Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Himinn Pass > Railoch > Delusions of Grandeur (P, R)
Izzey Ius

Character Info
Name: Izzey Ius
Age: 26
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: ArchMage
Silver: 2173
The black sky violently thundered and roared, as if it harbored a kind of severe hatred and bitterness towards all human kind. Lightening struck relentlessly, wherever, whenever, and whomever it pleased, without consequence. In this midst of this noisy chaos, an abnormal black dot would suddenly appear about fifteen feet above the ground. The black dot expanded into one, large, black ring revealing a reflection of a city on the inside; the city of Adeluna. Out of the portal, suddenly would fall out two figures. There came a startled, "Whoooe!!" as the mage fell out the air, whirling her arms about, upon immediately realizing how far the portal had throw her from the ground, followed by a loud splash. The splash caused an abundant amount of water to disperse across the area, as she was greeted by her large puddle on the ground. She lied there motionlessly for a few seconds, before moaning a bit as she slowly rolled over within the puddle, her hair and clothes now completely soaked in water and dirt immediately upon arrival.

It took her some time to get up, and she'd stumbled a bit upon making it to her feet. Yet, her enthusiasm and inner-fire had clearly not been ceased. "Behold!" The water soaked mage exclaimed, her words rather muffled by the great thundering and sound of beating rain around her, "Our victory is here!"
Almost immediately after the statement, a roaring bolt of lightening struck the ground about twenty feet away from the duo, causing a few pieces of rock to break and scatter, which caused the mage to anxiously flinch in momentary surprise. Indeed, Izzey had informed the mercenary of travelling to a land in search of magic, riches, and glory. Yet what she had not informed him of, was quite exactly where that land would be. For the agreeing mercenary, would not find himself not just only a few days away from the capital of Adeluna, neither only a few weeks; In fact, he would not even find himself on the same continent, but in fact on an entirely separate and foreign continent. Wherever he had made his previously made his abode in this realm, he was surely far from it now. The woman had brought him to a land of great danger, mystery, and as she had promised…reward.
Albrecht Krieger

Character Info
Name: Albrecht Krieger
Age: 31
Alignment: TG
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Fencer/Mercenary
Silver: 305
Albrecht was suddenly not pleased with his situation.  Wading out of a pond was not the sort of thing he wanted to be stuck doing straight out the other end of a magic sky sphincter.  He shook his head, scattering his damp hair to clear his eyes.  "Couldn't you have put us somewhere other than the fifth circle of the underworld?" he vented before reigning in his temper.

Panning his view, the swordsman asked, "Where to now?" Albrecht was not familiar with the area and had no idea where anything was.  Hopefully, they could find a place to camp and dry off, at least a little. He did not relish the thought of tromping around in soggy shoes…

Another bolt came down and the man jerked. "Gah…!" Turning around, he saw a scorched patch of ground barely twelve feet away. "Yeah, can we get to cover sometime soon?"
Izzey Ius

Character Info
Name: Izzey Ius
Age: 26
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: ArchMage
Silver: 2173
"In the filth circle, we are not Great King Albrecht!" The mage replied, "The greatest treasure trove mankind has ever 'not' known, is where we stand!" At the earth shattering sound of another lightening bolt nearby, Izzey anxiously flinched again, and this time opted to begin a quick dash for cover under a overhanging rock nearby. "To refuge we go!" She exclaimed in the midst of her run, not even checking to see if the mercenary was behind her or not, but seeming more concerned with her own immediate safety.

Upon reaching the destination, she pressed her back against the wall lying underneath the overhanging rock, in order to insure the utmost covering and protection. Her clothes and hair completely soaked and dripping water, she moved her right hand in order to wipe the water from her face, and then slicked her soaking hair back, in order to see more clearly. She then would begin digging through her satchel, pulling out various scrolls papers and scrolls. Holding up one scroll in particular, she stared at it for a few seconds, biting her bottom lip in obvious disappointment, as water dripped from it. Most of the papers and scrolls she'd pulled out the satchel were either wet or completely soaked. Continuing to dig through her satchel, she would eventually find what she was looking for; the map she'd displayed at the tavern. Remarkably, although wet in certain places, it was not completely soaked like the majority of her other items.
Carefully unfolding and spreading the map's contents out across the ground, she'd then search through her pile of wet papers and scrolls she'd placed on the ground from her satchel; slightly opening a few of them, in order to briefly check their contents inside, before moving onto another paper or scroll to do the same. Eventually, after varies paper and scroll checkings, she would pause at one paper in particular upon opening it, and remove it from the wet pile, in order to completely unfold it's contents next to the map.
It was another map, yet of a different kind. Though much more wet than the previous map, it also seemed to be much less aged and worn. Upon it's unfolding, larger text at the top of the newer map would reveal the words, 'Parvpora'. The older map, appeared to be an entire world map, while the newer map seemed to be a continental map. The continent map also had various additionally drawn circlings and lists added to it, however, these drawings and circles were much less intricate and well detailed than the previous world map. In fact, they looked rather unorganized and aimless, creating a sort of drawn turmoil throughout the map's contents. This writing looked more like something the mage might've personally done herself, in comparison to the first map. With various "Hmm,"'s and chin rubs, the mage began to diligently examine both of the map's contents. 
Albrecht Krieger

Character Info
Name: Albrecht Krieger
Age: 31
Alignment: TG
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Fencer/Mercenary
Silver: 305
It did not take much urging for Albrecht to take cover with the daft mage.  The overhang not only shielded them from lightning but also the furiously pelting rain.  Slinging his pack down, he sat as he slipped off his overly damp shoes.  His socks were soaked through as well and they found themselves removed and stuffed back into his bag.  He elected not to waste another pair as he slipped his shoes back on.

