Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Kingdom of Adeluna > Ancense Ruins > [EVENT]Her First Outing[P/R]

Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone’s long black hair had been swept back and braided with soft pink flowers snug in the ridges of the braid. Her dress was a sweetheart style dress with off shoulder straps. It appeared like the base of the dress was a rose pink satin and over it a sort of dark powder blue tulle. The bust was layered thick so only some of the pink satin could be seen while the waist had just one level of sheer fabric while multiple layers of sheer pink fabric layered over its satin sister. Around her waist was a thick pink sash that separated it from top and bottom. The dress was laced up the back tightly with the same rose pink.

It reminded Simone of something under the water but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She had spent a great deal of time on her makeup and pairing up some jewelry she had managed to get with her dress. She overall looked very nice for the occasion at hand.

Once she was satisfied with herself she went to peek in on her victim. She had managed to not only talk Lewis into taking her for appearances but also she had been the one to pick out his outfit. She peeked through the crack of the door with her stormy gray eye before coming in and blowing hot air on his ear, “I told you it would look great~” She smirked at him as she peaked around his shoulder and looked at Lewis in the mirror.

“We should we able to portal to the party from here~ But only when you are ready.” She was sure he was super thrilled wearing the monkey suit and the matching colors. It felt more like a date when she saw the two of them in the mirror. “We’ll be late though if we don’t hurry.” Simone offered him a sly smile but she appeared overall happy with being able to get out of the tower. "And I know the rules… Don't wander off. Don't fall behind. Don't bother Lord Raith. Am I missing anything?"


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
This was perhaps the most annoying thing that Lewis had ever dealt with. If he had a choice between attending this event, and having to go back to the mental hellscape that was Simone’s mind, he would have gone back into her head. Twice. At least there, he knew how to act. It was easy. Kill or be killed. Here, it was…different.

The real world posed a thousand different issues for the assassin. He had to look and act the part of a civilized person. With lord Raith, it was one thing. His master knew that he was more or less a killing machine with the emotional range of a golem, but the rest of the followers had no idea. At least, Lewis assumed as much. Perhaps his acting was on point, or perhaps they were merely playing along.

Lewis lifted his chin, tying off the sapphire blue bow tie. He had requested a mirror in his room for this one occasion, as apparently this was a big event and he had to show ‘support’. It was to make himself known. And Simone. There had been a few issues around her existence, but so far everyone seemed okay.

For the time being, at least.

Lewis checked the dark blue vest in the mirror. It shimmered back with an elegant, silver pattern inlay. It meshed well with the white button down and black pants. If no one knew better, he could be a prince from a faraway land. He grimaced, and tousled his hair.

“At least I know I can pull of the look if I ever needed it for infiltration,” he replied, ignoring her ‘I told you so’ attitude. Still, there was room enough on the inside of the vest for a thin blade, which he opted to take with him. Even amongst ‘friends’, one could never be too careful.

“Now, don’t forget-” Lewis started. He was interrupted by the normal spiel that he gave, but from Simone’s own mouth. A part of him was annoyed, but at least she got the idea. It was less about restricting her movements as a person, and more that she was a walking mesh of deep magic. For the most part, Lewis knew that nothing mundane would trigger it, but there were…certain loopholes that could. So he would rather keep her on the safer side of things as not to trigger a resurrection. That was the last thing he needed to deal with.

“Ready when you are I…guess,” Lewis stated as enthusiastically as he could muster. He took a deep breath. Focus. Just…smile. They like that, right? Smiles put people at ease.

They walked through the portal, and to the Ancense Ruins, where the sky dazzled with the Starfall, and the people below celebrated in abundance. Even Lewis couldn’t deny that it was something special…


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
It was sorta cute the way he ignored her but she put her chin on his shoulder, “I will help you should you ever need it you know. I’ll be here for a while.” She didn’t mind being a little bit more useful for him while they were together.

“Take a deep breath it will be okay. If it gets too overwhelming we can leave. It will just be nice to see something else other than this room.” Even Simone got bored of the same view every single day.

