Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:30 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Though he somehow found himself hard pressed to believe her, he simply turned and walked away before she could even finish speaking with him.  Her usefulness had run its course…on to find this Vinsue Silvertail, whoever she was.  Protected by two deities?  That shouldn't be much of a problem…there was a way around everything, no matter how difficult.  With his natural persistence, he would find that way and get precisely what he desired, including getting this infernal ring off of him.

For now, he merely continued his walk towards Iria.  If he couldn't find anyone there to remove these seals, then he would travel to the Pirate Haven in Canelux via boat or airship.  How he wished he could simply just fly there…but everything in his life was made so much more complicated by this disgusting hindrance of a form.

He would deal with it no longer, that was certain.

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:40 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

"First of relax. The summence only works once. Than the ring will fall off and you will be freed. If i said the right hex. So i will only call you if i am in dire need. Second miss Silvertail is protected by two deitys since she got the curce in the first place. One her teacher in the electric arts and the other a friend that would do anything for her well being." She said with a smile, corse the sumence thing was a lie. She knew she used the lifetime hex and she had him for her life but he did not need to know that. And she was stating to get annoyed by his threats.

"Than again what do i care if you go to her on her turf and act all high and loose your chance to get your wings." She said with a yown. Than got up. Now she was tired and wanted to nap. A hex like that takes a lot of energy and storys also added to the tired thing. Now that he had the hex she had no need to worry for it is impossible to harm her by his hand. "Now if ya do not mind i will be in the rock sleepin." 

She flapped her wings a few times and got into the air before turning and grabbing onto a ledge and climbing in before letting her true form out and going to sleep.

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:32 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

The ring had an interesting story at seemed…but if it was truly a million years old according to Xunatar..Xunatar…where had he heard that name before…the God of Chaos and the Weaver of Lies, or so he had heard from acquaintances that he hadn't murdered in some gruesome fashion or another.  That would explain it, then.  How a hex could be a million years old when the world only truly began with Taifuin's glorious presence was beyond him.  

He would have begun laughing at the sheer absurdity of it if she hadn't had the audacity to ask him for his blood.  He scoffed and pouted as he sneered at her.  "You suggest that I do the SAME THING that nearly killed me centuries ago?  You're out of your mind."

However, it seemed that this wretched being wouldn't budge, and the wings she had sprouted gave a sense of urgency to her demand.  There'd be no information without his consent…but if her knowledge rang with truth, he would soon be rid of anything that bound him soon enough.  And this ring didn't seem to be cut of the same magical cloth as that necklace or the seal currently torturing him now.  It seemed far more benign…something that he was willing to live with.  

Using Ryushi's katana, he drew his own blood and squeezed it upon the ring, as it seemingly migrated straight to his right ring finger.  He managed a quiet sigh of relief as he realized that he had not been hindered in any way, able to feel the wind still caress his arm at his command.  She seemed to be speaking truth…and being summoned likely only once or twice to aid her was not anything he would mind as long as it led him back to his true form.  He cleaned his blade and sheathed it without incident as he listened to what Turas had to say.  Though he did not know of common Draconic, being born in the Spirit Realm rather than the real world, he could only surmise that "Gethrisj sone dout jaxo" was something exceptionally dirty.  He gave the little whelp a smile as he laughed.  "I will say what I wish to say to this Vinsue…she will do as I command.  I will make absolutely sure of it.  But I must also say…do not summon me for anything trivial, child.  I will aid you only when you truly need assistance.  Anything less than your life being threatened, and I will merely walk away.  Do we have an understanding?"

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:32 AM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

"Actually according to Xunatar it was forged in a anger and jealousy of a woman last breath as she died of heart break. The hex was suppose to be death but was mis said and all magic is stolen. Though the hex is over a million years old." She said as she put up the mell stone as she looked for a ring.

"Well to do the summoning bound i need a drop of your blood." She said than whaited for him to cut himself. Once blood showed she let a drop hit her sword and a drop hit the ring. As she started chanting in an ancient toung.  The ring placed itself on his finger as the cut healed itself. 

