Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:16 PM, Post Subject: To Find A Stolen Relic. (Open)
Myouga listened as the albino-bunny-white person began saying they needed help finding a magical stone that enhanced plant growth, which was stolen recently. Her cheerful smile that was on her face was starting to fade as she saw the drawn depiction of said item. "Oh…." Well this would be difficult. The instructions of 'look for glowing plants' wasn't very helpful, and if the thief knew how useful the item was then they wouldn't be so silly as to let themselves be found. The arcanist was not known for being a finder, but thankfully she had an alternative solution to the problem. "Um…so about finding that stone of yours. Since you don't know how long ago it was stolen from you, I'd say I probably won't have much luck finding it either. Buuuut-" She trailed off, taking a deep breath. "–I can make you another one, maybe." Emphasis was on the 'maybe', as she didn't exactly have a recipe on hand to make magical growing stones.Author: Alistar Evee, Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:56 PM, Post Subject: To Find A Stolen Relic. (Open)
"Hmmm? Oh, hello! Yes there is, you see, I'm looking for a gem. Well, actually looking for the person that stole it. But, I seem to have lost the trail. So, could you just look around for a bright glowing green and overgrown plants? It would be very helpful." Alistar smiled cheerfully, pullimy something out of his bag. "Here is a picture of what it looks like. So if the glow and plants don't help." Alistar said politely, hoping it wasn't rude at all.Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:37 AM, Post Subject: To Find A Stolen Relic. (Open)
Along the streets of Adeluna a person in a white dress and hat skipped merrily down singing a cheery tune. "I found a little mushroom~ Doodle doodle doodle doo~ A mushroom, a mushroom–a purple spotted mushroom~" Today had been a wonderful, glorious, fantastical day. She had just returned from a delicious lunch with a friend and had spent the past few hours collecting icicles and shells for experiments she would later conduct in the relative privacy of her home in Ataiyo. And to top it off, she had caught a rare sighting of the flying rainbow fish–the mythical sea creature of legend that was said to be a boon to those on the sea. Too bad she wasn't a sailor, but it was an exciting thing nonetheless. Sadly there wasn't much else to do in the city, as she had finished her window shopping. She could try to visit the Ancense Ruins or try her luck in the Umbral Depths, but wasn't feeling up to it at the moment. She wanted something fun, something simple. Something without the adrenaline of danger. Not a bounty or job request from the Winking Mermaid though; she was a mage not an errand girl.Author: Alistar Evee, Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 9:10 PM, Post Subject: To Find A Stolen Relic. (Open)
Alistar was not always one for forgiveness. Sure, he may have been nice, he may have been kind. But, when someone takes something of his, he will not forgive them. He had been about the city, buying food and other items for him to survive. But, as he got back to his home outside the city, he noticed something……….off. He had prepared for after getting home to water his plants, and to clean his relic. A green stone that was known to help rejuvenate plants and help them grow to be more lively then normal plants. The relic usually covered the garden in a light green glow. But, as he got home the green glow was not there. Alistar sighed and made his way to the back of his garden, where he kept the stone. He thought that the stone had lost it's power and he would sadly have to get rid of it. But, as he got there, the stone was not there.We have 1763 registered users.
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