A land covered in perpetual thunderstorms, the massive bolts of lightning never cease striking the landscape. Golems roam here as well, making the Plains all the more dangerous.
A forest glamoured from most eyes. Where beautiful horror stories come true. Dare you dance into this forest?
The homelands of Halflings and last great empire of before the fall. The joyful calls of the Halflings can be heard but beneath the joyous calls lies danger. History has not been kind to these lands tread the southern part of Komiteia with caution.
Off the coast of Komiteia lies a forgotten island. On it, the desolate ruins of once a majestic city, Tyr. Dilapidated structures and debris dot the once booming city. In the wake of "The incident," the city has no more life, only rumors of the dangers that lurk with in the city. Among the destruction, only the University of Magical Arts stands, though most of its research and artifacts stolen long ago. Rumors Krampus and his children roam the island, but no one has lived to confirm this.