Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 7:56 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

(Apologies for the long gap)

Vis thought fast and went to turn and run off, but he stopped suddenly putting a hand to his face sighing he was still acting like the Deceased Lord and running off to find your own murderer would be a unsmart decision, alas he looked over the hall at all the talking rich folk some murmuring about how the Lord of the house did amazing work with the entertainment and tricking the assassin, he then glanced at the maid and butler giving them a reassuring smile as they both walked to the kitchens to continue acting as normal and to keep all the needs in check for the guests.

Viserys bowed in front of Lady d'Carlo offering his hand to her and whisking her off to the dance floor, he had learned to dance for this type of thing from his mother before he was taken into slavery sure he was still rusty from years of no use but he kept up to the young lady movements while also sending smirks at the Attendant, "Miss d'Carlo, you must forgive me for my eager position but I heard from sources your dancing is as elegant as the storm itself" he smiled down at her, "And I must say even lit up by the faint light of ballroom does no chance of designing your features" he raised her hand kissing it politely.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:32 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

She looked at the note. "How convenient, the killer left something behind. Almost too convenient." Glossing over the words, she handed it back to him. "The words don't matter. It could easily have been staged and planted on his person. If we were to try to search according to the mentioned hints in the text we'd just waste time. However they still made the mistake of leaving something for us." Beneath her mask she smirked to herself. While the man in the Plague Doctor mask had given the 'clue' over, she had the opportunity to pick up on any traces of a life signature that still lingered on it. It was faint, but a damning thread that told her who had been in contact with it. Ruling out Cedric's signature, there were two more–one was that of Lord Barclay and another unknown. 

She focused her aura sight and began to scan the area, looking out into the crowds and into the nearby rooms. Strong emotion, anything out of place would show up like a bloodstain on a white linen sheet. "…There's someone loitering in the balcony on the second floor. Above and to the left of the ballroom where the gala's being held. And there happens to be another figure by them-self on the right side of the manor. I can't tell what room it is, but it should be accessible from the outside." She let the other two decide where they wanted to search first. To her spreading out would allow them to cover more ground, and all of them were more than capable of keeping their own heads attached to their bodies. "Wherever you decide to go is up to you. I'll be staying in the ballroom for now." Regardless of the turn of events, her foremost priority was Lady d'Carlo. 

Author: Nyromix, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:20 AM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Cedric heard the declaration of the false murder, but it felt so real, he needed to find out what was going on. He looked at the wound… the murder was indeed done in panic, but what could be so harmless about a man that was the owner of a medicine company or something along those lines. These questions circled his head, he did not pay attention to the ruse and he examined carefully, he searched Barclay's corpse and saw a note…..

Barclay, your medical research must cease, for they are delving far too deep into the dark magics, and we cannot allow that happening. If you do not stop, I will personally see to it that you get a present that you can share with the other guests….

No signature, it was too cryptic to start looking for clues, but he needed to find out what was happening, and fast, for everyone's life depended on it.
He walked out, note in hand, he went back to the gardens, looking out to the city, perhaps it would help him think about the case at hand, he then remembered the key word, "dark magics" they were somewhat involved in dark magic. Who could use dark magic so well? He did not know, he walked over to the masked bodyguard and handed her the note

"I don't know what it means, but it might be our first clue, if not, our only clue."

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:54 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

It was then that someone came out wearing the Marquis' mask, declaring that the murder was that of a decoy and all was well. Shiloh didn't buy it for a second. The life signature was different. That was unmistakable. But of course, they had to put on a show to make the crowd complacent enough so they would panic and start fighting. This wouldn't last forever though. While everyone relaxed and returned to the ballroom, Shiloh lingered. She could easily hide her expressions and actions with the costume, but seeing as she didn't have any leads the only thing she could do now was to resume her job as an attendant. Lady Marissa would still require protection, and neither of the investigators knew what common thread linked the two victims. When the show was done, the guardsman asked if she wanted to dance. 

"I've no time nor mind for dancing. If I were here under different circumstances I'd do one to keep up the ruse, but as of now doing so would have the opposite effect. Lady d'Carlo is not to know my identity at all costs." She had come here under the illusion her bodyguard was a man, and Shiloh intended to keep it that way–for as long as possible. She had made Lord d'Carlo swear to keep it secret, so she wasn't leaking it either. "The cutthroat will strike again, I know it. Especially now you've given them the peace of mind that all is well and no one is aware." As she continued her duties, she kept mulling over the details of the two murders in mind. Lecarde was a trader, Barclay was the head of a large medical institution. They weren't close friends, and weren't related by family or business as far as she knew. The way they died differed greatly as well. The Marquis was brutalized, while Lord Barclay was dispatched swiftly. And then there was the poison…

They were targeting important people, when they were alone. The Marquis would have been fairly easy if they knew the layout of his house. Lord Barclay must have went off on his own. However the most frustrating thing was how many possible places there were to look, and how disconnected the two incidents were. If there was more than one person acting on the same motive tonight, it would be difficult to prevent a third casualty. That sort of thing really ground her gears. Not because she cared about the victims, but because she couldn't pin down who was responsible right away. The only thing she had was her senses and aura sight. But even then she couldn't scope out the entire manor. 