"You want to find Vinsue. She is often in pirate haven under the name of silvertail. That said she is not easy to track butloves moonlight bar. One other thing she is not as forgiveing as i to commands and only showes what she is given. So curse to curce and help to help. Also if you see her tell her turas sead gethrisj sone dout jaxo." She said as she sheathed her blade and stood up.

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:20 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

At first Taifuin thought it was another one of this damnable fool's petty tricks, when she took out the necklace that supposedly had cursed "the one that could help" him.  It stung to hear that she had managed to remove it rather quickly…and judging by the sense of dread and like energy resonating from the jewelry into his very, entrapped soul, it was beyond likely that Turas was telling the truth.  As she sprouted her draconic wings, it only seemed to further confirm his suspicion.  She was being honest; despite her childish ignorance and foolhardy arrogance, she had at least one admirable quality to spare him.

He looked down at his own sword as she began to sharpen hers, unsheathing it slowly as he ran a pale finger across the blade.  "I have a feeling that the necklace you hold was not sealed in blood as my curse was.  The man who….robbed me of my birthright…" he said, barely containing himself even after all these years as he spoke of his nemesis, "gave his life to enact a seal more powerful than seemingly any of the fools i have met know of.  If you believe this…person can help, then I will offer my services.  HOWEVER…." he said as he gave Turas a glare.  "If you lie to me in some fashion….be aware that the trust of this little contract will have been breached.  I will not fall for your impression of a cunning trap.  I will seek you out.  And I will take great relish in tearing you limb from limb."

Hesitantly he offered a hand, the whitened skin almost gleaming in the pouring rain as a lightning bolt struck close enough to nearly deafen them with the sound of thunder.  "Place your summoning mark upon me or whatever have you.  Then talk."

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:54 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

"Well its up to ya to except or decline. A sumence is not something i need just like i said you got nothing i want but i do have a story."

She said enjoying the anger he was showing. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a hexed necklace. "This was once on the neck of the one that could help you. It is known to block the magic of the one that puts it on. All that where it must die to remove it until she got it. And unlike you that has had your seal and magic she got it off in less than a year." She pocketedit the necklace for she had other things she needed it for. Than grabed her mill stone and katana. She started sharpening it as she continued.

"She spent years after studying ways to preventing and removing such things to keep it from ever happening to her again. Now we got a deal or not. Its growing late and i have better things to do." She smiled as black Dragon wings slowly appeared on her back. The blue stripes glowing bright with the energy that still ran through her from the lighting. She tested the sharpness of the blade and started sharpening the blade again. 

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:57 AM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Taifuin was literally shaking in anger at this point, and wanted nothing more than to remove this witch's head from her body at his earliest possible convenience.  However, she promised information and assistance in his time of need.  He could not afford to lose such a promising lead, not now.  

"Your…"insight" is correct.  But I will not accept your offer without collateral…I demand some form of either knowing you are not deceiving me…or something more material.  I will leave it up to you to make the offer…but know this.  There is not much I want other than what I am asking for.  Make it count or be forgotten in the winds of fate…as you will be, without an ally as powerful as I."

He locked eyes with her; he was indeed dead serious about every word he meant.  He would honor any contract that it took to get his form back, but he would not do so recklessly.  He had waited for centuries…but he would not willfully give himself to servitude without incredibly good reason.

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:32 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

"Do all old Dragons endup losing there scales to some disabling force for making some man mad?" She said struggleing not to laugh. Fully composing herself she looked at ths sword as he has sheathed. 

"So the guy that bound you was killed and you kept hs sword do to the anger for him or cause of its power. Power you would miss without it?" She said as she sat down.

"I know someone that can help but i will take nothing less than a sumence for the information you need. See i have no need for you but if i do than i can simply call for you." An i owe you that if cashed in means the other will transport to the one in need and whatever is needed will be asked. And she knew her mom did the same and usually does not cash it in but nothing is better than having powerfull things in debt to you.