Once they entered the party her eyes got wide. “Lewis! It’s so pretty!” She took him by the arm and started to drag him forward. “Come on! I want to see everything! You can be a sourpuss after I’m done. I promise I won’t ask for anything else all night.” She was pleading with Lewis now but who knew how far she would get. She even had a little bounce on the ball of her foot as she plead. At least she acted the age she looked.

Who knew who she would meet either. For being so small and lithe she certainly could pull Lewis with her. At least one of them was excited about everything. “I haven’t seen anything like this ever! I can’t remember the last time I saw anything other than a god’s realm! Well… This probably counts as one to…” It didn't look like she could be a danger to herself now or anyone else a danger to her for the time being. She even was wearing slippers instead of heels so she didn't trip over herself. A safety precaution, Lewis had said.


Character Info
Name: Dae
Age: Looks 18
Alignment: CN
Race: Elf/Shade
Gender: Male
Silver: 840
The evening was full of stars, which made sense since they were literally in the heavens. Dae had arrived earlier in the festivities in order to find the best stock of booze before others could take it. He chuckled to himself while sitting on the edge of a table with his feet on one of the chairs. Elbows rested on his knees, drink held between his two hands. Gray eyes examined new arrivals constantly as they began to stream in. Either by their own power or a winged creature to shuttle them to the Starfall. Dae had to admit that the festival was going to be a hit.

”We need to make sure to stay on top of the alcohol. Can’t be running out,” he said with a chuckled before taking another sip of his whiskey. A responding chuckle was given from the dark skinned elf beside the assassin. ”You are correct, sir. Your future brother-in-law has great taste in liquor…I’m just glad he brought that over to this party.” Elrand took his own sip of deep amber liquor all while leaning back on the edge of the same table that Dae had taken over. The pair were rarely seen without the other when it came to matters of their deity. Truthfully, they weren’t pilgrims like those of the coven, but it was enough that they would fulfill just about any requested Raith made.

Both men were in black suits trimmed in golden threads. Small flourishes had been embroidered along the collar line. It was easier for the men to order the same suit then worry about style on their own. Technically, it had been Syn who had gotten the suits designed and made by a tailor she often worked with. Dae glanced out of the corner of his eye at his comrade to see that Elrand was keeping an eye out for the red haired assistant. From time to time they would hook up for some fun when bored. It was clear that the mercenary elf was hoping tonight would be part of that arrangement.

”Bro….look who it is,” Elrand said with a low laugh all while nudging Dae in the shoulder. He pointed with his glass towards the newly arrived couple through the special portal. When Dae glanced up to see Lewis with a woman on his arm, there was no holding back the mischievous smirk on his face. This was going to be fun.

Both moved away from their table towards the couple for some amusement. Hopefully, Lewis wouldn’t try to kill them while inflicted with the serenity of the festival. ”Lewis!” The assassin smiled at the other man in greeting. ”Would you like to join us for a drink? Elrand and I were able to commandeer the better stock for our own gains.” He gave a light nod and smile towards the woman.

Elrand tilted his head to the side while looking over the woman as she held onto the young assassin’s arm. A smirk grew upon his face, though he was able to hold his tongue on all the joking he wanted to do. He would wait….for the moment.

”You look beautiful tonight, miss. We haven’t had the pleasure of meeting before. I am Dae Balatro, Alairia’s brother and Raith’s future brother-in-law. This gentleman alongside me is the illustrious Elrand. May I ask your name? And why are you on the arm of the infamous Lewis? What the hell could he have done right to bring you along?” A gracious smile was given to Simone along with a deep bow from both men.

”Nice bow tie,” Elrand commented with a smirk. He knew about Lewis through Dae, and knew that would be a fun poke at the young assassin.


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone was a bit shyer as she tucked herself behind Lewis. She still wasn’t used to meeting people and it didn’t help all she had known for long periods of time was Lewis. Her gray eyes washed over the two men as she tilted her head studying intensely.

“I’m afraid the list is rather short of who I’ve met. My apologies,” she let go of Lewis and lightly curtsied at them both. Folding her hands together in front of her she gave her best smile, “My name is Simone Auclair.” It was best to keep her titles out of this as she had done enough by telling Dala about all of it. “I live with him,” it was rather short and to the point but by the look on her face she was trying to define what their relationship is. “I’m his prisoner.” It came off as a joke but Simone wasn’t allowed out and about.

