Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Tue Feb 6, 2018 10:10 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She followed him with her own small smirk. She couldn't help but think it felt so strange to be fighting and traveling alongside one of the deities. She pushed the thoughts away with a small shake of her head, regardless this was going to be an amazing story, one children would especially love to hear. She listened carefully as they moved, looking over whenever she thought she heard something different.

She softly chuckled and looked back towards him. "I've done many things, some stupid and those that nearly cost me my life. I think one of the most terrifying things I've done is gone into a orc's camp to claim back some treasures that belonged to a village. When I went there, I thought the orc was going to be asleep and that it was gonna be an easy job. But I underestimated it and narrowly escaped with my life.  But, I did manage to bring back some of the town's treasures." She shivered at the memory, though it was a good story, it was too close of a call.

She looked over the area of dead grass as well. She lightly frowned and knelt down beside it to get a somewhat closer view of it. "Definitely interesting." She murmured to herself.

Author: Naota, Posted: Fri Dec 8, 2017 9:21 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He smirked when she readily drew her bow and nodded once, sharply, to her words, “We can definitely handle it. Let’s go!” With that, two white orbs appeared around his hands. Light wisped from them like smoke and trailed around their bodies to leave a thin layer of protection before he moved around the wall and more into the open. It was quiet, that kind of quiet where it felt practiced, and he knew that they weren’t the only ones there. His eyes swept from side to side as they ventured through, stopping every so often to inspect a piece, but so far not pocketing anything,

“So tell me,” He said as he knelt down and ran his light covered fingers through a metal shell that closely resembled a torso, “What’s the most terrifying thing you’ve ever done?” Being a traveler and storyteller like she was, she had to have seen her fair share of things, despite her youth. There didn’t seem to be anything of use other than what could possibly be the casing of a power source. Just in case, he moved it into his satchel and stood back up, dusting his hands off on his pants.

“No matter how old I get I still find things that make my back straighten faster.” It wasn’t often that he was afraid per se, his mind preferred to find a solution rather than linger, but that didn’t mean he didn’t hold a healthy respect for anyone or anything that could cause harm or be considered a threat. He kept walking, both fascinated and disturbed at how little lightning was striking in the ruins now. The old myth of lightning not striking the same place twice was discredited, but he couldn’t figure out why this patch was more dead in comparison to the open space around it.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Fri Nov 3, 2017 10:06 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She softly chuckled and called back, "I've been through enough to keep myself going!" She ran after him, easily keeping up. She swung her hair away from her face and kept low, just in case and for her own safety. The thunder and lightening made her on edge a little bit, but she didn't want to show that she was nervous. She wanted to keep going and help in any way she could.

She ran after him again, lightly nodding as she heard him call. She started to slow down and stuck by his side. She looked over at him, and got her bow free. She lightly nodded again and replied, "I'm ready whenever you are ready to go. Its gonna be pretty tough, but I think we can handle it!" She gave a small smile before looking straight ahead.

Author: Naota, Posted: Sun Oct 8, 2017 7:04 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

They were over half way there when the closest strike came: it was only ten feet to his left and he laughed as he pushed on faster. The next one would be even closer still, and he’d try to dive into it if he could, but he had to wait and be patient even as he ran, “I like your spirit!” He called out to her, “We should meet up again after all of this is said and done!” He was always drawn to those that weren’t afraid of a little danger and out for adventure. The ruins of the city came closer and closer and he felt the air around him thicken. Another strike was coming.

Not wanting to miss it, he quickly ran forward, following that surge, and pulled the second egg from his satchel just in time for the lightning to strike. His feet spread apart and he held the egg above his head, letting the strike run in at the top and all the way through. It spread out along his body, and while the egg absorbed most of it, he still felt the rush of power and electricity run through him. His white markings shone brilliantly with their boost of power as well as his body working to keep him safe, and he laughed when the strike was done.

Looking down at the egg, he smiled wider from the small veins of lightning that still passed along it before it was completely cooled down. That was two down, one more to go, though he doubted he’d get another strike any time soon. He instantly continued on with his sprint, feeling more rejuvenated from that surge, “Nearly there!” When at last he arrived it was to one of the many dilapidated buildings. His chest rose and fell quickly as he caught his breath, though he hadn’t stopped smiling as he looked through a crack in the stone to the streets of the city.

Discarded limbs and other useless parts of the mechanical golems littered the streets along with debris. They would be interesting to look at, but he doubted there’d be any actual power source dead or working in something as simple as a limb. Perhaps a head…He looked over at her, eager to keep moving, “Ready to go in?”

