Author: Kismet, Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:33 AM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
The man's reclusive attitude continued to persist, and Naram chose not to press him further. He was too tightly wound up like a braided rope to relax. The nomad wondered if Daniel might happen to be a wanted man in his homeland. Why else would a man look like a scared rabbit? He exchanged an offhand remark about the growing storm outside, to which Naram clicked his tongue when the winds picked up. "Spirits are raging tonight. With the winds howling like wolves, it makes a man wonder if this place might be haunted." The nomad had meant it as a joke, though he couldn't tell if Daniel would feel the same. Zaya yawned and chattered at him following that, then started walking over. Leaping down from the table she then leaped onto his lap and settled in. Using her front paws she took hold of his arm and began grooming it with her rough tongue while he did his best to keep a straight face. Every time she did this it felt as if his aunts were scouring his skin with a coarse brush while he was in the tub. It wasn't painful, but by now this was something he'd gotten used to.Author: Daniel Caldwell, Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:31 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
Daniel nodded at the introduction and glanced briefly at the cat before returning his gaze to the man before him. With slow steady breaths he held his hands over the fire to warm them, tight muscles could ruin a sword-grip as sure as any injury, and squatted down gently beside it. A slow tingle arched down his back but he quashed it before it could become a shudder. There was time for weakness among friends but never among strangers.Author: Kismet, Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:13 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
"Naram, and this is Zaya." He pointed to himself, then motioned to the cat who was busily cleaning out all the last scraps of food from her bowl. When Daniel claimed the nomad wouldn't have heard of his homeland, the dark-haired man cocked an eyebrow. "Try me. Maybe I might be lucky and happen to have heard of it somewhere." Daniel was weary, tense, like he hadn't really slept well for months the way Naram saw it. It was as if the man were carrying an entire oxen's load upon himself like a pack mule. A soul who was unable to find rest; a sorry sight indeed. Naram was quite fortunate in that sense, then. Daniel had no plans to stay long. He seemed like a person who was unable to settle down, constantly on the move. Not in a nomadic sense, but more akin to a deep-rooted uneasiness. He then asked Naram what he knew of any settlements nearby.Author: Daniel Caldwell, Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 4:09 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
Invited in, the stranger nodded quietly before entering the camp. He lowered his head and ducked under the tent flap to enjoy the warmth of fire and dry off. He was silent for several moments as he assessed his surroundings. The laws of hospitality were well known in his home but who could say what the laws were here? A wary eye and a quick hand had saved more than one clansman in a foreign land, and had saved this man more than once in his strange life. When he was satisfied of his relative safety he spoke.Author: Kismet, Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:13 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
Naram looked up to see a stranger approach, and Zaya's ears twitched as she turned her head to see the face she had mistook as her human. Deciding that it was about time for her to start eating, she got up from her spot and jumped onto the table, eating gingerly at the food in her bowl. It was only warm now, and safe for her to eat. Too hot and it would burn her mouth and insides. "The Sky-father welcomes you. Where have you come from?" The nomad gave a brief glance to the grey sky as he replied, listening to what the stranger would say. "You are welcome to come in out of the rain. We will be leaving soon." By 'we', he meant himself and Zaya. The stranger would see the same cat he had followed busily eating and its owner with a bowl of food that still had wisps of steam from it. Hospitality on the plains was a custom. The lands were harsh and they were taught to never deny a stranger food and shelter; one could never know if it was a spirit in disguise. Offending the spirits would cause calamity to befall their house, while honoring them would turn away potential wrath. Whether it was good or evil, this ceremonial act of hospitality for the first night's stay of a stranger gave no grounds for retaliation.Author: Daniel Caldwell, Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:54 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
As he continued on his way the man heard a light rustle and a splash as the cat shot out ahead of him and ran off into the rain. His first instinct was to continue on his way, but a cat of that size was rarely far from a farm or village. If he just walked on to what looked like north it could be weeks before he found somewhere with a real roof but if he followed a cat he might get lucky in just a day. With one last look along his intended path and then sighed and followed his four legged guide through the damp.Author: Kismet, Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:57 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
Ah, it wasn't him. That wasn't the voice or face of her human. Crestfallen, Zaya shook water from her coat as she watched the man walk on. The rain was seeping through the layers of her fur, and she wanted to go back to the tent. There she would be picked up, her head and ears would be rubbed, and she would be set by the fire to dry. Her human would have noticed she was running late. There was an invisible tug, faint but like something pulling gently at her whiskers. Zaya's human was worried and was thinking of her–she was sure of it. They shared an unbreakable bond, the two of them. And so she raised her tail and nose into the air before bounding out of the undergrowth. Though there was no trail of scent or sound, she could follow that tug at her whiskers until it led her back. Until it led her 'home'. The cat ran past the stranger without a glance, as if chasing after an invisible mouse. Should his curiosity encourage him to follow, he would soon see the light of a fire glowing warmly from a tent.Author: Daniel Caldwell, Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:13 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
Dry clothes were swiftly dampening but there was little reaction from the lone stranger. He plodded on unconcerned comfort or rest, eyes flickering back and forth among the ruins despite his relaxed gait. By all appearances this was a confidant man who had walked these paths before, by all appearances but his eyes. Those eyes carefully scrutinized every shadow, every crevice in rocky ruins, until they were satisfied no threat lingered there. Rapidly they followed any rustle of leaves, or tumbling of small stones. A scraping on rock and -flick- his eyes dashed to the left. A skitter on grass and -flick- his eyes dashed to the right. Easy strides betrayed no confusion, steady breaths hinted no anxiety, but the eyes were aware of everything.Author: Kismet, Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:05 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
These ruins were old, full of dust, and quiet. Plants had overtaken the the stone, animals had made their homes in the nooks and crannies. With trees left undisturbed for decades their boughs were thick and laden with leaves. Their trunks were full of ridges, knots, and burls. In other words, this was a cat's playground. The rain however meant it was time to go, and from a tree the nimble fluffy figure of a large housecat landed on its four paws. Grey with light striping on her face and a chest of white fluffy fur, Zaya shook her paws as she looked about, then took off. She liked to watch the rain, to hear the drip-drip-drip of water dropping from a roof onto metal buckets. But she didn't like being in the rain, or walking in mud. There was no time to groom herself–the rain would come down harder and soon it would be hard to find the way back. It would wash away all the familiar smells leading back to her human's tent. Hearing footsteps, she stopped and twitched her ears to listen. Darting off towards the sound, the cat poked a head out of the bushes to see someone shuffling along. The skies were darker and it was hard to see who it was from the back. She couldn't smell anything with the rain, so she let out a plaintive meow. Maybe they would hear her and stop to turn around? If they weren't scary, then she would see if they knew how to get back to the warm tent.Author: Daniel Caldwell, Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:24 PM, Post Subject: Arrived [O]
The mists cleared and left behind a man sitting with his back against a mossy stone wall. His eyes open but his limbs unmoving he stared silently ahead, only his chest slowly rising and falling. Only after several minutes did he stir, lifting a hand to his face to wipe away a tear. A few sniffles and a cough, and then he stood up from the dewy ground to take in his surroundings. Careful eyes examined the ruins penetrating the dim light of the cloud covered skies, noting every color of every leaf, and the splatter of rain in every puddle on the ground.We have 1763 registered users.
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