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:37 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Though it was an immense challenge for him to do so at this point, he quietly waited and listened to her disgustingly irreverent response.  It seemed she had very little concern for her family; it was something he couldn't quite empathize with, as he had none to speak of as far as he knew.  But generally people seemed very afraid to have their family harmed…this was an interesting exception to the rule.

She then continued, continuing to refer to him by her little pet name.  A part of his mind wanted to accept the name as a rather cute moniker.  

He quickly killed that part of his mind as soon as it reared its head.

But regardless, she still possessed somewhat of an insight into his condition it seemed.  Perhaps now was a time for blatant honesty.  Though if she thought he was revealing a weakness by explaining it, she would find herself sorely mistaken.

"It in fact does, little worm of annoyance.  My draconic form has been sealed with the assistance of the very sword I now wield.  Thus, I seek the seal to be removed as quickly as possible."  He would then sheath his blade, his hair and robes billowing in the stormy wind.  "But I would not advise pressing any sort of perceived advantage…this sword is capable of far worse than what I have thus far demonstrated, my child."  He smiled, a grin as wild and untamed as the wind he was born from.  "Though, I would perhaps consider aiding you in return for your assistance in this matter…be grateful I am offering you as such, most do not receive such benevolent courtesy."

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:00 AM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Being hit by the cold wind from the mans katana only sent her out of his reatch. She had landed softly on her own feet before laughing. "Killing my family would have no effect on me, not that you could kill them, both skilled and both friends of the deitys"

She sheathed her blade and leaned agenst the rock. "You came and asked my magic abilities. Now you know i am a storm weaver like you. And a strong challenge at that. Perhaps we could help eather one day. But i must ask, Taily, why is it you want to know of my power? Is it to do with your katana and lack of scales?" She said now that she knew more about the guy. She was still ready to pull her katana and fight if threatened but had has her laugh and was now satisfied with her fun and what she now knew if the guy.

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:45 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

This was a tricky little snot to deal with indeed.  It was certainly annoying when people refused to neither flee or fight him, but do some odd mixture in between…regardless, he would not be dissuaded from his goal.  Turas, the so-called "nightmare to all travelers," was about to have a nightmare of her own.

Just as he was ready to make his move around the rock to strike, he heard an explosion; one that he could tell by its slight offness was not the clapping of thunder.  He turned in its direction just in time to see large shards and pieces of a boulder flying in his direction.  Now, it seemed, he would have to reveal the secret to regaining his power after all these years of focus and training.

With a furious yell, Taifuin slashed the sword that both bound him and bound to him, its runes still glowing a soft blue in the darkness of the storm, as a gust of powerful wind was summoned from the combination of his unconquerable will, the magic of the blade, and the air already displaced by his powerful swing.  It blustered forth and met the rocks head on, knocking them back with ease as he once again laughed.  "More, MORE!  Test my mettle…and fear my power!"

Much to his delight, he heard another large rock explode in his general vicinity, and reacted quickly.  This time, he displayed his agility instead of his raw strength, leaping diagonally backwards from the trajectory of the rock shards.

Suddenly, he caught the silhouette of Turas jumping out towards him, clearly attempting to go for his sword while he was distracted.  What kind of foolish creature was she, willing to lay her hands on a blade almost as sharp as his own brilliant mind?  Regardless, she would be punished as he swung towards her.  Even if she dodged, a blast of cold, magic-infused air would slam into her, sending her flying backwards with dizzying force as he readied himself.

He would listen to her cute little retort as he once again attempted to ignore it…but it was near impossible at this point.  He simply had to defend himself.

"Gnnnghk!…perhaps you are correct…there is nothing for you to take from me but my life.  But believe me when I say…there's oh so much more I can take from you…I don't merely kill the fools who stand in my way…no…they see their families burnt and rent asunder before them, and their bodies broken in twain!  YOU WILL BEG FOR YOUR DEMISE!"

He sat in a ready position with his katana, taking what could only be considered a beautifully masterful stance with practiced ease.  "Any words other than "I submit"…will be severely punished, brat…"

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:00 AM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Turas was not avoiding the fight but using her wits against a worthwhile opponent. An opponent she just upset on a personal level. And by experience she knew that the personal level upped a mans game if it did not anger them into a blind rampage. She almost laughed at being called a scared little one. She was young but in no way scared.

