Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Ciara, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 8:03 PM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

Watching as the little Scrubble paused, she believed he had finally given up. Instead the creature summoned a holy blade from the sky and slammed it down onto the rock. Her eyes widened in alarm as she realized the ridiculous amount of power he held. What in Revaliir was that?! Her interested peaked once more, she had another idea to continue the rock saga. Ciara nimbly vanished from her spot in the trees and gathered up a few stones, returning wearing a shawl around her shoulders. She stood near Scrubble but didn't look at him, instead looking around the forest as though she was lost. 

"Husband! Husband! Has anyone seen my beautiful rock husband?!" She called out, "He's about this high and was sitting just around here." 

She held the stones like they were her babies as she wandered towards Scrubble and the new hole he had created. Ciara honestly doubted this would work, even if her acting skills were on point. She might be willing to test the boundaries of this creature but even he wouldn't fall for something so inane and dumb. At this point she was mostly just doing all of this out of curiosity and boredom. When he inevitably saw through the ruse, she would be ready to run off. 

"The children wish to see you husband!" Ciara pitifully called out as she cradled her stone babies. 

At this point she was just doing it to see if she could shock Scrubble. 

Author: Scrubble, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:50 PM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

Scrubble's assault upon the rock was as furious as it was ineffective. There was a never ending wave of blade hits screaming and a little biting. But this foe proved truly immovable. Scrubble paused for a moment to think about how next to approach such a great enemy. Scrubble could not give up for that would be an insult to the most holiest of the gods Scrubble. Scrubble would have to redouble Scrubbles efforts, and deep down Scrubble knew that for such a worthy foe there could be only one end for them. "You have proven yourself a most worthy opponent but it ends now the POWER OF SCRUBBLE SHALL STRIKE YOU DOWN!!!111!!!"

Scrubble backed up about thirty feet and charged the rock jumping into the air and slamming the holy blade of Scrubble into the ground about ten feet from the rock. All went quiet for a moment as Scrubble knelt sword firmly in the ground. Then, a great blade wreathed in holy fire began to descend from the sky. As it traveled it picked up speed until it was like a shooting star descending upon Scrubbles location. It hit the ground with a great crash sending a cascade of holy energy throughout the forest before disappearing. When Scrubble looked up again the blade was gone, and so was the rock. What was left was a large hole in the ground and several incredibly confused forest denizens. Such is the power of Scrubble.

Author: Ciara, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:05 PM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

Just when she thought the creature couldn't get any dumber, he showed tiny, microscopic sizes, of intelligences. The little goblin somehow knew that the illusion was actually just a rock. Then he started attacking the rock, believing it to be an actual foe. The fae woman watched from her cozy position in the tree as the scrubble attacked the rock over and over. The rock never faltered nor did it die since it was a rock. This time Ciara just silently watched the Scrubble, wondering how it would handle this problem. Would it run away? Would it give up? Or would some other strange occurrence assist the goblin? 

At this point she didn't even bother to hide her presence anymore. She just sat in the tree with a tulip teacup in hand as she watched the goblin. The fae woman always enjoyed a comedy show. The noise of the battle brought in other fae and fairies who now watched from the bushes and trees. Some were other goblins hiding in the bushes. Some were the traditional pixies. Others were gnomes or plant people. They would scatter the second the goblin pointed a sword their way but were too nosy to stay away for long. They wanted to know what was going on with this crazy Scrubble. 

Author: Scrubble, Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:47 PM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

Scrubble had been running as fast as Scrubbles plate clad legs would take Scrubble, determined to defeat a great foe of legend. Scrubble soon came to a clearing where Scrubble saw something. It appeared to be a large figure clad in a cloak black as midnight. Or at least that's what it would've looked like if Scrubble had the mental abilities above that of a particularly loamy clump of dirt. Instead Scrubble say a large rock yelling at Scrubble that Scrubble would not pass. But Scrubble new deception when Scrubble saw it. You have to wake up pretty early in the morning to trick Scrubble.

"Rocks do not speak the words of Scrubble!" Scrubble shouted, being technically correct. "Rocks speak in riddles, strange scraping noises, and the words of the mushrooms. Who tries to deceive Scrubble with such lies and tricks!"  Scrubble realized that this meant the foe who was waylaying Scrubble must be nearby. Scrubble decided that while the rock may not have been speaking to Scrubble simply being used by Scrubbles mighty foe made it an accomplice and an enemy of Scrubble. Scrubble decided to intimidate Scrubbles mighty foe by defeating their second in command, this rock.

So began a battle of legends as Scrubble continually hit the rock with Scrubbles holiest blade of Scrubble leading to a loud dinging sound beginning to echo around the forest. This truly was a worthy adversary, Scrubble eventually realized that this foe would continue to parry Scrubbles attacks until the end of days. If Scrubble wished to defeat this foe, more drastic measures may yet have to be taken.

Author: Ciara, Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 12:19 PM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

Astonished by the goblin's stupidity, the fae woman had no choice but to follow close behind to see what would happen. She had been so bored ever since returning home and now fate had delivered a… well… she wasn't sure what this thing was. However, she knew fun when she saw it. CIara hopped from tree to tree branch as she quietly followed Scrubble. Then she got an idea. An awful idea. The fae woman got a wonderful awful idea.