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Tue Oct 3, 2017 8:00 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She followed his lead curiously. She easily caught up, taking a few hops forward whenever he got ahead of her. She was used to a good run and helped others whenever she could. She occasionally looked over at him, tilting her head. She was extremely curious how this would go, but regardless how it would end up, she was determined to help however she could.

She lightly nodded and said,  "Alright then." As he began to run across the field, she broke into a slow run. Eventually she sped up, managing to keep up. "Don't worry, I think I've got it." She said with a small nod. She listened for any nearby thunder and followed his guidance. She shifted his position as she ran, just in case a strike was too close to her for her liking.

Author: Naota, Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:04 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He chuckled, his eyes moving out to the vast landscape. Even from here he could see the ruins, but with how often lightning struck he knew there’d be at least one hundred crashes between here and there. His speed and abilities kept him from being struck, and his immortality kept him from dying every time he did happen to feel that sharp electricity, but he knew not everyone held the same strength. Still, that didn’t mean you couldn’t have fun in the face of danger, even when he was a mortal he would have risked these lands.

They would have been excellent for training and he was amazed that none of his instructors had thought to bring him or his brothers here. Probably thought it was too dangerous, and no one wanted to be responsible for the death of a noble family’s son or sons…even if it was unintentional. Nonetheless, he started out with a brisk walk, his strides long and strong,

“Well, right now we need to listen for the thunder claps and watch the strikes. If we maintain touch I can teleport us forward every so often.” Of course he could easily go the entire way in a blink, but he still had the remaining eggs in his satchel that he wanted to charge for his children, “Though at that point we’d have to be quite close.” He laughed gently and started to jog, gradually easing into a run that soon became a sprint. His lungs were used to this and he called out to her should she follow,

“One of the eggs in my satchel has already been struck, so I’m nearly a magnet to the strikes right now. Should one seem too close, it’s best to crouch and lean forward!” His voice rose as another round of thunder boomed overhead. A strike had to be coming soon, and he moved his hand under the leather flap of his satchel and found one of the crystal eggs that still needed charging. At the very least he’d be able to direct a strike away from her since he would be absorbing it completely. “Of course, if you prefer, I can take us the entire way there and do this dangerous bit of business on my own later!”

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:01 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She thought for a while and said, "I thought it was pretty interesting. I mean, I've never seen anything like it, but it was comforting."  She chuckled and said, "It felt like a kinda warm hug." She looked towards the field and curiously tilted her head as she briefly looked back at him. "Sounds good. I take it you will lead the way?" 

She lightly shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I can handle it. I'm usually not too risky in the face of danger, just tell me how else I can help you." She looked up at the clouds, watching for the lightning. She was willing to follow him out at any minute whenever he said it was a good time to cross.

Author: Naota, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:31 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He chuckled as they walked, nodding slowly as he replied, “That’s a word you could use to describe them.” It was a little odd talking about them with someone for whom he had no personal connection to. At times, he felt as though he were describing another person’s family whenever he brought them up, and the proof of their distance was made all the more apparent each time. Since Echo had given birth he had seen more of his brothers than he had in the last few years, but his parents…They still kept a safe distance, usually favoring a visit in some public place and not the temple. Prejudice was hard to break.

“Yes it can be a little…intimidating to some.” he was of course speaking about the blessing he had placed. He looked back over at her as he continued, “So what do you say?” A smile crept at the corner of his lips, only aiding in making him look younger in the face than usual, “The lightning will strike, but I think we can make it to the ruins safely if we keep light feet. Pun not intended.” So far he hadn’t heard any footfalls that would lead one to believe a golem was nearby, but for all he knew they were lying dormant at the remains of the old buildings. It was a thrilling possibility, and already the urge to hunt was returning.

“I’m hoping to gather a few things from the golems and if luck is on my side I can come back with a power source. Even if it’s long since gone dead, it would still be useful for information alone.” His eyes rose to the heavens, watching the muted veins of lightning as they pressed behind the bruise shaded clouds. Another strike would be upon them soon. He returned his gaze back down towards her and nodded at her in indication, “You’ll be kept safe with that blessing, but I would understand if it seemed too dangerous.” His smile returned, much more playful than it had been before.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:29 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She chuckled and said, "Whenever you want to hear a story of mine, just ask. They're always fun to tell and watch other people's expressions." She watched him as he put the blessing on her. She widened her eyes and squeaked in surprise. She watched it for a while and listened to what he said.  She looked back at him and tilted her head. "Sounds like you had a very interesting family."