Let this work she thought before looking at some boulders not far away. She focised a field of static around the rocks and uped its charge untell it exploded. Sharp pieces of the rock flew in all directions. Her hiding place the only thing keeping her from getting hit and cut by the flying rocks. 

"Ha." She said than cursed that she gave away her spot. She did not think she could actually do her moms trick and was happily surprised. She moved and looked at a different rock before repeating. Once the rock exploded she jumped out from behind the rock and lunged at Taily with all intentions of taking the blade from his hand and tossing it far away from him. "Two things first i would need to at least have the intonation of taking your stuff before i could be considered a thief, and Taily you have nothing worth taking from a defenceless child. Second I bow to none and would never beg especially to some human with species issues." Her footing was light and her stance flawless as she was now ready for a dance between katanas. 

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Mon Oct 9, 2017 12:22 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Taifuin grew tired of these verbal games.  Despite her pitiful attempts to insult him, the insult concerning his dragon-hood stung him exceptionally deep, whether he wanted to admit it or not.  His eyes squinted and his teeth clenched in anger, even as their swords remained locked…a perhaps fitting representation of their mutual unwillingness to back down, and how close they were at being at each other's throats.  

"You will regret your insolence!" Taifuin - now Taily to this upstart - yelled, as he withdrew his blade from the lock, preparing to leap forward and strike.  However, a bolt of lightning crashed down in between them, hiding Turas from view long enough for her to flee and leave an illusion in her place.  It was soon revealed as nothing more as a mirage, however, as Taifuin closed the distance between them in but fractions of a second and sliced the afterimage in twain as it dissipated into the rain-filled air.  She had managed to fool him somewhat, and he could no longer detect precisely where she was.  But this only made him more determined than ever to teach her a lesson.

He composed himself…Taily…truly he was dealing with some sort of child whose mother hadn't raised her properly, in his mind.  If she had even an inkling of who he was he would be receiving a lot more respect.  "Hmmph…some fearsome creature you are, little one.  Afraid to come out and face me now that you've witnessed a mere portion of the power I possess!?"  He would walk slowly towards the rock, realizing it was the only thing close enough in this flat, wind-torn landscape that she could be hiding behind.  However, he would make no move to go behind it, not just yet.  He would, in his infinite mercy and kindness, give her one final chance to retract her insubordinate actions.  "Come now…I will spare you your pitiful existence…if you fall to your knees before me and beg forgiveness, you putrid thief!"

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Mon Oct 9, 2017 1:29 AM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

 "was that growl a laugh? Wow looks like your out of practice." She expected it and was not surprised in the slightest but now she can say she worned him. Everyone knew not to mess with a silvertail or be left without coin and a new scar. 

As his hand moved hers did to. With matched speed her katana was outstretched touching his. The electric shock was not immediately expected but again only charged her. So the special katana was what kept him from fearing her. Now that, that was funny.

"Dragon" she laughed. Her laugh was true and actually sounded human and smooth unlike his chuckleing growl. "No offense Taily, but you are not a dragon. You lack well it is easier to say what you have. And you have nothing in common with a scaley but pride. Also i am not a pirate." 

A flash of lighting hit and she hid and replaced herself with an illusion. One that would not be seen through eassy. She may be stubborn but she is not stupid. He seems like he could fight and she did not want cut quite yet.

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Sun Oct 8, 2017 7:20 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Oh my.  What an impressive set of self-accolades.

Is what his brain tried to tell himself before he burst out laughing, the resulting, growling chortle a mix between true amusement and raw condescension.  What did she hope to accomplish with such pitiful qualifications?  But at the very least, her attempt at seeming intimidating was rather funny.  Funny enough that he wouldn't lop off her over-confident mouth just yet.  Though, perhaps she would better understand her place by elucidating to her whom exactly she was dealing with.  Her deliberate avoidance of his question had not gone unnoticed after all, and he would get what he want regardless of how high and mighty this…Silvertail was.  An odd name for a tailless creature…but there was certainly more to her than met the eye, he would give her that.