She ran faster than the little goblin and quickly threw a black cloak over a thin boulder. With a bit of illusionary magic, she was able to make it look like a tall man covered in a black cloak when in reality, it was just a boulder. Ciara leapt back to her spot in the trees before Scrubble arrived. Other pixies had gathered around her, curious to what was going on. They sat on her shoulders as she began the next part of her plan. 

"Hault! You shall not pass!" She called out in a deep booming voice. 

A little trick she had learned over the years. Her voice was normally chipper and sweet but if she used her chest and refocused the sound, she could make it seem intimidating and deep. Quite useful if she ever wanted to win an argument or surprise somebody. The fae woman wondered if Scrubble would prove himself to be clever and notice the ruse. Or perhaps the goblin would pass it by, too dumb to even notice the tall dark figure. 

Author: Scrubble, Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:58 PM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

Aha a breakthrough! But the stump seems to speak only in riddles to Scrubble. "You say you are dead and cannot talk but you still talk to Scrubble!" This stump truly had an intellect not to be trifled with! But Scrubble doesn't know the meaning of the word trifle or at least not that meaning of it. Scrubble decides that since the stump is trying to play itself off as dead and unable to speak it is trying to hide something from Scrubble. It wishes for Scrubble to speak to bushes, as if. Scrubble has never had any respect for bushes, not since the incident. Scrubble comes to two conclusions the stump is either trying to deceive Scrubble, or it has sworn an oath of silence and it is up to Scrubble to free the bush from its dark master so that it can help Scrubble escape the forest.

Scrubble decides that there is no other method of escape from the forest except from this stump. A decision that any sane and reasonable individual would come to. "Stump you must help Scrubble and Scrubble will help you! Do this and Scrubble shall make you a knight of Scrubble to preach the holy word of Scrubble to the world!" The stump had returned to silence. It was obviously afraid of what would happen if it betrayed its dark master to aide Scrubble in Scrubbles most glorious and holy mission.

"Do not worry stump Scrubble shall come to your aide and vanquish your dark master that keeps you from delivering Scrubble directions!" With that Scrubble drew the holy blade of Scrubble and the holy defending shield of holy defense and Scrubble charged off deeper into the woods to vanquish a foe that doesn't exist to get directions from a stump.

Author: Ciara, Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:59 AM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

How many years had it been since she had last visited her homeland? Perhaps it was fifty? Perhaps sixty? It had only been a short while since her last visit but she was wanting to visit once more. It was also a convenient time because her mother wasn't home. The older fae was still too focused on politics and hadn't the time to stay in the Feeorin Forest properly. She lounged on the branch of a tree, overlooking the ground below and looking for anything interesting to play with. Just as she was giving up hope that her day would be interesting, a strange little creature started wondering around, saying something about Scrubble. 

The fae woman silently leapt from branch to branch, carefully following this odd goblin. Some goblins were fun to play with and knew a good party or two. Others could be entirely mindless and focused only on war, which was always disappointing. The goblin began circling a stump then began demanding that the stump tell it how to leave the forest. Not only that, but it was shouting what must have been its name. In the middle of the Feeorin Forest. One of the forests known for its fae population. After seeing that, Ciara couldn't help but giggle. Her laughter was like bells echoing through the forest. 

"Darling, dead trees cannot speak. They are dead." Ciara called out to Scrubble. 

She stayed in her spot in the tree, simply sitting and watching over the goblin on the ground. 

"I'd suggest asking one of the other trees. Though, I have to admit the bushes are far more amiable. They hardly get asked anything so they'll be happy enough to help." Ciara explained with a smile. 

Author: Scrubble, Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:38 PM, Post Subject: Good News, the Mushrooms are Wearing Off! Bad News that Means Scrubble is Conscious Again![O]

Had it been a bad idea to consume an unreasonable quantity of mushrooms in the weird fairy forest that everyone had told Scrubble to neither go to nor eat anything in? You could say it was. Scrubble would offer the incredibly reasonable counterpoint that they tasted good and let Scrubble see colors that don't exist. But now Scrubble has returned to Scrubbles own senses and this time didn't immediately eat another mushroom as Scrubble had done for the past however long Scrubble had been in this forest. Albeit, that's because Scrubble didn't have anymore mushrooms but that was besides the point.

 Now Scrubble could get back to doing some very important holy work. Like escaping this forest where Scrubble had failed to find anything/anyone interesting to rob, proselytize to about the good word of Holy Scrubble, or kill. So now Scrubble did as Scrubble does communing with Scrubble "Scrubble what should Scrubble do to escape this forest".
"Scrubble must walk Scrubbles holy path and find a great sign that Scrubble will reach Scrubble". Clad in a faith that many followers of real gods lack Scrubble began to walk in whatever direction Scrubble determined to be the "holy path" attempting to find a great sign. Given the still lingering after affects of eating all of those mushrooms and also Scrubbles very loose idea of what the cardinal directions are this mostly resulted in Scrubble walking in circles around a stump. Seeing this as a great sign Scrubble understood that the stump must hold the secrets of how to escape the forest. "You must tell Scrubble how to leave the forest, Scrubble must continue the holy work of Scrubble. If you aide Scrubble in this Scrubble shall reward you greatly!". The stump remained silent and implacable.

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