When it was over and couldn't help but shiver. "Wow. That felt….honestly pretty strange." She chuckled. "Luckily for me, I don't have any undead friends. I personally prefer to stay away from them and keep other friends."

Author: Naota, Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:54 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He could only imagine the many stories she had told about golems, and was curious. Sometimes it was nice to just hear a story for the sake of enjoyment. Already he knew his children would be eager for the stories of his travels, as they always were, but he hardly did them justice. Speaking in literature was not his strongest suit, and such tales usually ended with them playing on the floor reenacting some of the adventures he and his wife had gone on. “Warning and caution…I definitely understand that.” After all, the golems came from a civilization that had crumbled. Whenever you reach towards the sun there’s always the risk of being burned. The former inhabitants of these skeletal ruins knew that lesson well.

“I’d love to hear one of your stories some time.” he smiled, his words true. “In my youth I would read every day, but rarely was it ever fiction.” He turned towards her when she permitted him to cast something greater on her, and he slowly moved his hands towards her. Heat resonated from his palms and he hovered them over her shoulders, watching as golden threads of light began to snake around her. The tendrils gently embraced her: he was blessing her, but spoke as he did so, “My parents, they didn’t give much time to ‘trivial’ things like stories and make believe.” Even though some might see that as cruel, he smiled. It’s just how his family was, and he loved them all the same,

“I guess I can see where they were coming from, but they always did tend to go a little extreme in most of their lessons. I wasn’t allowed to be alone with a female until I was eighteen. All the years prior, my brothers and I had to be accompanied by a chaperone if we were with a woman.” It still amused him, especially since he knew their reason: they didn’t want a distraction in his mind, and to them that was the possibility of romance with a woman. Unfortunately for them, he had always fancied both men and women, so if anything it just made his focus stronger on the former.

He pulled his hands back and the golden glow receded into her skin: she would carry the blessing with her now, “That was many decades ago though.” He continued their trek, his eyes out once more to make sure no danger could approach them unseen. “That blessing will last for a few days, enough to keep you safe from harm and to deter anything with evil intent. If you’re friends with anyone belonging to the undead then I suggest not touching them until it wears off…” He looked back over at her, “You’ll feel its absence once it’s gone.”

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:16 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She lightly nodded as she listened to him talk about the golems. She thought for a while and lightly bit her lip. "I've heard little of them. Whenever we manage to tell stories of the golems, you can never get a better look at them or see what they're like. I've heard of people trying to get a better look, but they carry scars. Usually, whenever we tell stories of golems, they serve as warnings and stories of caution. You don't want children sneaking away from their parents after hearing too many adventures." She lightly chuckled and walked along with him. She tilted her head, looking at the arch over them then looked back at him. Her eyes widened curiously, but she nodded. "Of course. I mean its for protection, so it can't be harmful." She waited and said, "Well, go ahead. Its better to do this when looking at those golems."

Author: Naota, Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:43 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He shook his head, “Of course I don’t mind.” Though since he had work to do still, he began to walk, nodding his head for her to follow. “I won’t subject you to the lightning chasing. That’s a personal task of mine.” He chuckled, “But there are remains of great machines here that I’m hoping to find. Their machinations were like that of people, and there’s much to learn. Although,” he hesitated only briefly, his eyes moving out in the distance as if one of the golems could come walking into the grove of trees, “These golems are said to be quite dangerous. I’m interested in them for how long they’ve stayed active. Part of me wonders if it has something to do with the constant strikes of lightning. There may be something to it…” His words trailed off as his thoughts began to take over.

When they were back in the open he had to be careful not to let himself get distracted by overthinking, especially now that he had a mortal with him. Far in the distance he could make out the skeletal remains of the civilization that had once been. From there he knew they’d be able to find plenty of spare parts, if not the golems themselves. Though he tried his best to remain optimistic, he often wondered if the stories about them were just that: stories. That gave him an idea, and he turned his eyes to her, though always aware of the striking bolts, “You’re a storyteller, have you ever heard anything about the golems that are said to roam here…?” Just to be safe, he rose his hand and spread an arch of protection over them.