"Who would have the greatest to gain by the passing of both men? And why?" Those were the questions that needed an answer.

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:24 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Viserys walked back to the main hall where all the rich citizens stood to bicker between themselves like wild animals, he hated this but it's the best chance to even get a brief idea of whos guilty of these hideous crimes, as he walked up to the stage where Leakthon stood looking at him with an eager smile holding out the mask of the deceased Count Marquis Lecarde, as Vis took the mask scratching the dried blood off the surface and putting it on the count leant over whispering "Practice the fake laugh they love that stuff" with a sigh Vis nodded taking to the stage sucking in his dignity and looking out across the crowd.

The clap was loud and echoed across the room gaining the attention of the room watching guards take position on the doors, Vis fake laughed echoed marvellously across the room mimicking the Deceased Count's "I'm sorry to all worry you about my whereabouts but alas I knew there would be a so called assassin!" he bowed allowing his arms to go over the top with emotion "But my decoy worked perfectly don't you think, For Today The Assassin Has Failed!" he let the end of the sentence drag on before smiling across the crowd glancing at their faces for emotion of guilt of suspicion, "So with that shall we get this Gala restarted?" raising his hands in the air the music starts back up and plates of food are brought out by Millie and Arnold with quick steps and tired expressions on them.

Vis took his step down from the stage, sighing before greeting a few Count's and ladies and having them congratulate him on such a clever plan, with a glance he looked at the Attendant and with a smirk walked over offering a hand to her "You seem to not have a dance this night of storm? may I be the first" letting a fake laugh carry the end of the sentence to her.
The clap was loud and echoed across the whole r

Author: Cymbel, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:27 AM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Many of the guests were starting to leave, but the guardsmen kept everyone from exiting the grounds. Everyone was being inspected, and others were searching the estate of the late Marquis to see if there were any who were not accounted for outside in the gardens. Cymbel himself was questioned, and he did his best to answer cooperatively. He was left alone once they determined he couldn't be a suspect. Everyone was told to stay in the group in the gardens. The only ones who were allowed to leave were the staff. The tall, masked figure who had turned him onto his head left to search the inside of the manor with a guardsman with a commanding presence. Now the only thing left to do was wait. 

The grim reminder of the man dangling from a lamp post reinforced the notion that the situation was dire indeed. Some of the armed men hired for protection brought the unconscious man down and began searching him for anything which would identify who he was affiliated with and if he had anything else on his person which was dangerous. Traces of the powder he had laced the punch were found in his right sleeve, and an array of concealed weapons and darts. He was taken into custody of the guards and as to be detained until further notice in Gobethio's prison.

People were starting to protest. Many were of high rank and status, infuriated at being considered criminals or for having their rights infringed upon. Nobody was happy with the current state of affairs, but there wasn't much else they could do to help. A balding man with a beard and an odd smile took their complaints in stride. Soon they couldn't argue with him, so they either sat seething in silence or went to voice their grievances elsewhere. Hopefully it would all be over soon.

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:45 AM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Viserys walked into the restroom looking at the Attendant, "The weapon used looks panicked like the killer had no choice but to use it, maybe the host did something the killer didn't expect. Perhaps a crime of passion hence the extra wounds to the body" he began to check out the body of the new victim reaching into pockets and checking wounds with a small knife and walking over to a sink to wash his hands.

"I'm guessing you noticed how the body is relaxed like he knew the killer? plus the lack of blood from the typical wound would be far greater so I'm saying he's been moved here" he'd drys his hands looking at the door "Almost like the Killer knew both victims, but had different emotions sets towards them" Vis walked to the door opening it for the Attendant with a smirk "But since you already figured that out, which room do you want to check out first, Masked Lady?"

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:07 AM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Of course the killer was still at large. Shiloh resisted the urge to make a remark calling the beaked-mask man 'Mr. Obvious' but decided it wasn't worth the effort. The first murder of the night was the host himself, and she went to investigate the body to give a quick glance-over. Burn marks, stab wounds, and the candle stand impaled through the torso. There wasn't much she could do about determining the source of the scorch marks, but there were two possibilities to her. The first was Marquis Lecarde suffered the slashes and scorching before being impaled, the second was he was stabbed first and then the other wounds were done shortly after. Either was probable. The guardsman was here too, so she left to let him perform more extensive study on the body.

