Berserker
Silver: 0
Larka glanced back at the younger woman when she spoke and nodded.  "I could exactly see what I was stabbing, still, you're right.  I think we need to push hard and get to them before they can get fully organized, we may not have the element of surprise, but we can still rush."  Larka explained as they continued on forward until they came to the split in the tunnel.  Larka nodded when the scout agreed to have her watch her back as they moved forward.  Larka followed the younger woman, not really knowing how she was scouting so well, but assumed it was some kind of magic.

Thankfully nothing happened as they scouted, Shiloh explaining what she felt down each tunnel and what they could expect.  Larka thought it over after she was done, but the others were casting lots to figure out where they'd go.  Larka looked to Shiloh after the rest had made their choice.  "Guess that leaves us with tunnel C then, shall we?"  Larka commented and got her own torch unhooked from her side and got it lit by one of the others before they headed down the tunnel.  "I'll need you to lead, you seem to have ability to see in the dark, I can't.  I have your back, don't worry."'  Once things were settled they got underway, each team taking their own tunnel, but that left the roof tunnel unchecked, but there was nothing to be done about it, Larka didn't want anyone going in alone down a tunnel.

Shiloh had been correct the tunnel they went down did come out into a larger chamber, and there some tables and chairs set up, so, the drow were using as a common area.  Suddenly there was as shout echoing down the hall from one of the other tunnels, and a moment after all hell broke loose.  The other groups each were attacked by two drow from the shadows and before Shiloh and Larka appeared two more with blades drawn.  "Shit."  Larka hissed, forced to toss the torch a little in front of her and draw the rapier at her side, her normal blade wouldn't be good for a closed in area like this.

One of the drow went after Shiloh and the other went for Larka and the Reaver and drow's blades clashed.  When he was close to her noticed the missing arm that she had and his eyes widened in surprise a little.  He pushed back from Larka and called out.  "They're here for the prisoner!"  He yelled and attacked again with a cry.

Larka met the strike and pushed back this time, what prisoner?!  She'd have to figure that out later as the fight was on for their lives, everyone of the group had a drow to fight, and once one side started to lose numbers that could snowball very quickly Larka knew.  She hoped Shiloh would be alright, Larka was always somewhat protective of the younger mercs in her groups, as a veteran she always felt some need to show them the ropes and use her experience to further their own careers.  The Reaver wasn't the best with her rapier, it had been her first wife's blade, but she was good enough against the drow, hopefully.

[OOC:  Take things as far as you wish, no need to hold back from here on, the fight's on, have fun :D]

OOC: Shawn
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
They both went to investigate Tunnel C, and she led the way. It was good to have somebody experienced, that meant less casualties all-around. Shiloh had been skeptical when she saw the woman only had one arm, but soon learned one arm was all she needed. The path widened the closer they came to the tunnel's end, but that was when they were ambushed. "I knew it…so you were waiting weren't you?" She muttered. "Too bad you've locked yourself in here with me…" A drow fighter charged at her aiming for her neck, but she had her sword ready to intercept. She was letting them get close for a reason, and as long their blades didn't cut her it would all be according to plan.

The drow fighting Larka was alarmed somehow and was trying to back off, but Shiloh wasn't going to let hers skulk away. Sapping the drow's strength then inflicting paralysis, she then grabbed the man's face with her left hand and he began screaming like a red-hot branding iron was being forced onto his flesh. While he was screaming in his native tongue, Shiloh pulled her hand back letting go–extracting something shadowy and ethereal from the drow before he collapsed onto the ground. He laid upon the gravel with his eyes open wide–staring into the distance with a glazed look in them. Still alive and breathing, but motionless like a vegetable.

"They're here for the prisoner!" A prisoner? So that meant they were close to a drow settlement? No wonder they were so aggressive. She went to see if Larka needed assistance, and started by inflicting paralysis on the other attacking drow. She wasn't one to steal another's fight, but they couldn't take any chances on getting nicked by a blade that might be laced with poison. "He's all yours now. Looks like today is not your lucky day." Shiloh said wryly, smirking at the soon-to-be dead drow ambusher.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Larka Nash
Age: Mid 40s
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Berserker
Silver: 0
They traded blows on equal terms as far as speed went, their blades singing with each strike.  As they fought Larka managed a glance over at Shiloh for a moment to make sure she was doing alright, and, ya she was.  When the drow she was attacking started to scream his partner and Larka both stopped what they were doing to watch.  Larka's eyed widened through the dim light of the dropped torch, while she seemed to tear something out of his of his body leaving him on the ground, but he was breathing.

In that distraction Larka pressed forward first and managed to run her rapier through the drow's sword arm forcing a hiss of pain as he backed away.  But then Shiloh's spell slowed him further and Larka rushed in, slapping his blade aside and running her blade through his heart.  He groaned and swayed and Larka removed her blade and stepped back allowing him to fall.  "Well then.  Okay, let's split up, each take another tunnel and then see if we can find that prisoner.  Wasn't on our contract, but I don't want to leave anyone down here trapped, might get a bonus, who knows?"  Larka took off and headed for tunnel A after grabbing the torch as she went.

Larka headed down and she came upon to the fighting down that tunnel.  The two there had killed one of the drow, but the other one was backed into a corner and one of the mercs was wounded.  Larka stepped in and got the wounded one back and took her place, and between them Larka and the uninjured merc brought the last drow down.  "You two alright?"  Larka asked and checked on the wounded woman, it was a gash, but the other merc had some healing potions so she'd be fine once they were drank.  From there Larka left them and went to check on Shiloh to see how she was doing with the other two mercs.

