Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Kingdom of Adeluna > Ancense Ruins > [Event, P, R] Ezra's Euphoric Dream

Character Info
Name: Ezra
Age: Appears 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Human/Vampire
Gender: Female
Class: Sacrifice
Silver: 141
Since she has been taken in by Damien, her education carefully tended to as she grew, Ezrabeth knew only special members of the temple could leave. She was not yet advanced enough in their ranks, and she kept being told that her time was coming but she must be patient. Damien himself seemed proud of her development, her progress in the training.

But when Damien asked her to go somewhere with him, Ezra almost melted on the spot. To say she was ecstatic was an understatement. She wanted to do anything she could to please him, needed to earn his approval and praise. Being rewarded with his delicious blood was just as important and cherished, but it was a special reward, a gift. Just thinking of it left the vampire yearn for him.

Ezrabeth, who had been glancing at her beloved master from beneath long lashes, now turned her gaze to the sky. The myriad of colors sparkled and shined bright. There were winged creatures flying above, some with people on their backs. "Do you think we can fly up there too, Master Damien?" To be up there with his arms around her waist, his warmth pressed against her back. She couldn't help but look back at him. Her time to be called upon by Damien and ascend in the ranks of their religion was coming. It was soon, but it was not soon enough.

I'll do what it takes to serve my Lord and Master

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