There was mention of someone in the bathroom who wasn't responding or leaving. Shiloh made that her next stop and went right in. Breaking the lock on the stall door it swung open, revealing a grisly sight. There was a greying man dressed in red silk robes without a mask, and a crossbow bolt sticking out of his chest. Backing away, she gave a high pitched whistle signalling for people to come to the room. At the dining hall a porter rushed over from the direction of the bathroom crying: "Lord Barclay's been shot in the restroom!" Another murder had revealed itself. 

Lord Barclay's body showed no other signs of wounding and almost no stiffness in the muscles. He was likely killed without resistance. Scanning the area with aura sight, she found no one nearby. Whoever they were chasing, they worked quickly and knew what they were doing. Now her worry was that this wasn't the place he had been killed, and that he had been brought from another location. When the others arrived she stepped aside to let them look at the lord's corpse. 

Lord Barclay ran the largest hospital and medical guild in the city. People working under him were working on new breakthroughs in medicine, with creating machines and apparatuses powered by the storms above. His family originally were in the metallurgy business, so the change to medicine was unexpected. Now their forges were tuned to making equipment than weapons and armor. He was the firstborn of his house, with two married sisters which were two to three years his junior. His wife had passed away a decade ago leaving them without any children. At the moment he was said to be courting the daughter of a politician and they were not yet engaged. There wasn't any obvious connection to the Marquis as far as she knew. Sure they would have known each other as members of high society tended to rub elbows with newcomers, but they weren't particularly close.

Author: Nyromix, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:37 AM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Amidst the chaos, Cedric stood on top of a chandelier, looking over everyone in the gala, there were multiple assassins, he quickly turned into a bunch of feathers flying around in the air, and he jumped down and ran to the hallway that led to the Marquis' room, he entered the room and he investigated the body, quick stabs and slashes with scorch marks, the Marquis was known to use fire magic, perhaps the magic had backfired on him, allowing the assassin to get the last strike.

Just then, the maids entered the room again, and asked what Cedric was doing. "Investigating the body, scorch marks and stab wounds, there was a violent struggle as stab wounds were deep and the slashes on his body were not fatal. The scorch marks also suggest that he tried to use magic to fight back, but the assassin overpowered him anyway"

Cedric walked out of the room and addressed the masked lady that the killer is still out there. He quickly realizes something, since the Marquis' body and the room was soaked in blood, the killer would probably be too, he quickly dashed to the bathroom, locked, he kicked the door open. Someone was in a stall. He quickly grew suspicious, but he just walked out of the bathroom, watching it closely, for the first person to come out was the one he was to interrogate. But no one came out, odd.

He walked back to the man scolding him earlier and told him "Someone is in the bathroom, I'm not sure what he's doing in there, but he's certainly not going number 2."
Just then, the maids entered the room again, and asked what Cedric was doing. "Investigating the body, scorch marks and stab wounds, there was a violent struggle as stab wounds were deep and the slashes on his body were not fatal. The scorch marks also suggest that he tried to use magic to fight back, but the assassin overpowered him anyway"Cedric walked out of the room and addressed the masked lady that the killer is still out there. He quickly realizes something, since the Marquis' body and the room was soaked in blood, the killer would probably be too, he quickly dashed to the bathroom, locked, he kicked the door open. Someone was in a stall. He quickly grew suspicious, but he just walked out of the bathroom, watching it closely, for the first person to come out was the one he was to interrogate. But no one came out
, odd.He walked back to the man scolding him earlier and told him "Someone is in the bathroom, I'm not sure what he's doing in there, but he's certainly not going number 2."Cedric leaned against a wall, his mask held tight onto his face. 
Cedric leaned against a wall, his mask held tight onto his face. 

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:55 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Viserys knew he wouldn't get the attention of the large rich crowd who most likely thought him a poor citizen, knowing this he went up to Leakthon whispering "I need them all to stay calm and stay here for questioning by the guard" Leakthon nodded kindly and stood up on top of the stairs speaking loudly "Ladies and Gentleman I'm saddened to hear of the Hosts passing but I must insist you all stay here till the guards arrive for your protection" he let out his famous fake chuckle before giving a wide smirk to Vis.

Vis, while the speech was going on, went up to Arnold and Mille with a saddened look on his face "I'm afraid I must ask you to take me to the crime scene it might help find if the killer is still here or has fled the scene, I know it must be hard since he seemed like a good Lord but for the safety of your friends help me" he finished with a smile trying to act as caring as possible before signaling to the other guards protecting Leakthon to keep close to him, with some distasteful comments about how he's only been here a day or that he's not their boss the Guards followed his orders growing closer to the Count with hands on their weapons.

