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Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun Jul 9, 2017 1:19 AM, Post Subject: An Affliction of Blood [P][Event]

Myouga had first heard of the rumors along the grapevine in her time traveling Canelux. Being a busybody had its benefits, when handled correctly. There was a new shop in Adeluna, one run by an apothecary. Normally she didn't bother paying attention to little changes like this until she heard of the alleged 'god's blood' being sold there. She had stopped by to take a look around, and it looked normal at first. She was sure it was just some snake oil scam, and it would peter out when the fad ended. It didn't. In spite of its obscenely high price tag, people were coming back to buy it. The people who were getting additional doses were reported having severe withdrawal symptoms, and the temporary euphoric high made her guess it was some kind of strong cocktail of psychoactive stimulants. She spent the next days asking her fellow scholars and poring over volumes in the Mage College's library on various known addictive substances, but came up empty.

Since she couldn't single out a particular drug that matched the symptom list of 'Sanguis Tenebris', she tried compiling a list of the strongest known abused concoctions in the world. At one point she thought she had the crimson mixture's ingredients down, believing one of the major components to be refined Death's Kiss illegally produced from the native plants of Yovaesh, but then an unexpected epidemic of violence suddenly broke out. With none of her previous hypotheses holding water and a new, deadly set of symptoms emerging from the drug's usage, the arcanist tried to obtain a sample to study. To her dismay, the place which sold it was constantly out of stock, yet the violence was getting worse. With no time to create a cure, she chose to go on the defensive and began mobilizing a mass exodus of the unaffected residents living in the areas surrounding the city. The first person she warned was her former student, Liselotte Ellebore. The alchemist then spread the word throughout her community while Myouga worked to help the others. 

Carriages, wagons, horses, all types of transportation were being hired and arranged to move the people northwards towards the center of the Corval Basin. Right now they needed to prioritize getting them away from the Kingdom of Adeluna as far as possible. The next step was to find a way to protect the currently unaffected regions from being overrun if the city couldn't contain the victims of the drug. It took many hours of testing without sleep until she formulated a setup that utilized both alchemy and magic circles to create a strong defensive barrier that would repel anything. To maximize the circles' strength, each evacuated house would have its own arcane array powered by crystals that converted light from the sun and moon into energy to fuel the circle. After bringing out all the alchemical reagents she could buy and whatever Liselotte had on hand, Myouga personally activated each circle once the occupants were fully evacuated.

The malachite green light in her eyes fading back into charcoal grey for the last time, the mage watched as the valley had become a field of domed bubbles that would protect the contents from external forces. Exhausted, she waved languidly as Liselotte was preparing to leave with her family to stay with her distant relations in Endapano. As the last of the evacuees were exiting the area, there was the sound of crashing and snapping of tree limbs as some of the quarantined afflicted had broken loose. Downing the rest of her greater mana potion, she shouted at the half-elf when the latter turned to see what was going on. "Lise, run! Get the horses moving and get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can, until my magic runs out! C'mon, go!" 

Once the alchemist and her family were out of sight, Myouga drew her wand and began materializing a massive array of spectral arrows suspended in the air. With a flick of her wrist, she sent volleys of them into the madmen possessed by bloodlust. With eyes a bright viridian, the oni showed a rare moment of anger revealing her sharp canines and molars. "Where do you think you're going, you sick monsters?! If you wanna die so badly, then come get some!" Wave after wave of arcane missiles mowed down the frenzied abominations until they couldn't move anymore. Then, when their bodies laid in pieces, she purged them and purified their remains as to prevent them from tainting the land.

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Sun Jul 9, 2017 12:31 AM, Post Subject: An Affliction of Blood [P][Event]

"Is everyone ready to leave? There isn't much time left, hurry and get your things loaded onto the carriage." Liselotte's father spoke to the rest her family members as they were gathering their things. "Margaret and Calantha are already inside the first carriage. Edgar and Galvin are driving the second carriage with mother in the back." She informed. The recent outbreak of violence and madness in Adeluna City had become serious enough where it became an issue of safety. For the time being her family was leaving the estate to live with her mother's relatives in Endapano until things settled down. Everyone else in the surrounding areas were leaving too, before the danger spread outward into the countryside. Her father and her elder brothers had hitched up the horses to the hired carriages, and the bare essentials were secured onto the racks on top. 

It wasn't until the reports of bloodshed started getting out of hand that Liselotte learned something terrible was going on. Tracing the rumors, she discovered the cause was due to a new apothecary in the city who was selling some kind of mind-altering drug that drove its users into a mindless frenzy. Even berserkers had more sense in their heads in the heat of battle than the afflicted, as their eyes and flesh showed signs of corruption. Professor Ryou had come a week ago asking her if she had heard the news. It was then that she learned what was happening in the city, and immediately urged her family to relocate. Thankfully with her professor's help, they were able to move the other animals they couldn't bring along directly to their kin's stables across the continent. Everyone had spent the last few days in a rush, helping their neighbors so they could leave together at once. 

When all of the luggage had been loaded and tied down, it was time for the arcanist to work her magic. Using the materials Liselotte had on hand and some others brought over from Professor Ryou's house, the little mage created several defensive barriers which encapsulated the estates of the entire community, repelling even the smallest insect from entering. These barriers were fueled by alchemy and magic, and were only deployed once everyone in a house was outside and everything was packed ready to go. Channeling her arcane power, the circles lit up and the dome-shaped barriers sealed off the properties. Using temporary fonts of energy and light-absorbing crystals inside the barricaded regions, they would be able to last for at least a few months. 

With the last barrier erected, Liselotte saddled her Harenian lizard Basil and let her sisters take care of Marcasite for her. Giving her family's home one last look before departing, she pulled on the reins and set off with the wagon trains headed towards the Bohar Plains. 

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