He wanted to cast more on her, but didn’t want to do so without asking…and also didn’t want to frighten her if he could help it, “Not to seem cryptic, but would you mind if I casted something a bit stronger on you…?” Casting wasn’t really the right word since his power came from within, but it was the best way he could think to verbalize his intentions to others. “It would be for protection only, to ensure your safety.” Even if the great machines were only things of legend and myth, the strikes of electricity were still a very real, very dangerous threat. He could survive being struck over and over, and honestly, he’d already absorbed one into himself today: that made him a walking lightning rod so to speak. With her traveling so near, it would only increase the danger around her. Or it was possible he was being overprotective, as was normal for him.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:11 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She laughed as well and lightly nodded. "Yep. Its amazing, many wouldn't have thought something like it could happen." She smiled at the memory and said, "Many people would thing its just one of my stories." She looked up at the sky and nodded again. "It is getting late, makes me wonder how long we've been here." She crossed her arms and thought for a while. She finally looked back at him and replied, "I can probably stick around with you. There isn't much to see and find here. That is if you don't mind."

Author: Naota, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:02 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He nodded numbly, his mind already drifting as he remembered back to not even a decade ago. The man he saw in the mirror now compared to who he was then? They were homophones of each other’s lives: seemingly the same, but with different meaning. Who would he be in the next ten years? Already he was a memory to that man of the future, he hoped he wasn’t a disappointment to him…His eyes lit up as she spoke of her own love and he couldn’t hold back a laugh of surprise. “He tried to rob you?!” It was such a shock! Time really was a fickle thing wasn’t it?

“Your love and my own sound like they might get along.” As calm as Echo had become since giving birth and making the transition into motherhood, he could still see her sneaking up on him in the middle of a dark alley to keep him on his toes. “With the start of your relationship being like that? I can’t imagine the two of you being out of each other’s lives for too long…” His eyes softened, a more gentle smile taking place where his boisterous laugh had been. Now it made a little more sense to him, why her love wanted to make himself a better man for her. That really was such a noble thing…

Thunder rumbled overhead as if to remind him why he was there in the first place, and he straightened quickly as his eyes blinked open wider; making his face appear to be more youthful than usual, “We’ve been talking for a good length now…” His words trailed off as his eyes rose up just in time to see another spider web of lightning. “There are still a few tasks I have to tend to.” All this talk of his family cemented that he would be returning there sooner than he had intended, and there was still much work to be done.

“You’re welcome to join me if you like, though I don’t want to keep you from your own wanderings.” He rose to his feet, dusting his hands off on the sides of his pants as he looked down at her, “Though if we do part ways for now, it was a pleasure in meeting you.” He smiled and gently dipped his head down before straightening back up, “Should you ever be in Parvpora or find yourself near one of my portals, I’d love to have you as company in Suisho no Kyuden.”

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Fri Jun 9, 2017 11:45 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She nodded and said, "I know what you mean, people can change so much. And the memories you have seem like they only just happened. I can remember so many things. And I'm surprised sometimes to remember it happened so many years ago. She lightly sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She lightly smiled as she listened to his story and lightly chuckled. "Awe, that sounds adorable. One of the cutest ways you can meet somebody around."

She leaned back and said, "Well, I traveling with a badly injured shoulder. I was working to earn a few coins when I was grabbed by a thief. He was gonna rob me, but I refused to give him anything until he helped me. So, he hesitantly agreed and we ended up travelling together. Slowly, he brought me to a camp where I could recover and admitted that he thought I was cute. And we slowly admired that we were both cute and flirted." She laughed. "I never imagined being robbed could have a happy ending or even be somewhat of a good thing."

Author: Naota, Posted: Fri Jun 9, 2017 1:23 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He smiled what he hoped was a comforting one, and his eyes softened, “Of course I’m sure.” He was happy to see that she allowed herself to sit back down, despite her hesitation. This was more like it, he hated making others uncomfortable, especially someone like her that had been so previously relaxed and nonchalant. “They…Hmm…” He tipped his head up in thought briefly to collect his words before looking back down at her,

“They are a handful, but a handful you enjoy. What feels like minutes spent with them is usually hours. Time goes by so quickly with them, but I’m never regretful of the hours spent. If anything I hate how fast it seems.” He sighed, knowing that while he was immortal, unfortunately his family was not…That fact had made itself a stark reminder since he heard the birth cry of his first born. His family had found ways to lengthen their own lifespan, as tedious as it was to do, but he’d still lost a few members…Prolonged life didn’t make them immune to death like he was.

He chuckled lightly, “A long story just means it’s that much more interesting. If ever you’re willing to tell, I’m more than willing to listen.” He nodded once as if to punctuate that point further and leaned forward comfortably against his knees; his chin propped in his hands. “Did you not start out on the friendliest terms?” He couldn’t be sure with how she’d worded it, and straightened when she asked about how he’d met his own wife. That seemed like so long ago now…Yet he still remembered the day perfectly as if it had just happened.