No one but Raith even knew she had been in the tower until Dala found her. “I’ve been dying to get outside the rooms and have some fun~ Lewis was being sore about it. I convinced him to let me dress him up so we could come to the party. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen so many people.” I can barely remember where I came from.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I’ve already met Lady Dala. She broke into Lewis’s quarters and found me. She’s very sweet. I’m afraid that’s about everyone I’ve met so far though. For my own protection, I’m not allowed to be out and about by myself.” That was what Lewis had told her. She had no idea the things he was planning or what exactly was wrong with her.

After a few seconds, she took a look at Lewis, “Is alcohol good? Father always said princesses shouldn’t drink before marriage… so I never…” Well, by the look on her face she had let the cat out of the bag. She was trying not to say who or what she was but she let out a sigh. “I’ve never had alcohol before.” She rounded it up to something simple and tried to avoid the topic. “At least… I can’t remember if I have.” Realizing that might sound weird there was a bit of a panic as she looked from Dae to Elrand. “Lewis found me in the forest. I lost all my memories but certain spotty ones. I do apologize for how erratic I sound at times. This is all very confusing and somewhat new to me because of it.” She lightly curtsied again and knew Lewis was probably grumbling under his breath.


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
The Gods must hate me tonight.

Lewis was dragged around from the get go by an overly excited Simone, leading him to one of the more densely populated areas. At once, he was uneasy. There were far too many people, and any of them could be a threat. But, of course, that was how Lewis was always thinking. Threat or safe.

But this is an event for…’fun’…so there shouldn’t be threats/ That was what the rest of them had to be thinking. This was a celebration, and regular people were rather odd about keeping celebrations civil and safe. Fine. He took a breath. Dropping his guard would be impossible, but he could at least understand that maybe, at least for tonight, no one was out to get him.

Of course, the moment he thought this, he heard his name called out. Whatever tension he had managed to let go of was immediately back. He tuend, recognizing the voice immediately.

“Dae,” he said aloud as his assassin friend moved in. “It’s a…pleasure.” I would rather be anywhere but here. But…it could be worse. It’s only Dae, and- He resisted an eye twitch. Elrand. Lewis was unsure of how he felt about Elrand at the moment. Lewis and Elrand had a lot of similar…traits, and that made Lewis slightly uncomfortable, unsure of how to react. At least, that was what he had gathered front heir brief interactions.

Still, it was a best case in a worst case scenario.

The situation he found himself in was complex. On one hand, Elrand seemed to know what buttons to press to tick Lewis off, which was one of the few emotions that could seriously affect the assassin. On the other hand, Simone was here, which meant he had to keep focused, and make sure that she didn’t do anything stupid enough to trigger the curse. In the end, he settled for swift, elegant responses.

“The tie is still strong enough to choke you out, so I’d say it’s workable with the outfit.” Wait. He paused. That wasn’t exactly what he had wanted to say. “Sorry, what I mean to say is, of course, we would love to join you for drinks…” He put forth his best smile.

Of course, it all came crashing down as Simone more or less spilled a few…interesting remarks. “She’s less a prisoner and more a danger to herself and others,” Lewis stated with a deadpan expression. “It’s…a long story that I would rather not go into detail over…but she won’t be around for very long.” At least, he hoped. He was close…

“In the short term…” Lewis paused. He was probably going to regret this. “Simone is…new to all this,” he said, looking at Dae and Elrand. “Let’s just take it slow and easy tonight.” For the love of the Gods please agree. I don’t know how she’s going to react with alcohol but…Lady Angela said she should be okay as long as no death triggers are hit.

“What do we have to drink, anyway?” Lewis was finding that he didn’t mind the alcohol. There were, of course, some that left a bitter taste in his mouth, but then there were other mixes that he found close to enjoyable. But there was a lot that he still didn’t know.