Author: Cymbel, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:39 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Things were getting even more heated after he had been knocked out. First a chase for an assassin then the declaration of a murder. The host of the gala had been killed during the festivities, and everyone was scared. It seemed some people were handling the situation, but there was tension and worry in the air. Were they safe? Could they believe that everything was alright? 

When Viserys approached Millie who was streaming tears down her face, her hands were shaking visibly. People crowded around, some out of interest while others out of concern. She stammered, ragged breaths punctuating her speech. "It was terrible…oh gods there was so much blood!" Breathing in and out she put a hand to her chest as she recounted the moment that she discovered the body. "I-I was finishing up the second round of appetizers when I heard something loud crash. The noise sounded like it came from the dining room. Fearing that something had toppled over I went to look and found…" She was hyperventilating again, and was about to pass out. The other male servant who had also announced the death of the Marquis brought a bottle of smelling salts and held it under her nose until she came back. "Take it easy Millie, here." The man gave her a rolled towel which she began wringing out of stress. "Thank you Arnold… W-well, it was a horrible scene. The dining room was set as usual but at the seat of the table was Marquis Lecarde, slumped over with the end of a candle stand sticking out of his chest."

There was a murmur from the crowd as she concluded her confession. Cymbel couldn't help but shiver. Impaled through…what a horrible way to die, bleeding out like that.

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:57 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Vis slid over next to the Masked Lady and muttered "Stand up straight, your job isn't done yet" as soon as he finished Vis slid back to the count whispering the plan he conjured up "Sir, The body could lead to clues who the Assassins Partner is, should I check?", with a nod, the count replied, "Be safe Sellsword, Remember you are only human" with a nod Viserys started to push through the crowd towards the crowd getting tugged and pulled with questions of rich people asking what happened.

Muttering under his breath "I regret not having a mask" before reaching the maid in question and kneeling down in front of her holding a hand out "For the sake of your master, Tell me everything that happened"  he smiled warmly helping the maid up gently ignoring the gaggle of questions being thrown at him by the rest of rich folk around them, "You don't have to worry, see I have no mask, I'm just a normal Work hand like you".

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:35 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

The explosions and spells made her think that the assassin had a cohort, but she focused on the one in the red mask. Eventually he was caught, but they were taking too long with handling and simply tried tying him up. She didn't answer to the unmasked guardsman right away. First she went to the would-be-assassin, and grabbed his face yanking off the mask. Throwing it behind her, she then pressed her palm forcefully onto the man's head and he began to writhe and scream. She then quickly pulled her hand back, as if ripping something invisible from him and the man's eyes glazed over. He then slumped on the floor. Wisps of darkness that had been emanating from her hand vanished as soon as they had appeared. She hadn't noticed in the chase, but a few of the spells had managed to damage her mask and visible cracks were present.

Feeling her 'face' she noted the damage and removed it. She wiped her hand on her face finding fresh blood but no wound. That might have just healed when she ripped out the darkness from the assassin. Crossing her arms she scowled at Viserys. "Swapping the food and drinks was a basic precaution. Would you rather everyone fall into mass hysteria and panic, allowing the culprit to escape in the chaos just like he wanted? Sure, I could have warned everyone. But if I wanted to catch someone I wouldn't tell them I was going to do it." She was more upset that she couldn't give the culprit a kick in the gut for trying to throw her off earlier. She kept an eye on the bound man in case he tried to escape. Taking the curtain pull cord the man was tied with, she proceeded to string him up from a lamp post with the help of her grappling hook, leaving him dangling there for all to see. That satisfied her, so she put her damaged mask back on and straightened her costume. 

As if on cue, the curious guests began coming outside to the scene, including Lady d'Carlo. There was much whispering and exclamation at the damage and the man hanging in plain sight. "Heavens, what is that? Is that a man hanging from the light post?" "It's a red mask! The mark of the Red Death!" "Does that mean the murderer has been caught?" "Good riddance! Rubbish like that has no place in society!" Things were starting to die down when there was a loud scream. A maid burst out from the door of the dining hall white as a sheet. She collapsed onto the floor shaking and was crying. Immediately the crowd's attention was drawn to her as one of the other servants tried to talk to her.

"Millie what's wrong? What's happened?" "L-Lecarde! Marquis Lecarde, in the dining room he's–"  Another servant came and said something that made the entire crowd fall completely silent: "The Marquis is dead!"

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:39 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Vis jogs up quickly acting on the actions of the strange man "Instead of just standing and talking why aren't you tying him up?" with deft hands Viserys takes down a Curtains pull cord using it has a makeshift rope to bind the Assassins hands, turning back round to look at the new suited man "Are you crazy, throwing around those crystals could of gotten someone seriously hurt, even worse hurt the person nearest which would of been the Lady's Attendant" Viserys continues on his rant listing all the dangers and finishing on one final note "What would have happened if he was a mage too Hmm? if he deflected your magic right back at you?" scolding the young man almost as a Father or Mother tells off a young offspring.