He gave a scan of the area around them: given the amount of rain, he would have expected this place to be a lush garden.  Instead, all around he saw death and barrenness. It took Albrecht some time to place where they were, as he had never been here before but he had heard stories of the area. A land of only rain, where the sun never rose.

Turning back to his companion, the mercenary noticed the girl looking over her maps. Sidling close, he peered over Izzey's shoulder. Pointing to the map, he said, "We're here, in Railoch, right?" Gesturing to some of the notations on the smaller map. "We're looking for one of these places, right?" Truthfully, he could not make heads or tails of what he assumed was the mage's writing. Hopefully, she could…
Izzey Ius

Character Info
Name: Izzey Ius
Age: 26
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: ArchMage
Silver: 2173
At the first statement from the mercenary, Izzey's face shifted into a pleased smirk "Indeed, in Railoch, we are! The greatest treasure trove of hidden secrets, magic, and riches! They await ever so patiently for our unraveling, we are their highly esteemed guest!" She replied rather enthusiastically, looking back at the mercenary, with widened and sparkling eyes of excitement.

At the mercenary's second gesture and statement, Izzey turned her attention back towards the map, rubbing her chin again, as she examined the indicated area, seeming to be in deep thought. She remained silent for quite some time, a rather serious expression on her face, before she eventually provided another reply. "Long ago, even the simple minded understood the concept of reverence. Yet, the foolish and haughty hearts of this generation have become completely oblivious to such concepts. Observe, for example, how they encamp our prize with great haughtiness! But lo, the irony of it all, is they encamp that which is not even theirs! For the place was long in existence before they even set foot in this world, even long before their great great grandmother left the wound of their mother!" She spoke rather zealously and impassioned. "Greedy and haughty souls they are, greedy and haughty souls, hindering the claim of our prize; the inheritance of your Kingship, the renown of my legend! Our ancestors mourn at such tragedy!" All the while, during this impassioned speech, she had been gesturing to the city of Gobethio, within Railoch. Sliding her finger from Gobethio, to another circled location on the map in Railoch, she would indicate another area. Next to the area, was a description, which, written in less than noble handwriting, read, 'Big Giants'. The handwriting looked somewhat child look, making it difficult to take seriously. "To here we go." She continued rather with her rather serious tone, as if she were making battle strategy for war. "For the greedy and haughty simpletons are the gatekeepers, requiring bargains, and we are victims them."
Albrecht Krieger

Character Info
Name: Albrecht Krieger
Age: 31
Alignment: TG
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Fencer/Mercenary
Silver: 305
Albrecht pinched his nose. The girl's flamboyant speech and mannerisms were starting to grate on his nerves. He could not let that bother him now, though. She had promised him a king's ransom. Or at least, he assumed that is what she promised; it was starting to get difficult to tell.

Looking at the map once more, he fit the pieces of their route together. "So, first we make our way to the city, Goebethio?" Glancing up, he looked toward the direction of the city before saying, "From there we will have to head toward out prize, where we will have to contend with…'big giants'?" After a seconds pause, Albrecht ventured a suggestion: "Golems?"

After getting his bearings, the mercenary took up his pack once more. "Since this rain has no intention of letting up any time soon, we should get going." Thinking of leading the pair, Albrecht recognised how little he knew of the ancient servants he had heard inhabitted this area. "Izzey, how would one fight a golem if one were attacked? What are their strengths and weaknesses?" While there was no guarantee she would know, it was a better chance than going in blind. He wondered if the his weapons even had a chance against a golem…
Izzey Ius

Character Info
Name: Izzey Ius
Age: 26
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: ArchMage
Silver: 2173
Providing a military salute to the mercenary, the mage showed her nonverbal approval of his statement.