Character Info
Name: Elrand
Age: 31
Alignment: CN
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Class: Mercenary
Silver: 240
The mercenary noted the small shy movements made by the woman. Hazel gaze narrowed slightly as she found protection behind someone like Lewis. Again, there was nothing wrong with Lewis, but he was not known for his softer side. For a creature such as Simone to find some sort of security with the assassin brought more questions to Elrand’s mind. Still, he remained quiet with the smirk upon his lips. There was a small clink made as his finger nail tapped the edge of his glass. Standing about talking was not his favorite pass time when there was rather lovely bourbon to be consumed. Either way, he would go wherever Dae directed. And at this moment, it was being pleasant with others under Lord Raith’s patronage. Even if these particular two were less inclined with the forced social encounter.

He chuckled lightly while lifting his glass to his lips for a generous sip. The woman rattled off information that was not mean to be shared, but neither Dae nor Elrand made comment. It was better to file things away for a later time in case it was needed. Both men glanced at the other when she said that she lived with him…and then Elrand nearly choked on his drink when adding that she was a prisoner. The pair remained rather still to focus upon Lewis tightly. ”I would imagine that our great Lord Raith knows about this little arrangement,” Elrand said matter-of-factly in an effort to allow Dae’s nerves to settle. It had not been long ago that his sister, Alairia, had been kept a prisoner for torture. The sensitivity was still delicate on the matter; there was no telling if that would ever go away.

Elrand nudged his comrade to bring him out of his shadowed glare. The last thing they needed on such a lovely evening was for Dae to turn into a shade. ”Yes, as long as things are for your safety, mi’lady I am glad our friend can take care of you.” It was as if a switch had flipped to bring back the laid back Dae that most knew and loved. He lifted his glass of whiskey to sip from it along with a smile upon his lips.

”Ohhhh…..I would love to see you try, my friend,” Elrand responded with a loud laugh to Lewis’ natural threat. He laughed some more as he gave the younger assassin a nod of understanding. With his free hand he clapped Lewis on the side of his arm while motioning with his head towards their commandeered table. ”Don’t worry about putting on airs for us, Lewis. Be yourself…even if it is awkward as fuck.” The caramel skinned elf walked over to their table where their booty was still waiting to be divided up. He sat in a chair while motioning for the others to join.

The assassin shade sat on the table top once again with feet positioned on a chair for comfort. His forearms rested on each leg to watch the newly acquired companions. Gray eyes looked from Simone to Lewis still perplexed at the odd match up. There certainly was more to the story, but Lewis was clearly not wanting to share. Dae was not one to pry…at least not with those that weren’t his family.

”We have stolen a nice variety, but can always get some more if they aren’t to your particular liking. Of course, we have the finest barrel aged whiskey here as well as bourbon. Now, I did happen to steal a few wine bottles to try the new vintages. Two are sweet white wines, and the third bottle is a dry red wine. I’m not sure what these fancy names are….but they seemed to be good enough to be more guarded. Unfortunately for the bar tenders, there was no stopping us,” Dae explained with a clink of his glass against Elrand’s in congratulations. Few were able to keep a good liquor away from the pair when they were in the mood to drink.

”We have some food that we took for some snacking, but can always get more. If you haven’t had a drink before Simone, maybe we start you off with a sweet white wine. The liquors tend to be too bitter for new drinkers. It becomes an acquired taste over time typically.” The elf picked up one of the wine bottles and offered it up for Simone to look it over. There were assorted glasses ready to have contents poured into them. ”Lewis, would you like to have wine or liquor?”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone nodded softly but didn’t speak up much about it. She was to live with Lewis until he found what to do with her. One side of her was pleased that he was working on the task but if her innocent side knew… She would panic for sure.

Still once she was comfortable she came out from behind Lewis, “He’s taken care of me so far. I’ve no reason to doubt Lewis. He even had me checked up on by Lady Angela. She said I was healthy enough despite the no memory thing.” If only she knew what else had happened that eve though Lewis was traumatized for the both of them.

The adventure into her mind had some difficult to manage consequences. For one, it was Simone who found herself attracted to Lewis now thanks to circumstances that happened within her mind. It kept her calm and helped put on an air of calm for her.