The memory of it made him smile, his eyes glowing brighter, “She jumped on top of me in ambush, mistaking me for one of the very vampires we were both hired to hunt.” He laughed a little and ran his fingers through his hair, “Neither one of us knew that someone else had been hired to scope and possibly exterminate a budding vampire coven. Oddly enough we argued over who should keep the job mid fight.” he shook his head a little, his smile growing.

But then it faded ever so slightly. That was before he had ascended into deityhood, before his clan had forced him to resign, before so many things had changed…His smile returned to normal as he sighed, “But that was many years ago. Before I’d even ascended to what I am now…It’s strange isn’t it? How much can change in the span of a few years…”

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Jun 4, 2017 1:36 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She hesitantly tilted her head and sat back down. "I-if you're sure." She sat back down and lightly chuckled after hearing him talk about his family. "Sounds lovely. I can understand that many people would be eager to get back to their families. If it was me, I know three children must be a handful around."

She lightly chuckled again and said, "His name is Darian. And well, its kinda a long story on how we first met." She started laughing at the memory and said, "Most people would be shocked and wonder how we ended up together." She soon managed to get her thoughts together and said, "What about you? How did you end up meeting your wife?"

Author: Naota, Posted: Sun Jun 4, 2017 3:19 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He hoped that she was right, that the man would find her. Distance from the one you loved was that much more of an ache when you chose to do so. He knew that all too well. There was more he wanted to ask her, but he found himself chuckling at her exclamation about his children. Yes, that had definitely been an eventful night: beautiful and frightening. Echo had never been meant to have children, and it was only through The Mother that she’d been able to get pregnant in the first place. They’d nearly lost her during childbirth, and that was more than enough fear to bring even a deity to their knees.

But he didn’t like to focus on that and instead found himself smiling easier at the lighter memories that resonated from that night, “We knew that three were on the way, but no one can ever be completely prepared for that when the time finally comes.” His eyes returned to the dark clouds hovering overhead, “But they’re healthy, happy, just like their mother.”

His eyes dimmed with her first comment, it was hard to be away from the four of them for so long. The nursery was always the first place he went whenever he came home. Where his smile had faltered, it strengthened again as he looked down at her, “It is very difficult to be gone from them for so long, but you are right: the returns are always happy. And loud,” His eyes widened with that, “They’re just starting to form words so between them and my wife everyone needs to try and get their thoughts out at once, the second they see me.”

His lips parted when she jumped up, but he stayed seated and only looked up at her from there. He quickly shook his head and lightly waved his hands in front of him, “No, you weren’t disrespectful in the least.” This very reaction was what usually kept him from telling people who he was at their first meeting, “It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers, so to speak.” He smiled, hoping it was a comforting one as he leaned forward and patted the rock she had been sitting at previously, “Come, sit back down. We’re two people conversing, nothing to worry about there, right?” He pulled his hand back from the rock and rested it on his knee, “Tell me more about this man of yours. What’s his name?”

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:03 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She lightly chuckled and said, "I'm hoping it won't take too long. But if I know him, he'll perhaps end up finding me." She leaned back and nodded as she looked up at the sky. "He's certainly different from other men I've met. She got comfy on the rock she sat on and curiously looked over back at him. "Its extremely noble, one of the many things I admire about him." She chuckled.

She tilted her head as she listened to him describe his own family. "Three children all in one night?! That must have been busy and shocking." She lightly chuckled. "But it must be sad to be away from him for long times. But I can imagine that everyone must be glad when you return home. I know if it was my family, I'd be eager to get home to them anytime I can." She lightly sighed and said, "But its none of my business."

She widened her eyes in shock and jumped onto her feet. "Oh my goodness. you're a deity? Oh and you must be really mad, I must have been disrespectful all this time." She instantly stopped talking, already feeling regretful for some of her comments. She wasn't sure suddenly what to say to him or act around him that wouldn't cause him to get mad at her.  "Nice going Leodrisa." She muttered to herself as she bit lip.

Author: Naota, Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:19 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He chuckled to himself, the smallest of smirks hiding against his lips. Yes, he too knew what it was like to be shot at, though thankfully it hadn’t happened in quite some time. Though honestly he’d expected at least one person to attempt doing so by now. His eyes softened as she spoke of the man, the relationship the two had -from what little he was learning about it- reminded him of his own wife. If only for the fact that each party was trying in a seemingly unorthodox way to better the other. Even now he wondered if he’d truly earned Echo…The Mother hadn’t lopped off his head as of yet, so he had to think he was doing well so far.