[OOC:  So, I think catch up and then let Lirin post? :)]

OOC: Shawn
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
[OOC: Sounds good to me!]

Two down, more to go. When the one-armed woman said they should split up, she nodded in agreement. "Right, divide and conquer." Taking Tunnel B, she came upon the mercenaries and drow in a vicious stalemate. These two drow ambushers were different from the others, wielding magic in tune with their blades. Melding into the plentiful shadows present in the area, she emerged behind one and took a preemptive strike. Grabbing her by the back of her head, the drow writhed as Shiloh forcibly extracted all of the malicious intent from her body. Manifesting briefly as dark wisps, they were absorbed into her hand as she felt her strength renewed. She had also sapped a bit of the drow's energy and magic in the act, restoring any that she had just lost. The other drow turned to attack her seeing that she was the current greatest threat.

Retreating back into the shadows, the drow chased her while she tried to find an opportunity to reemerge. The other mercenaries went after the drow spellsword, giving enough of a distraction as they couldn't attack and defend from both sides. Leaving her cover of shadow, Shiloh stretched out her hand and tendrils of inky blackness ensnared the drow's arms and legs. Already they were working some kind of spell in retaliation, so she rushed forward and grabbed them by the head neutralizing them before they could complete their casting.

More bloodcurdling screams and shrill shrieking came from where she had went, only to be followed with silence. Not all of them were from the drow. Apparently her show of force had affected the morale of the other mercenaries who had witnessed her take down the drow spellswords. "That's the last of them for now. Are either of you injured–" The two mercenaries she assisted flinched as she took a step towards them. Maybe it was just her senses overreacting, but it was painfully clear they were terrified after seeing her help.

Not wanting to push them beyond their limits of comfort, she sighed before turning to leave. "Let's regroup back at the main area, the rest of us will be waiting there. We're close to the drow's settlement, and they have prisoners." She met Larka who likely just finished up cleaning out the rest of the drow that had attacked the other group. "No injuries here, has anyone been poisoned?" She slid her knapsack down on one strap, prepared to pull out her bottle of antivenom that she always had with her for emergencies. If everyone was alright, they would then move on towards Tunnel C to where they believed the drow had been encamped.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Celeste Nash
Age: 36
Alignment: CN
Race: Elvish
Gender: Female
Class: Water seeress
Silver: 387
As images played out in her mind, Celeste felt the warm, thick liquid of life essence splatter against her skin. It soaked her hair, dripped down into her eyes. She giggled maniaclly once more, her nails still tap dancing across the blade, the clicking quite soothing. Yet, somewhere in the distance, sharp screams answered back.

Was it time to play already, or did some drow perchance against some predator of the dark? Celeste stood and padded closer to her exit. The dark outline of her guard seemed poised, tense as he stared down the hall. "Ha!" she screamed as she jumped out at the guard. He turned in surprise to see her soaring toward him, a blood thirsty look on her face, crazed grin, and most importantly a knife poised to strike. When she collided into him, the knife came down into his neck, her lips pressed against his as she watched the pain and horror scream from his eyes.

Her knife was pulled out of his neck as she sat up upon his body as he tried in vain to keep the blood from escaping. "Din'an, din'an!" Celeste repeated the word every time she plunged the blade into his chest, coating herself droplets of blood each time she yanked it out. All the while she was smiling. 'They will pay, all will pay' It was exactly how she imagined it, just as warm and thick and wet. The only thing that distracted her from continuing the mutilation of a corpse was a dim glow down the way. It was in the opposite direction they usually come, yes? 'Matters not, blood will flow.'

Silently, she padded down the tunnel, slinking next to a wall. Every protruding stone or rock poked and skinned her bare feet, but Celeste didn't pay it any heed. Freedom was at hand, boots will be silent. As she neared the flickering light, the ferocity of it burning her eyes, Celeste could make out several people without the skin of the drow. They stood in her way of her revenge! "Din'an!!" came the battle cry as Celeste ran, blade high in the air glinting dangerously in the flames.

A sword '~Her~ rapier' was dropped, Celeste's wrist arrested, her body slamming into her victim. "Celeste?" The elf couldn't breathe, her heart jumped into her throat, and she refused to look up. Instead, she fixated on the armored breasts before her. "No… Wife not here, she forgot elf. Wife not coming." Her voice was soft, broken. Yet, this illusion reeked of Larka's scent. Had she always thought of her scent before? Larka's voice, her sight yes, but her scent?

"No!" Celeste yanked her wrist free, darted away, and squatted, fists rapping on her temples. She was mummbling to herself, words incoherent as she tried to forget about the illusions behind her. A hand touched her shoulder, and Celeste lashed out with the blade. Naturally it was evaded, but Celeste continued with her momentum. The illusion of Larka hadn't been expecting Celeste to jump from this position, falling flat on her back as Celeste now straddled her.

"You're not here! You're not wife!" Tears were running down Celeste's face as her knife was held in both hands high above her head. Taking a deep breath, and whispering "Din'an, ma vhenan," Celeste brought the knife down with such speed and strength, that when she hit the ground mere inches off to the side of Larka's head, it shattered. Yet she stayed there, gripping the hilt, staring at it in disbelief, tears rolling off her chin and dripping onto Larka.

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