As the mercenary began to gather his things, Izzey intuitively did the same, folding the maps and gathering her wet belongings back into her satchel. In the midst of his inquiry, she delayed answering until she had completely gathered all of her belongings. Afterwards, she turned to face the man, before performing the odd gesture of suddenly raising her index finger in front of his face while staring at him. The gesture seemed as if the woman had a mind to show him something of interest, or some form of abnormality on her finger, yet there was nothing there of interest that could be seen or found.
The index finger would eventually move downward, towards the pommel of the man's sword. Placed her fingernail against the pommel, she tapped against it a few times, causing the metal to sound off against lightly against her fingernail. "Not with this.." She eventually spoke with a nonchalant expression, before raising her hand back in front of the the mercenary's face again, this time displaying a palm, opened upwards. Above her palm, began to emit an unusual, glowing white aura of some sort, gradually extending and becoming brighter. A crackling sound could be heard as it slowly extended and grew brighter, similar to the sound of fire molding something in a furnace.
From first impressions, it could have easily seemed as though the mage's madness had finally reached its peaked, and she had a mind to cast an offensive spell of some sort on her very own companion. However, eventually, the mage would prove to still have a form of sanity left within herself, after the glowing white object finished constructing itself together, revealing itself to be a rather large, glowing hammer, constructed of shining silver material of some sort. The quality silver was so perfect, and without the slightest blemish, that one could even see their very own reflection against it, as clear as like looking in a mirror. "With this.." She continued, holding the unnatural weapon's form in midair for a few seconds.
The display of it's awesome glory would be short seen, however, as she closed her palm, immediately causing the weapon and all traces of it to completely disappear from sight, as if it had never even existed in the first place. Through this action, she was implying to the mercenary, in her own way, that normal swords were useless and would break, and therefore golem armor needed to be cracked and broken with a hammer first.
Albrecht Krieger

Character Info
Name: Albrecht Krieger
Age: 31
Alignment: TG
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Fencer/Mercenary
Silver: 305
Albrecht's eyes had been looked on mage's finger the entire time she was communicating. Clearly, swords would not work against a golem. From his best guess, the synthetic creatures were crafted from something hard and unyielding. Blades would do little if anything at all.

Then came the spell weaving. He had no expectation of danger as he saw the sommoned light fashion itself into the crude form of a mallet. "Hammers then. Good; maybe I can pick up something in town." Sadly, the mercenary regretted not bringing his poleaxe but there was no way to retrieve such a weapon now.

Having gained all the information he needed for the time being, he continued on. As the city came into view, Albrecht began to compile a list of things they needed to buy: cloaks for the rain, hammer or mace for himself, perhaps a change of clothes and food…There were quite a few things that had to be sorted quickly before heading out. "If there is anything else you think we might need, let me know," he advised.
Izzey Ius

Character Info
Name: Izzey Ius
Age: 26
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: ArchMage
Silver: 2173
As the two began to make their approach closer towards the city, it's great lights could be seen illuminating the morbid darkness of the land, like a beacon of hope in a land only filled with gloom. The was a city far ahead of it's time, sporting conveniences unimaginable by the people in this current era. Various magical conduits towered the skies, both harnessing the power of the violent thunders, and also protecting it's residents from it's wrath. Odd machinery sped throughout the city, transporting large crowds from one destination to another, while great multitudes roamed throughout the streets of the city. It was as if everything that still managed to breathe within Railoch's deadly environment, were all gathered to this one place. Large buildings that stood strong against the violent thunderstorms and beating rain, seeming completely impervious to erosion, greatly illuminated the skies with their bright beauty, each light consisting of various colors. The city was truly something to marvel. Outside the city's outskirts, could be seen various research tents and canopies, protecting ambitious researchers and archaeologist from the never-ending onslaught rain. Men dug and mined the grounds, carefully examining their various findings. Various meetings and discussions within the tents and canopies could be seen and heard, as men pointed at various map locations across the table, and gave directions.

At the mercenary's advising, the orange haired mage suddenly walked ahead of the man. She had patiently been following behind his lead, without causing too much trouble or rukas throughout their journey across Railoch, yet now she seemed to have gained another sudden impulse to carry out yet another one of her ambitious endevours. "Dwarves!" She exclaimed in her now hurried walk towards the entrance of the city. "We need a dwarf!" She continued, causing various researches and archaeologist on the cities outskirts to momentarily stop their work, in order to observe the woman's spontaneous antics, as well as the mercenary closely behind her. "Buy quickly King Albrecht!" She requested. "We need a dwarf!"
Albrecht Krieger

Character Info
Name: Albrecht Krieger
Age: 31
Alignment: TG
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Fencer/Mercenary
Silver: 305
The first thing Albrecht needed was a cloak. Likely something of hide or wool. So he stopped at a tailor. Over the door was a gaudy sign with a needle and thread. Though an eyesore, it was clear what the shop was selling. Wordlessly, the mercenary slung a long wool cloak over his shoulders: it was dyed a dark green, a color to match his jack. Adding some more socks to his purchase, he approached the clerk.

The woman, apparently a halfling woman smiled as she looked over the items. "Wise choices all, though late." So, she had noticed his stat of saturation. The man could only shrug in response. "I suppose that can't be helped now. That will be thirty crescents." After a brief exchange, Albrecht was able to cut the price in half, a compromise that left both parties feigning indignation.

Next came the weaponsmith, a pair of stocky men with an automated hammer in the back. The fencer picked up a lightweight flanged mace. A few test swings gave him a quick sense of the weapons balance. Decent. Another bout of bargaining saw the fighter leave the forge with a long handled footman's mace propped against his shoulder.

Now it was time to find Izzey. Hopefully, she had found their dwarf. Now maybe she could explain what they specifically needed a dwarf for…

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