Viserys stands to look at the young lady who was still wearing her mask, "And now all the drink and food swapping makes sense, you knew the Assassin would strike tonight but you did not think it worthy enough to warn everyone?" he raised his eyebrow physically annoyed at the actions of both of them, "You made my Job twice as hard as it could have been today and both of you put Lives on the line to catch a petty Assassin that we already foiled the plan of"

Author: Nyromix, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:23 AM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Cedric carefully looked around, carefully studying each guest. He was to pull this plan off or not be seen ever again. He was dressed sharply, his beaked mask cut in half to blend in with the other guests, his concealed blade in his sleeve, he started walking towards the table food, the gala was bound to get messy, and he was there to make sure no one starts tearing each other's faces off. Then, some unmasked person started chasing off for someone, he walked toward to where the man was going. He carefully glided along the crowd, gone.

He saw a woman chasing a man in a red mask! He dashed toward them, chasing after the people, he dashed toward a bush in the garden, he quickly stood up and threw a fireball, to be stopped by a falling statue, the fireball, upon contact with the statue, exploded and made way. He dashed toward the man and did the same thing, he shot off lightning crystals in the man's path and he dropped a pillar, he passed a woman in armor and he stopped dead in his tracks, his veins started glowing.

The man quickly sent another explosion toward Cedric and he was sent toppling. He stood up, but the explosion made him weak, but he still needed to fight, he teleported right next to the man and attempted stab him in the back. The man stopped Cedric's hand and he sent him toward the pillar, Cedric sent an explosion in front of the man, sending him toward the electric crystals, the man was stopped in the pillar. Cedric walked toward the woman. "What happened?" he asked, "I'll let you decide what happens to him, but I'll watch you closely. I gotta go tell everyone that everything is fine." Cedric walked toward the event and he shouted "Okay, everything is FINE! Carry on with the party!"

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:36 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Just her luck, the guests made it hard for her to follow closely and the masked man disappeared around the bend of a corridor past the pillars. It was then she saw the odd guest she had noticed earlier, with the goat mask in his hands. She went in for the kill. As she charged he began pleading but there was no stopping her as she took hold of him and proceeded to suplex the man. As soon as he was out cold, his appearance reverted into a person dressed in Ataiyan garb and she realized her mistake. That rotten scoundrel had ditched his disguise in an attempt to throw her off. But he had made a mistake–now there were less people in her way so he wouldn't be able to keep running forever. Gritting her teeth in anger she drew her sword and began dashing full-speed after Viserys. 

"Mark my words, as soon as I get you I'll make you regret waking up this morning." She hissed between her teeth. Viserys had a head start on her, and he could see the culprit ducking left and right. He made a sharp turn and when Viserys followed he would see the man's coat on the ground. He was shedding his disguise he had used to infiltrate the event like a bird molting its feathers.

Shiloh took to the rooftops and began going after the assassin tracking him down by his aura. Just when the figure thought he had lost Viserys, he caught sight of her clambering down the roof tiles and bolted again. He was in a new outfit, this one with a dark grey cloak and leather armor with a hood pulled up. As they ran through the gardens around the estate the powered lights shone on him, revealing a red skull-shaped mask on his reflection in the water. The mark of the Red Death. Whether this person was a hired sword merely imitating the rumors or the very one himself didn't matter. She wasn't going to let him get away again. Seeing that she wasn't relenting, the masked man began throwing spells as he fled. Explosions of fire and lightning echoed in the quiet evening air as the cat was chasing the rat. Passing by a statue he blew up the base, sending it toppling down. The pathway to the other part of the gardens was now blocked off, and there was no way she could move it. To deter her even more, the shrubbery around the fallen statue caught ablaze and began to burn brightly.

"Why you little–" Shiloh seethed, looking around for any way around the obstacle. It was then she caught sight of the lamp posts. This gave her an idea…

The next moments she was scaling up the light post, and with a grappling hook she flung herself using momentum over the wall. The time it had taken her to do so would be enough for Viserys to catch up with her and see her sail over the stonework.  

