Author: Moon_Zakura, Posted: Fri Dec 8, 2017 5:09 AM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
The cloaked lady listened to male human. "My name is Aerei Nimbus. A traveler of sorts. But I don't deserve much credit." The human now known as Aerei Nimbus signaled to the other human. Hard to see, but still there. He introduced her. "That's Salem. A bounty hunter and, by the looks of it, a very powerful, if not godlike mage." The female human or mage now known as Salem interjected something after he was done. "Hey, hold it right there–I object. Just because I can use a little magic doesn't make me a mage. My level of finesse with it is absolutely nowhere close to qualify. That's like comparing a clockmaker's hand to a stonemason's."Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Thu Dec 7, 2017 9:35 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
That unknown life signature then caused a magical fire to burn bright, revealing more of its form to them both. Leaning on her sword hilt, she watched Aerei talk with the cloaked figure with scrutiny. Judging by the body posture and choice of clothing, it was likely a female. That guess was then confirmed when they spoke. There was something awfully familiar with how she acted, not to mention a lot of clues she was giving Shiloh were a dead giveaway. When Aerei introduced himself and her to the hooded woman, Shiloh interjected. "Hey, hold it right there–I object. Just because I can use a little magic doesn't make me a mage. My level of finesse with it is absolutely nowhere close to qualify. That's like comparing a clockmaker's hands to a stonemason's."Author: bluedraconicpaladin, Posted: Thu Dec 7, 2017 7:37 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
Aerei watched this mysterious individual with uncertainty. Who is she? She certainly wasn't here when he arrived. But this wasn't the time for scrutiny. If he was to survive in this wretched cave, he would need all the help he could get. "My name is Aerei Nimbus. A traveler of sorts. But I don't deserve much credit." Aerei signaled to his companion in the darkness, before realizing no one could see her. "That's Salem. A bounty hunter and, by the looks of it, a very powerful, if not godlike, mage." Aerei thought he heard something, all only the infinite silence of oblivion loomed. Aerei channeled some of his magical energy into his senses to enhance them (Hunter's Instinct) and tried to maintain the spell while conversing. "We are going to be leaving this cave and sealing it up when we do so, to lock away the wretched inhabitants of the cave and stop the bodies from piling up." A scratching. Far more clearer. And… chanting? Aerei stood, oddly still, for about a second, trying to further scry what he had heard, but no more sound accompanied it. "Umm… anyway," Aerei asked, more slowly. "It would be best if you left with us. It isn't safe down here. Who are you?"Author: Moon_Zakura, Posted: Thu Dec 7, 2017 11:59 AM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
The cloaked woman noticed that they had found her. The seemingly human female found her presence. 'Ah, I must have forgotten to hide it. Well it is obvious that they won't know what I am based on a scan. Fairies are rare to see outside their kingdom. At least a fairy with my powers…' She thought for herself. She made her fire stronger and more visible for the humans. She was hidden by the cloak anyway. Most of her face was hidden by the hood. Her wings was down. She took a step forward still making her steps silent. She didn't like loud noises.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Dec 6, 2017 5:11 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
Her mask made it less obvious, but she was very much relieved that he did come back to relative safety. This was probably his first time in the Umbral Depths, and though she wasn't new to the area–even the most prepared groups could easily fall if the odds willed it. In the cave's darkness she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "…I wasn't kidding when I said even I wouldn't want to be down here by myself. It's easy to get yourself killed when you can't see ten feet in front of you without a light source." Her anger cooling, she sighed. "You sound like you're alright, so I'm glad. Just don't do that again. If you want to repay your debt to me, then see to it that you don't lose your head. I don't have anything to resurrect you with." As reluctant as she was to admit it, she figured he deserved to understand why she had been so tense when he charged ahead.Author: bluedraconicpaladin, Posted: Wed Dec 6, 2017 4:33 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