Simone took the bottle of wine and was looking it all over. “I think that would be a good idea… I’m not really a fan of bitter things.” Which was laughable considering how bitter Lewis could be. When she decided on the wine she got some put in a wine glass and began to sip on it. Her face puckered if only for a moment and more so to see if she liked it than anything else. She tilted her head before she tasted it again. “This is good. I don’t know why you were worried about bringing me,” her voice was meek as she held onto the glass with inexperience.

“Everything seems so happy… and very beautifu–” Her voice cut off a bit as her eyes seemed to glaze over back to the cold dead eyes. The way she held herself and the way she held her wine glass changed. It was a woman who was mature beyond her years and had much experience. She sipped on the wine lightly and stared at Lewis. “While this is all fun and games~ I shouldn’t have to remind you that we need to hunt him soon. The sooner he is dead and gone, the sooner I can be done with this life and you can be free of her. The next piece of the puzzle is in the ruins of Auclair Castle she should be able to find what I want you to have if only by her instinct.”

Her eyes though cold looked a look at Dae and Elrand as if studying them. “I was shocked when I managed to find another loophole to speak but I wanted to make sure my wishes were known. Not that you’ve forgotten. So show her a damn good time because it might be the last good time she has.” She locked eyes with Lewis. She treated her younger self as another person but they were one in the same. “I would appreciate it, gentlemen, if you didn’t mention this to my younger self. She might freak out and kill herself on accident and we wouldn’t want to have to explain it would we Lewis? Especially in a crowd, this big might cause some panic.”

Lewis knew all too well what would happen if she killed herself. After a few seconds, she acted dizzy and put her hand to her head. Her lively eyes coming back and she rubbed her eyes softly. “I must be having more of those tiny blackouts that Lady Angela warned of. Did you make sure I didn’t fall off my seat?” She questioned Lewis as if he was her savior. “Thank goodness I didn’t spill any wine!”

Finally, she looked back at Elrand and Dae, “Oh! I’m sorry if I worried anyone! I guess since my accident that made me lose my memories I have tiny blackouts. So! How do you both know Lewis? I didn’t know he had any friends. He’s only ever around me and no one else when he’s home.” She offered up an innocent smile having no idea just how cold her other self was.


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Lewis waited a moment before finally clearing his throat to answer Elrand’s question. “Lord Raith has been informed of this arrangement. It should not be much longer before…” He paused. Before what. She was finally killed? How else to explain it? “She is gone.” That was the best answer he could give without going into the complexities of the situation. She would be dead soon, and that was all that really mattered in the end. Still, it brought a brief pause to his thought process. The whole ordeal would soon be over.

Thank the Gods.

As expected, Elrand took Lewis’ threat in stride, which should have thrown Lewis off, but at this point he was beginning to understand that many of his acquaintances had a ‘dark’ sense of humor. Or whatever they called it. Of course, he winced when he was called out for his awkwardness. Wouldn’t be so awkward if I weren’t wearing these useless clothes. He had several other, more murderous thoughts, but those were easily tossed aside. He was among friends, so there was no need for them.

The assassin led Simone to the table, and eyed what they had so rightfully procured for the night. During his last encounter with alcohol, he tried a variety of different things, most of which the names he barely remembered due to the excessive amounts he had consumed that night. He grimaced at the memory of the morning after, and decided he would probably watch his consumption this time, less he made a fool of himself again.

“You mentioned wine?” Lewis knew two things about wine, that it was expensive, and that the older it was the better. He had always wondered why high society tended to gravitate towards it. “I would rather not sweet, but you called the other one dry.” A curious term. Was that supposed to be the opposite of sweet?

“I’ll try the red wine.” As it seemed like everything was up for offer, he went ahead and popped the cork of the red wine, and started to pour it into the available glass. As with every noble he had seen, he swirled it around in the glass, and took a whiff. The scent was not what he would have expected, but it was pleasant, with an earthy sort of smell that reminded him of the forest floor. He took a hesitant sip, and was surprised at the sudden bitter flavor. Still, he had consumed much worse, and he let it roll across his tongue.

The flavors seemed to evolve and change, but Lewis was far too inexperienced to understand what they were or how to describe them.

“I don’t…hate it,” he said finally. “It’s…complex. I don’t think I really…understand it…” He was struggling to find the words, and for once was being fairly genuine. “I still don’t understand why people would pay so much for this.”