“Well then, I hope your wandering leads you to him…” His hands rested in his lap as he slumped to a more comfortable position. Two fingers idly twisted the leather cords that tied Torinasu to his hip, “It is at least a noble thing for a man to want to be the best he can for the person he loves.” His eyes softened with a smile, “Though, let’s hope he doesn’t take too long, yes?” There was bettering oneself and then there was dangerous insecurity…Hopefully it wouldn’t befall either of them, she had the air of someone who held themselves with confidence, but he’d also only been in her presence for a few minutes. Looks could be deceiving, he knew this well.

“Family of my own?” His eyebrows rose, “Yes actually…I have a wife of three years, and in turn we have three children of our own. Two girls and a boy, all born on the same night.” His eyes softened thinking about them and the crystal egg in his satchel seemed so much heavier now. It had been longer than he would have liked to admit since being home, but with the cleansing there were so many places for him to be. He was lucky to even have this half day to himself to get personal work out of the way. And then he’d gotten sidetracked by the eggs…Yes, it might be good to visit their bed tonight, if only for a few hours.

Now this next question was a bit trickier, for he enjoyed keeping up the guise of mortality whenever he could, but he also did not enjoy lying about himself. Omitting was different. He smiled and shook his head, “No, most certainly none of those things…” His eyes glinted at the call of darkness, and for just a moment the emerald hue of them glowed brighter. Instead he cast them up to the sky and stretched his arms behind him; supporting his weight on his palms as he watched the lightning filled dark clouds above them, “I’m a deity…” He sighed, “A busy one at that as of late.” He tried to speak about it as if it were some casual thing, for to him that’s what it was steadily becoming…and he liked feeling normal every once in a while to everyone else.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Tue May 2, 2017 4:53 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She uncrossed her arms as shook herself out of her own memories. "Yes, and sometimes it does get boring. The times when you have nobody to speak to or see for a while." She chuckled again and said, "Then you see someone and they begin to shoot at you. That's happened……so many times." She smiled and sat on a nearby rock. "I've gotten used to it, so it doesn't really bother me."  She brushed her hair to the side and took a quick drink of water.

She shook her head and said, "He's not an enemy, nothing like that. Just……a man I love. We had to go our ways since he believes he's not worthy of me just yet." She lightly smiled at the memory and said, "I accepted it for now, and for now I'm kinda wondering around, just hoping and waiting to see if I'll find him again. See if he's ready." She lightly closed her eyes again, almost wondering before opening her eyes and looking back at him. "You have any family of your own then?" She curiously tilted her head and said, "Just curious."

She got comfortable on her rock and brought her knees up to her chest. "What are you then? You're not an elf. And you're a bit too tall to be a dwarf!" She laughed and smiled. "And you seem to be way too nice and friendly to be any dark creatures."

Author: Naota, Posted: Mon May 1, 2017 11:30 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

He chuckled softly, his lips pulling in once more only now it was to keep his smile from widening too much. There were many things he was, but human was not one of them. Even in his mortality he’d only been half so, but his eyes softened as she spoke about stories and children. He too lowered down to the ground, sitting up with ankle crossed over ankle as he listened to her. He laughed softly, thinking about his own children and how even in their infancy they held an unquenchable thirst for everything around them. Usually outlined by grabbing hands and fast crawls towards things that such small hands shouldn’t be touching.

“Yes I imagine the constant attention would begin to drain and wear on you…” He knew that last bit quite well. After all, it always seemed as if there was a group traveling a great distance to get to his temple, or a weary traveler in need of counsel or just someone to talk to. His ear was always ready for a story or quest of guidance, but he’d be lying if he said there were never days that he found himself psychologically exhausted. “Yes,” he said “I travel quite a lot. I guess I always have, even in my youth. Once you live the majority of your life out of a backpack, being stationary becomes strange.” Not that he’d give up his life for anything in the world.

His smile returned with a gentle laugh, “No offense taken: I’m not human.” But his smile faded with her next words. Usually when someone spoke about another in such a way it wasn’t a good thing. “This person, are they a friend? Ally?” Either way they were undoubtedly important. Hopefully in a positive way. He wasn’t one to pry too much though, he tended to let people come to him in their own way when they were ready, and she would be no different.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:24 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She tilted her head and sat nearby on a stone. "Really? You're not like other humans, then….you're a bit ridiculous. I mean, its beautiful to look at, but I prefer to be inside. But hey, its my view, everyone has their own. She pulled an apple out of her bag and tossed it between her hands. She leaned back to look at the clouds with a small sigh, noticing that it wouldn't be long before it would get dark. She looked back over at him. He certainly interested her.