Author: Cymbel, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:18 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Cymbel was busy watching the other guests when a man without a mask bumped into him and passed by. Not thinking much of it, he saw a goat-like mask on the floor. Picking up he inspected it. Odd, did someone lose their mask? He was still confused as to what was going on and was about to ask when another person, this one in a full-face mask and black clothes was approaching him. It seemed they were following the first man, so they probably knew what was going on. "Excuse me, but pray tell–is something the matter-" It was then that said person rammed into him dead on, and grasped him around the waist. Panic immediately set in as he began to get an inkling as to what was happening. "Wait–let me explain! It's not what it looks like! This is all just a great misunderstandi–"

In the next second the world was flipped upside down as he was thrown and was promptly knocked unconscious when his head hit the floor. His glamour spell failed in an instant, and the person dropped him when the magic dissipated. Grabbing the mask from him, the figure in the black tricorn hat began running at full speed in the direction Viserys had gone. He wasn't sure how long he had been out, but he regained consciousness when the guests were starting to become anxious. It was then he heard that an attempted murder had taken place, and two people had chased after a suspicious man. Suddenly everything made sense, and he shivered at the thought of almost being mistaken for the culprit. He had to leave this place posthaste.

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:36 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

He spent a few minutes taking note to the gossip and talking to the other guards about any suspicious behaviour going through a list of tasks he must partake before repeating them, before looking at the banquet table noticing the strange horned masked man make his way to the punch, wondering how he avoided detection from him so long Vis started to walk towards the man.

Viserys saw the Horned mask man throw the drink and was already shouting behind him "Count make sure no guests drink that punch, Now!" Leakthon didn't have time to argue the sudden shout from his guard as Vis pumped a simple spell of strength he learnt from a Veteran Gladiator into his Legs allowing him to push through the crowd at high speeds accidentally nudging the new guest making eye contact with him as he passed before pushing on round the corner after the Assassin.

A few shouts of displeasure from other guests as Vis caught sight of the Horned mask, what he wasn't expecting was the Attendant taking chase to the target, why was he chasing the criminal he had done the job of protecting Count so why did he want to protect some Rich folk that didn't even give him time of day. "It's over, Criminal!" he shouted drawing his Falchion out and pumping more of his limited energy into his legs. He didn't care about the fact they were rich he cared about the fact someone would just kill Innocent people for no reason what so ever.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:13 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

The gossip about the gala's enigmatic host was plentiful. "My word, this is quite a ball isn't it? I'd say it rivals the Moonlight Concert of Duke Barclay from last Venti." "Oh indeed! The chandeliers are a lovely touch, I wonder how much he paid to have it made? The Marquis Lecarde has always been a rather private man as of late." The rumors fluttered and slithered like birds and snakes through the air, and bits of information circulated. The hospitable Marquis was a man of wealth, but he had worked to build his fortune rather than being born into it. He ran a successful venture in trading and transportation across the continents. Karith and Baltil were his major places where he drew income. Aside from that not much about his personal life was mentioned. He was not married, he had no children. He patronized the arts and public works. The typical philanthropist who had tired of wanton revelry and debauchery. His staff were paid well, and he was generous.

To Shiloh, these were just the voices of flies buzzing in her ears. Utterly useless to her. While Lady Marissa began speaking with an older friend of hers who had made her debut last year, it was the perfect time to check their surroundings. So far she had found nothing, but it was highly likely that whoever was planning the foul deed was being careful. It was then she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. A guest she hadn't seen before entered the room. No one else noticed, but she knew the mask wasn't the same as any she had seen earlier today. The people here were petty, thus it was unforgivable if two people wore the same thing to such an event. However this made identification a breeze. The man took a glass of champagne but didn't drink, and wasn't eating anything. A likely suspect, but no evidence for now.

There was no way she would make any progress like this. She had to use her last resort. Beneath her ivory mask she closed her eyes, and opened her aura sight. The room became an empty space with various life signatures. To narrow down her focus, she looked for any that were negative or held clear ill-intent. There were a few slights from the servants bustling to and fro. Discontent from being treated like dogs by the guests probably. But then she felt it. That cold blackness from a corner of the ballroom. It was near the table of mixed wine. Opening her eyes she located the source–a man in a horned goat mask. He was easy to miss, and if she had used only her five senses she would have missed him entirely. He looked like he was scooping a ladle of punch, but she noticed something slip out of his sleeve into the bowl. Powder.

With Lady Marissa currently preoccupied, she began striding towards the goat-horned man. He must have seen her, for his next movement all but confirmed her guess. Once she was within a meter from him, he turned and 'accidentally' splashed his drink into her face before making haste to leave. Her mask protected her eyes, but the minor delay was enough for him to get a head start on escaping. Like a wolf after a deer taking flight, she broke into a run chasing after him. The hunt was on. 

Author: Cymbel, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:49 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

"Place the orchids over here. No to the left! Not that way, my left!" Cymbel bowed and began apologizing profusely as he moved the flower arrangement to where the austere-looking madam with a black domino mask was pointing. He was regretting every second of being here. The Amakusa Flower Shop had received a rather large order for exotic flowers, Blue Moon orchids and tiger lilies with yellow spider lilies. He was the newest employee there, and was sent to ensure the flowers made it to their intended destination without any damages. This was his first time seeing Gobethio, even though he had lived not too far away from it for the past few centuries. The constant storms made the Himinn Pass a treacherous place. 

