Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Himinn Pass > Tyr, City of the Damned > Goodnight Spirits [Solo]
Salene Coletta

Character Info
Name: Salene Coletta
Age: 10
Alignment: LN
Race: Half Elf, Half Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Unknown
Silver: 213
There was a little boat on the water very close to the shore of the Tyr Island. The boat was tied to a large rock that stood in front of the boat and hide it from the view of the island. A small girl looked over the large rock from the boat at the island. She could see two monstrous eyes staring back at her from the distance. It was one of those monsters that lived on the island. The girl could only see its eyes, claws, and the mouth. It had sharp claws and teeth. Fear filled the child’s eyes but the monster did not get any closer. She was off shore. Technically off the island. It couldn’t get to her. Still, Salene’s mind was frantic and panicking. She sank back into her little boat and wrapped her arms around her legs. There was nobody else to talk to but herself. She couldn’t keep all this emotion inside.

“What’s going to happen?” Salene said out loud to herself.

Her voice echoed around her, reminding her of her isolation. She had always assumed that she would have time. Salen had assumed she would be able to learn everything in time and expected to be able to grow older.

¨What’s going to happen?” She asked herself again, ¨Will I be alive tomorrow? What’s going to happen to me?”

Tears formed in her eyes in little droplets then fell to her hand. Doubts swarmed her mind as she could feel more and more tears fall onto her hands. Her breaths were heavy and she had to sniff a couple of times. The cold wind blew her hair into the air. Clouds covered the sky and blocked any sort of star or moon that Salene could have found comfort in. She was all alone. There wasn't anybody to talk to. Would she die here all alone? Forgotten by the rest of the world. Nobody out there was looking for her. Nobody out there cared. Salene clutched to a small blue stone that had been a gift from Chiang before she was murdered. Full out sobs broke from her mouth as she looked down at her feet. Her vision was blurred. Suddenly she heard a voice.

“You're going to be ok.” A woman's voice said. Salene looked up to see a slightly transparent Chiang.

was not wearing any armor but she had a sad smile upon her face and her hand was upon Salene's head. Suddenly more spirits came into view. They were the spirits that died during the shipwreck that got Salene here in the first place.

“That's what's going to happen.” All the spirits spoke together at once “Everything's ok. We're right here besides you. We won't let you slip away. Plan for tomorrow. We swear to you, you're going to be ok.”

Doubt was clear in Salene’s eyes. Chiang kneeled down in front of Salene.

“Now you need to say it.” She said, “In order to make it more true.”

Monsters were prowling every single night. Food was a struggle every moment. Every single day was a battle where the uphills seemed like mountains and the downhills seemed like cliffs to fall off of. Would she be trapped here for the rest of her life? Fighting a pointless battle for survival? All she wanted was some sort of escape. She looked to the sky and wished for wings so she could fly off of this blasted island.

“Say it Salene.” Chiang said.

The child let out a sigh. Then she finally decided to say it, even though she did not feel it was true in any sense of the word.

“I’m going to be ok.” Salene said shakily.


Why was this necessary?

“I’m going to be ok.” She said again only slightly more confidently.

She repeated this phrase several more times. Eventually Salene felt it would be at least true for tomorrow. She had survived an entire month on her own so far! There was no way that she would let these monster bastards take her down after being able to survive them so long. Salene held onto her anger and planned to use it as strength in the morning. A spirit wrapped one of Salene’s blankets around her then wrapped the second one around her feet.

“Thank you.” Salene said to the spirits.

They slowly began to fade away and head back to the sea where they had all died originally. Except for Chiang. Chiang sat next to Salene on the little boat and watched over for her as long as the spirit could.

“Why am I able to see you Chiang?” Salene asked.

Chiang smiled lightly then pointed to the girl’s hand that was still holding onto the blue stone.

“Look.” Chiang said. Salene opened her hand and noticed that the blue stone was glowing.

It was called a spectre labradorite.

“That is what allowed you to see us tonight.” Chiang explained.

Salene looked back up to Chiang.

“Please don’t leave me.” She said in a small voice.

Chiang looked sad but didn’t lose her smile.

“I will stay with you tonight.” Chiang promised.

Salene guessed that Chiang would have to return to wherever she came from. Her friend, and the closest person she considered family would have to leave her again. It was difficult the first time. In the morning it would be difficult again. For now, Salene would ignore this fact and instead enjoy the time she had left with Chiang.

“I missed you.” Salene said with a smile, “I’ve been doing good on the island so far. I did what you showed me with the fish and now I’m getting at least one fish a day. And I’ve been setting up traps for the monsters since I can’t fight them.”

“Good. You are very clever for setting up the traps.” Chiang said petting the girl’s head.

Salene couldn’t feel Chiang’s touch. So she imagined the warmth of the hand on her forehead even though it wasn’t there.

“You need to sleep.” Chiang told the child.

“If I do then you’ll be gone in the morning.” Salene replied.

Chiang didn’t say anything. Instead the woman began to hum and look out into the sea. The ocean’s waters were calm tonight and there wasn’t sign of a single ship. Not a sign of rescue or escape. Salene let a yawn escape her lips and her heavy eyelids began to close. She reached out her hand to Chiang.

“Don’t go.” She begged the woman before falling asleep.

In the morning Chiang would be gone. 

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