She lightly smiled and said, "Well usually, storytellers stick around town and cities to keep warm, get food on their plate, and so on. However, sometimes I just cross great distances for a few good reasons. The quiet out here. Sometimes silence is relaxing after being with little children for many days." She lightly chuckled, it seemed that every town she stopped by, the little children crawled all around her. They loved her stories and always begged her to take a few of them along with her. She lightly shook her head and said, "You'd want a break too when you see how many children want to hear things about dragons, orcs, and thieves."

She listened curiously and said, "Interesting. You must travel a lot then." She brushed her hair away from her face and said, "No offense, but it seems like many humans can get distracted." She bit her lip and said, "Just around for now. But, there is someone I wish I'll see on my journey again." She looked down with a light sigh.

Author: Naota, Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:26 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

When her bow was on her back he felt himself ease more, not that he felt particularly threatened by a bow and arrow but he preferred when people could be on more friendly terms. He smiled, his face becoming the portrait of youth as he did, “Oh it’s incredibly dangerous, I love it.” Not an exaggeration. “They are quite slow, but very powerful.” He lifted his eyes to the sky as he continued, “I believe the ever striking lightning here may have something to do with why they’re still able to move and function. We’ve come a long with electricity after all.”

She spoke and he looked back down from the heavens to her again, “Well I certainly wouldn’t call you a nasty anything.” He laughed just a little, “Though I must say, it’s not often that I come across a storyteller, much less in a place like this.” Her next question was a bit of a broad one, ever since his ascension he found himself travelling more than he ever had. An endless life tended to have that effect on a person, and he wanted to use that blessing to learn as much as he could, especially if it could benefit Revaliir in any way.

“Other research?” his eyebrows rose, mulling over the question briefly, “All kinds, normally for healing, anything beneficial…Though for calmer excursions like this one that tend to be more or less a scavenger hunt of sorts, I find myself getting distracted.” He patted the side of his satchel, “I guess you could say that’s where this newfound goal came from.” Echo would have his head for not bringing her along, but she’d be there for the next go around.

His lips pulled in, eyes widening as he brought attention back to Leodrisa, “And yourself? What brings you here today? If you don’t mind me asking. Where are you ‘passing through’ to?”

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:35 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She lightly nodded and tilted her head. "Research out in a storm? That must be dangerous." She swung her bow onto her back and said, "I'm Leodrisa. I kinda pass through, but this storm certainly has kept me near the ground." She lightly chuckled as she brushed her hair away from her face. "You could call me a storyteller, traveler, nasty elf, I've heard it all." She said as she crossed her arms and looked up at the sky cautiously with a small sigh.

She chuckled at the sound of the golems. "They seem like slow beasts. At least from the trees. I don't dare to climb down usually, force of habit I guess." She looked back at him and said, "What other types of research do you do?"

Author: Naota, Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:04 PM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

Nervousness began to edge into him. If she was this nervous around what she perceived to be another mortal, he worried greatly how her reaction might be should she know he was a god. Hopefully it would go more pleasantly than his currently pessimistic mind was making it. His eyes softened and his lips barely curved into a smile, thinking about how even in his mortal life there was barely any human in him at all. All of it had been smudged out with his ascension, try as he might to feel the same connection to it he had once had,

“My name is Naota, and I won’t harm you.” His hands slowly lowered back down to his sides, thinking of the crystal egg he had in his satchel, “I’m here to do research actually, on the golems of this area. Though,” He smiled a bit easier now, “I’ve been distracted by the constant storm. One doesn’t often get the opportunity to charge items with that much strength.” His eyebrows softly rose, realizing only now how coincidental that he should even run into another soul in a place so dangerous as this,

“And yourself? What are you called?” He made sure not to move from his spot. No matter how many times he could tell a person he wasn’t a threat, it was much easier to get the point across if he kept himself as mild as possible. “To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to come across another person here.” Most didn’t come here without a definitive reason, but he didn’t want friendliness to come off as intrusive, so he kept his lips shut at least enough for her to reply back.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:03 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She tilted her head curiously as she looked over at him. She lowered her bow a little bit, but still held it ready in case. "Who are you?" She demanded, looking over at him. "Forgive me, but I feel comfortable with this between us." She said, nodding at her bow and briefly looked around. She brushed her hair away from her face and said, "You seem human, but there's something….off." She looked back at him as she tilted her head again.