The atmosphere for the gala was familiar to him, but what he definitely was not used to was the sharp orders from their buyer's staff. Finally placing the flowers exactly how the woman wanted it, he held his breath as she nodded in haughty approval and turned on her heel to leave. When she was out of sight he exhaled. That shrill tone of hers almost brought back unpleasant memories. Memories of things he had known for every day of his life. His job was now done, as he had delivered the floral arrangement as promised. The payment for them had been done beforehand, so there was nothing else for him to do here.

With no one else around, he decided to take a look at the festivities. With a blink of an eye, his features and clothing had changed to resemble an average party-goer. This new false appearance bore a mask that covered the entire face resembling a visage made of plaster with a faux silver colombina mask created with paint. A dark violet embroidered coat with gilded threading and gloves completed the illusion. His silver hair became a dark black, and he slipped into the crowd without anyone noticing. It truly was an extravagant affair. Crystal chandeliers, fixtures made of colored glass, and exotic delicacies. He kept to himself however, and used the same magic that crafted his disguise to lower the other attendee's awareness of his presence.

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:43 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

His fellow bodyguards glared at him as he wandered around glancing at food and the decorations, but never leaving line of sight of the old Count,he manoeuvred through the crowds taking in the masks and slowly passing the Lady and her attendant with a glance, a subtle look that he mastered while in the pits of the arena, even the quiet gossip was easily heard over the music played elegantly.

"This is simply a game" the Count said looking at Vis with a knowing look "One that Requires great fore thought and intelligence, From the looks of your tactics it seems your quite well versed in this" he let out a laugh Vis hadn't heard before a real one with his chest heaving in and out "Shame your upbringing was so sour, wasn't it", Vis stayed quiet keeping his eyes on the crowd, "The Attendant seems to swap all the food and drinks with new ones to protect the Lady, I suggest you keep to the items that aren't offered to you Count" Leakthon nodded with a smile "Ahh so the Guard speaks, you are always ever so quiet, for the Advice I will keep it in mind. But remember Viserys this is a party" he took a wine of a plate a sipped it proudly like a game of Russian roulette being played with his life and he was the winner this round.

Vis finding the Golden Beaked man a more interesting figure followed his movements making sure the Count was still in Vision, he leant on a pillar acting to be admiring the music while listening to Gossip about Mysterious Lecarde.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:08 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Shiloh stepped forward as soon as the man with greying hair approached Lady d'Carlo. Marissa gave a press of her hand and motioned that it was alright. She gave a curtsy as her gown billowed like a silken cloud. "Good evening Count Leakthon, what a lovely night it is. The moons are almost shining through the storm clouds tonight. This person beside me is my new attendant hired by my father for the gala." Marissa gave a smile from beneath her half-mask. Shiloh was thankful that hers concealed her entire face. It allowed her to hide her gaze when observing this 'Count Leakthon' and his movements. If only Sir d'Carlo had given her more information on what she should be looking out for, that would've made her job much easier. She noticed one of the Count's men breaking off to go elsewhere. It was more like he was meandering about, looking and watching. His face was uncovered which made reading him simpler, and she couldn't sense anything wrong about him. Time to move on.

When the music paused and everyone in the hall became quiet, she noticed there was someone coming in. It was a man with a golden beaked half-mask with a variety of exotic bird's feathers adorning his right arm. "Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for coming to tonight's masquerade. I, Marquis Lecarde, hope the servants have given you a proper welcome. Now, let us begin with the first dance." The man clapped his hands and the orchestra began with a lively number. The lights dimmed and the guests began to pair up to dance on the ballroom floor. When a few young men approached Marissa, they quickly backed out under the pressure of Shiloh's imposing presence. Marissa turned and motioned to her again, and she gave a nod before stepping aside. She still watched Lady d'Carlo like a hawk from her place by a pillar, and it was noticeable that anyone who took a turn dancing with the young woman began to stiffen after the first few minutes. It was like the aura of a gargoyle glowering down from above.

The first dance concluded and things had gone smoothly. She stayed at a distance from Marissa, taking her hint from last time. However as soon as a servant tried to offer her anything, Shiloh was right behind them and took it in the lady's stead. She had to play the part of an attendant after all. All this time she had not spoken a single word to keep up the ruse. As soon as whoever who had offered a drink to Marissa wasn't looking, Shiloh would swap it out for a different glass of the same thing. The hours passed on as she was essentially the girl's shadow. Focusing in the midst of so many voices and faces was straining her eyes and ears. Maybe Lord d'Carlo's suspicions were unfounded. She hadn't seen any suspicious activity so far…

Shiloh's 'attentiveness' to her charge as escort was not overlooked by the other guests. A few were whispering in their little groups, stealing glances at her every now and then. They must've thought they were out of range, but unfortunately for them she could hear every snippet of gossip and chatter from their mouths. This was going to be a long night. 