Taifuin lowered his head as he composed himself, sighing contentedly as he grinned widely under the cover of his pitch black hair.  "Your confidence in the face of death humors me.  But allow me to explain, oh mighty highwaywoman, offspring of filth and pond scum, why a common knave like you could never threaten me!"

His hand was on his sword faster than a blink, drawing it with incredible grace as the metal of Ryushi's spell-forged katana rang in glorious harmony with the rhythm of the falling rain.  He was far enough away that the woman was obviously in no immediate danger, but close enough to witness the spectacle of the power he had worked so hard to regain during the past 500 years of his existence.  He held the Atoiyan artifact aloft just in time for a lightning strike to hit the blade with all of its power, whilst the resulting thunderclap ripped through both of their their bodies with the shock of a thousand battering rams.  Runes etched into the katana, formerly invisible, now glowed hot white in the aftermath as he continued holding it above him.

"I am Taifuin…Scourge of the Howling Plains, Terror of Nisshoki, and Dragon Ruler of Storms!" he announced with pride and gusto, another clap of thunder accentuating the final title with almost too-perfect timing.  He continued to smile as he held his weapon out in front of himself now, the flat of the blade facing them both as the rain that struck it evaporated on contact.  "I assure you…you cannot intimidate me.  Now.  Answer my query.  Or be cut down where you stand, ignoble pirate!"

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sun Oct 8, 2017 5:21 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Turas looked the man in the eyes a dead set challenge to the young Dragon. If the commands where not reason enough to rip out the mans voice box the eye lock and threat was. She was not going to answer his question with anything of use but first she would be polite enough to let him know who he was talking to.

"Who are you to threaten me, the offspring of sky and earth. Doubter of the infamous Silvertail, most wanted in all of pirate haven. Me the most feared by all caravans and nightmare to all travelers." Her tone unwavering and full of pride. She was carfull not to give an actual name or answer his question. 

Truthfully she wanted him to try to take her down. She was curious what would happen to the man if he made contact with her. She would so laugh if he punched her and whent flying. Her arms where crossed in a well-known state of defiance. That said she was more than ready to dodge an atack and fight back.

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Sun Oct 8, 2017 11:07 AM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

"NOW," the impatient dragon urged as it seemed the object of his interest seemed to enjoy taking its sweet time descending from its perch on the rock.   He was willing to spare its life for not coming to attention in a satisfactory time, however; if it was skilled in the ways of sealing, it would be folly to end it so rashly.  Not that he wasn't beyond some other forms of…slightly-less-than-lethal coercion, to put it lightly.

As the living lightning rod finally reached the path, a figure cloaked and crackling with the energy of the storm it was happily absorbing, Taifuin realized he was dealing with a female human by the looks of it.  His yellowed, reptilian eyes met hers of brown, taking in her face and the strange accents of blue streaking through the hair of hers that was visible underneath her hood.  If he was anywhere else he might have mistaken her for a common mage of some sort.  But at the very least, she held some sort of gift for storm magic that hopefully translated to other, more useful avenues as well.

However, whatever interest he had in her abilities didn't translate into any concern for Turas herself.  Nor did he quite understand that despite his own skills and fearsome glare, he wasn't nearly as intimidating as he once was.  "I require your services, whelp.  Speak of what prowess in magic you have and be spared my wrath," he said curtly, making no aggressive motions just yet.  He had found in his years of training and surviving in the human world that the mere threat of violence could move conversations along splendidly fast.  Whether his conversational partner wisely buckled to his will or foolishly took him up on his offer…ultimately, all ended the same way.  He got what he wanted.

As he would now.

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sat Oct 7, 2017 11:06 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Turas-adhair looked down at the newcomer. He demanded her to come down at once like he was some big shot. She looked back over the land and put up her hood. She had no master and was not thrilled at being commanded by what appears to be a human. She to was in her human skin so she desided to let him think her to be a young woman. She climed down to the path but she took her time. 