Author: Naota, Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:52 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

His heart pounded harder in his chest and he felt fire begin to burn his lungs. It wasn’t often he ran for so long without teleporting to urge him further, faster. But then, he might miss one of the lightning strikes should he do that. He was only a little nervous about taking that brunt of power, but it would be worth it…At least he could comfort himself with the fact that he wouldn’t die from a strike. The thunder grew louder, the strikes coming in much faster succession. Here we go… Despite the danger, his eyes lit brighter as he raced towards the scar.

Just as he got to its edge he had only enough time to get out one count before he felt the electricity. It was coming, and his markings blazed with hot white light as he lifted his arm into the air: egg held safely but firmly between his fingers. The bolt connected perfectly, running from the top of the crystal and down through his arm. His lips parted with a shaky exhale, his eyes pure white as his own power melded with this mighty force.

It was over as quickly as it had come, and he brought the egg down to his eye level now. It was hotter, but still safe for his touch; tendrils of electricity flurried inside of it like a contained storm and he grinned with pride. Yes, this one would be for Mica, his son. Now he had three others to get. Moving the egg into his satchel, he teleported to the edge of the tree line, taking some time to catch his breath. There were many more here and he’d find the right ones in time. As he turned passed a tree his eye widened immensely.

Right in front of him was a woman who looked about ready for a fight. On impulse he rose his hands up to show he had nothing in them, lips parting quickly to speak, “W-Well…hello?” He smiled nervously, though his ears still paid close attention to any nearby strikes. With this many trees they were really taking their chances: it was as if walking among an expanse of lightning rods. And now that he had a charged item on his person, it would only draw the strikes to him more. For that reason he took a healthy step back from her, not wanting to bring any unintentional danger to her person.

Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:19 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

She quietly hopped through the trees, adjusting herself every time it felt uncomfortable. Last thing she needed was falling out of a tree, being silly. She looked around with a small smile and stopped to relax for a second. She never gave herself enough time to stop and relax for a while, due to her wish to continue traveling and avoid any other humans who tried to pick a fight with her or flirt with her. She rolled her eyes at the memory and lightly chuckled. She only met one person who caught her heart and she just hoped he would be okay. She straightened up and continued to jump through the trees.

The sound of lightening caused her to stiffen up and looked around. Out of safety, she jumped down to the ground and looked up at the sky, trying to determine when the next strike would occur. She brushed her hair to the side and crouched low, taking the time to listen to her surroundings. She loved to take every shortcut she could to see if anyone dared to sneak up on her. She now could tell someone was nearby. She got herself ready to pull her bow free and fight her way out. But, she would want to get closer.
She snuck her way through the grass, thankful for the cover it offered her. She occasionally looked back at the sky, in case more lightening would come down. She lightly bit her lip and stopped, remaining quiet for a few seconds.  After some time, she began to walk  again forward, listening every few minutes.

Author: Naota, Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:11 AM, Post Subject: A Hunting We Will Go [P]

A constant storm was rumbling overhead, and the darkness from the thick clouds was more foreboding than he would have expected. Currently, he was poised in a runner’s crouch at the edge of a ruined field. He could see the remnants of golems in the distance and was keen on getting to them as quickly as possible. Thunder boomed above him and he counted off: one…two…three… Crack! Lightning bolted mere feet away from him. Deity or not, this was light he didn’t always trust: it had a mind of its own. But he was here for a reason and wouldn’t leave until he had something to show for his efforts.

Crystal eggs of every color dotted the ground, some struck from lightning and lying in lovely shards, still giving off their glow. It warmed him to see that his cleansing had spread as far as this. The cracks of light spread like veins across the landscape, combated in strength only by the lightning. Another roll of thunder sounded overhead and he darted forward: teleporting quickly to help aid him in getting as far as possible. He counted off to three in his head and jolted to the side just in time for another bolt of lightning to strike against the deepening scar of the ruins.

This place was so dangerous, but there were so many mysteries and things to discover that he couldn’t help himself. He picked up his running again, drawing closer to a cluster of golem about a mile ahead, and made sure to stick close to one of his light paths. Not only did it offer protection, but it boosted his strength and pushed him to go even faster.

Keeping his pace, he bent just enough to scoop up one of the hundreds of eggs and pushed it into his satchel. He had plenty of these back in Suisho no Kyuden since that’s where they were sourcing from, but he wanted this one in particular to be struck by lightning if he could help it: that charge along with his own personal energy would give it immense power. With luck, he could get four of them done: one for each of his children as well as his wife.

For now though, he had bigger game to hunt…

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