Lewis took a second sip, and was once more confused at the complicated array of flavors, but immediately choked when he noticed the sudden shift in Simone’s existence. Fuck. At once he was tempted to kill her to keep her quiet. The fact that an alter took over was bad, and for a moment he had a flashback to Wrath. If she were here, he would have no choice.

But Wrath was dead, and this was merely an older, completed Simone. Still, the tension did not leave, and his eyes were wide with a manic desire to slit her throat.

“I’m well aware,” Lewis said finally as Simone spoke of their next target. “But now is not the time. “I would suggest you leave now.” He gripped the wine glass tightly. Simone spoke for a moment longer before reverting, and Lewis let the tension in his body go.

He glanced at Dae and Elrand, his eye twitching slightly. “I would rather not talk about what just happened, so if you would kindly each take a very large drink of your…beverage of choice, I would greatly appreciate it.” Likewise, he took a long sip of the wine, clearing half the glass. He hoped that they would drop it.

“Dae…why don’t you regale us with some of your more fascinating assassin stories,” Lewis said rather loudly. “Perhaps I can learn something.” Or at the very least, avoid having this conversation here.


Character Info
Name: Syn
Age: 25
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Class: Servant
Silver: 1256
The evening was going to be glorious in every way. Golden orbs scanned the entirety of the festival to examine for anything that could be off. A sense of accomplishment settled over the personal assistant at the sight of people mingling amongst the stars. Her features softened while allowing the sense of calm to settle through her soul. It was as she was glancing around that the vampiress noticed a table that sat two fun men she tended to spend time with at the temple when they would visit. Syn’s expression changed to that of predatory when her focus narrowed on to Elrand.

Long red hair was swept over her shoulder to look like a fiery waterfall. She had spent some extra time to make her tresses shimmer in the starlight. The tight black dress that she wore clung to every curve in just the right ways. Looking at the woman from the front would have surprised though who knew her; the black dress was long sleeved as well as the fabric clung around her neck to cover her skin. As she crossed the distance on her red bottom heels, onlookers took a moment to gaze at the back of her dress. Her flawless skin was completely exposed down to right above her ass. Even so, there was a triangle piece that came up to cover just enough, while leaving thin black strings to attach the piece to the rest of the dress. Syn was rather proud of this new outfit she had found at the shop that was becoming a frequent stop for her. If she had excess income, it typically was spent there.

The temptress of Orme sashayed her way over to the small group. In one movement, the woman sat upon Elrand’s lap to wrap an elegant arm around the elf’s neck. ”Hello, my dear,” she purred with a mischievous grin. Crimson lips were pulled up at the edges as her attention turned to the new woman and Lewis.

Elrand and Dae seemed to settle slightly after having rather surprised expressions upon their faces from whatever had just occurred before her arrival. The pair of males exchanged glances, though it seemed that they were taking their cue from Lewis on a particular situation. Either way, Syn didn’t care. ”Hello, little Lewis. I was informed that I was to hold an etiquette lesson with you. What the hell did you do in order to piss our illustrious lord?”. Eyes were dancing with amusement as they shifted to look at Simone. She already knew the answer, but was going to enjoy the drag out of this punishment she had been gifted to torture Lewis with. He was going to find every part of their time together during that ‘lesson’ as annoying.

Warm hand rested upon Syn’s hip, as she leaned back against Elrand’s chest to examine the brunette across the table. ”And I imagine that you are Simone, my dear. I was informed how you would be joining us for a little bit.”. Dae shifted on the table top slightly back all while swirling his liquor around again in the glass. Syn looked up at the assassin to give him a wink. ”I interrupted this little group and for that I apologize. My name is Syn. I am Lord Raith’s personal assistant as well as Lady Alairia’s body guard.”. She grabbed Elrand’s offered drink to take a sip.

Dae cleared his throat for a moment before pouring himself another drink. ”Well Syn, we were about to regale in some of my more fascinating assassination stories. If you are willing to stay and drink with us. I would love to hear some of your newer accomplishments Lewis. Would also love to hear how you had come to be my brother’s apprentice. That must be a story….so you go first.”

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