"And who might you be to make such an request to a person like me. And what do you want." She asked a bit of annoyance in her voice. 

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Sat Oct 7, 2017 7:05 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

As Taifuin plodded through the soggy, barren plains, his golden eyes flicked upwards from the path and to the left to find a strange sight awaiting him.  It was someone simply standing on a boulder out in the potential killing field that was this storm-ridden land, seemingly in some sort of meditative state.  Even the lightning striking it with the force of a thousand forge hammers didn't seem to leave a mark.  His eyebrows perked upwards slightly…this was certainly someone of interest.  Anyone who could  take the full force of a lightning bolt slamming into their body multiple times over while barely flinching was strong.  Strong enough, perhaps, to remove the wretched seal that still defined his existence. 

The wandering swordsman drew nearer, pushing some of his soaken wet hair out of his face to get a better look at whatever this thing was…could it be a mage?  An elemental in humanoid form?  Or perhaps merely some trick to draw a weary, travelling soul into a trap?  Whatever it was, Taifuin would take the risk.  True form or no, no one intimidated a dragon of his caliber.

"You there," he called out, a commanding growl behind his voice as he looked upwards to the robed creature, a look between a grimace and a slight smirk on his pallid, draconian face.  "I demand your presence at once!"

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sat Oct 7, 2017 1:10 AM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

Lightning was her mothers element and her sister was already formiler with her plant element. Maybe she was the weaker of the two. Than again mom was almost 200 when she got her element but there was not much she could say about dad. 

Turas stood on top of a rock. Her hood down revelling her strate black hair and its blue highlights. Her robe and hair wiping in the wind. Her eyes closed as she thought of her past and all that angered her. The storm only calmed her and dissolved the anger. She felt at home but it was sad that she could not yet yelled that power. 

Every once in a while the lighting would strike her and dance pn her skin before dissapearing. With each jolt she felt more alive. But it to faided. 

Author: Taifuin, Posted: Fri Oct 6, 2017 12:13 PM, Post Subject: Draconic Fury

A solitary figure traversed the highlands of Railoch with uncharacteristic confidence amongst the crashing of thunder and the striking of lightning. He seemed entirely unperturbed by it, walking slowly and with purpose in a southeasterly direction. The pounding rain that soaked his clothing deterred him not, and the hellish thunderbolts that found their way to the ground from the thick mass of grey clouds above seemed to arc away from him just far enough to prevent the black-haired man from getting injured. 

An observer might not know it…but Taifuin was home here.  It was a bittersweet home, reminding him of what he had lost, inspiring anguish and anger within him.  But it was a comforting place nonetheless.

He was on his way to the Republic of Iria; though he had spent the vast majority of the last five hundred years being weaker than a hatchling, he felt he had regrown his connection to his natural magical power (as well as his new, even deadlier connection to the blade of his nemesis) enough to challenge the Mage's College.  He needed one of them to remove the seal on him entirely…the seal on his back, hidden beneath his black tunic, that seemed to ache with longing as he was once again among his natural element.  But he knew that wouldn't happen without some sort of a well-picked fight.  Humans were ever incorrigible, it seemed, when forced to bow down to their rightful ruler.  

But for now, he took the moment to enjoy his version of peace and quiet; with the rain pounding against his pale skin, the wind battering his form, and the flashes and sounds of lightning tearing across the sky, he felt an uncharacteristic happiness begin to overtake him.  This was where he had always belonged, he wagered.  It was a shame he was cooped up in Ataiyo for so long merely trying to survive in his human prison and work at conjuring a simple gust of wind.

He tapped the hilt of the blade at his side…the blade of the man that sealed him.  If only Ryushi could see him now, defying his fate, actively working to cast aside the bonds that had broken his spirit for so long…what he wouldn't give to see a crestfallen look dominate that war-hardened face.  But such concerns were childish.  He had to press on now, fueled by his desire to regain his true strength.  Even as the wind and rain carressed his soul, begging him to stay and rest a while, he had to keep moving.

He could return when he had the power to command this raging storm, rather than merely walk through it.

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