Aerei panicked and the fatigue of holding his spell began to set in. He was clearly getting nowhere, and eventually would be overtaken. He turned and flourished his weapon, staring straight into the dead eyes of an incoming undead. Suddenly, his companion sheathed her weapons. What is she doing!? He cried out internally. But all of a sudden two shadowy hands rose from the ground, pulverizing every being they came into contact with. But oddly enough, every being crushed seemed not to flatten, but rather disappear entirely, as though they no longer existed in this world. Breaking from his stupor, the undead swept it's arm at him, but he dodged backwards, swatting aside the blow with his rapier and searing off the hand by the wrist. With the speed of a flying cart, a shadowy hand hurtled in his direction, "pulverising" the zombie, and Aerei barely dodged in time. Suddenly, the chamber was deathly silent, and the hands were gone. He barely noticed his blade had already extinguished. He heard his companion gripe in the pitch darkness. Well, I suppose Salem has every right, he thought. It was very dishonorable to flee a battle, especially with a companion on the line. Feeling through the darkness, Aerei eventually stumbled upon his companion, whispering a quick apology under his breath. "I deeply apologize for my insubordination." He said in a low voice. "You have now saved my life twice today, and that is a debt difficult to repay. I do pray you aren't hurt?" He asked, raising his left hand and beginning to recall a healing spell. On second thought, he couldn't see in the darkness and doubted she could, either. "You did say you noticed and exit. If you could find that, I would be more than glad to leave and seal the exit." But what am I forgetting? He thought. Suddenly, he remembered. Did he not, for an instant, see a fire? Considering how quickly it started and was extinguished, so it was likely magical. "I need to check something." Aerei said. "I, er think I dropped my rapier." And with that, he quickly, yet carefully, made his way to the source of the fire.Author: Moon_Zakura, Posted: Wed Dec 6, 2017 4:15 AM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
The cloaked woman, named Julie heard a noise and a flash of light as monsters had made their way to the two humans. She was about to run when one of them ran past her. She looked after him as she heard blades and chains slaughtering the creatures. The other human killed the creatures and when she or he finished it mumbled something. "Great…now where'd that hired blade go? Good lord, he'd better not have run in the opposite direction of the exit. I don't have any terms related to body retrieval on my bounty, and I hate adding extra charges to my services. I swear if he dies, I'm dumping him in the morgue. Let the next passing cleric or necromancer handle him."Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Dec 6, 2017 2:29 AM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
"Hey! Hold on what are you–" As soon as she saw the flash of light, she grit her teeth and began muttering curses under her breath. Not only did that flash briefly reveal everything within their vicinity, it also painted giant target signs on their backs. When he exclaimed that there were several necrophages and accursed undead, she had to restrain herself from making any biting remarks. "Of course there are lots of them! That's because this is their feeding ground!" She hissed. Oh great, now thanks to that magical signal flare he set off in an enclosed area, every ghoul and its sire knew they were here.Author: bluedraconicpaladin, Posted: Tue Dec 5, 2017 9:50 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
Aerei nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, Salem. Now that I can see what dwells within this darkness, I can confirm it is not the wisest idea to go alone." Warily, he gazed blindly into the darkness, and the dark secrets of which it concealed. Aerei signaled for Salem to follow, carefully inching forwards in the hungry darkness, parting only as he walked and consuming his steps behind him. Aerei heard growling in the darkness, but this time was ready. Extending his arm at the direction of the noise and weaving a sigil in the air, a Sunburst flew from his hand and erupted into a blinding light, revealing the outlines of a large group of undead and beasts in the darkness. Unfortunately, they noticed as well. The groans and growls grew louder and more persistent as the horde of shuffling footsteps became louder and louder. "There must be at least ten of them!" Aerei cried out to his companion. A form lunged out of the shroud and at the duo. A ghoul grabbed onto Aerei with supernaturally strong grip and cold, dead flesh. Reflexively, Aerei drove his Consecrated rapier into it's mouth and pierced through it's skull, destroying the evil and false fascicle of life that occupied it. But this did nothing to slow the incoming mob, whose discordant orchestra of noises only grew louder and larger. Aerei held his weapon high, a radiant light in the dark, as he ran blindly deeper into the cave in hopes of escape, past the hiding place of a certain fairy…Author: Moon_Zakura, Posted: Tue Dec 5, 2017 12:16 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