Author: sircrumpet, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:41 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

He stood politely using his forefinger to tug at the suits tight fitting neckwear, glancing at his boss for the night, a well-dressed man with whiskers grey like the moon lacking hair on his skull. Count Leakthon as Vis remembered the conversation that was short a brief, Leakthon explaining he needed a few men to guard him against a mysterious man and how he was a travelling Merchant selling fine silks and had the money to pay for their services.

Leakthon was now talking allowing his golden monocle to jump about on his Vest coat when he bellowed his fake laugh Vis had grown accustomed to over the short period of the trip here, but attention was drawn away from the laugh as the doors opened again showing the Countess and her guest walk through the door into the quiet room filled with whispers and gossiping. Vis sighed into the air, this wasn't a place that a man like him shouldn't even see in his lifetime more set on earning a living through hunting creatures or a Sellsword. Alas, the Count moved through the crowd like a shark tasting blood in the water the guards followed on his heel towards the Lady Marissa as Leakthon beckoned loudly "Young Lady Marissa d'Carlo, It's such a pleasure to make your acceptance" allowing his frail body to bend over into a bow.

Vis was confused on why such royal act to the girl he hadn't even heard of the dress wearing girl or her friend and decided to keep busy with checking out the other guests for anything suspicious or people trying to hide from his obvious glares.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:38 PM, Post Subject: City of Lights [O]

Gobethio, the Unwavering City. The most reliable and safe way to enter from the outside is by airship, but by no means free from danger. The sky is an never-ending maelstrom of lightning and thunder, as the bolts strike the earth with unbridled fury. Yet somehow, this city is here. If Baltil was the pinnacle of the forge and mechanisms, Gobethio is the example of power harnessed and bent to the will of people. It's an entirely different world here. The buildings are similar to Adeluna, but everything moves on its own and is powered by the storms. And the most striking difference is how even the night is aglow. 

There's a gala being held tonight in one of the more affluent parts of the city. All the people from the upper crust are attendees and the theme is a masquerade ball. What's someone like me doing here, you ask? Well it's simple. Somebody has to make sure no one kicks the bucket from underhanded foul play. There are a lot of powerful families here, and just like everywhere else they'll use any means possible to get rid of those they don't like. I was hired as an escort for a man's daughter. She'll be making her first debut in the social circles of the city and it's my job to make sure she's alright. And thanks to the frivolities of the idle rich, I'll be able to blend in with everyone else without a hitch. Lots of the guests present are dressed as characters from fairy tales and plays, so I'll be going dressed the same way. Before I left with my employer's daughter in a carriage, he warned me of a rumor of an assassin who had been leaving their mark in the form of a red skull wherever they went. It was well-known among the guilds and businesses, and the locals nicknamed it the 'Mark of the Red Death'. There's a high possibility someone like that will show up uninvited to a party like this. Hopefully it never rears its head.

The clock chimed six as dusk was setting in. Shiloh had stepped out of the powered carriage with her employer's daughter–the young lady Marissa d'Carlo. The young miss was dressed in an opulent gown made of white silk and gossamer, with sequins of crystal and pearls sewn in. Her mask concealed the upper half of her face and was pale as moonstone. An ornate array of hairpins and jewels held a long headdress trailing down her back meant to simulate long flowing tresses. She was going as a princess, in all her finery. Shiloh was dressed much differently. Taller than Miss d'Carlo, she was dressed in a black tricorn hat with matching black gloves and cape. Her mask concealed her face entirely, however it fit comfortably enough and was designed so she could still talk, eat, and drink without having to remove it. It was stark white, and resembled an exaggeration of a male face. Beneath the costume lent to her for her work she wore her armor to further conceal her identity.

Miss d'Carlo wasn't aware of who her father had hired to act as her bodyguard, which was one of the terms Shiloh had insisted on before accepting the offer. Thus it was assumed she had a male escort and no one thought otherwise. Taking the young lady's hand she walked with Marissa up the steps to the glittering hall where the gala was being held. There were light fixtures hanging from the ceilings made of metal and pieces of crystal. They shimmered and sparkled as the lights powered by the region's never-ending storm lit them up like glowing clusters of grapes. The inside of the room was as bright as noon with all the lamps and fixtures. The smooth marble floors were occupied by guests, tables of the gala's spread, and servants tending to the party-goers' every whims. With everyone, even the servers in costume, it was like a tale taken straight out of a novel. The orchestra players created ambiance with their instruments.

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