A lady wore a black cloak in the dark ruins. She used one of her elements to create light which was fire. Her long black hair and sometimes glowing violet eyes were hidden with the cloak. She moved around checking the cave for not anything in particular. She had just wanted to explore the ruins. She was on a journey, so doing something dangerous was just fun. Her steps was soundless as the ground under her feet got soft under her feet. She didn't want to get unwanted attention from irritating creatures. She only wanted to explore and see if she could find anything interesting. She had been traveling for a long time and wanted something to happen.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Mon Dec 4, 2017 1:32 AM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
Shiloh held her breath to suppress a laugh when the man mentioned something about gods. Oh the irony… She tactfully decided to omit out anything relating to her unusual 'station', and answered his question. "I'm a bounty hunter, I take jobs as I see fit according to my capability. Sometimes I have to take offers I don't like, but that comes with the territory. Normally you shouldn't go in alone into an underground cave, better with a group of four at least. The only reason why I'm by myself is because I know the exit's fairly close so I know when to make a break for it." Preparing to leave, the man again called out to her and asked for her name after introducing himself. Should she give her name to him? In that moment she recalled the first time she had met a member of the Conclave in person. Now that she was in the same situation but on the opposite end, she could understand the goddess' choice.Author: bluedraconicpaladin, Posted: Sun Dec 3, 2017 4:31 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
Aerei turned quickly, looking at the stranger who had saved his life. "T-thank you, ma'am."He chuckled nervously. "The gods must be looking out for me." Aerei looked at her in silence for a few moments. "So, you too are to deal with the foul creatures that dwell here. It is quite the relief I am not to be here alone, now is it?" Aerei stood in silence for another moment. "By the way, my name is Aerei. Stranger, what is it I should call you?"Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Dec 2, 2017 11:45 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
A blade made from bone was hurled from the shadows and impaled the ghoul from behind. A rope attached to the sword's handle revealed the position of something in the shadows. As the grotesque monster writhed and flailed, the rope became taut and it was yanked backwards to be hacked by a flaming sword. An ungodly shriek pierced the blackness as it was reduced to a charred corpse and thrown into the pile of bodies the flesh-eater had been feasting on. "…That's number three. I hate ghouls–they always hang around the worst places. I swear one of these days, I'm going to mass produce holy water and flood all the morgues with it." A figure wearing a clay mask emerged from the shadows, and took out a bundle of dry kindling. Tossing it over the corpses, they took the flaming sword and lit the pile. They then coughed and waved the smoke away as the stench of burning human flesh and other horrid things burned.Author: bluedraconicpaladin, Posted: Sat Dec 2, 2017 10:33 PM, Post Subject: A Light in the Dark [O]
Aerei arrived at the entrance to the ruins. Staring into the dark depths of the cave, he could already feel the palpable evil deep inside. An odd odor filled his nostrils. It was only now he noticed the various corpses scattered around the area in various states of decay. He had heard that cadavers were dumped here as the creatures of the dark were more than happy to feed off of them, but he never suspected it was true! Muttering a quick prayer to the god of Light and Endurance, Aerei cast Consecrate Weapon on his rapier, holding it above his head as a source of light, and entered the depths of the cave. He did not get very far when he heard a wet, ripping sound to his right. As he turned, rapier extended, to face the creature, the noise suddenly stopped, and he saw only a devoured corpse. Perhaps I had misjudged where the sound came from. But still at the speed it stopped-Aerei was not given the luxury to finish his thought, as a monstrous ghoul leapt at him from behind!